BBC 6 Minute English의 금주 주제인 Are you drinking enough water?은 개략적으로 다음의 개요를 갖고 있습니다.
매일 물을 얼마나 마시고 계신가요? 이 정도면 충분한가요? 베스와 필이 이에 대해 토론하고 새로운 어휘를 알려드립니다.(How much water do you drink every day? Is it enough? Beth and Phil discuss this and teach you some new vocabulary.)
다음은 금주의 6 Minute English에 수록된 구동사, 숙어 등 여러 단어 어휘를 간단히 정리한 자료입니다.
a bit of adj.
[본문] [46]So it's very common that we feel tired, or we feel, like, with a bit of a headache, or even we think we're hungry, and we go and get some food.
[영한] 한 조각의 …, 소량의 …
a day adv.
[본문] [6]How much water do you drink a day, Phil?
[영한] 하루에
a little more adv.
[본문] [51]So, whether you drink a little more, or a little less, it seems that around two litres of water a day is a good way to keep your blood and body healthy.
[영한] 조금 더
all the time adv.
[본문] [40]Actually, the amount of water in our bodies is changing all the time.
[영한] ① 내내[줄곧] ② 아주 자주
[영영] ① during the whole of a particular period of time
② very often; repeatedly
along with prep.
[본문] [15]That's what we'll be discussing in this programme, along with some useful new vocabulary as well.
[영한] ① ~에 덧붙여, ~와 마찬가지로 ② ...와 함께...에 따라.
[영영] in addition to something
around the world adv.
[본문] [30]So, if you look at government recommendations around the world, they're pretty much all the same.
[영한] ① 세계적으로 ② 세계에 걸쳐, 전 세계에
arrive at verb
[본문] [55]OK, let's recap the vocabulary we've used, starting with the phrase to arrive at a number, meaning to decide it by doing calculations.
[영한] ① …에 도착하다 ② (특히 논의/생각 끝에) ~에 이르다
[유의어] reach
as well adv.
[본문] [15]That's what we'll be discussing in this programme, along with some useful new vocabulary as well.
[영한] ① (~뿐만 아니라/~은 물론) …도 ② 게다가, 또한, 마찬가지로
[영영] in addition to somebody/something; too
ballpark figure noun
[본문] [39]The number of exactly two litres isn't based on scientific fact, it's more of a ballpark figure - a number which is a guess, but which you still believe is approximately correct.
[영한] 어림셈
[영영] (chiefly US, idiomatic) An educated guess or estimation within acceptable bounds.
bank balance noun
[본문] [41]Like your bank balance, which goes down when you spend money, your body loses water all the time, when you breathe, sweat, or go to the toilet.
[영한] 은행 (예금) 잔고
based on prep.
[본문] [39]The number of exactly two litres isn't based on scientific fact, it's more of a ballpark figure - a number which is a guess, but which you still believe is approximately correct.
[영한] ~에 근거하여
consist of verb
[본문] [19]I mentioned that over half the human body consists of water, but there's an even higher percentage of water in our blood.
[영한] ① ~으로 이루어지다[구성되다] ② ~로 구성되다
[유의어] comprise
depend on verb
[본문] [42]Exactly how much you need to drink depends on how much water your body needs to replace, and that mainly depends on your size.
[영한] ① ~을 신뢰하다[믿다] ② (어떤 일이 있을 것임을) 확신하다[믿다] ③ (보통 진행형으로는 쓰이지 않음) (~을 위해) ~에게 (돈/도움 등을) 기대다[의존하다] ④ (진행형으로는 쓰이지 않음) ~에 달려 있다[~에 의해 결정되다]
[영영] ① to need help or support from somebody/something in order to live or to manage in a particular situation
② to be affected by or decided by somebody/something
[유의어] count on, look to
every day adv.
[본문] [64]How much water do you drink every day?
[영한] 매일
[영영] As frequently as every day; daily.
[유의어] everyday(일상 생활)
for example adv.
[본문] [37]for example, 'pretty much all governments advise drinking two litres a day' means 'almost all governments advise it'.
[영한] 예를 들어
go down verb
[본문] [41]Like your bank balance, which goes down when you spend money, your body loses water all the time, when you breathe, sweat, or go to the toilet.
[영한] ① 넘어[쓰러]지다 ② (배 등이) 침몰하다[침수되다] ③ (해/달이) 지다 ④ (음식물이 목구멍으로) 넘어가다 ⑤ (가격/기온 등이) 내려가다[낮아지다] ⑥ (질이) 나빠지다 ⑦ (잠시 작동이) 중단되다 ⑧ 일어나다
[영영] ① (to/something) (from/something) to travel from one place to another, especially from the north of a country to the south
② to fall to the ground
③ to become lower or smaller; to fall
[유의어] set, fall, sink
[반의어] go up
have a question verb
[본문] [18]But first I have a question for you, Phil.
[영한] ① 질문하다 ② 물어볼 게 있다
head over to verb
[본문] [62]Why not join me now and head over to our website,, download the worksheet for this programme, and test yourself to see how much you remember?
[영한] ① ~로 향하다. ~로 발길을 옮기다. ② ~로 출발하다
human body noun
[본문] [13]Of course, everyone needs to drink some water - over half the human body is made up of it.
[영한] ① 인체 ② 사람 몸
less than adj.
[본문] [43]But what happens when we drink less than we should?
[영한] ① ] …보다 적은 ② 오히려 …이 아니다, 결코 …않다
look at verb
[본문] [30]So, if you look at government recommendations around the world, they're pretty much all the same.
[영한] ① ~을 (자세히) 살피다[검토/진찰하다] ② ~에 대해 생각[고려/검토]하다 ③ (특정한 방식으로) ~을 보다[고려하다] ④ …을 보다[살피다]
[영영] ① to turn your eyes towards somebody/something so that you can see them/it
② to examine something/somebody closely
③ (usually used in negative sentences or questions) to consider or be prepared to accept somebody/something
[유의어] examine(살피다)
made up of adj.
[본문] [13]Of course, everyone needs to drink some water - over half the human body is made up of it.
[영한] ~로 구성된
make sure verb
[본문] [5]Nowadays, I often see people carrying water bottles with them to make sure they drink enough.
[영한] ① 반드시 (…하도록) 하다[(…을) 확실히 하다] ② (…임을) 확인하다
[영영] ① check that something is true or has been done
② do something in order to be certain that something else happens
more of adv.
[본문] [39]The number of exactly two litres isn't based on scientific fact, it's more of a ballpark figure - a number which is a guess, but which you still believe is approximately correct.
[영한] 오히려 …
<형용사> ① .에 가깝다, -인 편이다 ② …중에 많은
of course adv.
[본문] [13]of course, everyone needs to drink some water - over half the human body is made up of it.
[영한] ① (자기 말이 사실이거나 옳음을 강조하여) 물론 ② (상대방이 하려는 일을 정중히 허락하여) 그럼(요) ③ (상대방의 말에 정중히 동의하여) 그렇지요[그렇고 말고요] ④ (지금 하는 말이 놀랄 일이 아님을, 또는 일반적으로 알려져 있거나 받아들여지는 일임을 나타내어) 물론
[영영] ① used to emphasize that what you are saying is true or correct
② used as a polite way of giving somebody permission to do something
[유의어] naturally
once again adv.
[본문] [61]once again, our six minutes are up.
[영한] 한 번 더, 또 다시
pretty much adv.
[본문] [30]So, if you look at government recommendations around the world, they're pretty much all the same.
[영한] 거의[거의 완전히]
[영영] almost; just about
speaking of prep.
[본문] [16]And speaking of vocabulary, remember you can download all the new words and phrases from this programme, plus worksheet exercises to help you learn them, on our website,
[영한] …에 관해서 말한다면, …의 이야기라면
[영영] used to introduce a remark about a topic recently alluded to
take control of verb
[본문] [34]When you say an idea has taken grip on something, you mean it's taken control of it.
[영한] ~을 장악[지배]하다
[유의어] take grip
take grip verb
[본문] [29]So, I'm not sure how it was arrived at but it seems to be a number that has taken grip on a very large number of countries.
[영한] ~을 장악[지배]하다
[유의어] take control of
why not adv.
[본문] [62]why not join me now and head over to our website,, download the worksheet for this programme, and test yourself to see how much you remember?
[영한] (제안을 나타내어) …하는 게 어때[…하지 그래]/, (동의를 나타내어) 왜 아니겠어/[거 좋지.]
[영영] used to make a suggestion, or agree to a suggestion
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