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6 Minute English 영어단어공부 - The world of Agatha Christie [BBC Learning English 강좌]


If you like a good murder mystery, you have probably read a book by the British writer Agatha Christie at some point. Her books are read all over the world and have been translated into a 103 languages. Neil and Sam talk about one of her most famous characters and teach you related vocabulary.

만약 당신이 좋은 살인 미스터리를 좋아한다면, 당신은 아마도 어느 시점에서는 영국의 작가 아가사 크리스티의 책을 읽은 적이 있었을 것입니다. 그녀의 책은 전세계에 걸쳐 읽혀집니다 그리고 103개의 언어로 번역이 되어 왔습니다. 닐과 샘이 그녀의 가장 유명한 등장인물 중의 하나에 대하여 말합니다 그리고 당신에게 관련된 어휘를 가르칩니다.

이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.



alibi [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] alibi
[본문] [27]Yet as he starts to investigate it seems that each of them has an alibi for the time of the murder.
[영영] If you have an alibi, you can prove that you were somewhere else when a crime was committed.
[영한] ① 알리바이 ② 변명, 구실
[첫뜻] a plea of having been elsewhere when an action took place,
[활용] 복수형; alibis
[어근] alibi(alien); 생경한, alien
[어원] alibi(Latin), [locative of alius] elsewhere, somewhere else

altogether [부사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3838] [★★] [레마] together
[본문] [30]During a snowstorm, the express train comes to a grinding halt - it slows down until it stops altogether.
[영영] You use altogether to emphasize that something has stopped, been done, or finished completely.
[영한] ① 완전히, 전적으로 ② 모두 합쳐, 총 ③ 전체적으로 보아, 대체로
[유의어] entirely(전혀)
[구성단어] all + together

berth [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] berth < bear
[본문] [25]In a snowstorm in Croatia, the train comes grinding to a halt and in one of the sleeping berths, a passenger is murdered.
[영영] A berth is a bed on a boat, train, or caravan.
[영한] ① (배기차 등의) 침상 ② (항구의) 정박지
[첫뜻] convenient sea room
[활용] 복수형; berths
[유의어] bunk
<동사> (배를) 정박시키다, (배가) 정박지로 들어가다
[어근]ber(bear); 참다, bear ⑵ th; 명사 어미
[어원] bear(English)

best-selling [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] sell
[본문] [12]To date over 2 billion copies of her crime novels have been sold worldwide, making her the best-selling novelist of all time… and the subject of this programme.
[영한] (책/레코드/작가 등이) 베스트셀러의
[구성단어] best + selling

dagger [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] dagger
[본문] [7]The last time I played Cluedo it was Professor Plum, in the library, with the dagger!
[영영] A dagger is a weapon like a knife with two sharp edges.
[영한] 단도, 단검
[첫뜻] edged or pointed weapon for thrusting, shorter than a sword,
<동사> ① 단도로 찌르다. ② (인쇄) 검표를 하다.
[어원] daga(Old Provencal)

detective [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3830] [★★] [레마] detect
[본문] [6]The idea is that the person playing detective discovers who the murderer is, where the crime took place, and which weapon was used.
[영영] A detective is someone whose job is to discover what has happened in a crime or other situation and to find the people involved. Some detectives work in the police force and others work privately.
[영한] ① 형사, 수사관 ② 탐정, 흥신소[심부름센터] 직원
[첫뜻] one whose occupation is to investigate matters as to which information is desired, especially concerning wrong-doers, and to obtain evidence against t
[활용] 복수형; detectives
[파생] detect, detectable, detecter, detectible, detection, detective
<형용사> 탐정의, 탐정용의.
[어근]de; un, from ⑵ tect; 덮다, cover ⑶ ive; 접미사

eccentric [형용사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] eccentric
[본문] [40]In her stories, Agatha Christie describes Hercule Poirot as a very strange or eccentric man.
[영영] If you say that someone is eccentric, you mean that they behave in a strange way, and have habits or opinions that are different from those of most people.
[영한] 괴짜인, 별난, 기이한
[파생] eccentrically, eccentricity, eccentric
[유의어] singular
[반의어] concentric(괴짜이다)
<명사> ① 괴벽스러운 사람, 별난 사람 ② 이상한[묘한, 별난] 것[일] ③ (기계) 편심기[륜]
[어근]ec(ex); out ⑵ centr(center); 중심 ⑶ ic; 형용사 어미

fictional [형용사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] fiction < fig-(빚다)
[본문] [15]Poirot may be Agatha Christie's most famous detective, but he isn't her only one - so who is Agatha Christie's other fictional detective?
[영영] Fictional characters or events occur only in stories, plays, or films and never actually existed or happened.
[영한] 허구적인, 소설의
[파생] fictional, fictionally, fictioneer, fictionist, fictitious, fictive, fiction
[반의어] real-life
[어근]fict(fig); 모양, form, shape ⑵ ion(ation); 명사 어미 ⑶ al; 형용사 어미



foible [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] foible
[본문] [43]There's the sort of the outward things, his appearance which is very striking and very unusual, and his sort of, I suppose foibles is the best thing to call them, he likes neatness, he likes order, he approaches thing very methodically, he's very proud of his luxuriant moustaches, you know, all of that.
[영영] A foible is a habit or characteristic that someone has which is considered rather strange, foolish, or bad but which is also considered unimportant.
[영한] (별로 해롭지 않은) 기벽[약점]
[첫뜻] weak point of a sword blade
[활용] 복수형; foibles
[유의어] idiosyncrasy
[어근] foible(feeble); 허약, feeble
[어원] foible(French), [from noun use of Old French adjective feble] a weak point, a weakness, failing

foolish [형용사] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] fool
[본문] [44]Sophie calls Poirot's unusual behaviour his foibles - habits or characteristics which are considered strange or foolish but which harm no-one.
[영영] If someone's behaviour or action is foolish, it is not sensible and shows a lack of good judgment.
[영한] ① (행동/행위가) 어리석은 ② 바보 같은 (기분이 들게 하는)
[파생] foolish, foolishly, foolishness, fool
[유의어] silly(어리석다), stupid(바보 같다), fool, stupid(어리석다)
[어근]fool; 바보, fool ⑵ ish; …의, …에 속하는, …다운

footstep [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] step
[본문] [26]Since it's impossible for anyone to have reached the isolated snow-trapped train or to have escaped from it without leaving telltale footsteps in the snow, the killer can only be one of the dozen people sharing Poirot's coach.
[영영] A footstep is the sound or mark that is made by someone walking each time their foot touches the ground.
[활용] 복수형; footsteps
[구성단어] foot + step

grind [동사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] grind
[본문] [25]In a snowstorm in Croatia, the train comes grinding to a halt and in one of the sleeping berths, a passenger is murdered.
[영영] If you grind a substance such as corn, you crush it between two hard surfaces or with a machine until it becomes a fine powder.
[영한] ① (곡식 등을 잘게) 갈다[빻다] ② (갈거나 빻아서) 생산하다 ③ [타동사][VN] (美) 상호참조 mince ④ (날을 세우거나 매끄럽게 하기 위해) 갈다 ⑤ (어디에 대고 ~을) 비비다[문지르다] ⑥ (흔히 듣기 싫은 소리가 나게) 갈다, 삐걱거리다, 삐걱거리게 만들다 ⑦ (무엇을 가는 기구의 손잡이를) 돌리다[돌려서 갈다]
[활용] ground, ground, grinding, grinds
[파생] grindingly, grind
<명사> ① (시간이 오래 걸리는) 고된[따분한] 일 ② (기계의) 삐걱거리는 소리 ③ [C] (美, 비격식) 상호참조 swot
[어원] grindan(Old English), to rub together, crush into powder, grate, scrape

halt [동사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] halt
[본문] [25]In a snowstorm in Croatia, the train comes grinding to a halt and in one of the sleeping berths, a passenger is murdered.
[영영] When a person or a vehicle halts or when something halts them, they stop moving in the direction they were going and stand still.
[영한] ① 멈추다, 서다, 세우다, 중단시키다 ② 주저하다, (결심/판단 등에서) 망설이다, 주저하다, 머뭇거리며 말하다, 의아해하다 ③ (시형(詩形)이) 불완전하다, (이론/논리 등이) 논리가 일관되지 않다 ④ 머뭇거리며 걷다, [고어] 절뚝거리다
[첫뜻] ① make a halt ② to walk unsteadily, move with a limping gait
[활용] halted, halted, halting, halts
[파생] halter, halt
<명사> ① 멈춤, 중단 ② (시골의) 간이역 ③ 절뚝거리는 사람 <형용사> 절뚝거리는
[어원] haltian(Old English), to limp, be lame; to hesitate

harmless [형용사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] harm
[본문] [55]And finally, someone's foibles are their strange but harmless habits or behaviour.
[영영] Something that is harmless does not have any bad effects, especially on people's health.
[영한] ① 해가 없는, 무해한 ② 악의 없는, 남의 기분을 상하게 하지 않을
[첫뜻] uninjured
[파생] harmlessly, harmlessness, harmless
[유의어] innocuous, innocent
[어근]harm; 해로운, 고통, harm ⑵ less; …이 없는, without

hidden [형용사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4034] [★★] [레마] hide
[본문] [52]A telltale sign reveals hidden information so that a secret can be revealed.
[영영] Hidden facts, feelings, activities, or problems are not easy to notice or discover.
[영한] 숨겨진, 숨은, 비밀의, 신비한, 희미한, 멍한, 불명료한
[유의어] undercurrent(숨다)
[어근]hidd(hide); hide ⑵ en; 만들다
[어원] gehydd(Old English), hidden, secret, occult

isolate [동사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4003] [★★] [레마] isolate < insul(섬)
[본문] [26]Since it's impossible for anyone to have reached the isolated snow-trapped train or to have escaped from it without leaving telltale footsteps in the snow, the killer can only be one of the dozen people sharing Poirot's coach.
[영영] To isolate a person or organization means to cause them to lose their friends or supporters.
[영한] ① 격리하다, 고립시키다 ② (별도로 알아보거나 다루기 위해 상황/문제/생각 등을) 분리[구분]하다 ③ (연구 대상이 되는 물질/세포 등을) 따로 떼어내다[분리하다]
[첫뜻] to set or place apart, to detach so as to make alone
[활용] isolated, isolated, isolating, isolates
[파생] isolability, isolable, isolation, isolator, isolate
[어근]isol(insul); 섬, island ⑵ ate; …의 특질을 가진; 주다


killer [명사] [Rank; 2635] [★] [레마] kill
[본문] [26]Since it's impossible for anyone to have reached the isolated snow-trapped train or to have escaped from it without leaving telltale footsteps in the snow, the killer can only be one of the dozen people sharing Poirot's coach.
[영영] A killer is a person who has killed someone, or who intends to kill someone.
[유의어] murderer
[어근]kill; 죽이다, kill ⑵ er; ~하는 사람(것)

knife [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2261] [★★] [레마] knife
[본문] [35]The murder victim is found in bed stabbed with a knife.
[영영] A knife is a tool for cutting or a weapon and consists of a flat piece of metal with a sharp edge on the end of a handle.
[영한] 칼, 나이프
[첫뜻] hand-held cutting instrument consisting of a short blade and handle
[활용] 복수형; knives
[파생] knifelike, knifer, knife
<동사> 칼로 찌르다[죽이다]
[어원] knifr(Old Norse), knife, dirk

lipstick [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] stick
[본문] [34]For example, lipstick on your husband's shirt could be a telltale sign he's having an affair.
[영영] Lipstick is a coloured substance in the form of a stick which women put on their lips.
[영한] 립스틱
[활용] 복수형; lipsticks
[구성단어] lip + stick

luxuriant [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] luxury
[본문] [43]There's the sort of the outward things, his appearance which is very striking and very unusual, and his sort of, I suppose foibles is the best thing to call them, he likes neatness, he likes order, he approaches thing very methodically, he's very proud of his luxuriant moustaches, you know, all of that.
[영영] Luxuriant plants, trees, and gardens are large, healthy, and growing well.
[영한] ① (식물/머리카락이 보기 좋게) 무성한, 풍성한 ② (특히 예술/분위기에 대해 써서) 풍부한
[어근]lux; 초과, 낭비, excess ⑵ eri(ery); 명사 어미 ⑶ ant; 형용사 어미

methodically [부사] [R; 5001+] [레마] method < meta(놀은 곳)
[본문] [43]There's the sort of the outward things, his appearance which is very striking and very unusual, and his sort of, I suppose foibles is the best thing to call them, he likes neatness, he likes order, he approaches thing very methodically, he's very proud of his luxuriant moustaches, you know, all of that.
[영한] 계통적으로
[어근]met(meta); 높은 곳 ⑵ hod(od); 길, way ⑶ ical(ic); 형용사 어미 ⑷ ly; 부사 어미

moustache [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] moustache
[본문] [43]There's the sort of the outward things, his appearance which is very striking and very unusual, and his sort of, I suppose foibles is the best thing to call them, he likes neatness, he likes order, he approaches thing very methodically, he's very proud of his luxuriant moustaches, you know, all of that.
[영영] A man's moustache is the hair that grows on his upper lip. If it is very long, it is sometimes referred to as his moustaches.
[영한] ① 콧수염 ② 아주 긴 콧수염
[첫뜻] the hair that grows upon the upper lip of men
[활용] 복수형; moustaches
[파생] moustached, mustached, moustache
[유의어] beard(턱수염)
[어원] mystakos(Greek), [genitive of mystax, related to mastax] upper lip, mustache

murderer [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] murder
[본문] [45]Yes, unlike the fictional murderers he uncovers, Poirot's foibles do no harm, but it makes me wonder if Agatha Christie's other famous detective also had unusual habits.
[영영] A murderer is a person who has murdered someone.
[영한] 살인범[자], 살해범
[활용] 복수형; murderers
[파생] murderer, murderous, murder
[유의어] killer
[어근]murder; 살해, murder ⑵ er; 명사 어미

mysterious [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 4132] [★★] [레마] mystery < myst
[본문] [56]That's all for our six-minute investigation into the mysterious world of Agatha Christie.
[영영] Someone or something that is mysterious is strange and is not known about or understood.
[영한] ① 이해[설명]하기 힘든, 기이한, 불가사의한 ② (특히 사람이 알려진 것이 많지 않아서) 신비한, 신비에 싸인 ③ (사람이 무엇에 대해) 말을 많이 하지 않는, 비밀스러운
[파생] mysterious, mysteriously, mysteriousness, mystery
[유의어] enigmatic(신비에 싸이다), cryptic(수수께끼 같다)
[어근]myst; initiated person ⑵ eri(ery); 명사어미 ⑶ ouse(ous); 형용사어미

mystery [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2352] [★★] [레마] mystery < myst
[본문] [9]The queen of murder mysteries is a British writer who was born in 1890.
[영영] A mystery is something that is not understood or known about.
[영한] ① 수수께끼, 미스터리 ② 신비스러운[수수께끼 같은] 사람[것] ③ 신비, 불가사의 ④ 미스터리물, 추리[탐정/범죄] 소설[영화/연극] ⑤ 비밀 종교 의식, 신비한[불가사의한] 지식 ⑥ (과학적으로 증명할 수 없는 종교적) 신비[믿음]
[첫뜻] ① religious truth via divine revelation, hidden spiritual significance, mystical truth ② handicraft, trade, art
[활용] 복수형; mysteries
[파생] mysterious, mysteriously, mysteriousness, mystery
[유의어] enigma(수수께끼), puzzle(수수께끼), riddle
[어근]myst; 비밀, 신비, secret ⑵ ery; 명사어미
[어원] mysterion(Greek), from mystes; secret rite or doctrine (known and practiced by certain initiated persons only), consisting of purifications, sacrificial offerings, processions, songs, etc.

neatness [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] neat
[본문] [43]There's the sort of the outward things, his appearance which is very striking and very unusual, and his sort of, I suppose foibles is the best thing to call them, he likes neatness, he likes order, he approaches thing very methodically, he's very proud of his luxuriant moustaches, you know, all of that.
[영영] neat+ness
[영한] ① 정돈됨, 단정함, 깔끔함, (몸치장 따위가) 말쑥함, 아담함 ② (문체/말이) 적절함, 요령 있음 ③ 훌륭함, 멋짐.
[파생] neatly, neatness, neat
[어근]neat; neat ⑵ ness; 명사 어미

no-one [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] one
[본문] [44]Sophie calls Poirot's unusual behaviour his foibles - habits or characteristics which are considered strange or foolish but which harm no-one.
[영한] 아무도 …않다
[구성단어] no + one


novelist [명사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] novel < nov
[본문] [12]To date over 2 billion copies of her crime novels have been sold worldwide, making her the best-selling novelist of all time… and the subject of this programme.
[영영] A novelist is a person who writes novels.
[영한] 소설가
[첫뜻] writer of novels,
[어근]nov; 새로운 것, new things ⑵ el(le); 지소 어미 ⑶ ist; …하는 사람

observation [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2123] [★★] [레마] observe < serv(지켜보다)
[본문] [39]But let's just say that, as usual, Poirot uncovers the murderer using his incredible powers of observation.
[영영] Observation is the action or process of carefully watching someone or something.
[영한] ① 관찰, 관측, 감시, 주시 ② (자신의 관찰에 따른) 논평[의견]
[첫뜻] the performance of a religious rite
[활용] 복수형; observations
[파생] observability, observable, observableness, observably, observance, observant, observation, observational, observationally, observe, observer
[유의어] remark, surveillance(감시)
[어근]ob; towards ⑵ serv; 보존, keep ⑶ ation; 명사 어미

orient [동사] [R; 5001+] [레마] orient
[본문] [13]Perhaps her best-known story is 'Murder on the orient Express', a whodunnit featuring her most famous detective, Hercule Poirot, who starred in 33 of Agatha Christie's books.
[영영] When you orient yourself to a new situation or course of action, you learn about it and prepare to deal with it.
[영한] ① (…을) 지향하게 하다, (특정 목적에) 맞추다 ② (주변 상황과 관련지어) 자기 위치를 알다 ③ (새로운 상황에) 적응하다[익숙해지다]
[활용] oriented, oriented, orienting, orients
[파생] oriental, orientation, orientational, orientationally, orient
<명사> ① 동양, 동방, 동방 제국, 아시아, 동반구(opp. occident), 극동 ② 동쪽(the east), 동방 지역, 동쪽 하늘 ③ 질 좋은 진주 , [U] 진주의 광택 <형용사> ① 동양 (여러 나라)의, 동쪽의 ② (해 등이) 뜨는, 출현하는, 솟는, 발생하기 시작하는 ③ (진주/보석 등이) 광택이 아름다운, 찬란하게 빛나는, 질이 좋은
[어근] orient(ori); 일으키다

outward [형용사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] ward
[본문] [43]There's the sort of the outward things, his appearance which is very striking and very unusual, and his sort of, I suppose foibles is the best thing to call them, he likes neatness, he likes order, he approaches thing very methodically, he's very proud of his luxuriant moustaches, you know, all of that.
[영영] An outward journey is a journey that you make away from a place that you are intending to return to later.
[영한] ① 표면상의, 겉보기의, 외형의 ② (특히 다시 돌아올 곳에서부터) 떠나가는 ③ (중심/특정 지점에서) 밖으로 향하는
[첫뜻] to or toward the outside, external
[파생] outwardly, outwardness, outward
[반의어] inward
[어근]out; 밖으로 ⑵ ward; ~쪽으로 (방향)

passenger [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2097] [★★] [레마] pass
[본문] [36]Poirot begins to investigate, but as he questions the train passengers one by one, it seems that everyone has an alibi - proof that they were somewhere else when a crime was committed.
[영영] A passenger in a vehicle such as a bus, boat, or plane is a person who is travelling in it, but who is not driving it or working on it.
[영한] ① 승객 ② (집단/팀에서 일을 많이 하지 않는) 군식구 같은 사람들
[첫뜻] passer-by
[활용] 복수형; passengers
[어근]pass; 걸음(산보), pass ⑵ enger(ager); 명사 어미
[어원] passagier(French), traveler, passer-by

perplex [동사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] perplex < plex
[본문] [29]Well, Poirot's certainly perplexed…
[영영] If something perplexes you, it confuses and worries you because you do not understand it or because it causes you difficulty.
[영한] (무엇을 이해할 수 없어서) 당혹하게 하다
[첫뜻] embarrass, puzzle, bewilder, fill (someone) with uncertainty,
[활용] perplexed perplexed perplexing perplexes
[파생] perplexity, perplex
[유의어] puzzle
[어근]per; 통하다(through) ⑵ plex; 땋다, 짜다, plait, weave
[어원] perplexus(Latin), [from per+plexus] involved, confused, intricate;

plum [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] plum
[본문] [7]The last time I played Cluedo it was Professor plum, in the library, with the dagger!
[영영] A plum is a small, sweet fruit with a smooth red or yellow skin and a stone in the middle.
[영한] ① 자두 ② 진자주색
[첫뜻] fruit of the genus Prunus,
[활용] 복수형; plums
[파생] plumlike, plummy, plum
<형용사> (일자리 등이) 아주 근사한, 알짜의
[어원] plume(Old English), [from Old High German pfluma, pfruma] plum, plum tree

proof [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2887] [★★] [레마] prove
[본문] [36]Poirot begins to investigate, but as he questions the train passengers one by one, it seems that everyone has an alibi - proof that they were somewhere else when a crime was committed.
[영영] ① Proof is a fact, argument, or piece of evidence which shows that something is definitely true or definitely exists.
② In publishing, the proofs of a book, magazine, or article are a first copy of it that is printed so that mistakes can be corrected before more copies are printed and published.
[영한] ① 증거(물), 증명(서) ② 입증, 증명 ③ (수학) 증명 ④ 교정쇄 ⑤ 프루프(증류주의 알코올 농도를 나타내는 단위)
[활용] 복수형; proofs
[파생] proof, provability, provable, provably, prove
<동사> ① (특히 천에) 방수[방염 등의] 처리를 하다 ② 교정쇄를 만들다 <형용사> ① (손상 등에) 견딜 수 있는 ② (''…에 맞서 저항보호할 수 있음''을 나타냄)
[어근] proof(prob); 시험, worthy


sleeping [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] sleep
[본문] [25]In a snowstorm in Croatia, the train comes grinding to a halt and in one of the sleeping berths, a passenger is murdered.
[영영] You use sleeping to describe places where people sleep or things concerned with where people sleep.
[영한] ① 자는, 자고 있는 ② 활동하지 않는, 쉬고 있는 ③ 숙박 설비를 갖춘 ④ 숙박[수면]용의 ⑤ (손/발이) 저리는
<명사> ① 수면 ② 불활동, 휴지
[어근]sleep; 잠, 수면, sleep ⑵ ing; 형용사 어미

snowstorm [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] storm
[본문] [25]In a snowstorm in Croatia, the train comes grinding to a halt and in one of the sleeping berths, a passenger is murdered.
[영영] A snowstorm is a very heavy fall of snow, usually when there is also a strong wind blowing at the same time.
[영한] 눈보라
[구성단어] snow + storm

snow-trapped [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] snow-trapped
[본문] [26]Since it's impossible for anyone to have reached the isolated snow-trapped train or to have escaped from it without leaving telltale footsteps in the snow, the killer can only be one of the dozen people sharing Poirot's coach.
[영한] 눈 속에 파묻힌
[구성단어] snow + trapped

spoil [동사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] spoil
[본문] [38]I won't spoil the story by telling you what happens next, Neil.
[영영] If you spoil something, you prevent it from being successful or satisfactory.
[영한] ① 망치다, 버려 놓다, 못쓰게 만들다 ② (아이를) 응석받이로[버릇없게] 키우다 ③ (특별한 일로) 행복하게 하다 ④ (음식이) 상하다
[첫뜻] to strip (someone) of clothes, strip a slain enemy
[활용] spoiled spoilt, spoiled spoilt, spoiling, spoils
[파생] spoilable, spoilage, spoil
[유의어] go off(상하다), ruin(버려 놓다), overindulge(버릇없게 키우다)
<명사> ① (격식 또는 문예체) 약탈품, 전리품 ② 성과 ③ (광산발굴터 등에서 파낸) 폐석
[어원] spolium(Latin), arms taken from an enemy, booty; hide, skin stripped from a killed animal(적에게서 뺴았은 무기, 노획물; 가죽, 죽인 적으로부터 벗긴 피부)

stab [동사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] stab
[본문] [35]The murder victim is found in bed stabbed with a knife.
[영영] If someone stabs you, they push a knife or sharp object into your body.
[영한] ① (칼같이 뾰족한 것으로) 찌르다 ② 삿대질을 하다, (뾰족한 것을 위협적으로) 흔들다[찌르다]
[첫뜻] thrust with a pointed weapon,
[활용] stabbed, stabbed, stabbing, stabs
[파생] stabber, stab
[유의어] prod, jab, knife
<명사> ① 찌르기, 찌르려고 하기, 찔린 상처, 자상 ② 찌르는[쑤시는] 듯한 통증[느낌] ③ 시도
[어원] stob(Middle English), [a var, of stub] a stake, stump

striking [형용사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4648] [★★] [레마] strike
[본문] [43]There's the sort of the outward things, his appearance which is very striking and very unusual, and his sort of, I suppose foibles is the best thing to call them, he likes neatness, he likes order, he approaches thing very methodically, he's very proud of his luxuriant moustaches, you know, all of that.
[영영] Something that is striking is very noticeable or unusual.
[영한] ① 눈에 띄는, 두드러진, 현저한 ② 굉장히 매력적인, 빼어난
[파생] strikingly, strikingness, striking
[유의어] marked, stunning
[어근]strike; 치다, strike ⑵ ing; 형용사 어미

summarise [동사] [R; 5001+] [레마] summary < sum
[본문] [23]Listen as writer and Agatha Christie superfan, Harriet Gilbert, summarises the story for BBC World Service programme, World Book Club.
[영영] If you summarize something, you give a summary of it.
[영한] 요약하다
[파생] summarily, summariness, summarisable, summarisation, summariser, summarist, summarizable, summarization, summarize, summarizer, summary, summarise
[어근]summ(sum); 합계, sum ⑵ ar(ary); 명사어미 ⑶ ise; 동사 어미

superfan [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] fan
[본문] [23]Listen as writer and Agatha Christie superfan, Harriet Gilbert, summarises the story for BBC World Service programme, World Book Club.
[영영] An extremely dedicated fan
[영한] 열혈 팬
[활용] 복수형; superfans
[구성단어] super + fan

telltale [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] tale
[본문] [26]Since it's impossible for anyone to have reached the isolated snow-trapped train or to have escaped from it without leaving telltale footsteps in the snow, the killer can only be one of the dozen people sharing Poirot's coach.
[영한] (어떤 것이 존재하거나 어떤 일이 있었음을 숨기려 해도) 숨길 수 없는
<명사> 고자쟁이(어른에게 다른 아이의 잘못을 일러바치는 아이)
[구성단어] tell + tale

translate [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2753] [★★] [레마] translate < trans
[본문] [10]Her books are read all over the world and have been translated into a 103 different languages.
[영영] If something that someone has said or written is translated from one language into another, it is said or written again in the second language.
[영한] ① 번역[통역]하다, (다른 언어로) 옮기다 ② 번역되다, 통역되다 ③ (다른 형태로) 바꾸다[옮기다], 바뀌다 ④ (특정하게) 이해[해석]하다, 뜻하다, 의미하다
[첫뜻] to remove from one place to another
[활용] translated, translated, translating, translates
[파생] translatability, translatable, translation, translate
[유의어] interpret, render
[어근]trans; 건너가다, across ⑵ late; ~로 전달된[제공된], carried


unconnected [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] connect
[본문] [24]Poirot is on the train, heading back home to England from Syria, when two unconnected events take place.
[영영] If one thing is unconnected with another or the two things are unconnected, the things are not related to each other in any way.
[영한] 관련[상관]이 없는
[유의어] unrelated(관계 없다)
[반의어] connected(관련이 있다)
[어근]un; 아님(不, 無), not ⑵ con(com); together ⑶ nect; 묶다, fasten ⑷ ed; 형용사 어미

uncover [동사] [Rank; 4482] [★] [레마] cover
[본문] [39]But let's just say that, as usual, Poirot uncovers the murderer using his incredible powers of observation.
[영영] If you uncover something, especially something that has been kept secret, you discover or find out about it.
[영한] ① 덮개를 벗기다, 뚜껑을 열다 ② (비밀 등을) 알아내다[적발하다]
[활용] uncovered uncovered uncovering uncovers
[어근]un; 아님(不, 無), not ⑵ cover; cover, 덮다

whodunnit [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] who
[본문] [8]Cluedo is based on a very popular type of book - the murder mystery, sometimes called a whodunnit - a story about a murder which does reveal who the murderer is until the end.
[영영] A whodunnit is a novel, film, or play which is about a murder and which does not tell you who the murderer is until the end.
[영한] 탐정[추리] 소설[영화/연극 등]
[구성단어] who + done + it

worldwide [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 4505] [★★] [레마] world
[본문] [12]To date over 2 billion copies of her crime novels have been sold worldwide, making her the best-selling novelist of all time… and the subject of this programme.
[영한] 전 세계적인
[파생] worldly, worldwide, world
<부사> 전 세계에
[구성단어] world + wide




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