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English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: dra-, drama-, drast- from Greek dran, drastikos, drasis, drama, dramatos, dramatikos






【dra-, drama-, drast-】 are word-forming element

usually meaning "do, act"

from Greek "dran, drastikos, drasis, drama, dramatos, dramatikos"

[WORD ROOT]root dra
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] dra, dram, drama, drast
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) dran, drastikos, drasis, drama, dramatos, dramatikos
[MEANING]root do, act


  • 【Greek】 dran do, act
  • 【Greek】 drama genitive dramatos; play, drama
  • 【Greek】 dramatos action, deed; play, spectacle
  • 【Greek】 dramatikos pertaining to plays
  • 【Greek】 drastikos [from drasteon/drasis] effective, efficacious; active, violent


dra, drama, dramatic, dramatically, drastic, monodrama


Please see Word information in detail as follows;

dra [combining form] from dra
【DEFINITION】 do, act
【Etymology】 [Greek] dran do, act
【ROOTs】 dra; do, act

drama [noun] from drama < dra
【DEFINITION】 A drama is a serious play for the theatre, television, or radio.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a composition presenting in dialogue a course of human action, the description of a story converted into the action of a play,
【pl.】 dramas
【DERIVATIVEs】 dramatic, dramatically, dramatize, drama
【Etymology】 [Latin] drama play, drama
【ROOTs】 drama(dra); do, act

dramatic [adjective] from drama < dra
【DEFINITION】 A dramatic change or event happens suddenly and is very noticeable and surprising.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 of or pertaining to acted drama
【DERIVATIVEs】 dramatic, dramatically, dramatize, drama
【SYNONYM】 dramatical
【Etymology】 [Latin] dramaticus
【ROOTs】 dram(dra); do, act atic; adjective suffix

dramatically [adverb] from drama < dra
【DEFINITION】 dramatical + ly
【DERIVATIVEs】 dramatic, dramatically, drama
【Etymology】 [Latin] drama play, drama
【ROOTs】 dram(dra); do, act atic; adjective suffix al; adjective suffix ly; adverb suffix

drastic [adjective] from drastic < dra
【DEFINITION】 If you have to take drastic action in order to solve a problem, you have to do something extreme and basic to solve it.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 forceful, vigorous
【DERIVATIVEs】 drastically, drastic
【Etymology】 [Greek] drastikos [from drasteon/drasis] effective, efficacious; active, violent
【ROOTs】 drast(dra); do, act ic; adjective suffix

monodrama [noun] from drama < dra
【DEFINITION】 a play or other dramatic piece for a single performer
【pl.】 monodramas
【COMPOSITION】 mono + drama
【Etymology】 [Latin] drama play, drama
【ROOTs】 mono; one, single drama(dra); do, act




Other word list containing dra-, drama-, drast-; dramatize, dramaturgy, melodramatic


dox-, dog-
dipl-, diplo-
dic-, dict-



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