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6 Minute English

6 Minute English 영어단어공부 - Are artistic brains different? [BBC Learning English 강좌]


Does the brain of people with artistic abilities work differently from those who can't paint, draw or play any instrument? Sam and Neil talk about Mozart and teach you related vocabulary.


예술적인 능력을 가진 사람들의 뇌가 [그림을 그리거나, (또는) 약기를 연주할 수 없는] 사람들과 다르게 작동합니까? 샘과 닐은 모짜르트에 대하여 말합니다. 그리고 당신에게 관련된 어휘를 가르칩니다.

이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.

artistic [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3281] [★★] [레마] art
[본문] [5]Would you say you're artistic, Sam?
[영영] Someone who is artistic is good at drawing or painting, or arranging things in a beautiful way.
[영한] ① 예술의 ② 예술적 감각이 있는, 그림에 소질이 있는 ③ 예술적인, 아름다운
[파생] art, artful, artist, artistic, artistically, artistry
[구성단어] art + istic
[어원] [Latin] ars [nominative of artem, genitive artis, akin to Latin arma] art
[어근]art; art, skill ⑵ ist; 명사 어미 ⑶ ic; 형용사 어미

behave [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3694] [★★] [레마] behave < have
[본문] [16]I'm not sure, Sam, but it's true that many artists behave differently, often in very strange ways.
[영영] The way that you behave is the way that you do and say things, and the things that you do and say.
[영한] ① (특정한 방식으로) 처신[행동]하다 ② 예의 바르게 행동하다 ③ -behaved [형용사에서] 행동[행실]이 …한 ④ (원래 지닌 성질에 따라) 행동[반응]을 보이다
[첫뜻] conduct or comport
[활용] behaved, behaved, behaving, behaves
[파생] behavior, behavioral, behavioural, behave
[유의어] act
[반의어] misbehave, misbehave(못된 짓을 하다)
[어원] [Old English] behabban to contain
[어근]be; 과도함, by, about ⑵ have; 소유, own, possess

bike [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2182] [★★] [레마] bicycle < cycl
[본문] [44]So, there are some things that are trainable, it's like a bike.
[영영] A bike is a bicycle or a motorcycle.
[영한] ① 자전거 ② 오토바이
[파생] bike, biker
<동사> ① 자전거[오토바이]로 가다 ② 퀵 서비스로 보내다
[어원] [Latin] bi twice





colourful [형용사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [레마] color
[본문] [40]Mike is a self-taught painter who creates large, colourful pictures in his studio.
[영영] ① Something that is colourful has bright colours or a lot of different colours.
② A colourful story is full of exciting details.
③ A colourful character is a person who behaves in an interesting and amusing way.
[영한] ① 형형색색의, (색이) 다채로운 ② 흥미진진한, 파란만장한
[파생] colourfully, colourfulness, colourful
[구성단어] colour + ful
[어원] [Latin] color [from Old Latin colos] color of the skin; color in general, hue; appearance 피부 색, 색상, 색깔, 색조; 외관
[어근]colour(color); 색상, color ⑵ ful; 형용사 어미

compose [동사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3408] [★] [레마] compose < pose
[본문] [22]So, how old was Mozart when he composed his first piece of music?
[영영] The things that something is composed of are its parts or members. The separate things that compose something are the parts or members that form it.
[영한] ① 구성하다 유의어 make up 참조 composed ② 작곡하다 ③ 편지/연설문/시를 (정성 들여) 쓰다[작성하다] ④ (감정/표정 등을) 가다듬다 참조 composure
[활용] composed composed composing composes
[파생] compose, composite, compositely, compositeness, composition, compositional, compositionally, compositive, composure
[유의어] make up
[어원] [Latin] positus pp of ponere
[어근]com; 함께, with ⑵ pose; 두다, 놓다

composer [명사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] compose < pose
[본문] [20]As you said, artistic ability comes naturally to some people, including the famous composer, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
[영영] A composer is a person who writes music, especially classical music.
[영한] (특히 클래식 음악) 작곡가
[구성단어] compose + er
[어원] [Latin] positus pp of ponere
[어근]com; 함께, with ⑵ pos(pose); 두다, 놓다 ⑶ er; 명사 어미

differently [부사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3158] [★★] [레마] differ < fer(운반)
[본문] [16]I'm not sure, Sam, but it's true that many artists behave differently, often in very strange ways.
[영한] ① 다르게, 같지 않게 ② 따로, 별도로
[파생] differ, difference, different, differently, differentness
[어원] [Latin] ferre to bring, to carry, bear 가져오다, 운반하다, 견디다[열매 맺다]
[어근]dif(dis); apart ⑵ fer; bring, carry ⑶ ent(ant); 형용사어근 ⑷ ly; 부사어근

experiment [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2004] [★★] [레마] experiment < peri(경험)
[본문] [35]Rebecca's experiments seem to confirm that artists' brains work differently because of their processing of the visual world - the way their brains make sense of information.
[영영] An experiment is a scientific test which is done in order to discover what happens to something in particular conditions.
[영한] ① (과학적인) 실험 ② 실험[시험](적인 행동생각방법)
[첫뜻] action of observing or testing; an observation, test, or trial; piece of evidence or empirical proof; feat of magic or sorcery
[활용] 복수형; experiments
[파생] experiment, experimental, experimentalize, experimentally, experimenter, experimentor
<동사> ① (과학적인) 실험을 하다 ② (새로운 아이디어방법 등을) 실험하다[시험 삼아 해 보다]
[어원] [Latin] peritus experienced, tested 경험한, 실험한
[어근]ex; 밖으로 ⑵ peri; 실험, 경험, 노력 ⑶ ment; 명사어미

gist [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] gist
[본문] [34]So, it's almost like they're getting much more of a kind of gist level view of the thing they're looking at.
[영영] the general or basic meaning of something said or written
[영한] (말/글/대화의) 요지[골자]
[첫뜻] the real point
[유의어] drift
[어원] [French] gist [third person singular present indicative of gesir] this action lies
[어근] gist(ject); 던지다, throw




guitar [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3692] [★★] [레마] guitar
[본문] [18]Or that guitar legend, Jimi Hendrix, once set fire to his guitar on stage!
[영영] A guitar is a musical instrument with six strings and a long neck. You play the guitar by plucking or strumming the strings.
[영한] 기타
[활용] 복수형; guitars
[파생] guitarist, guitar-like, guitar
<동사> 기타를 치다
[어원] [Greek] kithara cithara

helpful [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3080] [★★] [레마] help
[본문] [46]Mike gives tips to his students - helpful pieces of advice about how to do something, in this case, to paint.
[영영] If you describe someone as helpful, you mean that they help you in some way, such as doing part of your job for you or by giving you advice or information.
[영한] ① 도움이 되는 ② (사람이) 기꺼이 돕는
[파생] help, helpable, helper, helpfully, helpfulness, helpful
[유의어] useful
[반의어] unhelpful
[어원] [Old English] helpan help(verb), support, succor; benefit, do good to; cure, amend 돕다, 지원하다; 구조; 혜택, ~애 좋게 하다, 치유하다, 개정[수정[하다
[어근]help; 도움, help ⑵ ful; 형용사 어미

impress [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3081] [★★] [레마] impress < press
[본문] [48]Mike was blown away - an informal way to say very impressed or surprised.
[영한] ① 깊은 인상을 주다, 감명[감동]을 주다 ② (중요성/심각성 등을 강조하여) 이해시키다 ③ (특히 마음/기억 등에) 강하게 남다[새겨지다] ④ (특히 해군에) 강제 징모하다(재산 등을) 징발하다 ⑤ (의론(議論) 등에) 인용[이용]하다, (사람을) 말로 구슬러서 이용하다
[첫뜻] ① have a strong effect on the mind or heart, to stamp deeply in the mind ② levy for military service
[활용] impressed, impressed, impressing, impresses
[파생] impress, impresser, impressible, impression, impressive, impressively, impressiveness
<명사> ① (도장 등을) 찍음, 날인, 흔적 ② 특징, 인상, 감명, 영향
[어원] [Latin] imprimere [in; ⑵+premere] press into or upon, stamp
[어근]im(in); in, into ⑵ press; 누르다, press

impression [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2559] [★★] [레마] impress < press
[본문] [37]When they draw, artists make bigger, quicker eye movements so they are able to see the whole picture, something also known as the gist - the overall, general impression of something without focussing on the details.
[영영] ① the effect or influence that something or someone has on a person's thoughts or feelings
② an idea or belief that is usually not clear or certain
③ an appearance or suggestion of something
[영한] ① (사람/사물로부터 받는) 인상[느낌] ② (경험이나 사람이 주는) 감명[감동] ③ 인물화, (장소/건물의) 상상도 ④ (연예인이 내는 유명인) 흉내 ⑤ (겉모습을 통해 받는, 사실과 다를 수 있는) 느낌 ⑥ (표면을 세게 눌렀을 때 생기는) 자국 ⑦ (같은 책의 출간 회수를 나타내는) 쇄, (1회) 인쇄 부수
[첫뜻] mark produced by pressure
[파생] impress, impresser, impressible, impression, impressive, impressively, impressiveness
[유의어] feelings, imitation
[구성단어] impress + ion
[어원] [Latin] imprimere [in; ⑵+premere] press into or upon, stamp
[어근]im(in); in, into ⑵ press; 누르다, press ⑶ ion; 명사 어미

informal [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 4579] [★★] [레마] inform < form
[본문] [48]Mike was blown away - an informal way to say very impressed or surprised.
[영영] Informal speech or behaviour is relaxed and friendly rather than serious, very correct, or official.
[영한] ① 격식에 얽매이지 않는, 허물없는, 편안한 ② (옷이) 평상복의 ③ (언어가) 일상어의, 일상적인
[첫뜻] lacking form; not in accordance with the rules of formal logic,
[파생] informality, informally, informal
[유의어] casual
[반의어] formal
<명사> (정장을 하지 않는 편한) 댄스 파티. informal/ly 부사비공식[약식]으로.
[어근]in; not ⑵ form; 형태, shape ⑶ al; 형용사 어미

Interestingly [부사] [R; 5001+] [레마] interest < esse
[본문] [36]Interestingly, processing also means the act of developing pictures from photographic film.
[영영] Interesting + ly
[영한] 흥미있게, 재미있게.
[파생] Interestingly, interesting
[구성단어] interesting + ly
[어근]inter; between ⑵ est(esse); 존재, to be ⑶ ing; 형용사 어미 ⑷ ly; 부사 어미






jigsaw [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] jig
[본문] [52]Still, some scientists think there may be third possibility: everyone's brain works by focussing on some areas and ignoring others, making a kind of jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces.
[영영] ① a machine that has a narrow blade for cutting curved lines in thin pieces of wood, metal, plastic, etc.
② jigsaw puzzle
[영한] ① (/jigsaw puzzle 모두 사용, puz/zle) 조각그림, 조각그림 맞추기 (퍼즐) ② (이해하기 힘든) 불가사의한 상황, 복잡한 문제 ③ 실톱
[첫뜻] vertical reciprocating saw
[구성단어] jig + saw

legend [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3412] [★] [레마] legend < leg(읽다)
[본문] [18]Or that guitar legend, Jimi Hendrix, once set fire to his guitar on stage!
[영영] A legend is a very old and popular story that may be true.
[영한] ① 전설 ② 전설(적인 인물) ③ (지도/도표 등의) 범례[기호 설명표] ④ (표지판/동전 등의) 명각
[첫뜻] narrative dealing with a happening or an event,
[활용] 복수형; legends
[파생] legendary, legendist, legendry, legend
[유의어] key, myth
[어원] [Latin] legere ⑴to choose, gather, pick up, selct; ⑵to read; to mean 선택하다, 모으다, 획득하다, 고르다, 읽다, 뜻하다
[어근]leg(lect); 모으다, 읽다 ⑵ end; 명사 어미

listener [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 4613] [★★] [레마] listen
[본문] [39]The second expert to answer our question about the artistic brain is Mike, a BBC World Service listener from Malawi.
[영영] A listener is a person who listens to the radio or to a particular radio programme.
[영한] ① 듣는 사람, 청자 ② (라디오) 청취자
[활용] 복수형; listeners
[파생] listener, listen
[구성단어] listen + er
[어근]listen; listen ⑵ er; ~하는 사람(명사어미)

musical [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2115] [★★] [레마] music < muse(뮤즈)
[본문] [21]Mozart was considered a child prodigy - a young child with very great musical talent.
[영영] You use musical to indicate that something is connected with playing or studying music.
[영한] ① 음악의, 음악적인 ② (사람이) 음악에 재능[관심]이 있는 ③ (소리가) 음악 같은, 듣기 좋은
[첫뜻] pertaining to music;
[파생] music, musicality, musically, musicalness, musical
[반의어] unmusical
<명사> 뮤지컬
[어원] [Greek] Mousa Muse, music, song
[어근]mus(muse); 음악, music ⑵ ic; 형용사 어미 ⑶ al(ad); 형용사 어미

naturally [부사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2820] [★★] [레마] nature < nat
[본문] [12]We've been wondering why artistic ability comes more naturally to some people than others, so in this programme we'll be asking: are artists' brains different?
[영한] ① 물론, 당연히, 자연스럽게 ② 자연 발생적으로, 저절로 ③ (논리적 결과로) 자연히[당연히] ④ (능력/특질 등을) 선천적으로[천부적으로] ⑤ (꾸미지 않고) 자연스럽게
[파생] natural, naturalize, naturally, naturalness, nature
[유의어] of course, understandably
[구성단어] natural + ly
[어근]natur(nati); birth ⑵ al; 형용사어미 ⑶ ly; 부사어미

neuroscience [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] science < sci
[본문] [29]Dr Rebecca Chamberlain is a researcher in the neuroscience of art.
[영한] 신경 과학
[활용] 불가산(不加算) 명사
[파생] neuroscientific, neuroscientist, neuroscience
[구성단어] neuro + science
[어원] [Latin] sciens present participle of scire; intelligent, skilled
[어근]neuro; 신경 ⑵ sci; know, 알다 ⑶ ence(ance); 명사어미


painter [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3350] [★★] [레마] paint
[본문] [40]Mike is a self-taught painter who creates large, colourful pictures in his studio.
[영영] A painter is an artist who paints pictures.
[영한] ① 도장공, (페인트) 칠장이 ② 화가 ③ (배를 매는) 굵은 밧줄
[구성단어] paint + er
[어근]paint(pict); 그림, paint ⑵ er; 명사 어미

photographic [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] photograph < graph
[본문] [36]Interestingly, processing also means the act of developing pictures from photographic film.
[영영] Photographic means connected with photographs or photography.
[영한] 사진(술)의
[파생] photograph, photographic, photographically, photography
[구성단어] photo + graphic
[어원] [Greek] graphe [from graphein] writing, drawing [from graphein] 쓰기, 그리기
[어근]photo; 빛, light ⑵ graph; 글, 쓰다, write ⑶ ic; 형용사 어미

piano [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3327] [★★] [레마] piano < plain
[본문] [8]I play the piano a bit.
[영영] A piano is a large musical instrument with a row of black and white keys. When you press these keys with your fingers, little hammers hit wire strings inside the piano which vibrate to produce musical notes.
[영한] 피아노
[첫뜻] percussion musical instrument in which tones are produced by blows of hammers upon stretched strings, the hammers being operated from a keyboard
[활용] 복수형; pianos
<부사> (약어:p) (음악) 여리게
[어원] [French] piano [from Latin planus] piano
[어근] piano(plain); 평지

proof [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2887] [★★] [레마] prove
[본문] [50]For him, this is proof that artists' brains are not so different after all.
[영영] ① Proof is a fact, argument, or piece of evidence which shows that something is definitely true or definitely exists.
② In publishing, the proofs of a book, magazine, or article are a first copy of it that is printed so that mistakes can be corrected before more copies are printed and published.
[영한] ① (of sth/) 증거(물), 증명(서) ② 입증, 증명 ③ (수학) 증명 ④ 교정쇄 ⑤ 프루프(증류주의 알코올 농도를 나타내는 단위)
[활용] 복수형; proofs
[파생] proof, provability, provable, provably, prove
[유의어] evidence
<동사> ① (특히 천에) 방수[방염 등의] 처리를 하다 ② 교정쇄를 만들다 <형용사> ① (손상 등에) 견딜 수 있는 ② (''…에 맞서 저항보호할 수 있음''을 나타냄)
[어원] [Latin] probare [from probus] to try, to test; to make good; esteem, represent as good; make credible, show, demonstrate; inspect; judge by trial 시도하다, 시험하다, 좋게 하다, 존경하다, 훌륭하게 나타나다, 신뢰있게 하다, 보여주다, 입증하다, 점검하다, 시도에 의해 판단하다
[어근] proof(prob); 시험, worthy

puzzle [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4297] [★★] [레마] puzzle
[본문] [52]Still, some scientists think there may be third possibility: everyone's brain works by focussing on some areas and ignoring others, making a kind of jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces.
[영영] A puzzle is a question, game, or toy which you have to think about carefully in order to answer it correctly or put it together properly.
[영한] ① 퍼즐, (머리를 써서) 알아맞히기 ② (특히 美) 상호참조 jigsaw ③ (이해설명하기 힘든) 수수께끼[미스터리]
[첫뜻] state of being puzzled
[활용] 복수형; puzzles
[파생] puzzling, puzzle
[유의어] mystery(수수께끼), enigma(수수께끼), get, gravel(어쩔줄 모르게 하다)
<동사> 어리둥절하게[이해할 수 없게] 만들다
[어원] [Middle English] pusle [frequentative of pose (v, )] bewilder, confound
[어근] puzzle; puzzle

rapid [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3056] [★★] [레마] rapid
[본문] [30]She investigates how artists see the objects they are drawing by measuring saccades - the rapid movements our eyes make as they jump from one thing to another.
[영영] A rapid change is one that happens very quickly.
[영한] ① 빠른(짧은 시간 내에 이뤄지는) ② (속도가) 빠른
[활용] 비교; rapid < rapider < rapidest
[파생] rapidity, rapidly, rapidness, rapid
[유의어] speedy
<명사> ① 여울, 급류 ② 고속 수송 열차[시스템]
[어근] rapid(rapt); 붙잡다, 서두르다, seize





speaking [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] speak
[본문] [54]speaking of Mozart, Neil, it's time to reveal the answer to your question.
[영영] Speaking is the activity of giving speeches and talks.
[영한] ① 말하기, 이야기하기, 담화, 연설 ② 구전(口傳) 문학 ③ 정치 집회
[활용] 복수형; speakings
<형용사> ① 말하는데 쓰는, 담화에 알맞는. ② 말하는, 지껄이는, 말을 건네는 (정도의). ③ 말할 수 있는 정도의.
[구성단어] speak + ing
[어원] [Old English] specan to speak
[어근]speak; 말하다, speak ⑵ ing; 명/형용사 어미

talent [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2047] [★★] [레마] talent
[본문] [21]Mozart was considered a child prodigy - a young child with very great musical talent.
[영영] Talent is the natural ability to do something well.
[영한] ① 재주, (타고난) 재능, 장기 ② 재능[재주] 있는 사람[사람들] ③ (속어) 섹시한 사람들
[첫뜻] inclination, disposition, will, desire
[활용] 복수형; talents
[파생] talented, talent
[유의어] gift, aptitude
[어원] [Greek] talanton a balance, pair of scales; weight, definite weight, anything weighed
[어근] talent; talent

trainable [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] train < tract(끌다)
[본문] [44]So, there are some things that are trainable, it's like a bike.
[영한] 훈련할 수 있는
[구성단어] train + able
[어근]train(tract); 끌다, draw, pull ⑵ able; 형용사 어미

unusual [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2054] [★★] [레마] use
[본문] [28]If artists' brains are different, it could mean they see the world in unusual ways.
[영영] If something is unusual, it does not happen very often or you do not see it or hear it very often.
[영한] ① 특이한, 흔치 않은, 드문 ② 색다른
[파생] unusually, unusualness, unusual
[유의어] uncommon(특이하다)
[구성단어] un + usual
[어원] [Latin] usare [frequentative form of pps of uti] use (자꾸) 쓰다
[어근]un; 아님(不, 無), not ⑵ usu(use); 사용, use ⑶ al; 형용사 어미

usual [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2381] [★★] [레마] use
[본문] [13]We'll hear two expert opinions, and as usual, we'll learn some useful new vocabulary as well.
[영한] 여느 때의 건강 상태
[파생] usually, usualness, usual
<형용사> ① 하는[있는], 평상시의, 보통의 ② 늘 있는 일, 늘 마시는 것[술]
[어원] [Latin] usare [frequentative form of pps of uti] use (자꾸) 쓰다
[어근]use; 사용, use ⑵ al; 형용사 어미

visual [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2175] [★★] [레마] visual < vide(보다)
[본문] [32]Artists seem to be processing the visual world in a different way to non-artists, particularly when they're drawing.
[영영] Visual means relating to sight, or to things that you can see.
[영한] 시각의, (눈으로) 보는
[첫뜻] pertaining to the faculty of sight
[파생] vision, visional, visionary, visionless, visual, visualize, visually
<명사> 시각 자료
[어원] [Latin] videre to see, notice, observe; to separate 보다, 주시하다, 구분하다
[어근]visu(vide); sight ⑵ al; 형용사어미



zero [명사] [Oxf3] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] zero
[본문] [42]I had this other student… he was really at the zero, like, he could not draw - at all.
[영영] Zero is the number 0.
[영한] ① (pl. zeros) 0, 영(零), 제로 ② (온도압력 등의) 영(零), 영도(零度) ③ 무(無), 제로
[첫뜻] figure which stands for naught in the Arabic notation
[활용] 복수형; zeros zeroes
<동사> (계기 등을) 영[제로]에 맞추다 <형용사> ① 0(도)의, 제로의 ② 조금도 없는, 결여되어 있는 ③ (기상) (시계(視界)가) 제로인
[어원] [Arabic] sifr cipher, zero;; empty, nothing
[어근] zero; 무(無), zero, Empty

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