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6 Minute English 영어단어공부 - Shocking facts about electricity [BBC Learning English 강좌]

6 Minute English 영어단어공부 - Shocking facts about electricity [BBC Learning English 강좌]

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When visiting another country and taking our electronic goods we may find ourselves checking plugs and voltage, looking for an adaptor and trying to avoid blowing a fuse. Neil and Georgina talk about how electrical systems differ from country to country and teach you related vocabulary along the way.

다른 국가를 방문하고 전자 제품을 구할 때 플러그와 전압을 확인하고 어댑터를 찾고 퓨즈를 날려 버리지 않으려 시도합니다 Neil과 Georgina는 전기 시스템이 국가마다 어떻게 다른지 이야기하고 관련 어휘를 가르칩니다.

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AC [명사] [레마] AC
[본문] Now, Georgina, what do you know about AC DC?
[영한] ⒨ ① 에어컨 ② 직류

alternate [동사] [★] [레마] alternate
[본문] I'm not talking rock music here, I'm talking electrical currents - alternating current - AC, and direct current - DC, the two ways in which electricity flows.
[영영] When you alternate two things, you keep using one then the other. When one thing alternates with another, the first regularly occurs after the other.
[영한] ⒨ ① (A와 B가 계속 하나씩) 번갈아 나오게 만들다 ② (사물들사람들이) (계속) 번갈아 (하나씩 섞여) 나오다 ③ 계속 A하다 B하다 하다[계속 A와 B 사이를 오가다]
[첫뜻] do by turns
[활용] alternated, alternated, alternating, alternates
[파생] alternate, alternation, alternatively, alternativeness, alternative
[어근]altern(alter); alter, 변경 ⑵ ate; 동사 어미
<명사> (임시) 대체 요원 <형용사> ① (두 가지 일것이) 번갈아 생기는[나오는] ② 하나 거르는 ③ (특히 美) 상호참조 alternative

anomaly [명사] [레마] anomaly
[본문] Maybe you have no comment, Keith, but I'm just saying… one of these anomalies that I seem to have found.
[영영] If something is an anomaly, it is different from what is usual or expected.
[영한] ⒨ 변칙, 이례
[첫뜻] unevenness; deviation from the common rule
[활용] 복수형; anomalies
[파생] anomalistic, anomalistically, anomaly
[어근]anomalo; abnormal ⑵ y; 명사 어미

attach [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2338] [★★] [레마] attach
[본문] To show that lightning was electricity, Franklin attached a metal key to a kite and flew it during a thunderstorm.
[영영] If you attach something to an object, you join it or fasten it to the object.
[영한] ⒨ ① 붙이다, 첨부하다 ② (~에) 중요성, 의미, 가치, 무게 등을 두다 ③ (달가워하지 않는 사람에게) 들러붙다 ④ 연관되다, 연관짓다, 부여하다
[첫뜻] to take or seize (property or goods) by law
[활용] attached, attached, attaching, attaches
[파생] attachable, attacher, attachment, attach
[어원] atachier(French), ad+tach; fasten; arrest

commonplace [명사] [★] [레마] commonplace
[본문] But with modern technology these anomalies are becoming less and less commonplace.
[영영] A commonplace is a remark or opinion that is often expressed and is therefore not original or interesting.
[영한] ⒨ ① 있는 일, 다반사 ② 진부한 말, 상투어
[활용] 복수형; commonplaces
[파생] commonplacely, commonplaceness, commonplace
[구성단어] common + place
<동사> ① 비망록[명문집]에 써 넣다[적어 두다], 비망록[명문집]에서 인용하다. ② 진부한 말을 하다. <형용사> 아주 흔한

complicated [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2775] [★★] [레마] complicate
[본문] Well, don't worry because in today's programme we'll be finding out some quirky facts about electricity - how it differs across the world and why some countries have more complicated electrical systems than others.
[영영] If you say that something is complicated, you mean it has so many parts or aspects that it is difficult to understand or deal with.
[영한] ⒨ 복잡한
[파생] complicatedly, complicatedness, complicated
[어근]com; together ⑵ plic; to fold ⑶ ate; 동사어미 ⑷ ed; 과거분사/형용사 어미
[유의어] complex, intricate(복잡하다)

continent [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 4061] [★★] [레마] continent
[본문] Standard frequency in the US is 60 hertz, actually I think in the US on the mainland US, main continent, there are three different synchronous areas.
[영영] A continent is a very large area of land, such as Africa or Asia, that consists of several countries.
[영한] ⒨ ① 대륙 ② (영국/아일랜드를 포함하지 않는) 유럽 대륙
[첫뜻] continuous tract of land
[활용] 복수형; continents
[파생] continence, continency, continent, Continental, continentally, continently
[어근]con(com); with, together ⑵ tin(ten); to hold ⑶ ent(ant); …하는 것(명사어미)
<형용사> ① 자제심 있는, 극기의 ② 성욕을 절제하는, 금욕의 ③ 배설 자제력이 있는

conversion [명사] [Ranking; 4717] [★★] [레마] convert
[본문] So, I'm not sure about the electric toothbrush but I know a lot of our power supplies for laptops and stuff are solid state, you know - they've got electronics in that do all the conversion for you, so basically it ends up with a DC supply into the machine itself.
[영영] Conversion is the act or process of changing something into a different state or form.
[영한] ⒨ ① 전환, 개조 ② 개종, 전향 ③ (럭비와 미식축구에서) 컨버트(트라이나 터치다운 후의 추가 득점) ④ (특히 주거용으로) 개조한 헛간/다락
[활용] 복수형; conversions
[파생] conversion, convert, convertive, converter
[어근]con(com); together ⑵ vers(verse); 돌다 ⑶ ion(ation); 명사 어미

convert [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2918] [★★] [레마] convert
[본문] Which means that to safely use a British electrical device in America, I need to convert the power supply.
[영영] If one thing is converted or converts into another, it is changed into a different form.
[영한] ⒨ ① (형태목적시스템 등을) 전환시키다[개조하다] ② (형태목적시스템 등이) 전환[개조]되다 ③ 개종하다, 전향하다 ④ (의견습관 등을) 바꾸다 ⑤ (럭비와 미식축구에서) 컨버트하다(트라이나 터치다운 후에 추가로 득점하다)
[첫뜻] a change or turn from one religion to another
[활용] converted, converted, converting, converts
[파생] conversion, convert, convertive, converter
[어근]con(com); together ⑵ vert(verse); 돌다
[유의어] realize, transform(변형시키다), realise
<명사> 개종자, 전향자

converter [명사] [레마] convert
[본문] Hmmm, I have noticed that when I travel to another country I need a converter plug to connect my laptop.
[영영] A converter is a device that changes something into a different form. → see also catalytic converter
[영한] ⒨ ① 전환시키는 사람[것], 컨버터 ② (물리) (전기) 변환기[전환 장치] ③ (물리) (무선) 변환기[전환 장치]
[파생] conversion, convert, convertive, converter
[어근]con(com); together ⑵ vert(verse); 돌다 ⑶ er; ~하는 사람(것) [구성단어] convert + er

cycle [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2240] [★★] [레마] cycle
[본문] In the case of electrical currents, frequency is the number of times an electrical wave repeats a positive-to-negative cycle.
[영한] ⒨ ① 자전거, 오토바이 ② 순환 ③ (기계 작동 등에서의) 회전[사이클]
[첫뜻] perpetual circulating period of time, on the completion of which certain phenomena return in the same order
[활용] 복수형; cycles
[파생] cyclic, cycling, cycle
[어근] cycle; 순환, 반복
<동사> ① 자전거를 타다, 자전거로 다니다 ② 순환하다, 돌다, 회귀(回歸)하다

DC [명사] [레마] DC
[본문] Now, Georgina, what do you know about AC DC?
[영한] ⒨ ① 직류 ② 디시(District of Columbia: 미국의 콜롬비아 특별구)

definitely [부사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2005] [★★] [레마] define
[본문] Well one person who definitely is a qualified electrician is BBC presenter Gareth Mitchell.
[영영] You use definitely to emphasize that something is the case, or to emphasize the strength of your intention or opinion.
[영한] ⒨ ① (강조의 의미로 쓰여) 분명히[틀림없이], 절대(로) ② 확실히, 분명히
[파생] define, definite, definitely, definiteness, definitude
[어근]de; completely ⑵ fin; to bound, limit ⑶ ite; 형용사어미 ⑷ ly; 부사어미
[유의어] expressly(분명하다)
<감탄사> 물론, 그럼

differ [동사] [Ranking; 3016] [★] [레마] differ
[본문] Well, don't worry because in today's programme we'll be finding out some quirky facts about electricity - how it differs across the world and why some countries have more complicated electrical systems than others.
[영영] If two or more things differ, they are unlike each other in some way.
[영한] ⒨ ① 다르다 ② 의견이 다르다, 동의하지 않다
[첫뜻] be unlike, dissimilar, distinct, or various
[활용] differed, differed, differing, differs
[파생] differ, difference, different, differently, differentness, differentiate
[어근]dif(dis); apart ⑵ fer; bring, carry
[유의어] vary

edition [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3181] [★★] [레마] edit
[본문] So you'll never miss another edition of 6 Minute English again!
[영영] An edition is a particular version of a book, magazine, or newspaper that is printed at one time.
[영한] ⒨ ① (출간된 책의 형태로 본) 판, (출간 횟수를 나타내는) 판 ② (시리즈 간행물/방송물의 특정) 호[회] ③ (한 번에 출간되는 모든 책/신문 등을 가리키는) 판
[첫뜻] version, translation, a form of a literary work
[활용] 복수형; editions
[파생] edit, editable, edition, editor
[어근]edit; bring forth, produce ⑵ ion(ation); 명사어미

electric [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2719] [★★] [레마] electric
[본문] I'm pretty sure when I go to the United States, my electric toothbrush doesn't charge up at 60 hertz - 110 volts, but my laptop still works.
[영한] ⒨ ① 전기의, 전기를[로] 이용하는[생산하는/생산되는] ② 열광(케)하는
[어근]electr; amber ⑵ ic; 형용사어미
[유의어] electrifying
<명사> (건물의) 전기 (장치[설비])

electrical [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3828] [★★] [레마] electric
[본문] I'm not talking rock music here, I'm talking electrical currents - alternating current - AC, and direct current - DC, the two ways in which electricity flows.
[영한] ⒨ 전기의, 전기를 이용하는[생산하는]
[첫뜻] giving off electricity when rubbed
[파생] electrically, electricalness, electrical
[어근]electr; amber ⑵ ical(ic); 형용사어미

electrician [명사] [레마] electrician
[본문] I'm not a qualified electrician myself, Neil, but I'll say c) Benjamin Franklin.
[영영] An electrician is a person whose job is to install and repair electrical equipment.
[영한] ⒨ 전기 기사[기술자]
[어근]electr; 전기 ⑵ ician(an); ~한 사람

electricity [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2743] [★★] [레마] electric
[본문] I'm not talking rock music here, I'm talking electrical currents - alternating current - AC, and direct current - DC, the two ways in which electricity flows.
[영영] Electricity is a form of energy that can be carried by wires and is used for heating and lighting, and to provide power for machines.
[영한] ⒨ ① 전기, 전력 ② 강렬한 감정[흥분], 열광
[활용] uncountable noun
[어근]electr; amber, 전기 ⑵ ic; 형용사어미 ⑶ ity; ~한 상태(명사어미)

electronics [명사] [Ranking; 4920] [★★] [레마] electron
[본문] So, I'm not sure about the electric toothbrush but I know a lot of our power supplies for laptops and stuff are solid state, you know - they've got electronics in that do all the conversion for you, so basically it ends up with a DC supply into the machine itself.
[영영] Electronics is the technology of using transistors and silicon chips, especially in devices such as radios, televisions, and computers.
[영한] ⒨ ① 전자 공학 ② 전자 기술 ③ 전자 장치
[활용] 복수형; electronicses
[어근]electr; amber, 전기 ⑵ on; 소립자, 원자 ⑶ ics; …학(學), 명사 어미

elsewhere [부사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2299] [★★] [레마] elsewhere
[본문] There are bigger differences elsewhere.
[영영] Elsewhere means in other places or to another place.
[영한] ⒨ (어딘가) 다른 곳에서[으로]
[구성단어] else + where

fortunately [부사] [Ranking; 4360] [★★] [레마] fortune
[본문] fortunately many modern devices use solid state electronics - non-moving semiconductors inside the machine which automatically convert the electrical current.
[영영] Fortunately is used to introduce or indicate a statement about an event or situation that is good.
[영한] ⒨ 다행스럽게도, 운 좋게도
[파생] fortunate, fortunately, fortune
[어근]fortun; 기회 ⑵ ate; 형용사 어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미
[유의어] Luckily, thankfully(다행스럽게도)
[반의어] unfortunately

frequency [명사] [Ranking; 3034] [★★] [레마] frequent
[본문] Electric toothbrushes which don't fully charge and differences between electrical frequencies are good examples of anomalies - things which are different from what is usual or expected.
[영영] The frequency of an event is the number of times it happens during a particular period.
[영한] ⒨ ① 빈도 ② 빈발, 잦음 ③ (소리/전자파 등의) 진동수[주파수/빈도] ④ (라디오의 전송) 주파수
[첫뜻] state of being crowded(obsolete); fact of occurring often
[활용] 복수형; frequencies
[파생] frequency, frequentable, frequentation, frequenter, frequently, frequentness, frequent
[어근]frequen(frequent); frequent ⑵ cy; 명사 어미

google [동사] [레마] google
[본문] c) Benjamin Franklin - and I already know I'm right because I googled it on my solid state laptop!
[영영] to search for (something on the internet) using a search engine
[영한] ⒨ 구글로 검색하다
[첫뜻] to search (something) on the Google search engine
[활용] googled googled googling googles
[어원] google(English), 구글

hertz [명사] [★] [레마] hertz
[본문] Standard frequency in the US is 60 hertz, actually I think in the US on the mainland US, main continent, there are three different synchronous areas.
[영영] symbol Hz the derived SI unit of frequency; the frequency of a periodic phenomenon that has a periodic time of 1 second; 1 cycle per second
[영한] ⒨ (약어:Hz) 헤르츠(진동수의 단위)
[첫뜻] unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second
[어원] Heinrich Hertz(German), 독일의 과학자

highway [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2606] [★★] [레마] highway
[본문] Well, their 1979 hit 'highway to Hell' stayed at No.1 for eleven weeks…
[영영] A highway is a main road, especially one that connects towns or cities.
[영한] ⒨ ① 고속도로 ② 공공 도로
[구성단어] high + way

input [명사] [Ranking; 4160] [★★] [레마] input
[본문] So there's a little converter in there and it's designed so it doesn't care what frequency the AC input is.
[영영] Input consists of information or resources that a group or project receives.
[영한] ⒨ ① (일사업 등을 성공시키기 위한) 조언[시간/지식 등](의 제공), 투입 ② (컴퓨터) 입력 ③ 입력 장치
[어원] in(English), not, opposite of [구성단어] in + put
<동사> 입력하다

invisible [명사] [Ranking; 3847] [★★] [레마] visible
[본문] No. It's an invisible, natural force at work in everything from lightning storms to the electrical sparks firing our brains.
[영한] ⒨ ① 눈에 보이지 않는 것[존재] ② 영계(靈界), [the I~] 신 ③ (경제) [pl.] 무역 외 수지
[활용] 복수형; invisibles
[파생] invisibility, invisibleness, invisibly, invisible
[어근]in; not ⑵ vis; to see ⑶ able; 형용사어미
<형용사> ① 보이지 않는, 볼 수 없는 ② (경제) 무형의(상품이 아니라 은행/관광업과 같은 서비스와 관련된)

kite [명사] [★] [레마] kite
[본문] To show that lightning was electricity, Franklin attached a metal key to a kite and flew it during a thunderstorm.
[영영] A kite is an object, usually used as a toy, which is flown in the air. It consists of a light frame covered with paper or cloth and has a long string attached which you hold while the kite is flying.
[영한] ⒨ ① 연 ② 솔개
[첫뜻] European bird of prey, inferior hawk
[활용] 복수형; kites
[파생] kiter, kite
[어원] Kauz(German), screech owl
<동사> 불법 수표를 사용하다, (수표를) 불법적으로 사용하다

laptop [명사] [레마] top
[본문] Hmmm, I have noticed that when I travel to another country I need a converter plug to connect my laptop.
[영영] A laptop or a laptop computer is a small portable computer.
[영한] ⒨ 휴대용[노트북] 컴퓨터
[활용] 복수형; laptops
[구성단어] lap + top

mainland [명사] [★] [레마] mainland
[본문] Standard frequency in the US is 60 hertz, actually I think in the US on the mainland US, main continent, there are three different synchronous areas.
[영영] You can refer to the largest part of a country or continent as the mainland when contrasting it with the islands around it.
[영한] ⒨ (한 나라의 영토 중 딸린 섬 등을 제외한) 본토
[활용] uncountable noun
[구성단어] main + land

naturally [부사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2820] [★★] [레마] nature
[본문] But although it happens naturally, one scientist was credited with discovering electricity.
[영한] ⒨ ① 물론, 당연히, 자연스럽게 ② 자연 발생적으로, 저절로 ③ (논리적 결과로) 자연히[당연히] ④ (능력/특질 등을) 선천적으로[천부적으로] ⑤ (꾸미지 않고) 자연스럽게
[파생] natural, naturalize, naturally, naturalness, nature
[어근]natur(nati); birth ⑵ al; 형용사어미 ⑶ ly; 부사어미
[유의어] of course

non-moving [형용사] [레마] non-moving
[본문] Fortunately many modern devices use solid state electronics - non-moving semiconductors inside the machine which automatically convert the electrical current.
[영한] ⒨ 고정된
[구성단어] non + moving

pickle [명사] [★] [레마] pickle
[본문] That's a bit of a pickle!
[영영] Pickles are vegetables or fruit, sometimes cut into pieces, which have been kept in vinegar or salt water for a long time so that they have a strong, sharp taste.
[영한] ⒨ ① 피클(채소를 식초소금물에 절인 것) ② 피클 소스(과일과 채소를 다진 것에 여러 양념을 넣어 불에 끓여 만든 걸쭉한 소스로 보통 병에 넣어 판매함) ③ [U, C] (美) 상호참조 gherkin
[첫뜻] pickle, brine
[활용] 복수형; pickles
[파생] pickler, pickle
[어원] pekel(Middle Dutch), pickle, brine
<동사> 피클을 만들다

plug [명사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [레마] plug
[본문] Hmmm, I have noticed that when I travel to another country I need a converter plug to connect my laptop.
[영영] A plug on a piece of electrical equipment is a small plastic object with two or three metal pins which fit into the holes of an electric socket and connects the equipment to the electricity supply.
[첫뜻] bung, stopper
[파생] plugger, plug
[어원] plugge(Middle Dutch), bung, stopper(마개)
[유의어] socket
[반의어] er

positive-to-negative [형용사] [레마] negative
[본문] In the case of electrical currents, frequency is the number of times an electrical wave repeats a positive-to-negative cycle.
[영한] ⒨ 양극에서 음극 방향의
[구성단어] positive + to + negative

presenter [명사] [레마] present
[본문] Well one person who definitely is a qualified electrician is BBC presenter Gareth Mitchell.
[영영] A radio or television presenter is a person who introduces the items in a particular programme. in AM, usually use host, anchor
[영한] ⒨ ① (라디오/텔레비전 프로 각 부분의) 진행자[사회자] ② (특정 주제에 대한) 발표자 ③ (시상식에서) 시상하는 사람
[첫뜻] one who presents"
[활용] 복수형; presenters
[어근]pre; before ⑵ ess(esse); to be ⑶ ent(ant); 형용사어미 ⑷ er; ~하는 사람(명사어미) [구성단어] present + er

properly [부사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2902] [★★] [레마] proper
[본문] Different frequencies may mean your electrical devices like your laptop, phone and toothbrush won't properly charge up - get the power to function, in other countries.
[영영] If something is done properly, it is done in a correct and satisfactory way.
[영한] ⒨ ① 제대로, 적절히 ② (사회적/도덕적으로) 올바로[제대로/예의 바르게] ③ 실은, 사실
[파생] properly, properness, propriety, proper
[어근]proper(propri); one’s own ⑵ ly; 부사어미
[반의어] improperly(올바로)

qualify [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3075] [★★] [레마] qualify
[본문] I'm not a qualified electrician myself, Neil, but I'll say c) Benjamin Franklin.
[영영] When someone qualifies, they pass the examinations that they need to be able to work in a particular profession.
[영한] ⒨ ① (필요한 교육/시험 등을 거쳐) 자격[자격증]을 얻다[취득하다] ② (어떤 일을 하는 데 필요한 기술/지식 등의) 자격을 주다 ③ (…할) 자격[권리]이 있다, 자격[권리]을 주다 ④ (대회에) 출전할 자격이 있다, 예선을 통과하다 ⑤ (질적으로 …이 될[되기에]) 자격을 주다[적합하게 하다]
[첫뜻] to invest with a quality
[활용] qualified, qualified, qualifying, qualifies
[파생] qualifiable, qualification, qualificatory, qualify, qualitative, quality, qualityless
[어근]quali(qual); quality ⑵ fy(fac); make

quirky [형용사] [레마] quirky
[본문] Well, don't worry because in today's programme we'll be finding out some quirky facts about electricity - how it differs across the world and why some countries have more complicated electrical systems than others.
[영영] Something or someone that is quirky is rather odd or unpredictable in their appearance, character, or behaviour.
[영한] ⒨ 꾀바른, 변덕스러운
[파생] quirkily, quirkiness, quirkish, quirky, quirk
[어근]quirk; quirk, 변덕 ⑵ y; 형용사 어미

related [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3422] [★★] [레마] relate
[본문] See you soon at BBC Learning English for more interesting topics and related vocabulary.
[영영] ① If two or more things are related, there is a connection between them.
② People who are related belong to the same family.
③ If you say that different types of things, such as languages, are related, you mean that they developed from the same language.
[영한] ⒨ ① (…에) 관련된 ② 친척의 ③ (생물/언어 등이) 동족[동류]의
[파생] relatable, relate, relatedness, relater, relation, relative, related
[어근]relate(relat); bring back, bear back ⑵ d(ed); 과거분사 어미
[반의어] unrelated(동족이다), unrelated(혈연관계가 아니다)

semiconductor [명사] [레마] conduct
[본문] For example, computer companies have started making laptops with solid state electronics - electronics using semiconductors which have no moving parts and can automatically convert different electrical currents.
[영영] A semiconductor is a substance used in electronics whose ability to conduct electricity increases with greater heat.
[영한] ⒨ ① 반도체 ② 반도체를 이용한 장치
[활용] 복수형; semiconductors
[파생] semiconducting, semiconduction, semiconductor
[구성단어] semi + conductor

shock [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2318] [★★] [레마] shock
[본문] The key conducted electricity and gave him a shock!
[영영] If you have a shock, something suddenly happens which is unpleasant, upsetting, or very surprising.
[영한] ⒨ ① (심리적) 충격, 충격적인 일 ② (의학적인) 쇼크 ③ (폭발지진 등으로 인한) 충격 ④ [C] 상호참조 electric shock ⑤ (숱이 많고) 부스스한 머리털
[첫뜻] ① violent encounter of armed forces or a pair of warriors ② bundle of grain ③ thick mass of hair
[활용] 복수형; shocks
[파생] shockability, shockable, shock
<동사> ① 충격을 주다, 깜짝 놀라게 하다, 경악하게 하다 ② (욕설비도덕적인 행위 등으로) 충격[불쾌감/혐오감]을 주다

solid [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2027] [★★] [레마] solid
[본문] So, I'm not sure about the electric toothbrush but I know a lot of our power supplies for laptops and stuff are solid state, you know - they've got electronics in that do all the conversion for you, so basically it ends up with a DC supply into the machine itself.
[영영] A solid is a substance that stays the same shape whether it is in a container or not.
[영한] ⒨ ① 고체, 고형물 ② (기하) 입체
[활용] 복수형; solids
[파생] solidarity, solidify, solidity, solidly, solidness, solid
[어근] solid; firm, whole
<형용사> ① 단단한, 고체의, 고형의 ② 견고한, 속이 꽉 찬, (속이) 빈 데가 없는 ③ (잘 만들어져) 튼튼한

spark [명사] [Ranking; 4860] [★★] [레마] spark
[본문] No. It's an invisible, natural force at work in everything from lightning storms to the electrical sparks firing our brains.
[영영] A spark is a tiny bright piece of burning material that flies up from something that is burning.
[영한] ⒨ ① 불꽃, 불똥 ② (전류의) 스파크, (내연기관의) 발화 장치 ③ (특정한 특질감정의) 아주 조금[희미한 흔적] ④ (재기열정 등의) 번뜩임 ⑤ (특히 문제폭력 등의) 기폭제
[첫뜻] glowing or fiery particle thrown off
[활용] 복수형; sparks
[파생] sparkish, sparkless, sparklike, spark
[어원] spearca(Old English), glowing or fiery particle thrown off
[유의어] glimmer
<동사> ① (off) 촉발시키다, 유발하다 ② 불꽃[불똥]을 일으키다

sparky [형용사] [레마] spark
[본문] So when BBC Radio 4's 'Science Stories' sent him to meet electricity expert Keith Bell, the conversation was, shall we say, sparky.
[영영] Sparky people or events are lively and entertaining.
[영한] ⒨ 생기발랄한, 재기 넘치는
[활용] 비교; sparky < sparkier < sparkiest
[어근]spark; spark ⑵ y; 형용사 어미

synchronous [형용사] [레마] synchronous
[본문] Standard frequency in the US is 60 hertz, actually I think in the US on the mainland US, main continent, there are three different synchronous areas.
[영영] occurring at the same time; contemporaneous
[영한] ⒨ 동시 발생[존재]하는
[첫뜻] existing or happening at the same time
[파생] synchronously, synchronousness, synchronous
[어근]syn; together ⑵ chron; 시간 ⑶ ous; 형용사 어미

thunderstorm [명사] [레마] storm
[본문] To show that lightning was electricity, Franklin attached a metal key to a kite and flew it during a thunderstorm.
[영영] A thunderstorm is a storm in which there is thunder and lightning and a lot of heavy rain.
[영한] ⒨ 뇌우(雷雨)
[어원] thunder(English) [구성단어] thunder + storm

toothbrush [명사] [★] [레마] brush
[본문] I'm pretty sure when I go to the United States, my electric toothbrush doesn't charge up at 60 hertz - 110 volts, but my laptop still works.
[영영] A toothbrush is a small brush that you use for cleaning your teeth.
[영한] ⒨ 칫솔
[활용] 복수형; toothbrushes
[구성단어] tooth + brush

unexpected [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3602] [★★] [레마] expect
[본문] Today we've been talking about anomalies - or unexpected differences in electrical currents between countries.
[영영] If an event or someone's behaviour is unexpected, it surprises you because you did not think that it was likely to happen.
[영한] ⒨ 예기치 않은, 예상 밖의, 뜻밖의
[파생] unexpectedly, unexpectedness, unexpected
[어근]un; not ⑵ e(ex); out, thoroughly ⑶ xpect(spec); 보다 ⑷ ed; 과거분사 어미

volt [명사] [★] [레마] volt
[본문] I'm pretty sure when I go to the United States, my electric toothbrush doesn't charge up at 60 hertz - 110 volts, but my laptop still works.
[영영] A volt is a unit used to measure the force of an electric current.
[영한] ⒨ (약어:V) 볼트
[활용] 복수형; volts
[어원] Volta(Italian), 이탈리아 과학자




6 Minute English 영어단어공부 - Shocking facts about electricity [BBC Learning English 강좌]

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