English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: draw- from Old English dragan

새내기할배 2023. 4. 12. 10:18

【draw】 is word-forming element
usually meaning "draw"

from Old English "dragan"

from PIE *dhregh-

[WORD ROOT] draw
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] draw, drag, draught, draft
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Old English) dragan
[MEANING] draw


  • 【Old English】 dragan to drag, to draw, protract


draft, drag, draught, draw, drawer, drawing

Please see Word information in detail as follows;




draft [noun] from draught < draw
【DEFINITION】 A draft is an early version of a letter, book, or speech.
【First Known Meaning】 draught
【pl.】 drafts
【Etymology】 《Old English draganto drag, to draw, protract
【ROOTs】 draft(draw); draught

drag [verb] from drag < draw
【DEFINITION】 If you drag something, you pull it along the ground, often with difficulty.
【First Known Meaning】 to draw a grapnel along the bottom of a river, lake, etc., in search of something
【CONJUGATIONs】 dragged, dragged, dragging, drags
【Etymology】 《Old English draganto drag, to draw, protract
【ROOTs】 drag(draw); draw, drag

draught [noun] from draught < draw
【DEFINITION】 act of pulling or drawing, chiefly British spellings of DRAFT
【First Known Meaning】 act of pulling or drawing; quantity of liquid that one drinks at a time,
【pl.】 draughts
【Etymology】 《Old English dræht[related to dragan]
【ROOTs】 draught(draw); draught

draw [verb] from draw
【DEFINITION】 When you draw, or when you draw something, you use a pencil or pen to produce a picture, pattern, or diagram.
【First Known Meaning】 give motion to by the act of pulling,
【CONJUGATIONs】 drew, drawn, drawing, draws
【DERIVATIVEs】 drawable, draw
【SYNONYM】 withdraw, pull
【Etymology】 《Old English draganto drag, to draw, protract
【ROOTs】 draw; draw

drawer [noun] from draw
【DEFINITION】 A drawer is part of a desk, chest, or other piece of furniture that is shaped like a box and is designed for putting things in. You pull it towards you to open it.
【First Known Meaning】 one who draws (water from a well, etc.); one who pulls, drags, or transports
【COMPOSITION】 draw + er
【Etymology】 《Old English draganto drag, to draw, protract
【ROOTs】 draw; draw er; noun suffix

drawing [noun] from draw
【DEFINITION】 A drawing is a picture made with a pencil or pen.
【pl.】 drawings
【COMPOSITION】 draw + ing
【Etymology】 《Old English draganto drag, to draw, protract

【ROOTs】 draw; draw ing; adjective suffix




Other word list containing draw; drawable


dra-, drama-, drast-
dox-, dog-
dipl-, diplo-
dic-, dict-



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