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[영어 구동사(Phrasal Verb) 배우기] go down

[영어 구동사(Phrasal Verb) 배우기] go down


Would I like to go hundreds of metres down in cold, dark, silent water without any breathing equipment?
(직역) 내가 아무런 호흡 장비도 없이 춥고, 어둡고, 적막한 물 속으로 수백 미터 밑으로 내려 가는 것을 좋아하겠습니까?

So the value of a currency going up and down in a volatile way - that's not positive.
(직역)그러니까 통화 가치가 변덕스럽게 올라가거나 내려가는 것, 그것은 긍정적이지 않습니다.

위의 문장들은 BBC Learning English 6 Minute English 코너에 나왔던 구동사 go down의 예제 문장들입니다. go down는 구동사이며 품사는 동사입니다. go down의 대략적인 의미는 「넘어[쓰러]지다, (배 등이) 침몰하다[침수되다], (해/달이) 지다, (음식물이 목구멍으로) 넘어가다, (가격/기온 등이) 내려가다[낮아지다]」입니다. 아래의 자료는 go down에 대해 사전에 나와 있는 자료를 보기 편하게 정리한 것들입니다.

구동사와 같은 복합 단어를 암기로 해결하려고 하면 끝이 없습니다. 구성 단어의 뜻을 조합하고 이를 문장에 적용해 가면서 뜻을 유추하는 훈련을 계속 반복하는 게 최선의 방책입니다.


구구동사 Go down

[구성 단어]

go 【동사】
① (한 장소에서 다른 장소로) 가다 ② (특히 다른 사람과 함께 어떤 장소행사에) 가다[다니다] ③ (특정한 방식으로 또는 특정한 거리를) 가다 ④ 날아서, 노래하며 가다 등(특정한 태도나 행동을 보이며 가는 것을 나타냄) ⑤ (어디로 가기 위해) 가다[떠나다] ⑥ (~을 하러) 떠나다[가다] ⑦ (특정한 장소와 관련된 목적을 위해) ~에 가다[다니다] ⑧ (수영낚시 등을) 하러 가다

down <부사>
① (더 낮은 장소나 위치에[로]의) 아래로, 아래에 ② (서거나 수직으로 있다가 앉거나 수평이 되도록) ③ (더 낮은 수준이나 비율로 내려간) ④ (양이 더 적거나 강도가 더 낮게) ⑤ (십자말풀이에서) 세로로





[상세 의미]
(1) 넘어[쓰러]지다
She tripped and went down with a bump.
그녀가 뭔가에 발이 걸려 쿵하고 넘어졌다.

(2) (배 등이) 침몰하다[침수되다]

(3) (해/달이) 지다

(4) (음식물이 목구멍으로) 넘어가다
A glass of wine would go down very nicely.
와인 한 잔 마시면 잘 넘어가겠는데 말이지.

(5) (가격/기온 등이) 내려가다[낮아지다]
The price of oil is going down.
유가가 내려가고 있다.

Oil is going down in price.
기름이 가격이 내려가고 있다.

(6) (질이) 나빠지다
The neighbourhood has gone down a lot recently.
이웃 지역이 최근에 많이 안 좋아졌다.

(7) (잠시 작동이) 중단되다
The system is going down in ten minutes.
10분 있으면 시스템이 중단된다.

(8) 일어나다
You really don't know what's going down?
무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 넌 정말 모르는 거니?

(1) (to/something) (from/something) to travel from one place to another, especially from the north of a country to the south
- We're going down to London next week.

(2) to fall to the ground
- She tripped and went down with a bump.

(3) to become lower or smaller; to fall
- The price of petrol is going down/Petrol is going down (in price).
- The temperature went down by ten degrees overnight.
- Rental costs have gone down (50) since last year.
- The floodwaters are going down.
- Membership numbers have gone down recently.
- The swelling has gone down a little.

(4) if a remark, a performance, an action, etc. goes down well or badly, etc., it gets a good or bad reaction from people
- Did your performance go down all right?
- The movie went down well in America.
- Jokes don't go down too well with my mother (= she does not like them).
- The band went down a storm (= people liked them very much).

(5) to disappear below the point where the sky seems to meet the land or the sea (the horizon)
- We watched the sun go down.

(6) to get worse
- The quality of the product has gone down since the company was sold.
- He's certainly gone down in my estimation (= I don't have the good opinion of him that I used to).
- The food's gone down since the restaurant changed hands.

(7) (computing) if a computer system goes down, it stops working temporarily
- I lost all my work when the computer went down.

(8) to be partly or completely dealt with by your body
- Let your food go down before you go swimming.

(9) if food or drink will/will not go down, it is easy/difficult to swallow, or you enjoy it/do not enjoy it
- My drink went down the wrong way and I started coughing.
- A cup of tea would go down nicely (= I would like one).

(10) when the curtain in a theatre goes down, it is the end of the performance
- The audience were cheering as the curtain went down.
- After 25 years, the curtain has finally gone down on his sparkling career.

(11) when lights go down in a theatre, the performance is about to start
- She quickly found a seat before the lights went down.

(12) to reach down to a particular point
- Pepita's coat is so big it goes right down to her ankles.

(13) to lose air
- My tyre's gone down again.

(14) (BrE,informal) to be sent to prison
- He's gone down for twenty years.

(15) to be put on the floor
- It'll feel a lot warmer when the carpet goes down.

(16) to fall from the sky; to be brought to the ground
- The plane's going down! He cried.

(17) to sink
- Hundreds died when the ferry went down.

(18) to fail; to behave badly and lose people's respect
- If the business goes down, we go down with it.

(19) (to somebody) to be defeated by somebody, especially in a sports game or competition
- Liverpool went down 2-0 to Everton.

(20) (especially BrE) (to something) to be made to move to a lower position, rank, class, status, etc.
- We need to win the next two games to avoid going down.

(21) (in something) (as something) to be written down; to be recorded or remembered in a particular way
- Everything I said went down in his little book.
- 1998 will go down as the company's best year.
- He will go down in history as a great statesman.

(22) (slang,especially AmE) to be happening
- She always knows what's going down.
- What's going down?

(23) (BrE,formal) (from) to leave a university (especially Oxford or Cambridge) at the end of a term or after finishing your studies
- She went down (from Cambridge) in 2004.

(24) to move from a higher position to a lower one; to go along something from one end towards the other
- One end of the see-saw goes up while the other end goes down.
- The pain goes down my arm.
- I've just got to go down to Jim's office with these papers.
- Will we go down any steep hills?
- You'll see the museum if you go down the road a bit.
- It was hard enough to get up here (= a mountain, for example), and now we've got to go down!
- Their company has decided to go down the same path (= do the same things) as ours.
- I went down on my hands and knees to look for the pen.
- I'm not going to go down on my knees and beg him to forgive me.



[예문 보기 1]
The system is going down in ten minutes.
10분 있으면 시스템이 중단된다.

He went down the pit when he left school.
그는 학교를 떠난 뒤 광부가 되었다.

You really don't know what's going down?
무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 넌 정말 모르는 거니?

Go down the road till you reach the traffic lights.
신호등이 나올 때까지 도로를 따라 가세요.

A glass of wine would go down very nicely.
와인 한 잔 마시면 잘 넘어가겠는데 말이지.

We watched as the sun went down.
우리는 해가 지는 것을 지켜보았다.

The price of oil is going down.
유가가 내려가고 있다.

The neighbourhood has gone down a lot recently.
이웃 지역이 최근에 많이 안 좋아졌다.

Prices have gone down recently.
최근에 물가가 내려갔다.

The shadows lengthened as the sun went down.
해가 넘어가면서 그림자가 더 길어졌다.

The sun went down and darkness fell.
해가 지고 어둠이 내렸다[몰려왔다].

It happened at that time that Judah went down from his brothers and turned aside to a certain Adullamite, whose name was Hirah.
(직역) 그일은 유다가 그의 형제들을 떠나 방향을 바꾸어 히라라고 불리는 압둘람 사람에게 가 있을 때 일어났다.

[숙어 또는 관용 표현 예제]
(1) (go) down the drain (←go down the plughole) 허비된; 훨씬 더 나빠진
(2) Be/go down with something (병이) 들었다/들다
(3) descend[go down] a slope 비탈(길)을 내려가다
(4) descend[go down] the stairs 층계를 내려가다
(6) Go down (from ) (특히 옥스퍼드·케임브리지 대학을, 학업을 마치거나 방학을 맞아) 떠나다 반의어 go up (to )
(7) go down (in something) (~에) 기록되다[기억되다]
(8) Go down (on somebody) (~에게) 구강성교를 하다
(9) Go down (to ) (from ) (북에서 남으로·큰 도시에서 시골로) 내려가다 반의어 go up
(10) go down (to somebody) (특히 경기나 대회에서) (~에게) 지다[패하다]
(11) Go down (with somebody) (~에게 어떤 식으로) 받아들여지다
(12) Go down a bomb 대성공을 거두다
(13) go down a list 리스트에 기록하다.
(14) go down a pit 갱내로 들어가다
(15) Go down a ramp 비탈길을 내려가다
(16) go down as 으로서 기록되다
(17) Go down for the count 얻어맞아 인사불성이 되다
(18) go down in 에 기록되다.
(19) Go down into 에 내려가다.
(20) go down like a lead balloon 전혀 성공하지 못하다; 사람들에게 먹혀들지[받아들여지지] 않다
(21) go down the hill 언덕을 내려가다
(22) Go down the pan 낭비되다[망쳐지다]
(23) go down the slide 미끄럼을 타다
(24) go down the stairs 층계를 내려가다
(25) Go down the tube/tubes 실패하다
(26) go down to the station 역까지 가다
(27) go down town 상가(商街)에 가다, 물건 사러 가다
(29) go down, drop, etc. like ninepins (많은 수·사람들이) 차례로 쓰러지다[병이 들다]
(31) Go/walk down the aisle 결혼식을 올리다[웨딩마치를 울리다]
(32) go[climb] down a mountain 산을 내려가다
(33) It all goes down in her notebook. 그것은 모두 그녀의 노트에 기록된다.
(34) Italy went down to Brazil by three goals to one. 이탈리아가 브라질에게 3 대 1로 졌다.
(35) It's just money down the drain, you know. 그건 그냥 허비된 돈이라고, 알아.

