What sort of language gets used for dating online, and what new language is emerging? Sam and Roy talk about this topic and teach you related vocabulary.
어떤 종류의 언어가 온라인에서 데이트 하는 것에 사용되고 있습니까? 그리고 어떤 새 언어가 생겨나기 시작합니까? 샘과 로이가 이 주제에 대하여 말합니다. 그리고 당신에게 관련된 어휘를 가르칩니다.
이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.
amazingly [부사] [R; 5001+] [레마] amaze < maze
[본문] [11]amazingly, the same thing is now happening in the world of online dating.
[영영] amazing + ly
[영한] 놀랄 만큼, 굉장하게, [문장 전체를 수식하여] 놀랍게도
[파생] amazingly, amazing
[구성단어] amazing + ly
[어원] [Old English] amasod a+mæs; amazed
[어근] ⑴ a(ad); 향하여, 첨가, to ⑵ maz(maze); maze, 깜짝 놀란 ⑶ ing; 형용사 어미 ⑷ ly; 부사 어미
annoy [동사] [Oxf3] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] annoy
[본문] [47]The phrase, walking a fine line means finding a balance between two opposing ideas or attitudes, or between two opposing sides so as not to annoy either side.
[영영] If someone or something annoys you, it makes you fairly angry and impatient.
[영한] ① 짜증나게[약 오르게] 하다 ② 귀찮게 하다
[첫뜻] to harm, hurt, injure; be troublesome or vexatious to, disquiet, upset
[활용] annoyed, annoyed, annoying, annoys
[파생] annoyance, annoyer, annoy
[유의어] bother(귀찮게 하다), irritate(짜증나게 하다)
<명사> 짜증, 약이 오름 =annoyance.
[어원] [French] enoiier to weary, vex, anger
[어근] ⑴ ann(en); 안에 두다, in, 하게하다 ⑵ oy(odi); 싫어함, hate
attractive [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2835] [★★] [레마] attract < tract(끌다)
[본문] [6]This involves writing a dating profile - a short description of yourself which you hope makes you appear attractive to other people looking for love online.
[영영] A person who is attractive is pleasant to look at.
[영한] ① (사람이) (특히 성적으로) 매력적인 ② (물건이나 장소가) 멋진, 매력적인 ③ 마음을 끄는, 매력적인
[파생] attract, attractable, attracter, attraction, attractionally, attractive, attractively, attractiveness, attractor
[유의어] appealing, engaging(매력적이다)
[반의어] unattractive
[구성단어] attract + Ive
[어원] [Latin] attractus [past participle of attrahere] to draw, pull; to attract
[어근] ⑴ at(ad); to ⑵ tract; 끌다, draw, pull ⑶ ive; 형용사 어미
brief [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2165] [★★] [레마] brief < brev
[본문] [44]OK, let's recap the new vocabulary we've learnt in this programme about the language of online romance starting with dating profile - a brief written description of yourself which you hope will attract a partner.
[영영] Something that is brief lasts for only a short time.
[영한] ① (시간이) 짧은, 잠시 동안의 ② (말글이) 간단한 ③ (옷이) 짧은, 노출이 많은
[첫뜻] of short duration
[활용] 비교; brief < briefer < briefest
[파생] brevity, briefly, briefness, brief
[유의어] cursory
<명사> ① 업무 (지침서) ② (변호사가 맡은) 소송 사건 ③ (법원에 제출할) 변론 취지서 <동사> ① (대비를 할 수 있도록) ~에게 (~에 대해) 알려주다[보고하다] ② (변호사에게) 사건 내용을 알려주다
[어원] [Latin] breve (genitive brevis) note, dispatch brevis의 소유격; 쪽지, 발송
[어근] brief(brev); 작은, short
catfishing [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] fishing < fish
[본문] [30]Here's Nicola Fox Hamilton again explaining the meaning of two new words, catfishing and wokefishing, to BBC Radio 4's, Word of Mouth.
[영한] 고양이 낚시
[구성단어] cat + fishing
[어원] [Old English] fisc a fish
[어근] ⑴ cat; 고양이, cat ⑵ fish; 물고기. fish ⑶ ing; 현재 분사 어미
dating [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] date
[본문] [5]Nowadays many people use online dating apps to find love and romance.
[영한] ① 날짜 기입, [상업] 사후 일부(事後日附)(고고학 등에서의) 연대 결정 ② 데이트하기
[유의어] postdating(사후 일부)
[구성단어] date + ing
[어원] [Latin] datus [pp of dare] given
[어근] ⑴ date(dat); 주다 ⑵ ing; 명사 어미
deceptive [동사] [R; 5001+] [레마] deceive < capt(잡다)
[본문] [23]If you're very deceptive, so if you have no friends, and you never go to the pub, and you said in your profile that your most fun thing to do is hanging out with your friends on a Saturday night, then that becomes a problem because then you've been very deceptive.
[영한] 기만적인, 현혹하는 유의어 misleading
[파생] deceit, deceivability, deceivable, deceivableness, deceivably, deceive, deceiver, deceivingly, deception, deceptional, deceptive, deceptively
[유의어] misleading
<형용사> 기만적인, 현혹하는 유의어 misleading
[어원] [Latin] decipere de+capere; to ensnare, take in, beguile, cheat
[어근] ⑴ de; from ⑵ cept(capt); 쥐다, take ⑶ ive; 형용사 어미
deliberately [부사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 4645] [★★] [레마] liberate < liber(자유)
[본문] [27]Nicola also says there's a difference between exaggerating and being deceptive - deliberately lying and making someone believe things that are not true.
[영한] ① 고의로, 의도[계획]적으로 ② 신중하게, 찬찬히
[파생] deliberately, deliberateness, deliberation, deliberative, deliberator, deliberate
[유의어] intentionally(고의로), on purpose(의도적이다)
[반의어] by accident(우연하다)
[구성단어] deliberate + ly
[어원] [Latin] liberare [⑴from liber; ⑵from librare] ⑴to free, liberate ⑵weigh
[어근] ⑴ de; intens. ⑵ liber; 자유, free ⑶ ate; 형용사 어미 ⑷ ly; 부사 어미
description [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2190] [★★] [레마] describe < scribe
[본문] [6]This involves writing a dating profile - a short description of yourself which you hope makes you appear attractive to other people looking for love online.
[영영] A description of someone or something is an account which explains what they are or what they look like.
[영한] ① (~이 어떠한지에 대한) 서술[기술/묘사/표현] ② 일부[어떤], 온갖 종류 등의
[활용] 복수형; descriptions
[파생] describable, describe, describer, description, descriptive
[어원] [Latin] describere de+scribere; to write down, copy; sketch, represent
[어근] ⑴ de; 밑,밖으로, from ⑵ script(scrib); 기록, write ⑶ ion; 명사 어미
disappointing [형용사] [Oxf3] [R; 5001+] [레마] disappoint < point
[본문] [25]But they're walking a fine line in trying to balance between being attractive and not completely disappointing.
[영한] 실망스러운, 기대에 못 미치는
[파생] disappointing, disappointingly, disappointingness, disappointment, disappoint
[구성단어] disappoint + ing
[어근] ⑴ dis; 하지 않기, 不, apart ⑵ ap(ad); 향하여, 첨가, to ⑶ point(punct); 찌르다, point ⑷ ing; 형용사 어미
disappointment [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4617] [★★] [레마] disappoint < point
[본문] [38]The internet has helped thousands find romance and created some interesting new vocabulary, but there are dangers and disappointments too
[영영] Disappointment is the state of feeling disappointed.
[영한] ① (U) 실망, 낙심 ② 실망스러운 사람[것]
[활용] 복수형; disappointments
[파생] disappointing, disappointingly, disappointment, disappoint
[어근] ⑴ dis; 하지 않기, 不, apart ⑵ ap(ad); 향하여, 첨가, to ⑶ point(punct); 찌르다, point ⑷ ment; 명사 어미
don`t [동사] [R; 5001+] [레마] don`t
[본문] [14]But as always with information found on the internet, there's a danger that someone's dating profile doesn't tell the whole truth.
[영한] 하지 않다
[활용] did't, doesn't
emerging [형용사] [Rank; 4528] [레마] emerge < merge(담그다)
[본문] [54]What sort of language gets used for dating online, and what new language is emerging?
[영한] 최근 생겨난, 최근에 만들어진
[파생] emergence, emergent, emerging, emerge
[구성단어] emerge + ing
[어원] [Latin] mergere to dip, dip in, immerse, plunge (살짝)담그다, 급락하다
[어근] ⑴ e(ex); out ⑵ merge; 담그다, dip, plunge ⑶ ing; 형용사 어미
everyday [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3319] [★★] [레마] day
[본문] [10]Eventually, GSOH became a part of everyday English.
[영한] 일상 생활.
[파생] everydayness, everyday
[유의어] every day(일상 생활)
<형용사> 일상적인, 매일의
[구성단어] every + day
[어원] [Old English] dæg day
exaggerate [동사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] exaggerate
[본문] [27]Nicola also says there's a difference between exaggerating and being deceptive - deliberately lying and making someone believe things that are not true.
[영영] If you exaggerate, you indicate that something is, for example, worse or more important than it really is.
[영한] 과장하다
[첫뜻] to pile up, accumulate
[활용] exaggerated, exaggerated, exaggerating, exaggerates
[파생] exaggeratingly, exaggeration, exaggerative, exaggerator, exaggeratory, exaggerate
[유의어] magnify(과장하다), put on(과장하다)
[어원] [Latin] exaggerare [ex+aggerare] amplify, magnify
[어근] ⑴ ex; up ⑵ agger; heap, heap up, accumulate ⑶ ate; 부여하다, …의 특질을 가진
exaggeration [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] exaggerate
[본문] [24]If you occasionally do it and you made it sound a bit more like you do it all the time, that's more exaggeration - a lot of people do that, where they exaggerate things about themselves to make them seem more attractive.
[영한] (주로 단수로) 과장
[파생] exaggeratingly, exaggeration, exaggerative, exaggerator, exaggeratory, exaggerate
[구성단어] exaggerate + ation
[어원] [Latin] exaggerare [ex+aggerare] amplify, magnify
[어근] ⑴ ex; up ⑵ agger; heap, heap up, accumulate ⑶ at(ate); 부여하다, …의 특질을 가진 ⑷ ion; 명사 어미
false [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2539] [★★] [레마] false
[본문] [31]Wokefishing is a version of catfishing, and catfishing is where someone creates a profile that isn't them at all, so a complex false identify usually with the purpose of looking for, or pretending to get into involved in, love or romance.
[영영] If something is false, it is incorrect, untrue, or mistaken.
[영한] ① 틀린, 사실이 아닌 ② (자연 그대로가 아닌) 인조의[가짜의] ③ 위조된 ④ (사람들의 행동이) 거짓된, 기만적인 ⑤ 잘못된, 거짓된 ⑥ (문예체) (사람들이) 충실하지 못한
[첫뜻] intentionally untrue, lying
[활용] 비교; false < falser < falsest
[파생] falsehood, falsely, falseness, falsify, falsity, false
[유의어] artificial, plastic(가짜이다), sham
<부사> 거짓으로, 부실하게, 부정하게, 불성실하게
[어근] false(fall); 거짓, false, 속이다
height [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2057] [★★] [레마] high
[본문] [17]a) their hair b) their height or, c) their age?
[영영] The height of a person or thing is their size or length from the bottom to the top.
[영한] ① (사물의) 높이, (사람의) 키[신장] ② 높음, (키가) 큼, 큰 키 ③ (지상으로부터의) 높이, 고도 ④ 높은 곳[위치] ⑤ 최고조, 절정, 극(極) ⑥ (더 큰 성공/성취를 이루는) 단계 ⑦ 최고의[극단적인] ~
[첫뜻] highest part or point, summit; the heavens, heaven
[활용] 복수형; heights
[파생] height, heighten, heightened, heightener, high, highly, highness, heightism
[유의어] peak
<형용사> 일류의, 뛰어난.
[어원] [Old English] heah of great height, tall, conspicuously elevated; lofty, exalted, high-class 굉장한 높이의, 큰, 눈에 띄게 높은, 아주 높은, 고위층의, 일류의
[어근] ⑴ heigh(high); 높은, high ⑵ t(th); 명사 어미
informal [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 4579] [★★] [레마] inform < form
[본문] [46]Hanging out is an informal way to say spending time with someone, usually friends.
[영영] Informal speech or behaviour is relaxed and friendly rather than serious, very correct, or official.
[영한] ① 격식에 얽매이지 않는, 허물없는, 편안한 ② (옷이) 평상복의 ③ (언어가) 일상어의, 일상적인
[첫뜻] lacking form; not in accordance with the rules of formal logic,
[파생] informality, informally, informal
[유의어] casual
[반의어] formal
<명사> (정장을 하지 않는 편한) 댄스 파티. informal/ly 부사비공식[약식]으로.
[어근] ⑴ in; not ⑵ form; 형태, shape ⑶ al; 형용사 어미
invent [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3426] [★★] [레마] invent < vene
[본문] [12]In this programme we'll be learning some of the newly invented words and phrases being used by people who are looking for love on the internet.
[영영] If you invent something such as a machine or process, you are the first person to think of it or make it.
[영한] ① 발명하다 ② (사실이 아닌 것을) 지어내다[날조하다]
[첫뜻] to find, discover (obsolete)
[활용] invented, invented, inventing, invents
[파생] invent, inventable, inventible, invention, inventional, inventionless, inventive
[유의어] think up
[어원] [Latin] inventus pp of invenire;
[어근] ⑴ in; in, on ⑵ vent; to come
liberal [형용사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 2009] [★] [레마] liberal < liber(자유)
[본문] [32]Wokefishing is when the person is generally who they say they are, but they say that they're much more liberal in their values and political attitudes than they actually are.
[영영] Someone who has liberal views believes people should have a lot of freedom in deciding how to behave and think.
[영한] ① 자유민주적인 ② 진보적인, 진보주의의 ③ 자유당의 ④ (~을[에]) 아끼지 않는[후한] ⑤ (일반) 교양의 ⑥ 엄밀히 정확하지는 않은, 자유로운
[첫뜻] generous; nobly born, noble, free
[파생] liberal, liberality, liberalize, liberally, liberalness, liberate, liberated, liberation, liberator, liberty
[유의어] free, lavish
<명사> ① 자유주의자 ② 진보주의자 ③ 정치
[어원] [Latin] de-libera-re [=deliberare] ⑴ 어원은 PIE *lubh-ro-; 소유격은 libri; 나무의 내부 껍질; 책, 도서, 양피지 ⑵어원은 loeber('사람'); 자유로운, 무제한, 방해받지 않는
[어근] ⑴ liber; 자유, free ⑵ al; 형용사 어미
luck [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2406] [★★] [레마] luck
[본문] [52]Good luck if you are looking for love online, and remember - there's probably someone out there interested in the real you.
[영영] Luck or good luck is success or good things that happen to you, that do not come from your own abilities or efforts.
[영한] ① 좋은 운, 행운 ② 운(수), 운명
[첫뜻] fortune good or bad, what happens to one by chance (conceived as being favorable or not); good luck, quality of having a tendency to receive desired or beneficial outcomes
[활용] 복수형; lucks
[파생] luck, luckily, luckiness, luckless, lucky
[유의어] fortune
<동사> 운 좋게 (…을) 만나다[얻다](out)[into, on, onto], 운이 트다(out), 운이 다하다, 죽다
[어원] [Middle Dutch] luc happiness, good fortune 행복, 좋은 행운
[어근] luck; luck, 행운
newly [부사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 2814] [★★] [레마] new
[본문] [12]In this programme we'll be learning some of the newly invented words and phrases being used by people who are looking for love on the internet.
[영영] Newly is used before a past participle or an adjective to indicate that a particular action is very recent, or that a particular state of affairs has very recently begun to exist.
[영한] 최근에, 새로
[파생] newly, newness, new
[어원] [Old English] niwe made or established for the first time, fresh, recently made or grown; novel, unheard-of, different from the old; untried, inexperienced, unused
[어근] ⑴ new; new ⑵ ly; 부사 어미
nowadays [부사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] day
[본문] [5]nowadays many people use online dating apps to find love and romance.
[영영] Nowadays means at the present time, in contrast with the past.
[영한] 요즘에는
[첫뜻] in these times, at the present,
[유의어] today
<명사> 오늘날, 현대, 요즈음
[어원] [Old English] dæg day
[어근] ⑴ now; 지금, now ⑵ a; on ⑶ day; ⑷ s; 소유격 어미
occasionally [부사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2507] [★★] [레마] case < cad-(떨어지다)
[본문] [24]If you occasionally do it and you made it sound a bit more like you do it all the time, that's more exaggeration - a lot of people do that, where they exaggerate things about themselves to make them seem more attractive.
[영한] 가끔
[파생] occasion, occasional, occasionally
[유의어] sometimes(가끔), now and then(가끔)
[어원] [Latin] casus [pp of cadere] a chance, occasion, opportunity; accident, mishap; a falling, [cadere릐 과거분사] 가능성, 경우, 기회, 사고, 불행, 떨어짐
[어근] ⑴ oc(ob); towards ⑵ cas(cad); to fall ⑶ ion; 명사어미 ⑷ al(ad); 형용사어미 ⑸ ly; 부사어미
opposing [형용사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] oppose < pose
[본문] [28]Nicola says deceptive daters are walking a fine (or thin) line - they're finding a balance between two opposing attitudes or ideas.
[영영] Opposing ideas or tendencies are totally different from each other.
[영한] ① (팀/군대/힘 등이) 서로 겨루는[대립하는/싸우는] (상대방의) ② (태도/견해 등이) 서로 다른[대립되는]
[파생] oppose, opposer, opposing, opposingly, opposite, opposition, oppositive, opponent
[구성단어] oppose + ing
[어원] [Latin] opponere ob+ponere; set against
[어근] ⑴ op(ob); against ⑵ pos(pose); 두다, 놓다, put ⑶ ing; 형용사 어미
pretend [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2928] [★★] [레마] pretend < tend(길게 하다)
[본문] [35]Here someone asks about your political and social opinions, and pretends to share them in order to get closer to you.
[영영] If you pretend that something is the case, you act in a way that is intended to make people believe that it is the case, although in fact it is not.
[영한] ① …인 척하다[것처럼 굴다], 가식적으로 행동하다 ② (특히 아이들이 놀이로) …라고 가장[상상]하다 ③ (사실이 아닌 것을) 주장하다
[첫뜻] to profess, assert, maintain; to direct (one's) efforts
[활용] pretended, pretended, pretending, pretends
[파생] pretense, pretension, pretentious, pretend
[유의어] put on(가장하다)
<형용사> 가짜[상상]의
[어원] [Latin] praetendere prae+tendere; stretch in front, put forward, allege
[어근] ⑴ pre; 앞(先), before ⑵ tend; 뻗치다, 잡아당기다, stretch
profile [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2699] [★] [레마] profile < fil(가닥[실])
[본문] [6]This involves writing a dating profile - a short description of yourself which you hope makes you appear attractive to other people looking for love online.
[영영] Your profile is the outline of your face as it is seen when someone is looking at you from the side.
[영한] ① 옆얼굴(의 윤곽), (얼굴의) 옆모습 ② 개요(서) ③ 인지도, (대중의) 관심 ④ 윤곽
[첫뜻] a drawing of the outline of anything
[파생] profilist, profile
<동사> 개요[프로필]를 알려 주다[작성하다]
[어원] [Italian] profilare [pro+filare] to draw in outline
[어근] ⑴ pro; 앞, before, 찬성 ⑵ file(fil); 가닥, thread
progressive [형용사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4268] [★] [레마] progress < gress(발걸음)
[본문] [36]They may pretend to have more liberal or progressive attitudes than they really do.
[영영] Someone who is progressive or has progressive ideas has modern ideas about how things should be done, rather than traditional ones.
[영한] ① 진보[혁신]적인 ② 점진적인, 꾸준히 진행되는 ③ (문법) (동사가) 진행형의
[첫뜻] characterized by advancement
[파생] progress, progression, progressive, progressively, progressiveness, progressivism, progressivist
[반의어] retrogressive
<명사> 진보주의자
[어원] [Latin] gressus to step 발검음을 옮기다[움직이다]
[어근] ⑴ pro; forward, before ⑵ gress; to step, go ⑶ ive; 형용사 어미
pub [명사] [Oxf3] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] public
[본문] [23]If you're very deceptive, so if you have no friends, and you never go to the pub, and you said in your profile that your most fun thing to do is hanging out with your friends on a Saturday night, then that becomes a problem because then you've been very deceptive.
[영영] A pub is a building where people can have drinks, especially alcoholic drinks, and talk to their friends. Many pubs also serve food.
[영한] ① 퍼브(술을 비롯한 여러 음료와 흔히 음식도 파는 대중적인 술집) ② 술집, 선술집
[첫뜻] any building open to the public
[활용] 복수형; pubs
[유의어] bar, public house
<동사> 퍼브에 가다[드나들다].
[어원] [Latin] publicus [altered (probably by influence of Latin pubes] blend of poplicus; of the people; of the state; done for the state; common, general, public; ordinary, vulgar; a commonwealth; public property
[어근] pub(publ); of the people
related [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3422] [★★] [레마] relate
[본문] [34]related to this is the term, wokefishing.
[영영] ① If two or more things are related, there is a connection between them.
② People who are related belong to the same family.
③ If you say that different types of things, such as languages, are related, you mean that they developed from the same language.
[영한] ① (…에) 관련된 ② 친척의 ③ (생물/언어 등이) 동족[동류]의
[파생] relatable, relate, relatedness, relater, relation, relative, related
[반의어] unrelated(동족이다), unrelated(혈연관계가 아니다)
[구성단어] relate + ed
[어원] [Latin] relatus [re+latus, pp of referre] brought back [re+latus, referre의 과거분사] ~을 기억나게 하는[상기시키는]
[어근] ⑴ relate(relat); 관련되다, relate ⑵ d(ed); 과거분사 어미
romance [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4055] [레마] Rome
[본문] [5]Nowadays many people use online dating apps to find love and romance.
[영영] A romance is a relationship between two people who are in love with each other but who are not married to each other.
[영한] ① (보통 짧은) 연애, 로맨스 ② 사랑, 사랑의 기운, 연애 감정 ③ (특히 어떤 장소활동과 관련된) 설렘 ④ 연애[애정] 소설[이야기] ⑤ (흔히 과거를 배경으로 하는) 모험담
[첫뜻] a story, written or recited, of the adventures of a knight, hero, etc
[활용] 복수형; romances
[파생] romance, romancer, Romanic, romantic, romantically, romanticism, romanticize
[어근] ⑴ rom(roma); 로마, 이야기 ⑵ ance; 명사 어미
romantic [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3160] [★★] [레마] romantic < Rome
[본문] [13]Every year thousands of romantic relationships start through online dating apps.
[영영] Someone who is romantic or does romantic things says and does things that make their wife, husband, girlfriend, or boyfriend feel special and loved.
[영한] ① 로맨틱한, 연애[애정]의 ② (사람이) 로맨틱한, 애정을 표현하는, 낭만적인 ③ (사랑 등과 같은 강한 감정을 불러일으킬 정도로) 아름다운, 낭만적인 ④ (삶에 대한 태도가) 낭만[몽상]적인 ⑤ 낭만파[낭만주의]의(특히 19세기에 유행한 문학음악미술 사조. 인간의 강렬한 감정, 상상력, 자연으로의 회귀 등을 중시함)
[첫뜻] of the nature of a literary romance,
[파생] romance, romancer, Romanic, romantic, romantically, romanticism, romanticize
<명사> ① 로맨틱한[낭만적인/몽상적인] 사람 ② 낭만파 (시인작가음악가화가)
[어원] [French] romantique
[어근] ⑴ rom(roma); 로마, 이야기 ⑵ antic(ic); …의, 와 같은(것)
Saturday [명사] [Oxf3] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] Saturday < day
[본문] [23]If you're very deceptive, so if you have no friends, and you never go to the pub, and you said in your profile that your most fun thing to do is hanging out with your friends on a Saturday night, then that becomes a problem because then you've been very deceptive.
[영영] Saturday is the day after Friday and before Sunday.
[영한] 토요일
[활용] 복수형; Saturdays
[어원] [Old English] sæternesdæg [Sæternes+dæg] (literally) day of the planet Saturn
[어원] sæternesdæg(Old English), [Sæternes+dæg] (literally) day of the planet Saturn
speaking [형용사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] speak
[본문] [39]speaking of which, it's time to reveal the answer to your question, Sam.
[영한] ① 말하는데 쓰는, 담화에 알맞는. ② 말하는, 지껄이는, 말을 건네는 (정도의). ③ 말할 수 있는 정도의. ④ 말이라도 할 듯한, 표정이 풍부한(expressive), 감동적인(moving), 생생한 ⑤ 웅변술의.
<명사> ① 말하기, 이야기하기, 담화, 연설 ② 구전(口傳) 문학 ③ 정치 집회
[구성단어] speak + ing
[어원] [Old English] specan to speak
[어근] ⑴ speak; 말하다, speak ⑵ ing; 명/형용사 어미
wokefishing [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] fish
[본문] [30]Here's Nicola Fox Hamilton again explaining the meaning of two new words, catfishing and wokefishing, to BBC Radio 4's, Word of Mouth.
[영한] (타인의 호감을 얻기 위해) 진보적인 정치 이념을 지지하는 척하는 행위
[구성단어] woke + fishing
[어원] [Old English] fisc a fish
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