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[영어숙어 및 구동사] 6 Minute English - The history of swimming [BBC Learning English 강좌]


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access to [명사] [6Rank; 199] [명사+전치사]
[본문] [26]In the Maldives, access to shallow, warm sea-water lakes called lagoons makes it an unbeatable place for swimming.
[영한] ⒨ ~에의 접근

at the time [부사] [6Rank; 1111]
[본문] [22]You have some beliefs that water is this unsafe space, unnatural space for human beings… it's a perpetuation of the chaos that existed before God created land, or that water is a mechanism for punishment like the Great Flood story or pharaoh's army being destroyed in the Red Sea… but then there's also beliefs that swimming is immodest… most people at the time swam nude and so church officials discouraged swimming because they felt that it lead to immodest behaviour.
[영영] at a particular moment in the past; then
[영한] ⒨ 당시에, 그 때

check out [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 68] [★★] [구동사]
[본문] [64]And check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
[영영] ① to leave a hotel, a hospital, etc. where you have been staying
② (AmE,informal) to leave a place or finish an activity
③ (especially AmE) to find out if something is true or correct or if somebody is honest, works hard, etc.
[영한] ⒨ ① (호텔 등에서 비용을 지불하고) 나가다[체크아웃하다] ② 사실로[받아들일 수 있는 것으로] 확인[판명]되다 ③ (도서관 등에서) 대출받다 ④ 지불을 끝내고 호텔을 나오다 ⑤ ~을 확인[조사]하다

disapprove of [동사]
[본문] [59]And finally, if something is 'frowned upon' it's disapproved of.
[영한] ⒨ 반대하다

dive into [동사] [구동사]
[본문] [11]Although evidence suggests that ancient Mediterranean people dived eagerly into temple pleasure pools, lakes and the sea, other cultures have swum against the tide - another swimming idiom there, Neil - meaning 'not to follow what everyone else is doing'.
[영영] to move your hand quickly into something such as a pocket or bag to try to find something
[영한] ⒨ ① (가방/호주머니 등 속에) 손을 쑥 집어[찔러]넣다 ② …으로 뛰어들다.

frown upon [동사]
[본문] [31]They didn't know anything about the water culture and they noticed that the young students playing hooky - they were in the lagoons, and swimming soon got frowned upon, but now the government and the local organisations - they try to reclaim swimming.
[영영] to disapprove of somebody/something
[영한] ⒨ ~에 눈살을 찌푸리다[~을 못마땅해 하다]

give for [동사]
[본문] [28]Listen for the reason Mikael gives for the change in people's attitudes to swimming in the Maldives:
[영영] ① to pay or give a particular amount to have or do something
② to pay or give a particular amount to have or do something
[영한] ⒨ …을 위해 주다.

good point [명사]
[본문] [20]For all its good points, swimming seems to have lost its appeal in Europe after the decline of the Roman Empire.
[영한] ⒨ 장점
[활용] 복수형; good points
[유의어] strong point(장점)

head off [동사] [6Rank; 186] [구동사]
[본문] [8]In the summer hundreds of keen swimmers, like Georgina, head off to swimming pools, lakes and beaches to take a dip - an informal idiom meaning 'go for a swim'.
[영영] ① to intercept and force to change direction
② to leave a place to go somewhere else or do something else
③ to prevent something; to stop somebody from doing something
[영한] ⒨ ① (앞을 가로막아) ~의 진로[도주로]를 차단하다 ② ~을 방해[방지]하다 ③ …을 막다, 저지하다, …을 회피하다.
[유의어] block(저지하다), intercept(진로를 차단하다), avert(회피하다)

health benefit [명사]
[본문] [9]Swimming has many health benefits and since ancient times has been used to promote strength and wellbeing.
[영한] ⒨ 건강상의 이익[이점]
[활용] 복수형; health benefits

lead to [동사] [6Rank; 21] [구동사]
[본문] [22]You have some beliefs that water is this unsafe space, unnatural space for human beings… it's a perpetuation of the chaos that existed before God created land, or that water is a mechanism for punishment like the Great Flood story or pharaoh's army being destroyed in the Red Sea… but then there's also beliefs that swimming is immodest… most people at the time swam nude and so church officials discouraged swimming because they felt that it lead to immodest behaviour.
[영영] to result in a particular action or event; to force or persuade somebody to take a particular action
[영한] ⒨ ① ~로 이어지다 ② ∼에 이르게 하다 ③ ∼로 이끌다
[유의어] result in

listen for [동사]
[본문] [28]listen for the reason Mikael gives for the change in people's attitudes to swimming in the Maldives:
[영영] to listen carefully to see if you can hear somebody/something
[영한] ⒨ (특정한 소리가 나는지) 잘 듣다[귀를 기울이다]
[유의어] listen out for(귀를 기울이다)

much of [부사] [6Rank; 78]
[본문] [23]As well as being considered unsafe or chaotic, swimming was seen as immodest - shocking because it shows too much of the body.
[영한] ⒨ 크게[대단히] …한.
<형용사> 좋은[대단한]

on the move [형용사] [6Rank; 1389]
[본문] [68]We help you learn English on the move.
[영영] ① moving or travelling from one place to another
② very active or busy
[영한] ⒨ ① 매우 분주하여, 활동적인 ② 이리저리 이동하여, 여행 중에 ③ 전진중인, 진행[진전]되고 있는

play hooky [동사] [6Rank; 949]
[본문] [31]They didn't know anything about the water culture and they noticed that the young students playing hooky - they were in the lagoons, and swimming soon got frowned upon, but now the government and the local organisations - they try to reclaim swimming.
[영한] ⒨ ① 수업을 빼먹다 ② 땡땡이치다
[유의어] play truant(수업을 빼먹다)

plenty of [형용사] [6Rank; 314]
[본문] [63]As we've discovered, there's plenty of idioms and expressions relating to swimming and water!
[영한] ⒨ 많은
[유의어] ample(충분하다)

relate to [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 103] [구동사]
[본문] [63]As we've discovered, there's plenty of idioms and expressions relating to swimming and water!
[영영] ① to feel that you can understand a person, a situation, something that somebody does or feels, etc. and have sympathy with them/it
② to be connected to somebody/something; to refer to somebody/something
[영한] ⒨ ① ~와 관련되다, ~에 대해 언급하다 ② ~을 이해하다[~에 공감하다]
[유의어] empathize with, touch on(관해 언급하다)

see as [동사] [6Rank; 58] [구동사]
[본문] [23]As well as being considered unsafe or chaotic, swimming was seen as immodest - shocking because it shows too much of the body.
[영한] ⒨ 로 상상하다, 간주하다

stay away [동사] [Oxf5]
[본문] [34]Play hooky is an informal way of saying 'stay away from school without permission'.
[영영] to not go near somebody/something dangerous or unpleasant; to have nothing to do with somebody/something
[영한] ⒨ ① (~에게) 접근하지[가까이 가지] 않다 ② 떨어져 있다, 거리를 두다, 결석하다, 참가하지 않다, 비우다.

swim against the tide [동사]
[본문] [11]Although evidence suggests that ancient Mediterranean people dived eagerly into temple pleasure pools, lakes and the sea, other cultures have swum against the tide - another swimming idiom there, Neil - meaning 'not to follow what everyone else is doing'.
[영한] ⒨ 시류에 역행하다, 대세에 반하다, 모두와 반대되는 행동을 하다, 유행에 거스르다

swimming pool [명사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 369]
[본문] [8]In the summer hundreds of keen swimmers, like Georgina, head off to swimming pools, lakes and beaches to take a dip - an informal idiom meaning 'go for a swim'.
[영영] A swimming pool is a large hole in the ground that has been made and filled with water so that people can swim in it.
[영한] ⒨ ① 수영장 ② 수영장 (건물)

take a dip [동사]
[본문] [8]In the summer hundreds of keen swimmers, like Georgina, head off to swimming pools, lakes and beaches to take a dip - an informal idiom meaning 'go for a swim'.
[영한] ⒨ 잠깐 수영을 하다.

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