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6 Minute English 영어단어공부 - Are you following your dreams? [BBC Learning English 강좌]


In this programme, Neil and Beth talk about dreams. You'll hear from two people who dared to follow their dreams and are happy to have done so. You'll also learn some related vocabulary along the way.

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arrogant [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] arrogate
[본문] [43]After many years travelling, meeting new people and hearing their stories, Herman is more humble - not proud or arrogant.
[영영] Someone who is arrogant behaves in a proud, unpleasant way towards other people because they believe that they are more important than others.
[영한] 오만한
[첫뜻] disposed to give oneself undue importance, aggressively haughty,
[파생] arrogance, arrogancy, arrogant, arrogantly
[유의어] humble(오만하다), haughty(오만하다), overbearing(오만하다), proud, superior
[어근]ar(ad); 향하여,첨가 ⑵ rog; 요구, ask ⑶ ant; 접미어
[어원] arrogare(Latin), [ad+rogare] to claim for oneself, assume

bestselling [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] sell
[본문] [18]In 2012, Australian nurse, Bronnie Ware, wrote her bestselling book, The Top Five Regrets of the Dying, after interviewing terminally ill patients about their life regrets.
[영영] best + selling
[영한] 베스트 셀러의
[어근]best; best ⑵ sell; sell ⑶ ing; 형용사 어미

communism [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] commun
[본문] [31]And that is something that many people outside of Riverside struggle with, and where we're often getting this 'communism' label attached to us, because it's so… it seems so outlandish for people.
[영영] a way of organizing a society in which the government owns the things that are used to make and transport products (such as land, oil, factories, ships, etc.) and there is no privately owned property compare CAPITALISM SOCIALISM
[영한] ① 공산주의 ② 공산주의 체제
[어근]commun; 보통의, 공공의, common, public ⑵ ism; 이념, 주의
[어원] communis(Latin), common, public, general, shared by all or many; in common, not specific; familiar, not pretentious(보통의, 공공의, 일반적인, 모두 또는 대다수에 의해 공유되는, 특별하지 않는, 칙숙한, 허세부리지 않는)

communist [형용사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] commun
[본문] [32]Riverside isn't a communist community.
[영영] Communist means relating to communism.
[영한] 공산주의(자)의, [C~] 공산당의
<명사> ① 공산주의자 ② 공산당원
[어근]commun; 보통의, 공공의, common ⑵ ist; 명사 어미

conquer [동사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] conquer < quer
[본문] [41]I am so happy with the Herman there is now, that I know now - not the one who wanted to conquer the world, but the one who was conquered by the world.
[영영] If one country or group of people conquers another, they take complete control of their land.
[영한] ① (다른 나라나 민족을) 정복하다 ② (시합/경주 등에서) 이기다[물리치다] ③ (다루기 힘든 것을) 정복하다[극복하다] ④ 대단히 유명해지다[성공하다], 정복하다
[활용] conquered, conquered, conquering, conquers
[파생] conquer, conquerable, conquerableness, conquering, conqueror, conquest
[유의어] make a conquest(정복하다), make a conquest of(꾀어 정복하다)
[어근]con(com); intens. ⑵ quer; seek, acquire

countless [형용사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] count
[본문] [39]Twenty-two years and three children later they have visited over a hundred countries, meeting with countless people and experiences on the way.
[영영] Countless means very many.
[영한] 무수한, 셀 수 없이 많은 참조 uncountable
[파생] countlessly, countless
[어근]count; 계산, count ⑵ less; …이 없는, without

courage [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3355] [★★] [레마] courage < core
[본문] [51]Not having the courage to follow your dreams was listed as the top life regret.
[영영] the ability to do something that you know is difficult or dangerous
[영한] 용기
[첫뜻] heart (as the seat of emotions); spirit, temperament, state or frame of mind
[활용] [U]
[파생] courage, courageous, encourage, encouragement, encourager, encouraging, encouragingly
[유의어] bravery
[어근]cor(cord); heart ⑵ age; 상태의 명사어미

documentary [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 4264] [★] [레마] document < doct
[본문] [29]Here she explains her belief in sharing to BBC World Service programme, The documentary.
[영영] A documentary is a television or radio programme, or a film, which shows real events or provides information about a particular subject.
[영한] -ies) 다큐멘터리, 기록물 (영화나 라디오텔레비전 프로)
[첫뜻] pertaining to or derived from documents
[활용] 복수형; documentaries
[파생] document, documentable, documentarily, documentary, documentation, documenter
<형용사> ① 서류[문서]로 이뤄진 ② 다큐멘터리의, 기록물의
[어근]docu(doct); 가르킴 ⑵ ment; 지정, 약속 (명사어미) ⑶ ary; 명사 어미

fireman [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] man
[본문] [5]When I was a boy, I wanted to be a fireman when I grew up.
[영한] (남자) 소방관
[활용] 복수형; firemen
[구성단어] fire + man

grain [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3250] [★★] [레마] grain
[본문] [45]Herman compares himself to a beautiful but tiny piece of sand and uses the phrase a grain of sand to describe things which are insignificant in themselves, but at the same time are an important part of the whole.
[영영] A grain of wheat, rice, or other cereal crop is a seed from it.
[영한] ① 곡물, (곡식의) 낟알 ② (특정한 물질의) 알갱이 ③ 아주 조금, 티끌 ④ 그레인(아주 적은 양을 나타내는 무게의 단위. 0.00143 파운드 또는 0.0648 그램) ⑤ (목재/천/암석 등의) 결 ⑥ (표면의) 촉감
[첫뜻] a small, hard seed
[활용] 복수형; grains
[파생] grainer, grainless, grain
[유의어] iota
<동사> ① 낟알로 만들다, 알갱이 모양으로 하다 ② 바래지 않도록 염색하다. ③ (가죽 따위의) 거죽을 거칠거칠[오톨도톨]하게 하다.
[어근] grain(gran); grain
[어원] granum(Latin), seed, a grain, small kernel(씨, 곡물, 작은 (씨)알맹이)

humble [형용사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] humble
[본문] [42]I learn so much from people, and it's amazing how the more you meet people, the more you know stories, how much more humble you become because you notice that you are a beautiful, tiny piece of sand, but a very important piece of sand like everyone is, right?
[영영] A humble person is not proud and does not believe that they are better than other people.
[영한] ① 겸손한 ② (반어적 또는 유머) (예의상 자기를 낮추는 표현에서) 변변치 않은, 초라한 ③ (지위신분이) 미천한[보잘것없는] ④ (사물이) 변변찮은, 작은
[첫뜻] submissive, respectful, lowly in manner, modest, not self-asserting, obedient
[활용] humble < humbler < humblest
[파생] humbled, humbleness, humbler, humbling, humblingly, humbly, humble
[유의어] modest , arrogant(오만하다), lowly
<동사> ① 겸허하게[겸손하게] 만들다 ② (특히 강력한 상대를) 쉽게 꺾다[이기다] ③ 겸손하게 처신하다
[어근]hum; 땅, ground, earth ⑵ ble(able); 형용사 어미
[어원] humilis(Latin), [from humus] lowly, humble; on the ground

ideal [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2839] [★★] [레마] idea
[본문] [13]They wanted the world to become a utopia - a perfect, ideal society where everyone is happy and gets along with each other.
[영영] The ideal person or thing for a particular task or purpose is the best possible person or thing for it.
[영한] ① 이상적인, 가장 알맞은, 완벽한 ② (상상 속에서나 가능한) 이상적인
[첫뜻] pertaining to an archetype or model
[파생] idea, ideal, idealess, idealism, idealistic, idealistically, ideality, idealize, ideally, idealness, ideate, idealist
[유의어] perfect, optimum optimum
<명사> ① 이상 ② 이상적인 것[사람], 이상형
[어근]ide(ideo); 생각, idea, thought ⑵ al; 접미어

ill [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2970] [★★] [레마] ill
[본문] [18]In 2012, Australian nurse, Bronnie Ware, wrote her bestselling book, The Top Five Regrets of the Dying, after interviewing terminally ill patients about their life regrets.
[영영] ① Someone who is ill is suffering from a disease or a health problem.
② You can use ill in front of some nouns to indicate that you are referring to something harmful or unpleasant.
[영한] ① [대개 명사 앞에는 안 씀] 아픈, 병 든, 몸[기분]이 안 좋은 ② 나쁜, 유해한 ③ 불길한
[첫뜻] morally evil; offensive, objectionable
[활용] 비교; ill < worse < worst
[파생] illness, ill
<명사> ① 문제, 해악, 병 ② (문예체) 해, 불운 <부사> ① 나쁘게, 불쾌하게 ② 잘못하여, 제대로 하지 않고 ③ 어렵게, 간신히
[어원] illr(Old Norse), evil, bad; hard, difficult; mean, stingy

insignificant [형용사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] signify < sign
[본문] [45]Herman compares himself to a beautiful but tiny piece of sand and uses the phrase a grain of sand to describe things which are insignificant in themselves, but at the same time are an important part of the whole.
[영영] Something that is insignificant is unimportant, especially because it is very small.
[영한] 대수롭지 않은, 사소한, 하찮은
[파생] insignificance, insignificancy, insignificantly, insignificant
[반의어] significant
[어근]in; not ⑵ signi(sign); 표시, sign ⑶ ficant(fic); make, 만들다

outlandish [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] outland < land
[본문] [31]And that is something that many people outside of Riverside struggle with, and where we're often getting this 'communism' label attached to us, because it's so… it seems so outlandish for people.
[영한] 이상한, 기이한
[파생] outlandishly, outlandishness, outlandish
[유의어] bizarre
[어근]out; 밖, 이상의, out ⑵ land; 땅, land ⑶ ish; 형용사 어미

peace-loving [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] peace
[본문] [25]The first dreamer we're going to meet lives in Riverside, a peace-loving community in New Zealand where everyone shares everything.
[영영] If you describe someone as peace-loving, you mean that they try to avoid quarrelling or fighting with other people.
[영한] 평화를 사랑하는
[유의어] peaceable
[구성단어] peace + loving

riverside [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] riverside < side
[본문] [25]The first dreamer we're going to meet lives in riverside, a peace-loving community in New Zealand where everyone shares everything.
[영한] 강가, 강변
[어근]river(riv); 해안, brook ⑵ side; side

sand [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2224] [레마] sand
[본문] [42]I learn so much from people, and it's amazing how the more you meet people, the more you know stories, how much more humble you become because you notice that you are a beautiful, tiny piece of sand, but a very important piece of sand like everyone is, right?
[영한] ① 모래 ② 모래사장
[첫뜻] water-worn detritus finer than gravel; fine particles of rocks (largely crystalline rocks, especially quartz); the material of the beach, desert, or sea-bed
[활용] 복수형; sands
[파생] sandable, sandiness, sandlike, sandy, sandyish, sand
<동사> (매끈해지도록) 사포[모래]로 닦다
[어원] sand(Old English), sand(모래)

terminally [부사] [R; 5001+] [레마] termin
[본문] [18]In 2012, Australian nurse, Bronnie Ware, wrote her bestselling book, The Top Five Regrets of the Dying, after interviewing terminally ill patients about their life regrets.
[영한] 말기 환자로, 불치병에 걸려
[파생] terminal, terminally, terminate, terminus
[어근]termin; 한계, boundary, limit ⑵ al; 형용사 어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미

unfortunately [부사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2032] [★★] [레마] unfortunate < fortune
[본문] [10]unfortunately, as we grow up these childhood dreams often get lost in the adult world of jobs, money, families and careers.
[영영] ADV] You can use unfortunately to introduce or refer to a statement when you consider that it is sad or disappointing, or when you want to express regret.
[영한] 불행하게도, 유감스럽게도
[파생] unfortunately, unfortunateness, unfortunate
[유의어] regrettably
[반의어] fortunately
[어근]un; 아님(不) ⑵ fortun(fort); 기회 ⑶ ate; 동사 어미 ⑷ ly; 부사 어미

utopia [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] topia
[본문] [13]They wanted the world to become a utopia - a perfect, ideal society where everyone is happy and gets along with each other.
[영영] If you refer to an imaginary situation as a utopia, you mean that it is one in which society is perfect and everyone is happy, but which you feel is not possible.
[영한] 이상향, 유토피아
[첫뜻] nowhere
[활용] 복수형; utopias
[어근]u(ou); not ⑵ top(topo); place, location ⑶ ia; 명사 어미
[어원] ou topos(Greek), ou+topos; nowhere

vintage [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] vintage < topia
[본문] [38]In 2000, childhood sweethearts, Herman and Candelaria Zapp, bought a vintage car and set off from Argentina to travel around the world with less than 3.500 dollars in their pockets.
[영영] The vintage of a good quality wine is the year and place that it was made before being stored to improve it. You can also use vintage to refer to the wine that was made in a certain year.
[영한] ① 어느 일정한 수확에서 얻어지는 포도주. ② 포도 수확 연산(年産), (한철의) 포도 수확량. ③ 고급 포도주 ④ (포도주 제조용의) 포도 수확 , 포도 수확기 , 포도주 담그는 철. ⑤ 포도주 양조 ⑥ 어떤 포도주가 만들어진 해 또는 곳. ⑦ 어느 해[계절] 제작품, (특히 오래된) 제작, 형(型) ⑧ 고급술
[첫뜻] harvest of grapes, yield of wine from a vineyard
<형용사> ① 빈티지 (와인의) (포도주가 품질이 아주 좋고 여러 해 저장된) ② (차량이) (1917년에서 1930년 사이에 만들어진) 클래식[빈티지] 카의 ③ 고전적인, 전통 있는, 유서 깊은, (특정 인물의 작품들 중) 최고의
[어근]vin; 와인, wine ⑵ de; 접두어 ⑶ empt; 사다, buy
[어원] vindemia(Latin), [vinum+demere] a gathering of grapes, yield of grapes

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