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6 Minute English

6 Minute English 영어단어공부 - Mars: Mysteries of the Red Planet [BBC Learning English 강좌]


Mars has been in the news a lot recently with three separate missions being sent to explore the planet’s surface in 2021. Neil and Sam discuss our fascination with the 'Red Planet' and teach you related vocabulary.

화성은 2021년에 행성의 표면을 탐사하기 위해 보내지는 것인 세개의 다른 우주비행으로 최근에 많이 화제가 되어 왔습니다. 닐과 샘이 붉은 별로 인한 우리의 매료됨을 논의합니다 그리고 당신에게 관련된 어휘를 가르칩니다.

이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.




adaptable [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] adapt < apt(붙이다)
[본문] [40]And from all that we have learned from astrobiology, life is amazingly adaptable, but it still needs water.
[영영] If you describe a person or animal as adaptable, you mean that they are able to change their ideas or behaviour in order to deal with new situations.
[영한] (호감) (새로운 환경에) 적응할 수 있는
[파생] adapt, adaptability, adaptable, adaptableness, adaptably, adaptation, adaptive
[어근]ad; 향하여, 첨가 ⑵ apt; 적당히, fit ⑶ able; 형용사 어미

amazingly [부사] [R; 5001+] [레마] amaze < maze
[본문] [40]And from all that we have learned from astrobiology, life is amazingly adaptable, but it still needs water.
[영영] amazing + ly
[영한] 놀랄 만큼, 굉장하게, [문장 전체를 수식하여] 놀랍게도
[파생] amazingly, amazing
[어근]a(ad); 향하여, 첨가, to ⑵ maz(maze); maze, 깜짝 놀란 ⑶ ing; 형용사 어미 ⑷ ly; 부사 어미

astrobiology [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] biology < bio
[본문] [40]And from all that we have learned from astrobiology, life is amazingly adaptable, but it still needs water.
[영영] the branch of biology that investigates the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe
[영한] 우주 생물학
[어근]astro; 별, star ⑵ bio; life ⑶ log; study of. ⑷ y; 명사어미

astronomer [명사] [Rank; 3779] [★] [레마] astronomy < astro
[본문] [10]Ancient civilisations, like the Maya of central America observed the planet's colour and recorded its movements, just like modern astronomers - scientists who study the universe and the stars, planets and suns within it.
[영영] An astronomer is a scientist who studies the stars, planets, and other natural objects in space.
[영한] 천문학자
[활용] 복수형; astronomers
[파생] astronomer, astronomical, astronomy
[어근]astro; 별 ⑵ nom(nomy); 법칙 ⑶ er; 명사 어미

billionaire [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] billion < mile
[본문] [45]And with billionaire businessmen like Elon Musk planning manned missions to space, who knows how long it could be before we see a human on Mars?
[영영] A billionaire is an extremely rich person who has money or property worth at least a thousand million pounds or dollars.
[영한] 억만장자, 갑부
[활용] 복수형; billionaires
[어근]bi; 둘(2) ⑵ llion(mill); 천, 1000 ⑶ aire; 명사 어미

blockbuster [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] buster
[본문] [8]This includes music, such as David Bowie's 1973 hit, Life on Mars - , and countless films, from 1938's, Mars Attacks!, to the 2015 blockbuster, The Martian.
[영영] A blockbuster is a film or book that is very popular and successful, usually because it is very exciting.
[영한] 블록버스터(크게 성공한 책이나 영화)
[첫뜻] large bomb
[활용] 복수형; blockbusters
[파생] blockbust, blockbusting, blockbuster
[구성단어] block + buster

businessman [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3880] [★★] [레마] man
[본문] [45]And with billionaire businessmen like Elon Musk planning manned missions to space, who knows how long it could be before we see a human on Mars?
[영영] A businessman is a man who works in business.
[영한] ① (특히 높은 직급의) 회사원, 경영인 ② 거래[장사]에 밝은 사람
[활용] 복수형; businessmen
[어근]busi(busy); 바쁜, busy ⑵ ness; 성질, 상태, 정도 ⑶ man; 사람, 인간, person

chemical [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2640] [★★] [레마] chemical < chem(연금술의)
[본문] [33]Yes - it's red because of rust - a reddish chemical substance called iron oxide that occurs when metals react with water and air.
[영영] Chemical means involving or resulting from a reaction between two or more substances, or relating to the substances that something consists of.
[영한] ① 화학의 ② 화학적인 (변화를 수반한)
[첫뜻] relating to chemistry, pertaining to the phenomena with which chemistry deals
[파생] chemical, chemically, chemist, chemistry
[유의어] chemic(화학이다)
<명사> 화학 물질
[어근]chem; 화학, 연금술의 ⑵ ical(ic); 형용사 어미
[어원] alchimicus(Latin)

civilisation [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] civil
[본문] [10]Ancient civilisations, like the Maya of central America observed the planet's colour and recorded its movements, just like modern astronomers - scientists who study the universe and the stars, planets and suns within it.
[영영] A civilization is a human society with its own social organization and culture.
[영한] ① 문명 ② 문명 (사회) ③ 전 세계 (사람들) ④ (흔히 유머) (현대의 안락한) 문명사회
[활용] 복수형; civilisations
[어근]civil(civ); 시민 ⑵ is(ize); 동사 어미 ⑶ ation; 명사 어미

countless [형용사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] count
[본문] [8]This includes music, such as David Bowie's 1973 hit, Life on Mars - , and countless films, from 1938's, Mars Attacks!, to the 2015 blockbuster, The Martian.
[영영] Countless means very many.
[영한] 무수한, 셀 수 없이 많은 참조 uncountable
[파생] countlessly, countless
[어근]count; 계산, count ⑵ less; …이 없는, without



distinctive [형용사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4775] [★★] [레마] distinct < stinct(찌르다)
[본문] [28]One of the distinctive things about Mars is that it's red so you can see it and identify it.
[영영] Something that is distinctive has a special quality or feature which makes it easily recognizable and different from other things of the same type.
[영한] 독특한
[파생] distinct, distinction, distinctive, distinctively, distinctiveness, distinguish
[유의어] characteristic(독특하다), individual(개성 있다)
[어근]di(dis); 하지 않기, 不, apart ⑵ stinct; 찌르다, apart ⑶ ive; 형용사 어미

exploration [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3921] [★★] [레마] explore < plore
[본문] [25]As lead scientist on NASA's Mars exploration Programme, he spent years observing and recording the Red Planet.
[영한] ① 탐사, 답사, 탐험 ② 탐구
[활용] 복수형; explorations
[파생] exploration, explorational, explorationist, explorative, exploratory, explore, explorer
[어근]ex; out ⑵ plor(plore); to weep, cry ⑶ ation; 명사 어미

fascination [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] fascinate
[본문] [7]Our fascination with the Red Planet has given birth to some interesting art over the years.
[영영] Fascination is the state of being greatly interested in or delighted by something.
[영한] ① (아주 강한) 매력 ② 매혹, 매료됨
[활용] 복수형; fascinations
[파생] fascinate, fascinatedly, fascination, fascinative
[어근]fascin; 매력, charm ⑵ at(ate); 동작·결과·상태 ⑶ ion(ation); 명사 어미

forum [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4759] [★] [레마] forum
[본문] [26]Listen to Dr Meyer in conversation with BBC World Service programme, The forum.
[영영] A forum is a place, situation, or group in which people exchange ideas and discuss issues, especially important public issues.
[영한] ① 포럼, (토론의) 장, 토론회 ② (고대 로마의) 포럼[광장]
[활용] 복수형; forums fora
[어근] forum(fores); 문밖, outside
[어원] forum(Latin), akin to foris/foras; court, judgment(foris(숲[야외]), foras(문밖[야외])와 같은 계열의 단어; 안 마당[법원], 재판)

habitable [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] habit < hab(갖다)
[본문] [42]So, finding liquid water on Mars, whether or not it's now or whether or not it's in the past, tells you that you potentially have a habitable environment, some place that could support life and perhaps even Martian life.
[영영] If a place is habitable, it is good enough for people to live in.
[영한] (장소가 사람이) 주거할 수 있는
[유의어] liveable
[반의어] uninhabitable
[어근]hibit(hab); 갖다, 거처하다 ⑵ able; 형용사 어미

immutable [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] immutable < mut
[본문] [30]And we saw that in 2018 when there was a global dust storm - Mars, instead of looking red looked a little orange, and that changing of colour might have made the civilisations watching Mars maybe uneasy to see something immutable in our night sky changing colours.
[영영] Something that is immutable will never change or cannot be changed.
[영한] 변경할 수 없는, 불변의
[첫뜻] unchanging, unalterable,
[파생] immutability, immutableness, immutably, immutable
[유의어] unchangeable
[어근]im(in); 아님(不), not ⑵ mut; 변화 ⑶ able; 형용사 어미

Interestingly [부사] [R; 5001+] [레마] interest < esse
[본문] [29]It looks red because of rust - iron oxide on the surface, which is red and, Interestingly that look can change.
[영영] Interesting + ly
[영한] 흥미있게, 재미있게.
[파생] Interestingly, interesting
[어근]inter; between ⑵ est(esse); 존재, to be ⑶ ing; 형용사 어미 ⑷ ly; 부사 어미

iron [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2300] [★★] [레마] iron
[본문] [29]It looks red because of rust - iron oxide on the surface, which is red and, interestingly that look can change.
[영영] You can use iron to describe the character or behaviour of someone who is very firm in their decisions and actions, or who can control their feelings well.
[영한] (강인하기가) 무쇠[철] 같은
[파생] ironer, ironless, ironlike, iron
<명사> ① (Fe) 철, 쇠, 철분 ② 다리미 ③ 철제[금속제] 기구 <동사> 다리미질을 하다
[어원] isærn(Old English), the metal iron; an iron weapon or instrument

manned [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] man
[본문] [45]And with billionaire businessmen like Elon Musk planning manned missions to space, who knows how long it could be before we see a human on Mars?
[영영] A manned vehicle such as a spacecraft has people in it who are operating its controls.
[영한] 유인(有人)의(기계/차량/장소/활동의 운영/조작을 사람이 하는)
[반의어] Unmanned
[어근]mann(man); 사람, 인간, person ⑵ ed; 형용사 어미



neighbour [명사] [Oxf3] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] neighbor < near
[본문] [5]In this programme, we'll be discussing our closest neighbour in the solar system - the planet Mars.
[영영] Your neighbour is someone who lives near you.
[영한] ① 이웃 (사람) ② 이웃 나라 ③ 옆에 있는 사람[것] ④ (문예체) (모든 다른 사람을 가리키는) 이웃
[첫뜻] one who lives near another,
[활용] 복수형; neighbours
[파생] neighboring, neighborless, neighbouring, neighbourless, neighbor, neighbour
[어근]nei(near); near ⑵ ghbour(gebur); dwellerm, inhabitant, peasant
[어원] neah(Old English), nigh, near(가까이, 가까운)


orange [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3171] [★★] [레마] orange
[본문] [30]And we saw that in 2018 when there was a global dust storm - Mars, instead of looking red looked a little orange, and that changing of colour might have made the civilisations watching Mars maybe uneasy to see something immutable in our night sky changing colours.
[영영] An orange is a round juicy fruit with a thick, orange coloured skin.
[영한] ① 오렌지 ② 오렌지 주스[음료] ③ 오렌지색, 주황색
[첫뜻] orange
[활용] 복수형; oranges
<형용사> ① 오렌지색[주황색]의 ② 오렌지당의(북아일랜드가 영국에 계속 통합되어 있어야 한다고 믿는 신교도 정당의)
[어원] orange(French), from Arabic; orange

oxide [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] oxide
[본문] [29]It looks red because of rust - iron oxide on the surface, which is red and, interestingly that look can change.
[영영] An oxide is a compound of oxygen and another chemical element.
[영한] (화학) 산화물
[첫뜻] compound of oxygen with another element
[활용] 복수형; oxides
[파생] oxide, oxidic, oxidisation, oxidization, oxidizer, oxidize
[어근]ox; 산소의 ⑵ ide; …화합물

react [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2689] [★★] [레마] react < act
[본문] [33]Yes - it's red because of rust - a reddish chemical substance called iron oxide that occurs when metals react with water and air.
[영영] When you react to something that has happened to you, you behave in a particular way because of it.
[영한] ① 반응하다, 반응을 보이다 ② (특정 물질에 대해 신체적으로 좋지 않은) 반응을 보이다 ③ (화학) (물질이) 화학 반응을 일으키다
[활용] reacted, reacted, reacting, reacts
[파생] react, reaction, reactional, reactionally, reactionary, reactive
[유의어] respond
[어근]re; 다시(again) ⑵ act(ag); 행위

recognisable [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] recognise < cogn
[본문] [55]If something is distinctive, it's easily recognisable because it's different from everything else.
[영한] (쉽게) 알[알아볼] 수 있는
[파생] recognisability, recognisable, recognisably, recogniser, recognition, recognizability, recognizable, recognizably, recognizant, recognize, recognizer, recognise
[반의어] unrecognizable(알아볼 수 있다)
[어근]re; 다시, 반대로 ⑵ cogn; 알다 ⑶ is(ize); …(의 상태)로 만들다 ⑷ able; 형용사 어미

reddish [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] red
[본문] [33]Yes - it's red because of rust - a reddish chemical substance called iron oxide that occurs when metals react with water and air.
[영영] Reddish means slightly red in colour.
[영한] 발그레한, 불그스름한
[파생] red, redden, reddishly, reddishness, redly, redness, reddish
[어근]red; 빨강, red ⑵ ish; …의, …에 속하는, …다운

rust [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] rust
[본문] [29]It looks red because of rust - iron oxide on the surface, which is red and, interestingly that look can change.
[영영] Rust is a brown substance that forms on iron or steel, for example when it comes into contact with water.
[영한] ① 녹 ② (식물의) 녹병[곰팡이병]
[첫뜻] red oxide of iron, red coating which forms on the surface of iron exposed to the air
[활용] [U]
[파생] rustless, rusty, rust
<동사> 녹슬다, 부식하다, 녹이 슬게 하다, 부식시키다
[어원] rust(Old English), rust, (figurative) anything tending to spiritual corrosion, a moral canker

sacrifice [동사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4109] [★★] [레마] sacrifice < sacred
[본문] [53]In fact, the Romans considered Mars their God of War, and sacrificed wild animals to him such as wolves, bears and, strangely, woodpeckers!
[영영] If you sacrifice something that is valuable or important, you give it up, usually to obtain something else for yourself or for other people.
[영한] ① 희생하다, 희생시키다 ② (신에게) 제물을 바치다
[활용] sacrificed, sacrificed, sacrificing, sacrifices
[파생] sacrificeable, sacrificer, sacrificial, sacrifice
<명사> ① 희생, 희생물 ② (신에게) 제물을 바침, 제물
[어근]sacri(sacr); 신성한, sacred ⑵ fice(fac); 만들다, 하다
[어원] sacrificus(Latin), [from sacra+facere] performing priestly functions or sacrifices

satellite [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2655] [★★] [레마] satellite
[본문] [35]Unlike ancient civilisations, modern astronomers have sent satellites to land on Mars and explore its surface.
[영영] A satellite is an object which has been sent into space in order to collect information or to be part of a communications system. Satellites move continually round the earth or around another planet.
[영한] ① (인공)위성, 위성 (장치) ② (행성의) 위성 ③ 위성 도시[국가/조직 등]
[첫뜻] follower or attendant of a superior person,
[활용] 복수형; satellites
[파생] satellitic, satellite
<동사> 위성 중계하다 <형용사> ① (인공) 위성의 ② 위성과 같은, 종속된
[어원] satelles(Latin), [nominative of satellitem]


scar [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] scar
[본문] [12]What caused the marks and scars on the planet's surface?
[영영] A scar is a mark on the skin which is left after a wound has healed.
[영한] ① (피부에 생긴) 흉터[반흔/상흔] ② (지울 수 없는) 마음의 상처[상흔] ③ (외관상 보기 싫은) 흔적[상흔], (대중적인) 이미지를 손상시키는 것 ④ (산허리절벽에) 우뚝 솟은 바위
[첫뜻] trace left on skin by a healed wound, burn, etc.,
[활용] 복수형; scars
[파생] scarless, scarred, scar
<동사> ① (상처 등이) 흉터를 남기다 ② (불쾌한 경험이) 마음의 상처를 남기다 ③ (외관상) 상흔을 남기다[보기 싫게 만들다]
[어원] eskhara(Greek), scab formed after a burn

solar [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2768] [★] [레마] solar
[본문] [5]In this programme, we'll be discussing our closest neighbour in the solar system - the planet Mars.
[영영] Solar is used to describe things relating to the sun.
[영한] ① 태양의 ② 태양열을 이용한
[파생] solarism, solarist, solarize, solar
<명사> ① 태양에너지 ② 일광욕실 (=solarium 1.)
[어근] solar; 태양, sun

strangely [부사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] strange < extra
[본문] [53]In fact, the Romans considered Mars their God of War, and sacrificed wild animals to him such as wolves, bears and, strangely, woodpeckers!
[영영] You use strangely to emphasize that what you are saying is surprising.
[영한] 이상하게
[파생] strange, strangely, auspex
[유의어] oddly
[어근]stra(extra); 멀리, outer ⑵ nge; 형용사 어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미

unanswered [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] answer < swear
[본문] [11]Yet despite this, many questions remain unanswered.
[영영] Something such as a question or letter that is unanswered has not been answered.
[영한] ① (질문/문제 등에 대해) 해답[대답]이 나오지 않은 ② (편지/전화 등에 대해) 답장을 못 쓴, 답을 못한
[어근]un; 아님(不, 無), not ⑵ an; against ⑶ swer(swear); 선서[맹세]하다, swear ⑷ ed; 형용사 어미

uneasy [형용사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] uneasy < ease
[본문] [30]And we saw that in 2018 when there was a global dust storm - Mars, instead of looking red looked a little orange, and that changing of colour might have made the civilisations watching Mars maybe uneasy to see something immutable in our night sky changing colours.
[영영] If you are uneasy, you feel anxious, afraid, or embarrassed, because you think that something is wrong or that there is danger.
[영한] ① (마음이) 불안한, 우려되는 ② (사태 등이) 불안한[불안정한] ③ 어수선한, 뒤숭숭한, 불편한 ④ 어색한, 부자연스러운
[활용] 비교; uneasy < uneasier < uneasiest
[파생] unease, uneasily, uneasiness, uneasy
[유의어] anxious
[반의어] easy
[어근]un; 아님(不, 無), not ⑵ eas(ease); 쉬움, easy ⑶ y; 형용사 어미

universe [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2138] [★★] [레마] universe < verse
[본문] [10]Ancient civilisations, like the Maya of central America observed the planet's colour and recorded its movements, just like modern astronomers - scientists who study the universe and the stars, planets and suns within it.
[영영] The universe is the whole of space and all the stars, planets, and other forms of matter and energy in it.
[영한] ① 우주 ② 은하계, 우주 ③ (특정한 유형의) 경험 세계
[첫뜻] the whole world, cosmos, the totality of existing things
[활용] 복수형; universes
[파생] universal, universality, universalize, universally, universalness, universe
[어근]uni; 하나의, one ⑵ verse; 돌다, turn
[어원] universus(Latin), unus+versus; whole, entire; all together, all in one, relating to all

wolf [명사] [Rank; 4192] [★★] [레마] wolf
[본문] [53]In fact, the Romans considered Mars their God of War, and sacrificed wild animals to him such as wolves, bears and, strangely, woodpeckers!
[영영] A wolf is a wild animal that looks like a large dog.
[영한] 늑대, 이리
[첫뜻] wolf, wolfish person, devil
[활용] 복수형; wolves
[파생] wolfish, wolflike, wolf
[유의어] gobble(게걸스럽게 먹다)
<동사> ① …을 게걸스럽게 먹다, 정신없이 먹다 ② 늑대 사냥을 하다. ③ 여자 꽁무니를 쫓아다니다
[어원] wulf(Old English), wolf, wolfish person, devil

woodpecker [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] peck
[본문] [53]In fact, the Romans considered Mars their God of War, and sacrificed wild animals to him such as wolves, bears and, strangely, woodpeckers!
[영영] A woodpecker is a type of bird with a long sharp beak. Woodpeckers use their beaks to make holes in tree trunks.
[영한] 딱따구리
[활용] 복수형; woodpeckers
[구성단어] wood + pecker

worm [명사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] worm
[본문] [47]Tiny worms?
[영영] A worm is a small animal with a long thin body, no bones and no legs.
[영한] ① (땅 속에 사는) 벌레 ② (사람동물 체내의) 기생충 ③ 애벌레, 유충 ④ (컴퓨터) 웜(자가 복제를 통해 컴퓨터 간에 전파되는 프로그램으로 바이러스의 일종) ⑤ 버러지 같은 인간
[첫뜻] serpent, snake, dragon, reptile
[활용] 복수형; worms
[파생] wormer, wormish, wormless, wormlike, wormy, worm
<동사> ① (특히 좁은 공간붐비는 사람들 사이를) 꿈틀거리며 나아가다 ② (동물에게) 기생충 약을 먹이다
[어원] wyrm(Old English), serpent, snake, dragon, reptile

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