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6 Minute English 영어단어공부 - The language of wine [BBC Learning English 강좌]


For some, it's a companion when it comes to relaxing at the end of a hard day. For others, it's a complex elixir which requires study and involves almost a ritual. We are talking about wine. Rob and Sam talk about the life of a sommelier and teach you related vocabulary along the way.

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[BBC Leaning English] 6 Minute English - The language of wine에 수록된 영어단어 수는

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aroma [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] aroma
[본문] [21]They may have had years of training to learn about the different types of wine and the individual flavours or aromas, known as notes.
[영영] An aroma is a strong, pleasant smell.
[첫뜻] fragrant substance, spice
[활용] 복수형; aromas
[어원] aroma(Greek), sweet odor, sweet spice, seasoning, a spice or sweet herb

art-form [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] form
[본문] [19]For some people, drinking and serving wine is almost an art-form.
[영영] If you describe an activity as an art form, you mean that it is concerned with creating objects, works, or performances that are beautiful or have a serious meaning.
[영한] ⒨ ① 예술 형식 ② 예술 행위(와 같은 것)
[활용] 복수형; art-forms
[구성단어] art + form

auction [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4687] [★★] [레마] auction < aug
[본문] [8]And even if you don't drink alcohol, wine can be used as a commodity you can invest in and sell at an auction.
[영영] An auction is a public sale where goods are sold to the person who offers the highest price.
[영한] ⒨ 경매
[첫뜻] public sale in which each bidder offers more than the previous bid
[활용] 복수형; auctions
<동사> 경매로 팔다
[어근]auct(aug); 커지다, grow ⑵ ion(ation); 명사어미

cheer [동사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4677] [★★] [레마] cheer
[본문] [59]But now we're out of time so 'cheers' everyone.
[영영] When people cheer, they shout loudly to show their approval or to encourage someone who is doing something such as taking part in a game.
[영한] ⒨ ① 환호성을 지르다, 환호하다 ② 응원하다, 힘을 북돋우다
[첫뜻] to humor, console, dispel despondency
[활용] cheered, cheered, cheering, cheers
[파생] cheerer, cheerful, cheerfully, cheerfulness, cheeringly, cheery, cheer
[유의어] lighten
<명사> ① 환호(성), 응원의 함성 ② (치어리더들이 부르는) 응원가 ③ (격식 또는 문예체) 쾌활함, 생기 <감탄사> 건배, (건강을) 위하여, 고맙소, 그럼 안녕
[어원] kara(Greek), head

commodity [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4632] [★] [레마] commode < mode
[본문] [8]And even if you don't drink alcohol, wine can be used as a commodity you can invest in and sell at an auction.
[영영] A commodity is something that is sold for money.
[영한] ⒨ ① (경제) 상품, 물품, 원자재 ② (유용한) 것
[첫뜻] benefit, profit, welfare;
[활용] 복수형; commodities
[어근]com; intensive prefix ⑵ mod(mode); 양식, 측량 ⑶ ity; ~한 상태, 성격

companion [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3586] [★★] [레마] company < pan
[본문] [61]For some, it's a companion when it comes to relaxing at the end of a hard day.
[영영] A companion is someone who you spend time with or who you are travelling with.
[영한] ⒨ ① 동반자, 동행 ② (마음 맞는) 친구[벗] ③ 동지 ④ 가정 도우미(보수를 받고 특히 노약자와 함께 살면서 보살펴 주는 여자) ⑤ (서로 한 쌍이나 한 벌을 이루는 둘 중의) 한 짝
[첫뜻] one who accompanies or associates with another
[활용] 복수형; companions
[파생] companionate, companionless, companion
[어근]com; with, together ⑵ pan; bread ⑶ ion(ation); ~상태(명사어미)

connoisseur [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] connoisseur < cogn
[본문] [5]Rob, would you describe yourself as a wine connoisseur?
[영영] A connoisseur is someone who knows a lot about the arts, food, drink, or some other subject.
[영한] ⒨ (예술품/음식/음악의) 감정가[전문가]
[첫뜻] a critical judge of any art, one well-acquainted with any of the fine arts and thus competent to pass judgment on its products,
[활용] 복수형; connoisseurs
[파생] connoisseurship, connoisseur
[어근]connoiss(cogn); 알다, 인식하다, learn ⑵ eur; 명사 어미
[어원] cognoscere(Latin), [com+gnoscere] to get to know, recognize(알게되다, 인식하다)

cork [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] cork
[본문] [23]She wrote a book called 'cork Dorks'.
[영영] Cork is a soft, light substance which forms the bark of a type of Mediterranean tree.
[영한] ⒨ ① 코르크(코르크나무를 재료로 한 가볍고 부드러운 목재) ② (특히 포도주 병의) 코르크 마개
[첫뜻] the light, elastic outer bark of a species of oak tree native to Iberia and North Africa, used for many purposes,
[활용] 복수형; corks
[파생] corklike, corky, cork
<동사> ① …에 (코르크) 마개를 하다 ② 코르크 먹으로 (눈썹 등을) 그리다[화장하다]. ③ …에 코르크 냄새를 옮게 하다. <형용사> 코르크로 만든.
[어원] alcorque(Spanish), cork sole, cork-soled sandal

dedicate [동사] [Rank; 3837] [★★] [레마] dedicate < dict
[본문] [30]She thought the work of a sommelier was nothing but pain - they seemed to dedicate their life to wine!
[영영] If you say that someone has dedicated themselves to something, you approve of the fact that they have decided to give a lot of time and effort to it because they think that it is important.
[영한] ⒨ ① (시간/노력을) 바치다, 전념[헌신]하다 ② (책/음악 작품/공연을) 헌정하다[바치다] ③ (건물/기념물 등을) 봉헌하다
[첫뜻] set apart and consecrate to a deity or a sacred purpose
[활용] dedicated, dedicated, dedicating, dedicates
[파생] dedicate, dedicational, dedication
[유의어] devote
[어근]de; away ⑵ dic; proclaim ⑶ ate; 동사어미

dine [동사] [R; 5001+] [레마] dine
[본문] [26]They licked rocks, trained their palates, they divorced their spouses to spend more time reviewing flash cards - they had hired voice coaches and memory coaches, they took dance classes to learn how to move more gracefully across the dining room floor.
[영영] When you dine, you have dinner.
[영한] ⒨ (잘 차린) 식사를 하다, 만찬을 들다
[첫뜻] eat the chief meal of the day, take dinner
[활용] dined, dined, dining, dines
[파생] dine, dinner
[어근] dine; dine
[어원] disjejunare(Latin), dis+jejunare; to break one's fast

distinguish [동사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3273] [★★] [레마] distinct < stinct
[본문] [31]One thing a sommelier does is train their palate - this is their ability to distinguish and appreciate different tastes - and identify types of good wine from their taste.
[영영] If you can distinguish one thing from another or distinguish between two things, you can see or understand how they are different.
[영한] ⒨ ① 구별하다 ② 구별 짓다, 차이를 보이다 ③ (보거나 듣고) 식별하다, 알아듣다[보다] ④ 유명하게 되다
[첫뜻] recognize as different or distinct from what is contiguous or similar; perceive, make out
[활용] distinguished, distinguished, distinguishing, distinguishes
[파생] distinct, distinction, distinctive, distinctly, distinctness, distinguish, distinguish, distinguishable, distinguishably, distinguisher, distinguishing, distinguishingly, distinguishment
[유의어] differentiate, make out, set apart(구별하다), discriminate
[어근]di(dis); 하지 않기, 不, apart ⑵ stingu(stinct); 찌르다, apart ⑶ ish; 형용사 어미
[어원] distinguere(Latin), dis+stinguere; to separate between, keep separate, mark off, distinguish

divorce [동사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3003] [★★] [레마] divorce < verse
[본문] [33]But divorcing their spouses does sound a bit extreme!
[영영] ① If a man and woman divorce or if one of them divorces the other, their marriage is legally ended.
② If you say that one thing cannot be divorced from another, you mean that the two things cannot be considered as different and separate things.
[영한] ⒨ ① 이혼하다 ② ~을 ~와 분리하다[단절시키다]
[첫뜻] to put away or abandon (a spouse); to dissolve the marriage contract between by process of law
[활용] divorced, divorced, divorcing, divorces
[파생] divorceable, divorcement, divorcer, divorcive, divorce
<명사> ① 이혼 ② 분리, 단절
[어근]di(dis); 하지 않기, apart, aside ⑵ vorce(verse); 돌다, turn

dork [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] dork
[본문] [23]She wrote a book called 'Cork dorks'.
[영영] If you say that someone is a dork, you think they dress badly in old-fashioned clothes and behave very awkwardly in social situations.
[영한] ⒨ (다른 사람의 비웃음을 받는) 얼간이
[첫뜻] stupid person,
[활용] 복수형; dorks
[어원] dork(English), originally U.S. student slang

elixir [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] elixir
[본문] [62]For others, it's a complex elixir which requires study and involves almost a ritual.
[영영] An elixir is a liquid that is considered to have magical powers.
[영한] ⒨ (문예체) (만병통치/불로장생의 효험이 있는 것으로 여겨지는) 영약[묘약]
[첫뜻] philosopher's stone
[어원] elixir(Latin), philosopher's stone

emphasise [동사] [Rank; 2003] [★★] [레마] empathy < path-
[본문] [29]The word sheer is used to emphasise the amount of something - or to mean 'nothing but'.
[영영] To emphasize something means to indicate that it is particularly important or true, or to draw special attention to it.
[활용] emphasized, emphasized, emphasizing, emphasizes
[파생] emphasis, emphasize, emphatic, emphasise
[유의어] stress(강조하다)
[어근]em(en); in(안,속) ⑵ phas(path); feeling, 감정 ⑶ ise(ize); 동사 어미

encode [동사] [R; 5001+] [레마] code
[본문] [39]The price tag affects that region in your brain that encodes your liking of the taste, so in other words, you not only think that you like the more expensive wine more, you feel you like the more expensive wine more, because your brain region that encodes this feeling is influenced by the price tag.
[영영] If you encode a message or some information, you put it into a code or express it in a different form or system of language.
[영한] ⒨ ① 암호로 바꾸다 ② (컴퓨터) 부호화하다 ③ (언어) (외국어로) 표현하다[말을 하다/글을 쓰다]
[활용] encoded, encoded, encoding, encodes
[파생] codable, codeless, codify, encode, encodement, encoder
[유의어] code
[어근]en; 안에 두다, 하게 하다, in ⑵ code; 암호, 부호, code

extreme [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2542] [★★] [레마] extreme
[본문] [33]But divorcing their spouses does sound a bit extreme!
[영영] Extreme means very great in degree or intensity.
[영한] ⒨ ① 극도의, 극심한 ② 지나친, 심각한 ③ (사람들정치 조직의견 등이) 극단적인 ④ (중앙이나 시작 부분에서, 또는 언급되는 방향으로) 가장 먼[멀리 떨어진]
[첫뜻] outermost, farthest
[활용] 비교; extreme < extremer < extremest
[파생] extreme, extremely, extremeness, extremity
[유의어] intense(극심하다), exceeding(대단하다)
[반의어] moderate
<명사> ① 극단 ② 극도
[어근] extreme(extrem); 극단의, outermost, utmost
[어원] extremus(Latin), superlative of exterus; outermost, utmost, farthest, last; the last part; extremity, boundary; highest or greatest degree(exterus의 최상급; 가장 바깥쪽의, 최고의, 가장 멀리, 마지막의; 마지막 부분; 맨 끝, 경계; 가장 높은 또는 가장 거대한 온도)

fascinated [형용사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] fascinate
[본문] [22]This job has fascinated journalist and author Bianca Bosker.
[영영] If you are fascinated by something, you find it very interesting and attractive, and your thoughts tend to concentrate on it.
[영한] ⒨ 마음을 다 빼앗긴, 매료[매혹]된
[파생] fascinatedly, fascinatedly, fascinate, fascinated
[유의어] handicap
[어근]fascin; 매력, charm ⑵ at(ate); 동사 어미 ⑶ ed; …을 가진

fascination [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] fascinate
[본문] [24]And here she is talking on the BBC World Service programme The Why Factor describing her fascination with sommeliers…
[영영] Fascination is the state of being greatly interested in or delighted by something.
[영한] ⒨ ① (아주 강한) 매력 ② 매혹, 매료됨
[활용] 복수형; fascinations
[파생] fascinate, fascinatedly, fascination, fascinative
[어근]fascin; 매력, charm ⑵ ation; 동작·결과·상태

fetch [동사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] fetch
[본문] [14]I know wine can fetch a high price - but not as high as some of those options, so I'll say a) $20,800.
[영영] If you fetch something or someone, you go and get them from the place where they are.
[영한] ⒨ ① (어디를 가서) 가지고[데리고/불러] 오다 ② (특정 가격에) 팔리다
[유의어] sell for, get
[어원] feccean(Old English), =feccan; to bring, bring to; seek, gain, take

flash [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3533] [★★] [레마] flash
[본문] [26]They licked rocks, trained their palates, they divorced their spouses to spend more time reviewing flash cards - they had hired voice coaches and memory coaches, they took dance classes to learn how to move more gracefully across the dining room floor.
[영영] A flash is a sudden burst of light or of something shiny or bright.
[영한] ⒨ ① 섬광, 번쩍임 ② 불빛 신호 ③ (감정생각 등이) 갑자기 떠오름[스침] ④ (잠깐) 반짝임 ⑤ (카메라) 플래시
[첫뜻] ① sudden burst of flame or light ② sudden rush of water
[활용] 복수형; flashes
[파생] flashy, flash
<동사> ① (잠깐) 비치다[번쩍이다], 비추다 ② (불빛으로) 신호를 보내다[비추다] ③ 휙 내보이다 <형용사> (크고 비싼 것 등이[등으로]) 눈이 부신[번드르르하게 차린]
[어원] flashen(Middle English), sprinkle or splash (water, powder, etc.); to gush forth

flavour [동사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] flavor
[본문] [21]They may have had years of training to learn about the different types of wine and the individual flavours or aromas, known as notes.
[영영] If you flavour food or drink, you add something to it to give it a particular taste.
[영한] ⒨ (무엇에) 맛[풍미]을 더하다[첨가하다]
[첫뜻] communicate a distinctive quality to,
[활용] flavoured, flavoured, flavouring, flavours
[파생] flavorer, flavorless, flavorsome, flavourer, flavourless, flavoursome, flavour
<명사> ① (음식술의) 풍미[맛] ② (특정한) 맛 ③ 정취, 분위기
[어근]flav(fla); 불꽃, 바람이 불다, blow ⑵ our(or); …하는 사람[것]

glug [동사] [R; 5001+] [레마] glug
[본문] [18]glug is a good word, meaning drink in large gulps or mouthfuls - not something a wine expert would do.
[영영] If you gulp something, you eat or drink it very quickly by swallowing large quantities of it at once.
[영한] ⒨ ① (액체가 특히 병에서) 콸콸 쏟아지다 ② 꿀떡꿀떡 마시다
[활용] glugged glugged glugging glugs
<명사> ① (물 따위의) 콸콸하는 소리, 꿀꺽꿀꺽(술 마시는 소리). ② (액체 등이) 조금 쏟아져 나온 것
[어원] glug(imitative/echoic), imitative of the sound of swallowing a drink

God-awful [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] awe
[본문] [25]These were people who had taken wine, which I always thought of as a thing of pleasure, something you turn to after a long stressful day, and turned it into something approaching sheer God-awful pain.
[영영] If someone says that something is god-awful, they think it is very unpleasant. This word could cause offence.
[영한] ⒨ 지독한
[구성단어] god + awful

gracefully [부사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] grace
[본문] [26]They licked rocks, trained their palates, they divorced their spouses to spend more time reviewing flash cards - they had hired voice coaches and memory coaches, they took dance classes to learn how to move more gracefully across the dining room floor.
[영영] graceful + ly
[영한] ⒨ 기품 있게, 우아[단아]하게.
[어근]grace(grate); 환희 ⑵ ful; 형용사 어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미

gulp [동사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] gulp
[본문] [18]Glug is a good word, meaning drink in large gulps or mouthfuls - not something a wine expert would do.
[영영] If you gulp something, you eat or drink it very quickly by swallowing large quantities of it at once.
[영한] ⒨ ① 꿀꺽꿀꺽 삼키다, 벌컥벌컥 마시다 ② (특히 공포놀라움에 질려) 침을 꿀떡 삼키다 ③ (숨을) 깊이[크게] 들이마시다
[활용] gulped gulped gulping gulps
[파생] gulper, gulpingly, gulpy, gulp
<명사> ① 꿀꺽 한 입 (먹는마시는 양) ② 꿀꺽 마시기[삼키기]
[어원] ⓐgulpen(Dutch), to gush, pour forth, guzzle, swallow
ⓑgulp(Dutch), stream of water, large draught.

Interestingly [부사] [R; 5001+] [레마] interest
[본문] [36]Interestingly, there is some evidence that shows we only think wine tastes better because it's more expensive.
[영영] Interesting + ly
[영한] ⒨ 흥미있게, 재미있게.
[파생] Interestingly, interesting
[어근]inter; between ⑵ est(esse); 존재, to be ⑶ ing; 형용사 어미 ⑷ ly; 부사 어미

lick [동사] [R; 5001+] [레마] lick
[본문] [26]They licked rocks, trained their palates, they divorced their spouses to spend more time reviewing flash cards - they had hired voice coaches and memory coaches, they took dance classes to learn how to move more gracefully across the dining room floor.
[영영] When people or animals lick something, they move their tongue across its surface.
[영한] ⒨ ① 핥다 ② 핥아먹다[마시다] ③ (불길이) 혀를 날름거리다[집어삼키다] ④ 쉽게 이기다[해치우다/처리하다]
[활용] licked licked licking licks
[파생] licker, lick
<명사> ① 한 번 핥기[핥아먹기] ② (장소를 보기 좋게 하기 위한) 약간의 페인트칠 ③ 릭(노래의 일부로, 기타 등으로 연주하는 짧은 곡조)
[어원] liccian(Old English), to pass the tongue over the surface, lap, lick up

mouthful [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] mouth
[본문] [18]Glug is a good word, meaning drink in large gulps or mouthfuls - not something a wine expert would do.
[영영] A mouthful of drink or food is the amount that you put or have in your mouth.
[활용] 복수형; mouthfuls
[파생] mouther, mouthful, mouthy, mouth
[어근]mouth; 입, mouth ⑵ ful; 형용사 어미

palate [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] palate
[본문] [26]They licked rocks, trained their palates, they divorced their spouses to spend more time reviewing flash cards - they had hired voice coaches and memory coaches, they took dance classes to learn how to move more gracefully across the dining room floor.
[영영] Your palate is the top part of the inside of your mouth.
[영한] ⒨ ① 구개(입천장) ② (좋은 음식/술을 알아보는) 미각[감식력]
[첫뜻] roof of the mouth of a human or animal; the parts which separate the oral from the nasal cavity
[활용] 복수형; palates
[파생] palatal, palatalize, palate
[어원] palatum(Latin), roof of the mouth

pleasurable [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] please < plea
[본문] [27]Like me, Bianca thought drinking wine was a pleasurable activity - something that helped her relax after a long stressful day.
[영영] Pleasurable experiences or sensations are pleasant and enjoyable.
[영한] ⒨ 즐거운
[파생] pleasurableness, pleasurably, pleasurable
[유의어] enjoyable
[어근]pleas(plac); 기쁨, calm ⑵ ur(ure); 명사 어미 ⑶ able; 형용사 어미

plonk [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] plonk
[본문] [34]I'm afraid I wouldn't take it so seriously - I'll stick to drinking poorer quality, cheap red wine - sometimes called plonk!
[영영] Plonk is cheap or poor quality wine.
[영한] ⒨ ① 싸구려 포도주 ② (무거운 것이 떨어지거나 표면에 닿으면서 내는) 쿵[탁/털썩/풀썩] (하는 소리)
[활용] 복수형; plonks
<동사> ① (아무렇게나) 쿵[툭/탁] 하고 내려놓다 ② (무겁게아무렇게나) 털썩[풀썩] 앉다
[어원] plonk(imitative/echoic), imitative

record-breaking [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] break
[본문] [10]In 2018, a bottle of wine dating back to 1774 sold at auction in eastern France for a record-breaking price.
[영영] A record-breaking success, result, or performance is one that beats the previous best success, result, or performance.
[영한] ⒨ 기록을 깨는[다시 세우는]
[구성단어] record + breaking

savour [동사] [R; 5001+] [레마] savour
[본문] [17]A glass of the stuff can be sipped and savoured or just glugged.
[영영] If you savour an experience, you enjoy it as much as you can.
[영한] ⒨ ① (맛풍미를) 음미하다[즐기다] ② 만끽하다
[첫뜻] taste, breathe in; appreciate, care for
[활용] savoured savoured savouring savours
[파생] savorless, savorous, savourless, savour
[유의어] relish
<명사> (격식 또는 문예체) 풍미, 향기, 향취
[어근] savour(savor); 맛, savor, taste

sip [동사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] sip
[본문] [17]A glass of the stuff can be sipped and savoured or just glugged.
[영영] If you sip a drink or sip at it, you drink by taking just a small amount at a time.
[영한] ⒨ (음료를) 홀짝이다[거리다], 조금씩 마시다
[첫뜻] to sip
[활용] sipped sipped sipping sips
[파생] sipper, sippingly, sip
<명사> (아주 적은 양의) 한 모금
[어원] ⓐsypian(Old English), [related to supan] absorb, drink in
ⓑsupan(Old English), to drink

sommelier [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] Sommelier
[본문] [24]And here she is talking on the BBC World Service programme The Why Factor describing her fascination with sommeliers…
[영영] a wine steward in a restaurant or hotel
[영한] ⒨ 소믈리에
[첫뜻] a butler
[활용] 복수형; sommeliers
[어원] salma(Latin), corruption of sagma;

spouse [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3816] [★] [레마] spouse
[본문] [26]They licked rocks, trained their palates, they divorced their spouses to spend more time reviewing flash cards - they had hired voice coaches and memory coaches, they took dance classes to learn how to move more gracefully across the dining room floor.
[영영] Someone's spouse is the person they are married to.
[첫뜻] a married person, either one of a married pair, but especially a married woman in relation to her husband,
[활용] 복수형; spouses
[파생] spousal, spousehood, spouseless, spouse
[어근] spond; 약속하다, pledge

stressful [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] stress
[본문] [25]These were people who had taken wine, which I always thought of as a thing of pleasure, something you turn to after a long stressful day, and turned it into something approaching sheer God-awful pain.
[영영] If a situation or experience is stressful, it causes the person involved to feel stress.
[영한] ⒨ 스트레스가 많은
[파생] stressful, stressfully, stressfully, stressfulness, stress
[어근]stress(strain); 조이다 ⑵ ful; 형용사 어미

tag [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4490] [★★] [레마] tag
[본문] [39]The price tag affects that region in your brain that encodes your liking of the taste, so in other words, you not only think that you like the more expensive wine more, you feel you like the more expensive wine more, because your brain region that encodes this feeling is influenced by the price tag.
[영영] A tag is a small piece of card or cloth which is attached to an object or person and has information about that object or person on it.
[영한] ⒨ ① (어떤 표시를 하기 위해 붙인) 꼬리표[태그] ② (사람사물을 묘사하기 위해 붙인) 꼬리표 ③ (언어) (문장의) 부가 어구(Yes, I do에서 I do 같은 것) ④ (컴퓨터) 태그(식별처리 방법 표시 등을 위해 텍스트나 데이터 앞뒤에 붙이는 표지) ⑤ (짧은) 인용구, (외국어로 된) 속담
[첫뜻] ① small, hanging piece from a garment ② children's game
[활용] 복수형; tags
[유의어] label
<동사> ① 꼬리표를 붙이다 ② (사람사물을 묘사하는) 꼬리표를 붙이다 ③ (컴퓨터) (식별처리 방법 표시 등을 위해 텍스트나 데이터 앞뒤에) 태그를 붙이다
[어원] tag-(Proto-Germanic), tag

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