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6 Minute English 영어단어공부 - Hermits [BBC Learning English 강좌]


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Are you happy being all alone, in silence, for long periods of time? Some people love it! Neil and Rob discuss why anybody would want to be a hermit and teach you vocabulary along the way.

오랫동안 조용히 혼자있는 것이 행복합니까? 어떤 사람들은 그것을 좋아합니다! Neil과 Rob은 왜 누군가가 은둔자가되고 싶어하는지에 대해 이야기하고 그 과정에서 어휘를 가르쳐줍니다.

새내기할배 블로그가 제안하는 영어단어 암기법은 기본적으로 문장을 통해 암기하는 것입니다. 그래서 설명하는 모든 단어마다 본문도 함께 제시됩니다. 그러나 새로 나온다고 해서 모든 단어를 무한정 암기할 수는 없습니다. 그래서 암기해야 해야 할 단어와 이해만 하고 넘어갈 단어를 구분하는 지혜가 필요합니다.

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advise [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2575] [★★] [레마] advise←vide
[본문] [34]Confucius's dictum advised that when the Emperor was evil, people should become recluses - people, like hermits, who live alone and avoid contact with others.
[영영] If you advise someone to do something, you tell them what you think they should do.
[영한] ⒨ ① 조언하다, 충고하다, 권고하다 ② 자문에 응하다, 고문이 되어 주다 ③ (정식으로) 알리다
[첫뜻] to view, consider(obsolete); to give counsel to
[활용] advised, advised, advising, advises
[파생] advice, advise, advisory
[유의어] inform(알리다), warn(강력히 충고하다)
[어근]ad; 향하여, 첨가, to ⑵ vise(vide); 보다

bereavement [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] bereave←reave
[본문] [44]Most people first encounter silence in bereavement, in relationship breakdown and in death and that seems to be about the worst place to start.
[영영] Bereavement is the sorrow you feel or the state you are in when a relative or close friend dies.
[영한] ⒨ ① 사별 ② 가족[친지]의 사망, 상
[파생] bereave, bereavement, bereft

breakdown [명사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] break
[본문] [44]Most people first encounter silence in bereavement, in relationship breakdown and in death and that seems to be about the worst place to start.
[영영] ① The breakdown of something such as a relationship, plan, or discussion is its failure or ending.
② If you have a breakdown, you become very depressed, so that you are unable to cope with your life.
③ If a car or a piece of machinery has a breakdown, it stops working.
[영한] ⒨ ① (차량/기계의) 고장 ② (관계/논의/시스템의) 실패[결렬/와해] ③ 명세(서) ④ 분해 ⑤ 상호참조 nervous breakdown
[첫뜻] a collapse, a falling apart
[활용] 복수형; breakdowns
<형용사> ① 물질의 분해로 생기는. ② (사고/조난 때) 수리[복구] 작업에 쓰이는.
[구성단어] break + down

convention [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 2494] [★★] [레마] convene←vene
[본문] [39]Although most hippies weren't looking for isolation, they did have something in common with hermits - the desire to challenge society's rules and conventions.
[영영] A convention is a way of behaving that is considered to be correct or polite by most people in a society.
[영한] ⒨ ① 관습, 관례 ② (전문직 종사자들이나 정당 등의 대규모) 대회[협의회] ③ (국가나 지도자 간의) 조약[협약] ④ (문학/예술의) 전통[관습](적인 방식)
[첫뜻] a formal agreement, covenant, treaty; a formal meeting or convention
[활용] 복수형; conventions
[파생] convene, convention, conventional, conventionality, conventionalize, conventionally, conventionary
[유의어] conference
[어근]con(com); together ⑵ vent; 오다, 돌다, come ⑶ ion(ation); 명사 어미

darling [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] deer
[본문] [46]You use it as a reward - 'darling, you've been so good all day, you've been so helpful, why don't you go to your room for half an hour now and be on your own?' A treat!
[영영] You call someone darling if you love them or like them very much.
[영한] ⒨ ① 여보, 자기, 얘야(사랑하는 사람을 부를 때 쓰는 표현) ② 아주 다정한[친절한] 사람 ③ 특히 사랑받는[인기 있는] 사람, 총아
[활용] 복수형; darlings
[파생] darlingly, darlingness, darling
[어근]dar(dear); 소중한, dear ⑵ ling; 지소 어미

dictum [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] dict
[본문] [29]His dictum was something like, ‘When the Emperor is good, serve, When the Emperor is evil, recluse’.
[영영] A dictum is a saying that describes an aspect of life in an interesting or wise way.
[영한] ⒨ 격언, 금언
[첫뜻] positive statement or assertion,
[활용] 복수형; dictums dicta
[어근]dict(dic); 말, say ⑵ um; 명사 어미

educated [형용사] [Oxf3] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] educe←duce
[본문] [31]And so over a thousand years at least there were a lot of recluses, a lot of educated men who simply couldn't tolerate any more evil - they simply dropped out and they would migrate to small villages, to farms.
[영영] Someone who is educated has a high standard of learning.
[영한] ⒨ ① …한[…에서] 교육을 받은 ② 많이 배운, 학식[교양] 있는
[어근]e(ex); out, 접두어 ⑵ duc; lead ⑶ at(ate); …의 특질을 가진; 주다 ⑷ ed; 과거분사어미

embrace [동사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 2495] [★★] [레마] embrace←brace
[본문] [42]For her, the magic of silence is something to be embraced and taught to children.
[영영] If you embrace someone, you put your arms around them and hold them tightly, usually in order to show your love or affection for them. You can also say that two people embrace.
[영한] ⒨ ① (껴)안다, 포옹하다 ② (생각/제의 등을 열렬히) 받아들이다[수용하다] ③ 포괄하다, 아우르다
[첫뜻] clasp in the arms
[활용] embraced, embraced, embracing, embraces
[파생] embraceable, embracement, embracer, embrace
[유의어] hug
<명사> ① 포옹 ② 성교 ③ (견해/주의 등의) 받아들임, 용인
[어근]em(en); 안에 두다, in, 하게하다 ⑵ brace; brace

emperor [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] emperor
[본문] [29]His dictum was something like, ‘When the emperor is good, serve, When the emperor is evil, recluse’.
[영영] An emperor is a man who rules an empire or is the head of state in an empire.
[영한] ⒨ 황제
[첫뜻] emperor, leader, ruler
[활용] 복수형; emperors
[파생] emperorship, emperor
[어근]em(en); in, towards, 하게하다 ⑵ per(pare); 준비, order ⑶ or; 명사 어미
[어근] ⓐimperiator(Latin), commander, emperor
ⓑimperare(Latin), in+parare; to command

encounter [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2736] [★★] [레마] encounter
[본문] [44]Most people first encounter silence in bereavement, in relationship breakdown and in death and that seems to be about the worst place to start.
[영영] If you encounter problems or difficulties, you experience them.
[영한] ⒨ ① (특히 반갑지 않은 일에) 맞닥뜨리다[부딪히다] ② (새롭거나 뜻밖의 대상과) 접하다[마주치다]
[첫뜻] to meet as an adversary
[활용] encountered, encountered, encountering, encounters
[유의어] run into, meet with, come across, meeting
<명사> ① (특히 예상 밖의/폭력적인) 만남[접촉/조우] ② (특정 팀/선수와의) 시합
[어근]en; 안에 두다, in, 하게하다 ⑵ counter(contra); 뒤, against

enjoyable [형용사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] enjoy←joy
[본문] [50]Instead, being alone should be a treat - a reward or gift of something special and enjoyable.
[영영] Something that is enjoyable gives you pleasure.
[영한] ⒨ 즐거운
[첫뜻] capable of being enjoyed
[파생] enjoy, enjoyable, enjoyableness, enjoyableness, enjoyably, enjoyably, enjoyer, enjoyment
[어근] joy; 기쁨, joy

extreme [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2542] [★★] [레마] extreme
[본문] [24]Christopher Wright may be an extreme example of someone seeking solitude, but there are many other motivations for becoming a hermit.
[영영] Extreme means very great in degree or intensity.
[영한] ⒨ ① 극도의, 극심한 ② 지나친, 심각한 ③ (사람들정치 조직의견 등이) 극단적인 ④ (중앙이나 시작 부분에서, 또는 언급되는 방향으로) 가장 먼[멀리 떨어진]
[첫뜻] outermost, farthest
[활용] 비교; extreme < extremer < extremest
[파생] extreme, extremely, extremeness, extremity
[유의어] intense(극심하다), exceeding(대단하다)
[반의어] moderate
<명사> ① 극단 ② 극도
[어원] extremus(Latin), superlative of exterus; outermost, utmost, farthest, last; the last part; extremity, boundary; highest or greatest degree(exterus의 최상급; 가장 바깥쪽의, 최고의, 가장 멀리, 마지막의; 마지막 부분; 맨 끝, 경계; 가장 높은 또는 가장 거대한 온도)

follower [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] follow
[본문] [27]He says that in ancient times, many Chinese hermits seeking solitude were followers of the philosopher, Confucius.
[영영] A follower of a particular person, group, or belief is someone who supports or admires this person, group, or belief.
[영한] ⒨ ① 추종자, 신봉자 ② 팬, (유행 등을) 열심히 따르는 사람 ③ 모방자, 졸개
[활용] 복수형; followers
[유의어] disciple(신봉자)
[구성단어] follow + er

helpful [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3080] [★★] [레마] help
[본문] [46]You use it as a reward - 'Darling, you've been so good all day, you've been so helpful, why don't you go to your room for half an hour now and be on your own?' A treat!
[영영] If you describe someone as helpful, you mean that they help you in some way, such as doing part of your job for you or by giving you advice or information.
[영한] ⒨ ① 도움이 되는 ② (사람이) 기꺼이 돕는
[파생] help, helpable, helper, helpfully, helpfulness, helpful
[유의어] useful
[반의어] unhelpful
[어근]help; help ⑵ ful; 형용사 어미

hermit [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] hermit
[본문] [26]Meng Hu is a former librarian who now runs a website all about hermits.
[영영] A hermit is a person who lives alone, away from people and society.
[영한] ⒨ (보통 종교적 이유에 의한) 은둔자
[첫뜻] religious recluse, one who dwells apart in a solitary place for religious meditation,
[활용] 복수형; hermits
[파생] hermitic, hermitically, hermitish, hermitism, hermitlike, hermit-like, hermit
[어원] eremites(Greek), from eremia; person of the desert

hiker [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] hike
[본문] [16]When hikers discovered his tent all they found was an alarm clock.
[영영] A hiker is a person who is going for a long walk in the countryside for pleasure.
[영한] ⒨ 도보 여행자, 하이커
[활용] 복수형; hikers
[파생] hiker, hike
[구성단어] hike + er

hippie [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] hippie
[본문] [40]Someone who combines the hippie and the hermit is Catholic writer, Sara Maitland.
[영영] Hippies were young people in the 1960s and 1970s who rejected conventional ways of living, dressing, and behaving, and tried to live a life based on peace and love. Hippies often had long hair and many took drugs.
[영한] ⒨ 히피(서구 기성 사회생활 양식을 거부하는 사람. 히피 운동은 1960년대에 가장 유행함)
[활용] 복수형; hippies
[파생] hippiehood, hippieism, hippie
[어원] hip(English), up-to-date

incredibly [부사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 4314] [★★] [레마] credit
[본문] [57]Well incredibly, Rob, the answer was c) to wake him up at the coldest part of the night so he didn't freeze to death!
[영한] ⒨ ① 믿을 수 없을 정도로, 엄청나게 ② 믿기 힘들게도
[파생] incredibility, incredibleness, incredibly, incredible
[유의어] unbelievably
[어근]in; not ⑵ cred; trust ⑶ ibl(able); 형용사어미 ⑷ y(ly); 부사어미

invisible [형용사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3847] [★★] [레마] invisible←vide
[본문] [22]Well, if he wanted to be alone so much I guess he needed to be invisible, so I'll say a) to remind him to hide his tent.
[영영] If you describe something as invisible, you mean that it cannot be seen, for example because it is transparent, hidden, or very small.
[영한] ⒨ ① 보이지 않는, 볼 수 없는 ② (경제) 무형의(상품이 아니라 은행/관광업과 같은 서비스와 관련된)
[파생] invisibility, invisibleness, invisibly, invisible
[반의어] visible
<명사> ① 눈에 보이지 않는 것[존재] ② 영계(靈界), [the I~] 신 ③ (경제) [pl.] 무역 외 수지
[어근]in; not ⑵ vide; to see ⑶ able; 형용사어미

isolation [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4315] [★★] [레마] isolate←isle
[본문] [14]Throughout history and across all cultures, there have been people who choose to leave behind the life and people they know to live in isolation and silence.
[영영] Isolation is the state of feeling alone and without friends or help.
[영한] ⒨ ① 고립, 분리, 격리 ② 외로운[고립된] 상태
[활용] [U]
[파생] isolability, isolable, isolation, isolator, isolate
[어근]isol(insul); 섬, island ⑵ at(ate); …의 특질을 가진; 주다 ⑶ ion(ation); 명사 어미

librarian [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] library
[본문] [26]Meng Hu is a former librarian who now runs a website all about hermits.
[영영] A librarian is a person who is in charge of a library or who has been specially trained to work in a library.
[영한] ⒨ (도서관의) 사서
[파생] librarianship, librarian
[어근]libr; 책, book ⑵ ari(ary); 부속의 ⑶ an; 명사 어미

migrate [동사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] migrate
[본문] [31]And so over a thousand years at least there were a lot of recluses, a lot of educated men who simply couldn't tolerate any more evil - they simply dropped out and they would migrate to small villages, to farms.
[영영] If people migrate, they move from one place to another, especially in order to find work or to live somewhere for a short time.
[영한] ⒨ ① (새/동물이 계절에 따라) 이동하다 ② (많은 사람들이 살거나 일할 곳을 찾아) 이주[이동]하다 ③ (한 곳에서 다른 곳으로) 옮기다[이동하다] ④ (컴퓨터) (컴퓨터 시스템을) 바꾸다[바꾸게 하다] ⑤ (컴퓨터) (컴퓨터 프로그램/하드웨어를 다른 시스템으로) 이송[이행(移行)]하다
[첫뜻] to pass from one place to another
[활용] migrated, migrated, migrating, migrates
[파생] migrate, migration, migrational, migrator, migratory
[유의어] emigrate
[어근]migr; 이동, move ⑵ ate; 동사 어미

motivation [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3151] [★★] [레마] motive←move
[본문] [24]Christopher Wright may be an extreme example of someone seeking solitude, but there are many other motivations for becoming a hermit.
[영영] Your motivation for doing something is what causes you to want to do it. Money is my motivation
[영한] ⒨ ① 자극, 유도 ② (행동의) 동기 부여, 학습 의욕 유발
[첫뜻] act or process of furnishing with an incentive or inducement to action
[활용] 복수형; motivations
[파생] motivate, motivated, motivational, motivator, motivation, motive
[유의어] spur
[어근]mot(mob); move ⑵ iv(ive); ~한 성질(명사어미) ⑶ ation; 명사어미

philosopher [명사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] philosopher
[본문] [27]He says that in ancient times, many Chinese hermits seeking solitude were followers of the philosopher, Confucius.
[영영] A philosopher is a person who studies or writes about philosophy.
[영한] ⒨ ① 철학자 ② 철학자[사색가] 같은 사람
[첫뜻] scholar, learned person, wise person; one devoted to the search for universal truth, a student of metaphysical and moral sciences
[활용] 복수형; philosophers
[파생] philosophic, philosophic, philosopher, philosophical, philosophy
[어근]philo(phil); 사랑(loving) ⑵ soph; 현명하다, wise ⑶ er; ~하는 사람

recluse [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] recluse←clude
[본문] [31]And so over a thousand years at least there were a lot of recluses, a lot of educated men who simply couldn't tolerate any more evil - they simply dropped out and they would migrate to small villages, to farms.
[영영] A recluse is a person who lives alone and deliberately avoids other people. His widow became a virtual recluse for the remainder of her life.
[영한] ⒨ 은둔자
[첫뜻] person shut up or withdrawn from the world and secular living for purposes of religious meditation
[활용] 복수형; recluses
[파생] reclusely, recluseness, reclusion, reclusive, recluse
<형용사> ① 속세를 버린, 은둔한 ② 쓸쓸한, 외로운
[어원] reclusus(Latin), past participle of recludere;

reject [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2046] [★★] [레마] reject
[본문] [36]A more modern way of saying this is, to drop out - to reject the normal ways society works and live outside the system.
[영영] If you reject something such as a proposal, a request, or an offer, you do not accept it or you do not agree to it.
[영한] ⒨ ① (주장생각계획 등을) 거부[거절]하다 ② (직장직책 등에) 거부하다[불합격시키다] ③ (상품원고 등을) 불합격[불량품]으로 처리하다 ④ (인체가) (이식된 장기에 대해) 거부 반응을 보이다 ⑤ (충분한 보살핌애정으로 돌보지 않고) 거부하다[버리다]
[활용] rejected, rejected, rejecting, rejects
[파생] rejectable, rejecter, rejection, rejective, rejector, reject
[유의어] turn down
[반의어] accept(인정하다)
<명사> ① 버린 물건, 퇴짜 놓은 물건, 불합격품, 흠 있는 물건. ② 퇴짜 맞은 사람 , (징병) 불합격자.
[어근]re; back ⑵ ject; throw

relative [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2451] [★★] [레마] relate
[본문] [48]Sara says that most people experience silence after a bereavement - the death of a relative or close friend.
[영영] You use relative to say that something is true to a certain degree, especially when compared with other things of the same kind.
[영한] ⒨ ① (고려판단이) 비교상의, 상대적인 ② (…과) 관련지은, (…에) 따라서 본 ③ 비교적인, 상대적인 ④ (…와) 관련된, (…에) 대한 ⑤ (문법) (앞에 나온 명사문장의 일부 등과의) 관계를 나타내는
[첫뜻] having reference
[파생] relatable, relate, relater, relation, relative, relative, relativeness, related, relatively
[유의어] comparative(비교적이다)
<명사> ① 친척 ② 동족, 동류
[어근]relat; refer, report ⑵ ive; …의 경향의(접미사)

remote [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2802] [★★] [레마] motive←move
[본문] [41]Part of a long tradition of Christian hermits, Sara spent forty days and nights alone on the Isle of Skye, seeking God in the silence of the remote Scottish island.
[영영] Remote areas are far away from cities and places where most people live, and are therefore difficult to get to.
[영한] ⒨ ① 외진, 외딴 ② (시간상으로) 먼 ③ (친척 등이) 먼, 가깝지 않은 ④ 원격의 ⑤ 동떨어진
[활용] 비교; remote < remoter < remotest
[파생] remotely, remoteness, remote
[유의어] slight(희박하다), distant(멀다), isolated(외딴), aloof(쌀쌀맞다), far-off, aloof(냉담하다), distant(동떨어지다)
<명사> ① 현장 중계. ② =remote control.
[어근]re; 다시, 반대로 ⑵ mote(mob); 움직임

reward [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3420] [★★] [레마] reward
[본문] [46]You use it as a reward - 'Darling, you've been so good all day, you've been so helpful, why don't you go to your room for half an hour now and be on your own?' A treat!
[영한] ⒨ ① 보상 ② 현상금, 보상금, 사례금
[파생] rewardable, rewarder, rewardless, reward
<동사> 보상[보답/사례]하다
[어근] ward; 보호, guard

saying [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] say
[본문] [36]A more modern way of saying this is, to drop out - to reject the normal ways society works and live outside the system.
[영영] A saying is a sentence that people often say and that gives advice or information about human life and experience.
[영한] ⒨ ① 말하기, 한 말, 말 ② 속담, 옛말(proverb), 격언
[유의어] mistake(실수)
[구성단어] say + ing

socialise [동사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] social←soci
[본문] [11]I'd much rather be socialising and visiting friends.
[영영] If you socialize, you meet other people socially, for example at parties.
[영한] ⒨ ① (사람들과) 사귀다[어울리다/교제하다] ② 사회화시키다 ③ 사회주의화하다
[활용] socialised socialised socialising socialises
[파생] socialisable, socialiser, socializable, socializer, socialise, socialize
[유의어] mix
[어근]soci; 교제, 집단 ⑵ al; …한 (성질의), …함(과정, 상태) ⑶ ise; 동사 어미

solitude [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] sole
[본문] [24]Christopher Wright may be an extreme example of someone seeking solitude, but there are many other motivations for becoming a hermit.
[영영] Solitude is the state of being alone, especially when this is peaceful and pleasant.
[영한] ⒨ (특히 즐거운) 고독 유의어 privacy
[첫뜻] loneliness
[활용] [U]
[파생] sole, soleless, solely, soleness, solitary, solitude, solitudinous
[유의어] privacy
[어원] solitudo(Latin), loneliness, a being alone; lonely place, desert, wilderness

tolerate [동사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4364] [★] [레마] tolerate
[본문] [31]And so over a thousand years at least there were a lot of recluses, a lot of educated men who simply couldn't tolerate any more evil - they simply dropped out and they would migrate to small villages, to farms.
[영영] If you tolerate a situation or person, you accept them although you do not particularly like them.
[영한] ⒨ ① 용인하다 ② (불쾌한 일 등을) 참다 ③ (약물/힘든 환경 등을) 견디다
[첫뜻] to allow without interference,
[활용] tolerated tolerated tolerating tolerates
[파생] tolerance, tolerant, toleration, tolerative, tolerator, tolerate
[유의어] put up with, stand for(용납하다)
[어원] tolerare(Latin), to bear, sustain, tolerate

uncommon [형용사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] common
[본문] [35]In the interview, Meng Hu uses 'recluse' as a verb - to recluse - but this is very uncommon.
[영영] If you describe something as uncommon, you mean that it does not happen often or is not often seen.
[영한] ⒨ ① 흔하지 않은, 드문 ② (격식 또는 문예체) 굉장한, 대단한
[유의어] unusual, remarkable, rare, unusual(특이하다)
[반의어] common, common(흔하다)
[어근]un; 아님(不, 無), not ⑵ common(commun); common, public

worst [형용사] [Oxf3] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] worst←bad
[본문] [44]Most people first encounter silence in bereavement, in relationship breakdown and in death and that seems to be about the worst place to start.
[영한] ⒨ 가장 나쁜[못한], 최악의
<명사> 가장 심한[심각한] 것[부분], 최악(의 경우일 등) <동사> (싸움경쟁언쟁에서) 패배시키다[이기다] 유의어 get the better of <부사> 가장 나쁘게[못하게], 최악으로

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