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[BBC 영어단어 공부] 6 Minute English; The benefits of low emission zones

[BBC 영어단어 공부] 6 Minute English; The benefits of low emission zones


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Cities around the world are trying to clean up the air people breathe. One way of doing this is introducing low emission zones, which restrict or ban polluting cars. Last year, London introduced the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ), and this year British cities including Bath, Leeds and Birmingham are also bringing in Clean Air Zones. 6 Minute English discusses this clean-air initiative and teaches some useful items of vocabulary.

세계의 주요 도시들이 주민들이 편히 숨쉴 수 있는 깨끗한 공기를 제공하기 위해 많은 노력을 기울이고 있습니다. 저 배출 구역 제도를 도입하는 것이 이러한 노력의 일환입니다. 이 구역에서는 매연을 배출하는 차량은 운행할 수 없습니다. 지난 해 영국 런던은 한 걸음 더 나아가 초저 배출 구역제도를 도입했습니다. 런던 이외의 다른 도시들, 예를들면 배스, 리드 및 버밍햄 등이 앞 다투어 청정대기구역 제도를 실시하고 있습니다. 6분 영어는 이러한 공기 청정 계획안들에 대해 논의합니다. 이 과정에서 유용한 단어를 독자들에게 가르쳐 줍니다.

새내기할배 블로그가 제안하는 영어단어 암기법은 기본적으로 문장을 통해 암기하는 것입니다. 그래서 설명하는 모든 단어마다 본문도 함께 제시됩니다. 그러나 새로 나온다고 해서 모든 단어를 무한정 암기할 수는 없습니다. 그래서 암기해야 해야 할 단어와 이해만 하고 넘어갈 단어를 구분하는 지혜가 필요합니다. [BBC Leaning English] 6 Minute English - The benefits of low emission zones에 수록된 영어단어 수는

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altogether [부사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3838] [★★] [레마] together
[본문] Of course, and cities like London have them - most vehicles, {which are} including cars and vans, need to meet certain emissions standards or their drivers must pay a daily charge to drive within the zone - or they might even be banned altogether.
[영영] You use altogether to emphasize that something has stopped, been done, or finished completely.
[영한] ⒨ ① 완전히, 전적으로 ② 모두 합쳐, 총 ③ 전체적으로 보아, 대체로
[구성단어] all + together
[유의어] entirely(전혀)

atmospheric [형용사] [★] [레마] atmosphere
[본문] Let's hear from an expert on this - Alastair Lewis, who is a Professor of atmospheric Chemistry at the University of York.
[영영] Atmospheric is used to describe something which relates to the earth's atmosphere.
[영한] ⒨ ① 대기의 ② 분위기 있는
[파생] atmospheric, atmospherical, atmospherically, atmosphere
[어근]atmo(atmos); vapor, steam ⑵ sphere; sphere ⑶ ic; 형용사 어미

ban [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3301] [★★] [레마] ban
[본문] Of course, and cities like London have them - most vehicles, {which are} including cars and vans, need to meet certain emissions standards or their drivers must pay a daily charge to drive within the zone - or they might even be banned altogether.
[영영] To ban something means to state officially that it must not be done, shown, or used.
[영한] ⒨ ① 금(지)하다 ② ~에게 ~을 금(지)하다
[활용] banned, banned, banning, bans
[파생] bannable, ban
[어근] ban; forbid
[유의어] prohibit
<명사> 금지(법[법령])

breathe [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2284] [★★] [레마] breath
[본문] It's all about making the air we breathe cleaner.
[영영] When people or animals breathe, they take air into their lungs and let it out again. When they breathe smoke or a particular kind of air, they take it into their lungs and let it out again as they breathe.
[영한] ⒨ ① 호흡하다, 숨을 쉬다 ② (입에서) 냄새를 풍기다[연기를 내뱉다] ③ (문예체) 나직이[속삭이듯] 말하다 ④ (포도주의 뚜껑을 딴 후) 공기를 쏘이다 ⑤ (피부 등이) 호흡하다
[첫뜻] to draw air into and expel it from the lungs; to inhale and exhale (a scent, etc.)
[활용] breathed, breathed, breathing, breathes
[파생] breath, breathe, breathy
[어근] breath; 숨

chemistry [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 4790] [★★] [레마] chemist
[본문] Let's hear from an expert on this - Alastair Lewis, who is a Professor of Atmospheric chemistry at the University of York.
[영영] Chemistry is the scientific study of the structure of substances and of the way that they react with other substances.
[영한] ⒨ ① 화학 ② (특정 물질의) 화학적 성질 ③ (사람 사이의) 화학 반응(보통 성적으로 강하게 끌리는 것을 가리킴)
[활용] 복수형; chemistries
[파생] chemical, chemically, chemist, chemistry
[어근]chem(chemo); 화학 ⑵ ist; …하는 사람(명사어미) ⑶ ry(ery); 성질,행위,상태

cleaner [명사] [★] [레마] clean
[본문] It's all about making the air we breathe cleaner.
[영영] A cleaner is someone who is employed to clean the rooms and furniture inside a building.
[영한] ⒨ ① 청소부 ② 청소기, 세제 ③ (pl. cleaners) cleaner's 세탁소
[활용] 복수형; cleaners
[파생] clean, cleanable, cleanly, cleanness, cleaner, cleanse
[어근]clean; clean ⑵ er; ~하는 것(명사 어미)

climate [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2121] [★★] [레마] climate
[본문] And later this year it is hosting a major United Nations climate change summit.
[영영] The climate of a place is the general weather conditions that are typical of it.
[영한] ⒨ ① 기후 ② 기후가 …한 지역 ③ 분위기, 풍조
[첫뜻] horizontal zone of the earth's surface measured by lines parallel to the equator
[활용] 복수형; climates
[파생] climatal, climatic, climatical, climatically, climate
[어원] clima(Latin), genitive climatis;

complicated [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2775] [★★] [레마] complicate
[본문] So, Alastair points out that air pollution is a complex problem - it's complicated, difficult and involves many parts.
[영영] If you say that something is complicated, you mean it has so many parts or aspects that it is difficult to understand or deal with.
[영한] ⒨ 복잡한
[파생] complicatedly, complicatedness, complicated
[어근]com; together ⑵ plic; to fold ⑶ ate; 동사어미 ⑷ ed; 과거분사/형용사 어미
[유의어] complex, intricate(복잡하다)

concentrate [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2379] [★★] [레마] concentrate
[본문] He uses the phrase 'focusing the mind' - that means to concentrate on one idea or thought.
[영영] If you concentrate on something, or concentrate your mind on it, you give all your attention to it.
[영한] ⒨ ① (정신을) 집중하다[집중시키다], 전념하다 ② (한 곳에) 모으다[집중시키다] ③ 농축시키다
[첫뜻] to bring or come to a common center
[활용] concentrated, concentrated, concentrating, concentrates
[파생] concentrate, concentration, concentrative, concentrator
[어근]con(com); with, together ⑵ centr(center); center ⑶ ate; 동사어미 ~ 하다.
[유의어] reduce
<명사> 농축물

concentration [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2774] [★★] [레마] concentrate
[본문] So, low emission zones are one way to reduce concentrations, but they are not, in isolation, going to be the solution.
[영영] Concentration on something involves giving all your attention to it.
[영한] ⒨ ① 정신 집중 ② (노력 등의) 집중 ③ (무엇이 한군데에 모이는) 집중 ④ 농도
[활용] 복수형; concentrations
[파생] concentrate, concentration, concentrative, concentrator
[어근]con(com); with, together ⑵ centr(center); center ⑶ at(ate); 동사어미 ~ 하다. ⑷ ion(ation); 명사어미

cure [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 4633] [★★] [레마] cure
[본문] One has to accept that air pollution is an enormously complex problem with a very very large number of contributing sources, and there will never be any one single action that will cure the problem for us.
[영영] ① If doctors or medical treatments cure an illness or injury, they cause it to end or disappear.
② If doctors or medical treatments cure a person, they make the person well again after an illness or injury.
③ If someone or something cures a problem, they bring it to an end.
[영한] ⒨ ① (사람동물을 아프지 않도록) 낫게 하다 ② (병을) 치유하다 ③ (문제를) 고치다[해결하다] ④ ~가 (나쁘거나 짜증스러운 행동인) ~을 하는 것을 바로잡다[고치다] ⑤ (식품담배를 훈연, 소금 절임 등으로) 보존 처리를 하다
[활용] cured, cured, curing, cures
[파생] cureless, curer, cure
[어근] cure(cur); 보살피다
<명사> ① 치유하는 약, 치유법 ② 치유 ③ (문제 등의) 치유[해결]책

diesel [명사] [레마] diesel
[본문] There's more of an incentive to do this now, at least in the UK, because the government has said new diesel and petrol cars and vans will be banned from 2040.
[영영] Diesel or diesel oil is the heavy oil used in a diesel engine.
[영한] ⒨ ① 디젤 ② 디젤 차량
[활용] 복수형; diesels
<동사> (가솔린 엔진이) 스위치를 끈 뒤에도 회전을 계속하다, 디젤링하다 <형용사> 디젤 엔진의

dioxide [명사] [레마] dioxide
[본문] Although there are many types of emissions, such as from factories, these zones predominantly target exhaust fumes from vehicles - poisonous gases called nitrogen dioxide.
[영영] ① a substance formed by combining two atoms of oxygen and one atom of another chemical element (see carbon dioxide)
② an oxide (such as carbon dioxide) containing two atoms of oxygen in the molecule
[영한] ⒨ (화학) 이산화물
[활용] 복수형; dioxides
[어근]di; 둘 ⑵ ox; 산소의 ⑶ ide; ~의 화합물

electric-powered [형용사] [레마] electric-powered
[본문] And, of course, changing to electric-powered cars is one way to do this.
[영한] ⒨ 전기 동력의
[구성단어] electric + power

emission [명사] [Ranking; 2937] [★★] [레마] emit
[본문] In this programme, we're discussing low emission zones and explaining some useful items of vocabulary along the way.
[영영] An emission of something such as gas or radiation is the release of it into the atmosphere.
[영한] ⒨ ① (빛/열/가스 등의) 배출 ② (대기 속의) 배출물, 배기가스
[활용] 복수형; emissions
[파생] emissive, emit, emission
[어근]e(ex); out of, 밖 ⑵ miss(mit); to send ⑶ ion(ation); 명사어미

enormously [부사] [★] [레마] enorm
[본문] One has to accept that air pollution is an enormously complex problem with a very very large number of contributing sources, and there will never be any one single action that will cure the problem for us.
[영한] ⒨ 엄청나게, 대단히
[파생] enormity, enormous, enormously, enormousness, enorm
[어근]e(ex); out of ⑵ norm; rule, norm ⑶ ous; …성(性)의(형용사 어미) ⑷ ly(lig); 부사어미

exhaust [명사] [Ranking; 4786] [★★] [레마] exhaust
[본문] Although there are many types of emissions, such as from factories, these zones predominantly target exhaust fumes from vehicles - poisonous gases called nitrogen dioxide.
[영영] The exhaust or the exhaust pipe is the pipe which carries the gas out of the engine of a vehicle.
[영한] ⒨ ① (자동차 등의) 배기가스 ② 배기관
[첫뜻] waste gas
[활용] 복수형; exhausts
[파생] exhausted, exhauster, exhaustibility, exhaustible, exhausting, exhaustion, exhaustive, exhaust
[어근]ex; off ⑵ haust(haur); draw (water), drain
<동사> ① 기진맥진하게 만들다 ② 다 써 버리다, 고갈시키다 ③ (어떤 주제에 대해) 샅샅이[철저히] 다루다

factory [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2151] [★★] [레마] factory
[본문] Although there are many types of emissions, such as from factories, these zones predominantly target exhaust fumes from vehicles - poisonous gases called nitrogen dioxide.
[영영] A factory is a large building where machines are used to make large quantities of goods.
[영한] ⒨ 공장
[첫뜻] estate manager's office
[활용] 복수형; factories
[파생] factorylike, factory-like, factory
[어근]fact(fac); make ⑵ ory; 곳, 장소(명사어미)
<형용사> 공장의

fume [명사] [★] [레마] fume
[본문] Although there are many types of emissions, such as from factories, these zones predominantly target exhaust fumes from vehicles - poisonous gases called nitrogen dioxide.
[영영] Fumes are the unpleasant and often unhealthy smoke and gases that are produced by fires or by things such as chemicals, fuel, or cooking.
[영한] ⒨ ① 연무(煙霧), 증발기(蒸發氣), 열기(熱氣), (자극성의) 발연(發煙) ② 향기, 향연(香煙) ③ 몽롱한 기분, 꿈 같은 기분(dreamy state of mind) , 제 잘난 체하기 ④ 노기, 흥분
[첫뜻] vapor, odorous vapor; exhalation
[활용] 복수형; fumes
[파생] fumeless, fumelike, fumer, fumingly, fumy, fume
[어근] fume(fum); 연기, smoke
<동사> ① (화가 나서) 씩씩대다 ② 연기[매연]를 내뿜다

greenhouse [형용사] [★] [레마] greenhouse
[본문] And my question today is about one UK city which recently announced {that} it wants to be the country's first 'net zero' city - placing their greenhouse emissions at a neutral level.
[영영] Greenhouse means relating to or causing the greenhouse effect.
[영한] ⒨ 온실 효과의
[구성단어] green + house
<명사> 온실

incentive [명사] [Ranking; 2750] [★★]
[본문] So, just because the city meets a particular value, there is still an incentive to continue to improve air quality, because the health benefits continue to build up as you do that.
[영영] If something is an incentive to do something, it encourages you to do it.
[영한] ⒨ ① (어떤 행동을 장려하기 위한) 장려[우대]책 ② 자극, 유인(誘因), 동기[to, for]. ⒪ 자극, 유인(誘因), 동기[to, for].
[활용] 복수형; incentives
[어원] incentivum(Latin), setting the tune
[반의어] disincentive(장려책)
<형용사> 자극적인, 고무하는, (능률 향상 등을) 격려하는, 보상의

isolation [명사] [Ranking; 4315] [★★]
[본문] So, low emission zones are one way to reduce concentrations, but they are not, in isolation, going to be the solution.
[파생] isolability, isolable, isolation, isolator, isolate

low-polluting [형용사] [레마] low-polluting
[본문] So, I think it's accepted that creating low emission zones is an incentive because it encourages people to either not drive into cities or to, at least, drive low-polluting vehicles.
[영한] ⒨ 저공해의
[구성단어] low + polluting

net [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2906] [★★] [레마] net
[본문] And my question today is about one UK city which recently announced {that} it wants to be the country's first 'net zero' city - placing their greenhouse emissions at a neutral level.
[영영] ① Net is a kind of cloth that you can see through. It is made of very fine threads woven together so that there are small equal spaces between them.
② A net is a piece of netting which is used as a protective covering for something, for example to protect vegetables from birds.
③ A net is a piece of netting which is used for catching fish, insects, or animals.
[영한] ⒨ ① 망사, 레이스 ② (무엇을 잡거나 가리기 위한) 그물[망] ③ (스포츠에서) 골대, 골문 ④ (테니스 등에서 공이 넘어 다니는) 네트 ⑤ the Net (비격식) 상호참조 the Internet
[첫뜻] open textile fabric tied or woven with a mesh for catching fish, birds, or wild animals alive; network; spider web
[활용] 복수형; nets
[파생] netty, net
[어원] net(Old English), open textile fabric tied or woven with a mesh for catching fish, birds, or wild animals alive; network; spider web
[유의어] clear
<동사> ① 순이익을 올리다 ② (특히 고기를) 그물로 잡다 ③ (교묘하게 사람을) 잡다, (무엇을) 획득하다 <형용사> ① (돈의 액수에 대해) 순(純)? ② (무게에 대해 용기(用器)를 뺀) 실(實)? ③ 최종적인 <부사> 참조 gross

neutral [형용사] [Ranking; 4265] [★★] [레마] neutral
[본문] And my question today is about one UK city which recently announced {that} it wants to be the country's first 'net zero' city - placing their greenhouse emissions at a neutral level.
[영영] If a person or country adopts a neutral position or remains neutral, they do not support anyone in a disagreement, war, or contest.
[영한] ⒨ ① (언쟁경쟁 등에서) 중립적인 ② (전쟁에서) 중립의, 중립국의 ③ 감정을 자제하는[드러내지 않는] ④ 중간색의 ⑤ (산성도 염기성도 아닌) 중성의
[파생] neuter, neutrality, neutralize, neutrally, neutralness, neutral
[어원] neutralis(Latin), of neuter gender
[유의어] impartial(중립적이다), unbiased(중립적이다)
<명사> ① (기어 위치의) 중립 ② 중립적 위치에 있는 사람[국가] ③ 중간색

nitrogen [명사] [레마] nitrogen
[본문] Although there are many types of emissions, such as from factories, these zones predominantly target exhaust fumes from vehicles - poisonous gases called nitrogen dioxide.
[영영] Nitrogen is a colourless element that has no smell and is usually found as a gas. It forms about 78% of the earth's atmosphere, and is found in all living things.
[영한] ⒨ (N) 질소
[활용] uncountable noun
[파생] nitrogenous, nitrous, nitrogen
[어근]nitro; 질소 ⑵ gen; giving birth to

petrol [명사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [레마] petrol
[본문] There's more of an incentive to do this now, at least in the UK, because the government has said new diesel and petrol cars and vans will be banned from 2040.
[영영] Petrol is a liquid which is used as a fuel for motor vehicles. in AM, use gas, gasoline
[영한] ⒨ 휘발유
[첫뜻] gasoline
[활용] uncountable noun
[어원] petroleum(Latin), petra+oleum

poisonous [형용사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [레마] poison
[본문] Although there are many types of emissions, such as from factories, these zones predominantly target exhaust fumes from vehicles - poisonous gases called nitrogen dioxide.
[영영] Something that is poisonous will kill you or make you ill if you swallow or absorb it.
[영한] ⒨ ① 유독한, 독[독성]이 있는 ② (동물/곤충이) 독이 있는 ③ 지독히 불쾌한[불친절한]
[파생] poison, poisoner, poisonous, poisonously, poisonousness
[어근]poison(potio); drinking ⑵ ous; …이 많은, …성(性)의
[유의어] toxic, venomous

pollutant [명사] [레마] pollute
[본문] He spoke to BBC Radio 4's Inside Science programme and explained why we should be trying to reduce these pollutants - a word for the substances that cause pollution…
[영영] Pollutants are substances that pollute the environment, especially gases from vehicles and poisonous chemicals produced as waste by industrial processes.
[영한] ⒨ 오염 물질, 오염원
[활용] 복수형; pollutants
[파생] pollute, polluter, pollution, pollutant
[어근]pollutant; ~하는 것(명사 어미)

pollute [동사] [레마] pollute
[본문] So, in a polluted city, we might find high concentrations of nitrogen dioxide because of all the traffic - it's not great for our health, Sam.
[영영] To pollute water, air, or land means to make it dirty and dangerous to live in or to use, especially with poisonous chemicals or sewage.
[영한] ⒨ 오염시키다
[첫뜻] to defile
[활용] polluted, polluted, polluting, pollutes
[파생] pollute, polluter, pollution, pollutant
[어근] pollute(pollut); defile, pollute

pollution [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2936] [★★] [레마] pollute
[본문] Well, the noun emission is an amount of, usually, gas, that is sent out into the air and harms the environment - it's pollution.
[영영] Pollution is the process of polluting water, air, or land, especially with poisonous chemicals.
[영한] ⒨ ① 오염, 공해 ② 오염 물질 ③ 소음/(인공) 조명 공해
[첫뜻] discharge of semen other than during sex
[활용] uncountable noun
[파생] pollute, polluter, pollution, pollutant
[어근]pollut; wash ⑵ ion(ation); 명사어미

predominantly [부사] [★] [레마] predominate
[본문] Although there are many types of emissions, such as from factories, these zones predominantly target exhaust fumes from vehicles - poisonous gases called nitrogen dioxide.
[영영] You use predominantly to indicate which feature or quality is most noticeable in a situation.
[영한] ⒨ 대개, 대부분
[파생] predominance, predominancy, predominantly, predominate, predominant
[어근]pre; 앞, before ⑵ domin; 집(house), to rule ⑶ ant; ~한(형용사 어미) ⑷ ly(lig); 부사어미

substance [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2297] [★★] [레마] substance
[본문] He spoke to BBC Radio 4's Inside Science programme and explained why we should be trying to reduce these pollutants - a word for the substances that cause pollution…
[영영] A substance is a solid, powder, liquid, or gas with particular properties.
[영한] ⒨ ① 물질 ② 실체 ③ 본질, 핵심, 요지 ④ 중요성
[첫뜻] essential nature, real or essential part
[활용] 복수형; substances
[파생] substance, substanceless, substantial, substantialism, substantialist, substantiality, substantially, substantialness, substantiate, substantival, substantivally, substantively, substantiveness, substantive
[어근]sub; up to, under ⑵ st(state); to stand ⑶ ance; 명사어미
[유의어] significance(중요성)

ultra-low [형용사] [레마] ultra-low
[본문] Now, Neil mentioned that London already has an ultra-low emission zone.
[영한] ⒨ 아주 낮은, 극단적으로 낮은, 초저(超低)의
[구성단어] ultra + low

useful [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2043] [★★] [레마] use
[본문] In this programme, we're discussing low emission zones and explaining some useful items of vocabulary along the way.
[영영] If something is useful, you can use it to do something or to help you in some way.
[영한] ⒨ ① 유용한, 도움이 되는, 쓸모 있는 ② 유능한, 훌륭한
[파생] usage, use, useful, usefully, usefulness, useless, usable
[어근]use; 사용 ⑵ ful; ~이 가득한(형용사어미)
[유의어] helpful

van [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3559] [★★] [레마] van
[본문] Of course, and cities like London have them - most vehicles, {which are} including cars and vans, need to meet certain emissions standards or their drivers must pay a daily charge to drive within the zone - or they might even be banned altogether.
[영영] A van is a small or medium-sized road vehicle with one row of seats at the front and a space for carrying goods behind.
[영한] ⒨ ① (뒷부분에 지붕이 덮인) 유개 화물차, 밴 ② 승합차 ③ (열차의) 화물칸
[첫뜻] ① front part of an army or other advancing group ② covered truck or wagon
[활용] 복수형; vans
[어원] caravan(English), covered truck or wagon

zero [형용사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [레마] zero
[본문] And my question today is about one UK city which recently announced {that} it wants to be the country's first 'net zero' city - placing their greenhouse emissions at a neutral level.
[영영] You can use zero to say that there is none at all of the thing mentioned.
[영한] ⒨ ① 0(도)의, 제로의 ② 조금도 없는, 결여되어 있는 ③ (기상) (시계(視界)가) 제로인
[어원] sifr(Arabic), cipher
<명사> ① (pl. zeros) 0, 영(零), 제로 ② (온도압력 등의) 영(零), 영도(零度) ③ 무(無), 제로 <동사> (계기 등을) 영[제로]에 맞추다

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[6분 영어]로 구동사(Phrasal Verb) 및 숙어(Idiom) 공부하기 - Women in politics [BBC Learning English] 어느 나라가 그들의 의회에서 여성 의원의 비율이 가장 높을까요? 프로그램을 잘 듣고 르완다, 스웨덴,..


