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What and where is Little Italy? 6 Minute English 영어단어공부 [BBC Learning English 강좌]





BBC 영어공부 6 Minute English - 단어공부 (softca.tistory.com)

How did Italian food become famous throughout the world? Neil and Georgie discuss this and teach you some useful vocabulary.

어떻게 이탈리아 음식이 세계 여러 곳에서 잘 알려지게 되었을까요? 닐과 죠지가 이것을 상의합니다. 그리고 당신에게 몇몇의 유용한 어휘를 가르칩니다.

이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.

alongside prep. ★★★[2779] [레마] along 〈 long
[본문] [34]1925… when my grandmother, Concetta, and my grandfather, Luigi, got married, they open their own shop… it's the shop we continue today being the fourth generation working alongside my sister, Maria, my brother, Sal, and our children, the fifth generation.
[영영] If one thing is alongside another thing, the first thing is next to the second.
[영한] ① …옆에, 나란히 ② …와 함께, …와 동시에
<부사> ① 옆으로 대고, 뱃전 옆에(along or by the side) , 곁에 ② (…과) 나란히
[구성단어] along + side
[어근]a(ond); against ⑵ long; 길다, long ⑶ side; 옆면, side
[어원] 《고대 영어 andlang[and-+lang] entire, continuous; extended

arrival noun ★★★[2617] [레마] arrive 〈 river
[본문] [9]These Italian arrivals opened shops and cafes selling food to their own communities.
[영영] When a person or vehicle arrives at a place, you can refer to their arrival.
[영한] ① 도착 반의어 departure ② 도착한 사람[것] ③ 도래, 도입
[굴절형] 복수형; arrivals
[반의어] departure
[구성단어] arrive + al
[어근]ar(ad); 향하여, to ⑵ riv; 해안, 강변, brook ⑶ al; 접미사
[어원] 《라틴어 ad ripamto the shore
[파생] arrival, arrive, arriver

cafe noun ★★[3419] [레마] cafe 〈 coffee
[본문] [6]But what if my walk went passed cafes selling mozzarella and ricotta where I smelled freshly made cannolis and focaccia… Where would I be then?
[영영] A cafe is a place where you can buy drinks, simple meals, and snacks, but, in Britain, not usually alcoholic drinks.
[영한] ① 카페 ② (남아프리카공화국 영어) (사탕/신문/간단한 먹을 것 등을 파는) 작은 가게
[굴절형] 복수형; cafes
[어근] cafe(coffee); 커피, coffee
[어원] 《프랑스말 cafecoffee, coffeehouse
[최초 의미] coffee-house, restaurant



centre noun ★★★[2385] [레마] center
[본문] [22]He was born in the centre of Genoa and arrived here in 1898 at the age of seven and a half, and this pizzeria where we are was founded on March 28, 1972.
[영영] A centre is a building where people have meetings, take part in a particular activity, or get help of some kind.
[영한] ① 중심, 중앙, 가운데 ② 도심지, 중심가 ③ (문화사업 등의) 중심지 ④ 센터 ⑤ (특정 활동의) 뛰어난 중심지 ⑥ (관심의) 중심[초점] ⑦ [형용사에서] … 중심의 참조 self-centred ⑧ 중도파 ⑨ [C] 상호참조 centre forward
[굴절형] 복수형; centres
<동사> 중앙에 놓다
[어근] centre(center); 중심
[BRIT] 미국영어 ☞ center
[어원] 《그리스어 kentron날카로운 포인트, 막대기, 말벌의 가시
[최초 의미] middle point of a circle; point round which something revolves

chickpea noun[10000+] [레마] chickpea
[본문] [25]Well, our culinary tradition is pizza, and we incorporated the faina from Genoa, which is a pizza with chickpea flour…
[영한] 병아리콩
[어근]chick; 병아리콩, pea, chickpea ⑵ pea; 완두콩, pea
[어원] 《라틴어 cicerpea

cross verb △[8244] [레마] cross 〈 cruise
[본문] [41]That's why Lou calls Little Italy a stepping stone, an experience that helps you achieve something else, like a real stepping stone helps you cross a river.
[영영] ① If you cross something such as a room, a road, or an area of land or water, you move or travel to the other side of it. If you cross to a place, you move or travel over a room, road, or area of land or water in order to reach that place.
② A road, railway, or bridge that crosses an area of land or water passes over it.
③ Lines or roads that cross meet and go across each other.
[영한] ① (가로질러) 건너다, 가로지르다, 횡단하다 ② (서로) 교차하다[엇갈리다] ③ 서로 겹치게[걸치게] 놓다 ④ (사람의 계획바람 등에) 반대하다[거스르다] ⑤ A와 B를 이종 교배하다 ⑥ (축구 등에서) 크로스로 차다 ⑦ (무엇 위에) 줄을 긋다 ⑧ (가슴에) 성호[십자가]를 긋다
[굴절형] crossed, crossed, crossing, crosses
[유의어] go over(건너다), span
<명사> ① 표, + 기호, 십자 ② 십자가 ③ 예수가 못 박혀 죽은 십자가 <형용사> 짜증난, 약간 화가 난
[어근] cross(cruise); 가로지르다
[어원] 《라틴어 cruxcrucem의 대격(對格); crucis의 소유격; 말뚝, 십자 기호
[최초 의미] make the sign of a cross as an act of devotion
[파생] crossability, crossable, crosser, crossly, crossness, crosswise, cross

culinary adj. △[9795] [레마] culinary
[본문] [24]So what culinary traditions did they bring with them?
[영영] Culinary means concerned with cooking.
[영한] 요리[음식]의
[어근]culin(coc); 요리하다, cook ⑵ ary; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 culinacoquere의 변형; 부엌, 조리용 난로, 식품
[최초 의미] of the kitchen;
[파생] culinarily, culinary

diner noun △[10000+] [레마] dine
[본문] [13]According to a recent YouGov poll, which Italian food is most popular with British diners?
[영영] A diner is a small cheap restaurant that is open all day.
[영한] ① (특히 식당에서) 식사하는 사람[손님] ② (보통 음식 값이 싼) 작은 식당
[굴절형] 복수형; diners
[구성단어] dine + er
[어근]din(dine); 식사, dine ⑵ er; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 disjejunare[dis+jejunare] to break one's fast



elsewhere adv. ★★★★[1824] [레마] where
[본문] [40]After arriving in New York, many Italian immigrants moved on to start successful new lives elsewhere.
[영영] Elsewhere means in other places or to another place.
[영한] (어딘가) 다른 곳에서[으로]
[구성단어] else + where
[어근]else; else ⑵ where; where
[어원] 《라틴어 cur

exact adj. ★★★[2752] [레마] exact 〈 act
[본문] [8]Yes, Italy, or 'Little Italy' to be exact - the neighbourhood in some cities where Italian communities settled and made their home.
[영영] Exact means correct in every detail. For example, an exact copy is the same in every detail as the thing it is copied from.
[영한] ① 정확한, 정밀한 ② (사람들이) 꼼꼼한, 빈틈없는 ③ (과학이) 정밀한
[유의어] precise, meticulous
[반의어] approximate
<동사> ① 요구하다, 받아 내다 ② (남에게 나쁜 일을) 가하다[일으키다]
[어근]ex; 밖으로 ⑵ act(ag); 행위
[어원] 《라틴어 agere이끌다, 가다, 움직이게 맞춰 놓다, 몰고 가다, 앞으로 몰고 가다, (뭔가) 하다, 수행하다, 행동을 선동하다, 움직이도록 놔 두다
[최초 의미] precise, rigorous, accurate
[파생] exact, exactable, exacter, exaction, exactitude, exactness, exactor, exactly

expand verb ★★★★[1845] [레마] expand 〈 pand(확산)
[본문] [35]Our business has expanded; expanded to represent the full food culture of the 20 regions of Italy.
[영한] ① 확대[확장/팽창]되다, 확대[확장/팽창]시키다 ② (사업이[을]) 확장되다[시키다] ③ 말을 덧붙이다[더 상세히 하다]
[굴절형] expanded, expanded, expanding, expands
[반의어] contract
[어근]ex; out ⑵ pand; 확장, spread, stretch
[어원] 《라틴어 pandere늘이다[당기다], (몸을) 뻗다
[파생] expand, expandability, expandable, expanse, expansion, expansive, expansively, expansiveness

flour noun ★★★[2972] [레마] flower 〈 flora
[본문] [25]Well, our culinary tradition is pizza, and we incorporated the faina from Genoa, which is a pizza with chickpea flour
[영영] Flour is a white or brown powder that is made by grinding grain. It is used to make bread, cakes, and pastry.
[영한] (곡물의) 가루, 밀가루
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
<동사> 밀가루를 바르다[씌우다]
[어근] flour(flora); 꽃, flower
[최초 의미] finer portion of ground grain
[파생] flourless, floury, flour

focaccia noun[10000+] [레마] focaccia
[본문] [6]But what if my walk went passed cafes selling mozzarella and ricotta where I smelled freshly made cannolis and focaccia… Where would I be then?
[영한] 포카치아
[어근] focaccia; 포카치아

freshly adv. ★★[3918] [레마] fresh
[본문] [6]But what if my walk went passed cafes selling mozzarella and ricotta where I smelled freshly made cannolis and focaccia… Where would I be then?
[영영] If something is freshly made or done, it has been recently made or done.
[영한] (보통 뒤에 과거분사가 따라 나와) 갓[막] …한
[구성단어] fresh + ly
[어근]fresh; 신선한, fresh ⑵ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 ferscnot salt, unsalted
[파생] freshen, freshly, freshness, fresh



garlic noun ★★★[2741] [레마] garlic
[본문] [15]a) pizza b) lasagne or c) garlic bread?
[영영] Garlic is the small, white, round bulb of a plant that is related to the onion plant. Garlic has a very strong smell and taste and is used in cooking.
[영한] 마늘
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
<형용사> ① 마늘로 조리한 ② 마늘의
[어근]gar; spear ⑵ lic(leek); 부추, 마늘, leek
[어원] 《고대 영어 garleac[gar("spear")+leac("leek")] garlic
[최초 의미] onion like bulbous plant allied to the leek, known to the ancients and much used in cookery

gradually adv. ★★★★[1834] [레마] grade
[본문] [10]Soon dishes like spaghetti and meatballs attracted the attention of local people, and gradually Italian food became famous around the world.
[영영] If something changes or is done gradually, it changes or is done in small stages over a long period of time, rather than suddenly.
[영한] 서서히
[어근]gradu(gress); 나아가다, step ⑵ al; 형용사 어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 gradi[gressus의 과거문사] (걸어서) 움직이다, 걷다
[파생] gradually, gradualness, gradual

grandfather noun ★★★[2996] [레마] father
[본문] [21]Well, my grandfather came from Italy, from Genoa, from Liguria.
[영영] Your grandfather is the father of your father or mother.
[영한] 할아버지, 외할아버지
[구성단어] grand + father
[어근]grand; 광대한, grand ⑵ father; 아버지, father
[어원] 《고대 영어 fæderhe who begets a child, nearest male ancestor

grandmother noun ★★★★[1899] [레마] mother
[본문] [34]1925… when my grandmother, Concetta, and my grandfather, Luigi, got married, they open their own shop… it's the shop we continue today being the fourth generation working alongside my sister, Maria, my brother, Sal, and our children, the fifth generation.
[영영] Your grandmother is the mother of your father or mother.
[영한] 할머니, 외할머니
[굴절형] 복수형; grandmothers
[구성단어] grand + mother
[어근]grand; 광대한, grand ⑵ mother; 어머니, mother
[어원] 《고대 영어 modor어머니

grandson noun ★★[4302] [레마] son
[본문] [20]Here, Hugo Banchero, grandson of Giuseppe, tells his story to Veronica Smink, reporter for BBC World Service programme, The Food Chain:
[영영] Someone's grandson is the son of their son or daughter.
[영한] 손자, 외손자
[구성단어] grand + son
[어근]grand; 광대한, grand ⑵ son; 아들, son
[어원] 《고대 영어 sunuson, descendant



immigrant noun ★★★★[1937] [레마] migr
[본문] [19]In 1898, Giuseppe Banchero arrived in the neighbourhood of La Boca, the Little Italy of Buenos Aires, where many Italian immigrants started restaurants.
[영영] An immigrant is a person who has come to live in a country from some other country. Compare emigrant.
[영한] (다른 나라로 온) 이민자[이주민]
[굴절형] 복수형; immigrants
<형용사> 이주해 오는, 이주자의, 이민에 관한
[어근]im(in); in ⑵ migr; 이동, go, remove ⑶ ant; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 migrare이동하다
[파생] immigrate, immigration, immigrator, immigratory, immigrant

immigrate verb △[10000+] [레마] migr
[본문] [39]Phrases like fourth or fifth generation describe the children of people whose parents immigrated to a particular country.
[영영] If someone immigrates to a particular country, they come to live or work in that country, after leaving the country where they were born.
[영한] (to…) (from…) (다른 나라로) 이주해[이민을] 오다
[굴절형] immigrated, immigrated, immigrating, immigrates
[구성단어] in + migrate
[어근]im(in); into ⑵ migr; 이동, move ⑶ ate; 동사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 migrare이동하다
[파생] immigrate, immigration, immigrational, immigrator, immigratory, immigrant

incorporate verb ★★★[3184] [레마] corporate 〈 corp(몸)
[본문] [25]Well, our culinary tradition is pizza, and we incorporated the faina from Genoa, which is a pizza with chickpea flour…
[영영] If one thing incorporates another thing, it includes the other thing.
[영한] ① (일부로) 포함하다 ② (상업) (법인체를) 설립[창립]하다
[굴절형] incorporated, incorporated, incorporating, incorporates
[반의어] disincorporate(해체하다)
<형용사> 무형(無形)의, 영적(靈的)인
[구성단어] in + corporate
[어근]in; 안(內), in ⑵ corpor(corp); 육체, body ⑶ ate; 동사/형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 corpus(소유격은 corporis) 신체
[최초 의미] to put (something) into the body or substance of (something else), blend; absorb, eat,
[파생] incorporation, incorporative, incorporate

lasagne noun △[10000+] [레마] lasagne
[본문] [15]a) pizza b) lasagne or c) garlic bread?
[영영] Lasagne is a food dish that consists of layers of pasta, sauce, and a filling such as meat or cheese, baked in an oven.
[영한] ① 라자냐(납작하고 큰 파스타) ② 라자냐 요리(여러 장의 라자냐와 다진 고기, 야채를 넣어 화이트소스로 요리한 것)
[굴절형] 복수형; lasagnes
[어근] lasagne;

mainstream adj. ★★★[2387] [레마] stream
[본문] [37]This is where many of the Italians first came through Ellis Island, and then settled here, and then eventually moved into mainstream America throughout the rest of the country.
[영한] 주류의, 정통파의
<명사> (사상견해 등의) 주류[대세] <동사> ① (특정한 사상견해를) 주류에 편입시키다 ② (정신적신체적) 장애아를 일반 학교에 합류시키다
[구성단어] main + stream
[어근]main; 가장 큰, main ⑵ stream; 개울, stream
[어원] 《고대 영어 streama course of water



March noun ★★★[3067] [레마] March 〈 Mars
[본문] [22]He was born in the centre of Genoa and arrived here in 1898 at the age of seven and a half, and this pizzeria where we are was founded on March 28, 1972.
[영영] March is the third month of the year in the Western calendar.
[영한] 3월
[굴절형] 복수형; Marches
[어근] March(Mars); 화성, 3월, Mars
[어원] 《라틴어 Martius[from Mars] sacred to the god Mars; pertaining to the planet Mars, (month) of Mars

meatball noun △[10000+] [레마] meat
[본문] [10]Soon dishes like spaghetti and meatballs attracted the attention of local people, and gradually Italian food became famous around the world.
[영영] Meatballs are small balls of chopped meat. They are usually eaten with a sauce.
[영한] 고기 완자, 미트볼
[굴절형] 복수형; meatballs
[구성단어] meat + ball
[어근]meat; 고기, meat ⑵ ball; 공, ball
[어원] 《고대 영어 mete[from Proto-Germanic *mati] food, nourishment, sustenance; item of food; animal food, fodder; (also) a meal, repast

mozzarella noun[10000+] [레마] mozzarella
[본문] [6]But what if my walk went passed cafes selling mozzarella and ricotta where I smelled freshly made cannolis and focaccia… Where would I be then?
[영한] 모차렐라
[어근]mozza; 조각, slice ⑵ rella(el); 지소 어미
[어원] 《이태리말 mozzaslice, slice of cheese

neighbourhood noun △[10000+] [레마] neighbor 〈 near(가까이)
[본문] [8]Yes, Italy, or 'Little Italy' to be exact - the neighbourhood in some cities where Italian communities settled and made their home.
[영영] A neighbourhood is one of the parts of a town where people live.
[영한] ① (도시의) 지역[구역], 이웃 사람들 ② 인근, 근처
[유의어] vicinity
[구성단어] neighbour + hood
[어근]nei(near); 가까운, near, sufficient ⑵ ghbour(gebur); 거주자, dweller, inhabitant ⑶ hood; 상태, 성질, 집단
[BRIT] 미국영어 ☞ neighborhood
[어원] 《고대 영어 neahgebur[neah+gebour] one who dwells nearby

newcomer noun △[10000+] [레마] come
[본문] [42]As a result, Italian newcomers became accepted in mainstream America, mainstream meaning the culture and customs viewed as 'normal' by most Americans.
[영영] A newcomer is a person who has recently arrived in a place, joined an organization, or started a new activity.
[영한] 신입자, 신참자
[구성단어] new + come + er
[어근]new; 새로운, new ⑵ com(come); 오다, come ⑶ er; 명사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 cuman도달할 목표로 움직이다. 어떤 지점에 도착하기 위해 움직이다, 이동 또는 전진에 의해 도달하다, 움직이다, 볼 수 있는 곳으로 이동하다, 나타나다, 인식할 수 있게 되다; 스스로 오다, 회복하다, 도달하다, 모으다[조립하다]



ninety noun ★★★[2951] [레마] nine
[본문] [31]ninety percent of Italian immigrants who arrived in the US at the turn of the century came through this neighbourhood.
[영한] ① 아흔, 구십, 90 ② 90대(90~99), 90년대
[굴절형] 복수형; nineties
[구성단어] nine + ty
[어근]nine; 아홉, nine ⑵ ty(ity); 명사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 nigennine

owe verb ★★★[2748] [레마] owe
[본문] [43]It seems we owe a lot to Little Italy.
[영영] You use owing to when you are introducing the reason for something.
[영한] ① (돈을) 빚지고 있다 ② 신세를 지고 있다, (특히 남의 은혜를 입었으므로) …해야 하다[한다고 생각하다] ③ (의 존재/성공)은 ~ 덕분이다, ~을 ~에게 빚지다[신세지다] ④ (~에게) 충성해야/충성해야/복종해야 하다
[굴절형] owed, owed, owing, owes
[어근] owe; owe
[어원] 《고대 영어 agan[from earlier ongean, a-+gan] (past tense ahte) to won, possess, have
[최초 의미] to have, own,

palace noun ★★★[3089] [레마] palace
[본문] [5]If I told you I'd been for a walk to see Big Ben and Buckingham palace, you'd know straight away I was in London.
[영영] A palace is a very large impressive house, especially one which is the official home of a king, queen, or president.
[영한] ① 궁전 ② (특히 영국의) 왕실 ③ 대궐 같은 집, 대저택 ④ 팰리스(호텔/극장 같은 대규모 공공건물)
[굴절형] 복수형; palaces
[어근] palace; 궁전, palace
[어원] 《라틴어 palatium[from Mons Palatinus] the Palatine hill
[최초 의미] official residence of an emperor, king, queen, archbishop, etc.,
[파생] palatial, palace

percent noun ★★[3360] [레마] percent 〈 cent
[본문] [31]Ninety percent of Italian immigrants who arrived in the US at the turn of the century came through this neighbourhood.
[영영] You use per cent to talk about amounts. For example, if an amount is 10 per cent (10%) of a larger amount, it is equal to 10 hundredths of the larger amount.
[영한] ① 퍼센트, 백분 ② 백분율, 비율 ③ (몇 ,) 이율의 공채[채권]
[굴절형] 복수형 명사
[어근]per; by ⑵ cent; 백(100)
[어원] 《라틴어 per centumby the hundred

pizza noun ★★[3523] [레마] pizza
[본문] [15]a) pizza b) lasagne or c) garlic bread?
[영영] A pizza is a flat, round piece of dough covered with tomatoes, cheese, and other savoury food, and then baked in an oven.
[영한] 피자
[굴절형] 복수형; pizzas
[어근] pizza; 피자, pizza
[어원] 《이태리말 pizzacake, tart, pie
[최초 의미] pizza

pizzeria noun[10000+] [레마] pizzeria
[본문] [22]He was born in the centre of Genoa and arrived here in 1898 at the age of seven and a half, and this pizzeria where we are was founded on March 28, 1972.
[영한] 피자 전문점
[어근]pizz(pizza); 피자, pizza ⑵ eria(teria); 장소, 짓하는 곳, place



poll noun △[8246] [레마] poll
[본문] [13]According to a recent YouGov poll, which Italian food is most popular with British diners?
[영영] A poll is a survey in which people are asked their opinions about something, usually in order to find out how popular something is or what people intend to do in the future.
[영한] ① 여론 조사 ② ] 투표, 개표 ③ 투표수, 득표수
[굴절형] 복수형; polls
[유의어] survey, ballot, opinion poll
<동사> ① 득표하다 ② 여론 조사를 하다 <형용사> 뿔이 없는
[어근] poll; 득표, poll
[어원] 《중세 네덜란드말 polhead, top.
[최초 의미] hair of the head; piece of fur from the head of an animal

regional adj. △[8603] [레마] region
[본문] [28]Giuseppe brought the culinary traditions from his home in Liguria in northern Italy, including regional pizzas like faina and fugazzetta.
[영한] 지방[지역]의
<명사> ① 지역 대회. ② 지방 회사, 지점. ③ 지방적인 것, (잡지 따위의) 지방판.
[구성단어] region + al
[어근]reg(rect); 바른,rule ⑵ ion; 명사 어미 ⑶ al; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 regio[noun of state from past-participle stem of regere] a district, portion of a country, territory, district; a direction, line; boundary line, limit
[파생] regional, regionality, regionally, region

ricotta noun △[10000+] [레마] ricotta
[본문] [6]But what if my walk went passed cafes selling mozzarella and ricotta where I smelled freshly made cannolis and focaccia… Where would I be then?
[영한] 리코타
[어근]ri(re); 다시, 반대로, again ⑵ cotta(coc); 요리하다, cook

spaghetti noun △[10000+] [레마] spaghetti
[본문] [10]Soon dishes like spaghetti and meatballs attracted the attention of local people, and gradually Italian food became famous around the world.
[영한] (U) 스파게티
[어근]spagh(spago); 끈, 줄, string ⑵ etti(et); 지소 어미
[어원] 《이태리말 spaghetti[plural of spaghetto]

well-known adj. ★★[3366] [레마] know
[본문] [30]But probably the best-known Little Italy in the world is an area of Manhattan's Lower East side in New York.
[영영] A well-known person or thing is known about by a lot of people and is therefore famous or familiar. If someone is well-known for a particular activity, a lot of people know about them because of their involvement with that activity.
[영한] ① 유명한, 주지의, 잘 알려진. ② 친한, 친숙한
[유의어] famous(유명하다)
[구성단어] well + known
[어원] 《고대 영어 cnawan다른 것과 동일하다고 사물을 인지하다, 구별할 수 있다

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