ENGLISH ROOT WORD: eco- from Greek oikos
【eco-】 is a word-forming element usually meaning "house" from Greek "oikos" from PIE *weik- "to fight, conquer; ⑴ clan; ⑵ to bend, to wind;" [WORD ROOT]root eco [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] eco [ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) oikos [MEANING]root house 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Greek】 oikos house, abode, dwelling [LIST OF ENGLISH WORD] eco, ecocide, ecological, ecologist, ecology, economic, economical, eco..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: ease from French aise, aiser
【ease】 is a word-forming element usually meaning "easy, ease" from French "aise, aiser" from PIE *ye- "to throw, impel" [WORD ROOT]root ease [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] ease, easi [ETYMOLOGY]root (French) aise, aiser [MEANING]root easy, ease 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【French】 aise easy 【French】 aiser aise+er; get comfortable [LIST OF ENGLISH WORD] disease, ease, easily, easy, uneasy Please see the..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: dyna- from Greek dunamis, dynamis, dynasthai
【dyna-】 is word-forming element usually meaning "power" from Greek "dunasthai, dunamis, dunastes, dynamis, dynasthai" [WORD ROOT]root dyna [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] dyna, dynam, dyne, dynas, dynast [ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) dunamis, dynamis, dynasthai [MEANING]root power 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Greek】 dunamis =dynamis; power 【Greek】 dynamis from dynasthai; power, force 【Greek】 dynasthai have po..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: draw- from Old English dragan
【draw】 is word-forming element usually meaning "draw" from Old English "dragan" from PIE *dhregh- [WORD ROOT] draw [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] draw, drag, draught, draft [ETYMOLOGY]root (Old English) dragan [MEANING] draw 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Old English】 dragan to drag, to draw, protract [LIST OF ENGLISH WORD] draft, drag, draught, draw, drawer, drawing Please see Word information in detail..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: dure- from Latin durus, durare
【dure-】 is word-forming element usually meaning "hard" from Latin "durus, durare" from PIE *deru- "be firm, solid, steadfast" [WORD ROOT]root dure [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] dur, dure [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) durus, durare [MEANING]root hard 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Latin】 durus hard 【Latin】 durare [from durus] to last, endure; to harden [LIST OF ENGLISH WORD] durability, durable, durance, durat..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: duc-, duct- from Latin ducere, ductus, dux, ducis
【duc-, duct-】 are word-forming element usually meaning "lead, draw" from Latin "ducere, ductus, dux, ducis" from PIE *deuk- "to lead" [WORD ROOT]root duc [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] duc, duct, duce, duke, dock [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) ducere, ductus, dux, ducis [MEANING]root lead, draw 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Latin】 ducere to lead 【Latin】 ductus a leading, a conduit pipe 【Latin】 dux [from ducere..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: dra-, drama-, drast- from Greek dran, drastikos, drasis, drama, dramatos, dramatikos
【dra-, drama-, drast-】 are word-forming element usually meaning "do, act" from Greek "dran, drastikos, drasis, drama, dramatos, dramatikos" [WORD ROOT]root dra [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] dra, dram, drama, drast [ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) dran, drastikos, drasis, drama, dramatos, dramatikos [MEANING]root do, act 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Greek】 dran do, act 【Greek】 drama genitive dramatos; play, dra..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: dox-, dog- from Greek dokein, doxa, dogma
【dox-, dog-】 are word-forming element usually meaning "opinion, tenet, think" from Greek "dokein, doxa, dogma" [WORD ROOT]root dox [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] dox, dog, dogmat [ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) dokein, doxa, dogma [MEANING]root opinion, tenet, think 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Greek】 dokein to appear, seem, think 【Greek】 doxa opinion 【Greek】 dogma [from dokein] (genitive dogmatos) opinion, te..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: don- from Latin donum, donare
【don-】 is word-forming element usually meaning "give" from Latin "donum, donare" from PIE *do- "[from de] to give" [WORD ROOT]root don [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] don, done [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) donum, donare [MEANING]root give 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Latin】 donum gift 【Latin】 donare give as a gift [LIST OF ENGLISH WORD] condone, don, donate, donation, donative, donator, donor, pardon Please ..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: domin- from Latin dominus, domina
【domin-】 is word-forming element usually meaning "master" from Latin "dominus, domina" [WORD ROOT]root domin [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] domin, daman, donna, danger, doma [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) dominus, domina [MEANING]root master 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Latin】 dominus [from domus] lord, master 【Latin】 domina lady [LIST OF ENGLISH WORD] beldam, belladonna, condominium, danger, dangerous, dange..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: doct- from Latin docere, decere, doctus
【doct-】 is word-forming element usually meaning "teach" from Latin "docere, decere, doctus" from PIE *dek- "to take, accept" [WORD ROOT]root doct [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] doct, doci, docu, doctr [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) docere, decere, doctus [MEANING]root teach 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Latin】 docere causative of decere; to show, teach, cause to know 【Latin】 doctus Perfect passive participle o..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: dipl-, diplo- from Greek diploos, diplous, diploun, diploma
【dipl-, diplo-】 are word-forming element usually meaning "twofold" from Greek "diploos, diplous, diploun, diplosis, diploma" from PIE *pel- "⑴pale; ⑸to thrust, strike, drive; ⑸ to thrust, strike, drive" [WORD ROOT]root dipl [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] dipl, diplo [ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) diploos, diplous, diploun, diploma [MEANING]root twofold 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Greek】 diploos double 【Greek..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: dicat- from Latin dicare
【dicat-】 is word-forming element usually meaning "proclaim, point out, declare" from Latin "dicare" [WORD ROOT]root dicat [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] dicat, dex, ch, dicate [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) dicare [MEANING]root proclaim, point out, declare 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Latin】 dicare to proclaim, to say [LIST OF ENGLISH WORD] contraindicate, dedicate, dedicated, dedication, dedicational, index,..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: dic-, dict- from Latin dicere, dictare, dictus
【dic-, dict-】 are word-forming element usually meaning "say, speak, proclaim" from Latin "dicere, dictare, dictus" [WORD ROOT]root dic [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] dic, dict, dit [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) dicere, dictare, dictus [MEANING]root say, speak, proclaim 【DETAILs OF ORIGIN(ENTYMOLOGY】 【Latin】 dicere to say, speak 【Latin】 dictare say often, prescribe 【Latin】 dictus pp of dicere; [LIST OF ENGLISH W..