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[영어숙어 및 구동사] 6 Minute English - What is fat-shaming? [BBC Learning English 강좌]


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after all [부사] [6Rank; 75] [전치사부사구]
[본문] after all incidents of fat-shaming are on the rise - that's what it's called when someone is criticised or humiliated for being fat.
[영한] ⒨ ① (예상과는 달리) 결국에는 ② 어쨌든(설명/이유를 덧붙일 때)
[구성단어] after + all

base on [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 260] [★★]
[본문] That's all for this programme, but to find out more about your own implicit biases based on race, sexuality or weight, search online for 'Harvard IAT' and take a test yourself.
[영한] ⒨ ① ~에 근거[기반]를 두다 참조 based ② …에 기초를 두다
[구성단어] base + on

come from [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 11] [구동사]
[본문] In this programme we'll be asking where the attitudes behind fat-shaming come from.
[영영] ① (not used in the progressive tenses) to be born in or live in a particular place
② to start in a particular place or be made from a particular thing
[영한] ⒨ ① (진행형으로는 안 씀) ~ 출신이다(고향이나 사는 지역을 나타냄) ② ~에서 나오다[비롯되다/생산되다] ③ ~의 결과이다
[유의어] come of(결과이다)
[구성단어] come + from

feel like [동사] [6Rank; 132]
[본문] And anyway, even if it was under personal control, fat-shaming doesn't feel like the right way to help people lose weight.
[영한] ⒨ ① …한 느낌이 있다 ② ~을 갖고[하고] 싶다
[유의어] fancy
[구성단어] feel + like

food for thought [명사]
[본문] food for thought there, Neil.
[영영] an event, a remark, a fact, etc. which should be considered very carefully because it is interesting, important, etc
[영한] ⒨ (깊이) 생각할 거리
[구성단어] food + for + thought

for a start [부사]
[본문] Well, for a start, Neil, I'm definitely going on a diet!
[영한] ⒨ 우선[먼저]
[구성단어] for + a + start

go on [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 16] [★★] [구동사]
[본문] Well, for a start, Neil, I'm definitely going on a diet!
[영영] ① (used in negative sentences and questions) to base an opinion or a judgement on something
② to begin doing, following, enjoying or using something
[영한] ⒨ ① (공연을) 시작하다, (무대에) 나오다 ② (스포츠 경기 중에 어떤 선수 대신에) 들어가다 ③ (불/전기 등이) 들어오다 반의어 go off ④ (시간이) 흐르다 ⑤ 일어나다[벌어지다]
[유의어] progress, proceed, keep on
[반의어] go off
[구성단어] go + on

go on a diet [동사]
[본문] Well, for a start, Neil, I'm definitely going on a diet!
[영한] ⒨ 다이어트를 시작하다
[구성단어] go + on + a + diet

go through [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 121] [★★] [구동사]
[본문] So what goes through our mind, consciously or unconsciously, when we see very fat people?
[영영] ① to pass through something from one end to the other
② if you go through an event, a period of time, etc., you pass through it from the beginning to the end
③ to experience or suffer something
[영한] ⒨ ① (특히 무엇을 찾기 위해) ~을 살펴보다[조사하다] ② (특히 거듭해서) ~을 검토[고려]하다 ③ (일련의 행동/방법/절차를) 거치다 ④ ~을 겪다 ⑤ ~을 다 써 버리다[끝내다]
[구성단어] go + through

hang on [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 262] [★★] [구동사]
[본문] hang on though, Neil.
[영영] ① hang something on somebody to blame somebody for something, often unfairly
② 1.(to somebody/something) to hold somebody/something firmly
③ 2.(BrE,informal) used to ask somebody to wait for a short time
[영한] ⒨ ① 꽉 붙잡다 ② (남에게 하는 말로) 잠깐 (기다려[멈춰 봐]) ③ (무슨 일을) 기다리다 ④ (전화를 걸어와 누구를 찾는 사람에게 하는 말로) 잠깐 기다리세요 ⑤ (역경에도) 계속 버티다
[구성단어] hang + on

in general [부사] [6Rank; 214]
[본문] We, as everyday Americans and westerners in general, tend to think that it's a personal attribute, it's a thing that you do to yourself and as a result you are deserving of scorn.
[영영] in most cases; usually
[영한] ⒨ ① 보통, 대개 ② 전반적으로
[유의어] generally
[구성단어] in + general

listen out for [동사] [6Rank; 187] [구동사]
[본문] listen out for when the word, obesity, started to be used:
[영한] ⒨ …을 들으려고 귀를 기울이다.
[구성단어] listen + out + for

on the rise [형용사]
[본문] It's on the rise in the UK.
[영영] ① increasing in amount, number, level, etc.
② becoming more successful, popular, etc.
[영한] ⒨ (물가 따위가) 오르는, 오름세인
[구성단어] on + the + rise

pile on [동사]
[본문] Over Christmas I really piled on the pounds with all that chocolate.
[영영] ① to express a feeling in a much stronger way than is necessary
② to give somebody a lot or too much of something
③ to make something increase rapidly
[영한] ⒨ ① ~을 빠르게 증가시키다 ② (감정을 필요 이상으로) 과장하다 ③ (사람에게) ~을 더 많이[지나치게] 주다 ④ (특히 사람의 체중이) 급격히 불어나다 ⑤ ~에게 (할 일/짐 등을) 많이 주다
[구성단어] pile + on

pile on the pounds [동사]
[본문] Over Christmas I really piled on the pounds with all that chocolate.
[영영] (informal) Of a person: to gain weight quickly.
[영한] ⒨ (사람이) 급격히 살이 찌다
[구성단어] pile + on + the + pounds

put on [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 35] [★★] [구동사]
[본문] I'd already put on extra weight during lockdown, then even more over Christmas, so I definitely need to diet in 2021.
[영한] ⒨ ① ~을 입다[쓰다/끼다/걸치다] 반의어 take off ② (얼굴/피부 등에) ~을 바르다 ③ (기구 등을) 가동[작동]시키다 ④ (시디/테이프 등을) 틀다 ⑤ (무게 등이) 더 무거워지다, (살이) 찌다 유의어 gain
[유의어] gain(살이 찌다), produce(상연하다), stage(상연하다), dress oneself in(몸에 걸치다), pretend(가장하다), tease(놀리다), exaggerate(과장하다), assume, affect
[반의어] take off
[구성단어] put + on

responsible for [형용사] [6Rank; 168] [형용사전치사구]
[본문] There is a commonly-held prejudice that fat people are responsible for their condition - because they're lazy, greedy, or lacking in moral fibre - the ability or determination to behave ethically or with self-control.
[영한] ⒨ ~에 책임이 있는, 원인이 있는
[구성단어] responsible + for

start with [동사] [6Rank; 582]
[본문] Now, let's recap the vocabulary, starting with obese - dangerously overweight as measured by the body mass index or BMI.
[영한] ⒨ …와 함께 출발하다.
[구성단어] start + with

take hold of [동사]
[본문] We tend to think, at least in the western world, of fat people as personal failures, as moral failures… People tend to think of fatness as an indicator of laziness, of over-indulgence, of a lack of moral fibre, an unwillingness to take hold of your own life.
[영영] ① have or take somebody/something in your hands
② to take and hold (something) with one's hand
[영한] ⒨ ① (유형/무형의 것을) 잡다, 쥐다, 제어[조종]하다 ② ~을 잡다, 쥐다, 붙잡다 ③ ~을 (움켜)잡다[잡고 있다]
[유의어] take hold on(움켜잡다), catch hold of(움켜잡다)
[구성단어] take + hold + of

talk about [동사] [6Rank; 104] [구동사]
[본문] Here's Professor Abigail Saguy talking about the term to BBC World Service's The Why Factor.
[영영] ① used to emphasize something
② to discuss
③ used informally and often ironically to add emphasis to a statement
[영한] ⒨ ① …에 대해 이야기하다. ② (강조의 뜻으로) …하기란[…하기가 말도 못한다]
[구성단어] talk + about

the way they are [명사]
[본문] The idea is that fat people just are the way they are, and have no - one to blame but themselves: they should just exercise more or stop eating…
[영한] ⒨ 지금 이대로의 것
[구성단어] the + way + they + are

treat with [동사]
[본문] This leads some to treat them with scorn - a strong feeling of contempt or disrespect.
[영한] ⒨ ① …로 대하다. ② …로 치료하다.
[구성단어] treat + with

with contempt [부사] [6Rank; 1460]
[본문] This leads some to treat them with scorn - a strong feeling of contempt or disrespect.
[영한] ⒨ 경멸스럽다는 듯이.
[구성단어] with + contempt

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