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6 Minute English 영어단어공부 - Eating bugs [BBC Learning English 강좌]


Would you eat a cricket doughnut? Food made from bugs is a growing trend in the Western world. Insects are an alternative source of food and experts say they’re filled with lots of good nutrients. Neil and Sam discuss this strange menu and teach you related vocabulary.

귀뚜라미 도넛을 드셔 주시겠습니까? 벌레로 만들어진 식품은 서구 세계에서 성장하는 경향입니다. 곤충들은 대체적인 식품의 원천입니다. 그리고 전문가들은 [그것들은 많은 유익한 영양소로 가득차 있다고] 말합니다. 닐과 샘이 이 낯선 메뉴를 논의합니다. 그리고 당신에게 관련된 어휘를 가르칩니다.

이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.




acid [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3265] [★★] [레마] acid
[본문] [20]Insects are an alternative source of food and experts say they're filled with lots of good nutrients, including amino acids and protein.
[영한] ① (화학) 산 ② (속어)
[파생] acidify, acidity, acidly, acidness, acidy, acid
<형용사> ① 산성(酸性)의 ② (맛이) 신 ③ (사람의 말이) 신랄한, 매서운
[어근] acid; acidic, sour
[어원] acidus(Latin), from acere; sour, sharp, tart

alternative [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2089] [★★] [레마] alternate < alter
[본문] [20]Insects are an alternative source of food and experts say they're filled with lots of good nutrients, including amino acids and protein.
[영영] If one thing is an alternative to another, the first can be found, used, or done instead of the second.
[영한] 대안, 선택 가능한 것
[첫뜻] proposition involving two statements, the acceptance of one implying the rejection of the other,
[활용] 복수형; alternatives
[파생] alternate, alternation, alternatively, alternativeness, alternative
<형용사> ① 대체 가능한, 대안이 되는 ② 대안적인, 대체의(전통적인 방식과 다른)
[어근]altern(alter); 다른 쪽, 변경, the other ⑵ at(ate); 부여하다, …의 특질을 가진 ⑶ ive; 형용사어미
[어원] alternus(Latin), [from alter, alter+-nus] one after another, by turns

ambassador [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4567] [★] [레마] ambassador
[본문] [36]He is a chef and an 'edible insect ambassador'.
[영영] An ambassador is an important official who lives in a foreign country and represents his or her own country's interests there.
[영한] 대사
[첫뜻] diplomatic emissary of a ruler in the court of another
[활용] 복수형; ambassadors
[파생] ambassadorial, ambassadorship, ambassador
[어원] ambactus(Latin), a servant, vassal

amino [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] amino
[본문] [20]Insects are an alternative source of food and experts say they're filled with lots of good nutrients, including amino acids and protein.
[영한] ① (化) 아미노기(基)가 있는 ② (화학) 아민의, 아미노(-NH2의 원자단)의.
[어근] amino(amine); (화학)아민, amine

bug [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4201] [★★] [레마] bug
[본문] [9]Maybe not - the idea of eating food made from bugs and creepy crawlies doesn't appeal.
[영영] A bug is an insect or similar small creature.
[영한] ① 벌레, 작은 곤충 ② (가벼운) 유행성 질병 ③ (열광적인) 취미[관심] ④ 도청 장치 ⑤ (컴퓨터 시스템이나 프로그램의) 오류 ⑥ (美) 상호참조 Beetle
[첫뜻] insect, beetle
[활용] 복수형; bugs
<동사> ① 도청장치를 달다, 도청하다 ② 괴롭히다
[어원] bugge(Middle English), something frightening, scarecrow

cavatelli [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] cavatelli
[본문] [48]Strozzapreti, which means 'priest chokers' in Italian, is an elongated form of cavatelli pasta.
[영영] A type of pasta, with rolled edges.
[영한] (조리용어) 까바텔리, 물결 모양의 파스타 껍질
[어원] cavatelli(Italian)

chocolate-chip [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] chip
[본문] [27]So, to actually get someone to put it in your mouth - the easiest way we find straightaway is to try maybe, a cricket cookie or a chocolate-chip cricket cookie where you have… we are using cricket powder so you don't actually see any insects whatsoever - you're getting the idea of eating them so people can deal with that a bit more than actually seeing the whole insect.
[영한] 초콜릿 칩
[구성단어] chocolate + chip



choke [동사] [R; 5001+] [레마] choke
[본문] [49]Its name is thought to come from the greedy priests who were so enthralled by the pasta that they ate too quickly and choked themselves.
[영영] When you choke or when something chokes you, you cannot breathe properly or get enough air into your lungs.
[영한] ① 숨이 막히다, 질식할 지경이다, 질식시키다 ② 목을 조르다 ③ (감정에 겨워 목이나 목소리가) 메다, 잠기다, 메이게[잠기게] 하다 ④ (통로공간 등을) 막다[채우다] ⑤ (긴장하거나 해서) 망치다[실패하다]
[첫뜻] to stop the breath by preventing air from entering the windpipe
[활용] choked, choked, choking, chokes
[파생] chokeable, choky, choke
[유의어] strangle(목을 조르다)
<명사> ① (자동차 엔진의) 공기 흡입 조절 장치 ② 숨이 막힘, 질식, (숨이 막혀) 캑캑거리는 소리 <형용사> (스포츠) 배트/라켓을 짧게 잡는
[어원] ceace(Old English), jaw, jawbone, cheek; (lit, ) to clutch with the jaws

choker [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] choke
[본문] [45]Earlier, I asked you if you knew what type of food is sometimes known as 'priest choker'?
[영영] A choker is a necklace or band of material that fits very closely round a woman's neck.
[영한] 목에 꼭 끼는 목걸이
[첫뜻] one who chokes,
[구성단어] choke + er

confrontational [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] confront < front
[본문] [40]When people approach me and they go like 'urghh' or they react very viscerally, I don't get confrontational, I go like, I understand that you can feel that way and what we need to do is start changing these perceptions from insects as being a pest, that bites you or that carries disease, to edible insects, something that's sustainably farmed and harvested specifically for human consumption.
[영영] If you describe the way that someone behaves as confrontational, you are showing your disapproval of the fact that they are aggressive and likely to cause an argument or dispute.
[영한] 대립을 일삼는
[어근]con(com); together ⑵ front; forehead ⑶ ation; 명사 어미 ⑷ al; 형용사 어미

cookie [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3297] [★★] [레마] cake
[본문] [32]But Andy and other chefs are trying to change that attitude by subtly introducing insects into food, such as his chocolate-chip cricket cookies.
[영영] A cookie is a sweet biscuit.
[영한] ① 쿠키 참조 biscuit, cracker, fortune cookie ② 똑똑한/거친 녀석 ③ (컴퓨터) 쿠키(사용자가 네트워크나 인터넷을 사용할 때마다 중앙 서버에 보내지는 정보 파일)
[첫뜻] plain bun
[활용] 복수형; cookies
[어근]cook(cake); 납작한 빵, cake ⑵ ie(y); 작은 것
[어원] koekje(Dutch), diminutive of koek; little cake

crawly [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] crawl
[본문] [9]Maybe not - the idea of eating food made from bugs and creepy crawlies doesn't appeal.
[영한] 기어다니는 벌레[동물]
[활용] 복수형; crawlies
[파생] crawlingly, crawly, crawl
<형용사> 근질근질한, 으스스한, 소름 끼치는
[구성단어] crawl + y

creepy [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] creep
[본문] [9]Maybe not - the idea of eating food made from bugs and creepy crawlies doesn't appeal.
[영영] If you say that something or someone is creepy, you mean they make you feel very nervous or frightened.
[영한] ① 오싹하게 하는, 으스스한 ② (섬뜩할 정도로) 기이한
[활용] 비교; creepy < creepier < creepiest
[파생] creepily, creepiness, creepy, creep
[유의어] scary, spooky
[어근]creep; 기다, creep ⑵ y; 형용사 어미

cricket [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] cricket < cricket(막대기)
[본문] [27]So, to actually get someone to put it in your mouth - the easiest way we find straightaway is to try maybe, a cricket cookie or a chocolate-chip cricket cookie where you have… we are using cricket powder so you don't actually see any insects whatsoever - you're getting the idea of eating them so people can deal with that a bit more than actually seeing the whole insect.
[영한] 귀뚜라미
[첫뜻] saltatorial orthopterous insect
[활용] 복수형; crickets
[어원] criquer(French), to creak, rattle, crackle(삐걱거리다, 달가닥거리다, 탁탁 소리나다)



disgust [동사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] disgust < gust(맛)
[본문] [26]In the Western culture, we have got a bit of an uphill - I would say - struggle because pre-conceptions around eating insects are already sort of ingrained in society, so we already think before we've even tried them, they're going to taste disgusting or gross.
[영영] To disgust someone means to make them feel a strong sense of dislike and disapproval.
[영한] 혐오감을 유발하다, 역겹게 만들다
[활용] disgusted, disgusted, disgusting, disgusts
[파생] disgustedly, disgustedness, disgustful, disgusting, disgustingly, disgust
[유의어] repel
<명사> 혐오감, 역겨움, 넌더리
[어근]dis; not ⑵ gust; taste

doughnut [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] dough
[본문] [8]But could I tempt you to some insect tapas or a tarantula doughnut?
[영영] A doughnut is a bread-like cake made from sweet dough that has been cooked in hot fat.
[영한] 도넛
[첫뜻] small, spongy cake made of dough and fried in lard,
[활용] 복수형; doughnuts
<동사> (국회의원이) (연설자를) 둘러싸다
[구성단어] dough + nut

edible [형용사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] edible < eder-
[본문] [36]He is a chef and an 'edible insect ambassador'.
[영영] If something is edible, it is safe to eat and not poisonous.
[영한] 먹을 수 있는, (독이 없어서) 먹어도 되는[식용의]
[유의어] comestible
<명사> 식품
[어근]ed(eder); 먹다, 동이 나다 ⑵ ible(able); 형용사 어미

elongated [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] elongate < long(길다)
[본문] [48]Strozzapreti, which means 'priest chokers' in Italian, is an elongated form of cavatelli pasta.
[영영] If something is elongated, it is very long and thin, often in an unnatural way.
[영한] (비정상적으로) 가늘고 긴[길쭉한]
[어근]e(ex); 밖으로, 외(外), out ⑵ long(long-); 길다, long ⑶ at(ate); 동사 어미 ⑷ ed; 형용사 어미

enthral [동사] [R; 5001+] [레마] enthral < thrall(노예)
[본문] [49]Its name is thought to come from the greedy priests who were so enthralled by the pasta that they ate too quickly and choked themselves.
[영영] If you are enthralled by something, you enjoy it and give it your complete attention and interest.
[영한] ① 마음을 사로잡다 ② 노예[노예 상태]로 만들다
[첫뜻] to hold in mental or moral bondage,
[활용] enthralled enthralled enthralling enthrals enthralls
[파생] enthraller, enthrallment, enthralment, enthral
[유의어] entrance
[어근]en; 안에 두다, 하게 하다, into ⑵ thral(thrall); 노예, thrall
[어원] enthral(Middle English), [en-+thrall]


entomophagy [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] entomophagy < entomo
[본문] [22]I'm not convinced yet, but I do know that the word for eating insects is 'entomophagy' and it's something BBC World Service programme, The Food Chain, discussed.
[영한] (농생물학) 식충성(食蟲性)
[어근]entomo(entom); 곤충 ⑵ phag; 먹다 ⑶ y; 명사 어미

exotic [형용사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4245] [★★] [레마] exotic
[본문] [34]Other interesting and exotic dishes, where you do see the bugs you're eating, are now being served.
[영영] Something that is exotic is unusual and interesting, usually because it comes from or is related to a distant country.
[영한] (특히 열대 지방에 있는) 외국의, 이국적인
[첫뜻] belonging to another country
[파생] exotically, exoticism, exoticness, exotic
[어근]exo; outside ⑵ tic(ic); 형용사어미
[어원] exotikos(Greek), foreign

fusion [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] fuse
[본문] [7]Me too, and I like food that is a mix of different styles - sometimes called fusion food.
[영영] A fusion of different qualities, ideas, or things is something new that is created by joining them together.
[영한] ① 융합, 결합 ② (물리) 핵융합 ③ 퓨전 음악(다른 양식의 음악, 특히 재즈와 록을 결합한 형태) ④ 퓨전 음식
[첫뜻] act of melting by heat,
[활용] 복수형; fusions
[파생] fuse, fuseless, fusion, fusionist
[어근]fus; 부어버리다 ⑵ ion(ation); 명사 어미
[어원] fundere(Latin), to pour, to melt, cast, pour out(붓다[따르다], 녹이다, 주조하다, 쏟아 붓다)



greedy [형용사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] greed
[본문] [49]Its name is thought to come from the greedy priests who were so enthralled by the pasta that they ate too quickly and choked themselves.
[영영] If you describe someone as greedy, you mean that they want to have more of something such as food or money than is necessary or fair.
[영한] 탐욕스러운, 욕심 많은
[첫뜻] voracious, hungry; covetous, eager to obtain
[활용] 비교; greedy < greedier < greediest
[파생] greed, greedily, greediness, greedless, greedy
[유의어] voracious
[어근]greed; 욕심 많은, greedy ⑵ y; 형용사 어미

gross [형용사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4459] [★] [레마] gross
[본문] [26]In the Western culture, we have got a bit of an uphill - I would say - struggle because pre-conceptions around eating insects are already sort of ingrained in society, so we already think before we've even tried them, they're going to taste disgusting or gross.
[영영] You use gross to describe something unacceptable or unpleasant to a very great amount, degree, or intensity.
[영한] ① 총(總)- ② (격식 또는 법률) (범죄 등이) 중대한 ③ 역겨운 ④ 아주 무례한 ⑤ 비대한
[첫뜻] large
[활용] 비교; gross < grosser < grossest
[파생] grossly, grossness, gross
[유의어] crude, disgusting
<명사> ① 그로스(144개 한 묶음짜리) ② (특히 영화로 벌어들인) 총수입 <동사> (세금을 공제하기 전의 액수로 …의) 수익을 올리다 <부사> 모두 (합해서)
[어원] grossus(Latin), thick, coarse; coarse of food; great, gross(두꺼운, 거친[굵은], 코스 요리, 거대한, 총(總)의)

grub [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] grub
[본문] [24]One of them was Andy Holcroft, founding director of grub Kitchen and Bug Farm Foods.
[영영] A grub is a young insect which has just come out of an egg and looks like a short fat worm.
[영한] ① (곤충의) 유충 ② 음식
[첫뜻] larva of an insect,
[활용] 복수형; grubs
<동사> (특히 무엇을 파헤치거나 뒤져 가며) 찾다
[어원] grubbian(Old English), [=grybban] to dig

harvest [동사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4895] [★★] [레마] harvest
[본문] [40]When people approach me and they go like 'urghh' or they react very viscerally, I don't get confrontational, I go like, I understand that you can feel that way and what we need to do is start changing these perceptions from insects as being a pest, that bites you or that carries disease, to edible insects, something that's sustainably farmed and harvested specifically for human consumption.
[영영] When you harvest a crop, you gather it in.
[영한] ① 수확하다, 거둬들이다 ② (의학) (인체의 세포조직을 실험수술 목적으로) 채취하다
[활용] harvested, harvested, harvesting, harvests
[파생] harvestable, harvesting, harvestless, harvest
[유의어] reap(수확하다)
<명사> ① 수확[추수](기) ② 수확물[량]
[어원] hærfest(Middle English), autumn; period between August and November

inclusivity [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] include < clude
[본문] [39]We approach our work with openness, with understanding and inclusivity.
[영한] ① 포용력 ② 회원이나 참가자들을 성, 인종, 계층, 성, 장애 등에 의거해 추방하지 않는다는 사실이나 방침.
[어근]in; in ⑵ clus(clude); shut, close ⑶ iv(ive); 형용사 어미 ⑷ ity; 명사 어미

ingrained [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] ingrain < grain
[본문] [26]In the Western culture, we have got a bit of an uphill - I would say - struggle because pre-conceptions around eating insects are already sort of ingrained in society, so we already think before we've even tried them, they're going to taste disgusting or gross.
[영영] Ingrained habits and beliefs are difficult to change or remove.
[영한] ① (습관/태도 등이) 뿌리 깊은, 깊이 몸에 밴 ② (때가) 깊이 밴, 찌든
[파생] engrain, ingrain, ingrained
[유의어] deep-rooted
[어근]in(en); 하게 하다(동사 접두사) ⑵ grain(gran); grain ⑶ ed; 과거분사어미

Interestingly [부사] [R; 5001+] [레마] interest < esse
[본문] [28]Interestingly, it seems to be western cultures that don't like eating insects - perhaps because it's thought to be wrong or just disgusting, even if it's not!
[영영] Interesting + ly
[영한] 흥미있게, 재미있게.
[파생] Interestingly, interesting
[어근]inter; between ⑵ est(esse); 존재, to be ⑶ ing; 형용사 어미 ⑷ ly; 부사 어미



long-lasting [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] last
[본문] [31]Yes, the negative attitude to eating bugs is ingrained into society, meaning it is a long-lasting attitude that is difficult to change.
[영영] Something that is long-lasting lasts for a long time.
[영한] 오래 지속되는[지속될 수 있는]
[유의어] durable(오래 지속되다)
[구성단어] long + lasting

menu [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3113] [★★] [레마] menu
[본문] [63]Neil and Sam discuss this strange menu and teach you related vocabulary.
[영영] In a restaurant or cafe or at a formal meal, the menu is a list of the food and drinks that are available.
[영한] ① (식당/식사의) 메뉴 ② (컴퓨터) (화면의) 메뉴
[첫뜻] detailed list of dishes to be served at a banquet or meal
[활용] 복수형; menus
[어근] menu(mini); small

openness [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] open
[본문] [39]We approach our work with openness, with understanding and inclusivity.
[영영] open + ness
[영한] ① 솔직함 ② 마음이 열려 있음, 편협하지 않음 ③ (막히거나 가려져 있지 않고) 열려[트여] 있음
[활용] [U]
[파생] openable, openly, openness, open
[구성단어] open + ness

overcome [동사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 2730] [★★] [레마] come
[본문] [37]He's also trying to persuade the squeamish - people easily upset by something unpleasant - to overcome their fears of crickets, worms, and spiders, and instead see them as a tasty, alternative source of protein.
[영한] ① 극복하다 ② (남을) 이기다 ③ (… 때문에) 꼼짝 못하게 되다, 압도당하다
[활용] overcame, overcome, overcoming, overcomes
[파생] overcomer, overcome
[유의어] overwhelm(압도당하다), surmount(극복하다), get over
[어근]over; 너무, over ⑵ come;

passionate [형용사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] passion < pati-(고통)
[본문] [41]So, Joseph is passionate about edible insects but is understanding of people who don't like the idea and maybe show this viscerally - having an emotional reaction rather than one based on fact or reason.
[영영] A passionate person has very strong feelings about something or a strong belief in something.
[영한] ① 욕정[열정]을 느끼는[보이는], 격정적인 ② 열정적인, 열렬한
[파생] passion, passional, passionate, passionately, passionateness
[어근]pass(pati); suffer, feel ⑵ ion(ation); 명사어미 ⑶ ate; 동사 어미

pasta [명사] [Rank; 4546] [레마] pasta < paste
[본문] [15]a) cheese b) pasta or c) potato?
[영영] Pasta is a type of food made from a mixture of flour, eggs, and water that is formed into different shapes and then boiled. Spaghetti, macaroni, and noodles are types of pasta.
[영한] 파스타
[활용] [U]
[어근] pasta; 반죽,페이스트리
[어원] pasta(Greek), barley porridge

persuade [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3293] [★★] [레마] persuade
[본문] [37]He's also trying to persuade the squeamish - people easily upset by something unpleasant - to overcome their fears of crickets, worms, and spiders, and instead see them as a tasty, alternative source of protein.
[영영] If you persuade someone to do something, you cause them to do it by giving them good reasons for doing it.
[영한] ① (…을 하도록) 설득하다, 설득하여 …하게 하다 ② (…이 사실임을) 납득[설득]시키다
[첫뜻] lead to the opinion or conclusion (that), make (one) believe or think, successfully urge the acceptance or practice of,
[활용] persuaded, persuaded, persuading, persuades
[파생] persuadability, persuadable, persuader, persuasibility, persuasible, persuasion, persuasive, persuasively, persuasiveness, persuade
[유의어] convince
[어근]per; 통하다(through) ⑵ suade; 충고, urge, advise
[어원] persuadere(Latin), [from per-+suadere] to bring over by talking

pest [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] pest
[본문] [40]When people approach me and they go like 'urghh' or they react very viscerally, I don't get confrontational, I go like, I understand that you can feel that way and what we need to do is start changing these perceptions from insects as being a pest, that bites you or that carries disease, to edible insects, something that's sustainably farmed and harvested specifically for human consumption.
[영영] Pests are insects or small animals which damage crops or food supplies.
[영한] ① 해충, 유해 동물 ② 성가신 사람[것]
[첫뜻] a pest upon ____,
[활용] 복수형; pests
[파생] pestiferous, pesty, pest
[어원] pestis(Latin), deadly contagious disease; a curse, bane





potato [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2273] [★★] [레마] potato
[본문] [15]a) cheese b) pasta or c) potato?
[영영] Potatoes are quite round vegetables with brown or red skins and white insides. They grow under the ground.
[영한] 감자
[첫뜻] sweet potato,
[활용] 복수형; potatoes
[어원] patata(Spanish)

powder [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3291] [★★] [레마] powder
[본문] [27]So, to actually get someone to put it in your mouth - the easiest way we find straightaway is to try maybe, a cricket cookie or a chocolate-chip cricket cookie where you have… we are using cricket powder so you don't actually see any insects whatsoever - you're getting the idea of eating them so people can deal with that a bit more than actually seeing the whole insect.
[영영] Powder consists of many tiny particles of a solid substance.
[첫뜻] fine, minute, loose, uncompacted particles
[활용] 복수형; powders
[파생] powderer, powdery, powder
<동사> 파우더[분]를 바르다
[어근] powder(pulver); 먼지, dust

pre-conceived [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] concept < capt(잡다)
[본문] [29]As Andy says, people have pre-conceived ideas about it.
[영영] If you have preconceived ideas about something, you have already formed an opinion about it before you have enough information or experience.
[영한] (생각/견해 등이) 사전에 형성된
[어근]pre; 앞(先), before ⑵ con(com); 함께, with ⑶ ceiv(capt); 쥐다, take ⑷ ed; 형용사 어미

pre-conception [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] concept < capt(잡다)
[본문] [26]In the Western culture, we have got a bit of an uphill - I would say - struggle because pre-conceptions around eating insects are already sort of ingrained in society, so we already think before we've even tried them, they're going to taste disgusting or gross.
[영영] Your preconceptions about something are beliefs formed about it before you have enough information or experience.
[영한] 예상
[활용] 복수형; pre-conceptions
[유의어] accomplish
[어근]pre; 앞(先), before ⑵ con(com); 함꼐 ⑶ cept(capt); 쥐다 ⑷ ion(ation); 명사어미

protein [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 2545] [★★] [레마] proto
[본문] [20]Insects are an alternative source of food and experts say they're filled with lots of good nutrients, including amino acids and protein.
[영영] Protein is a substance found in food and drink such as meat, eggs, and milk. You need protein in order to grow and be healthy.
[영한] 단백질
[활용] 복수형; proteins
[어근]prote(proto); 최초의(first) ⑵ in(ine); …성질의 것(명사어미)

purely [부사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] pure
[본문] [42]But Joseph wants to change these negative emotions by explaining the insects are farmed purely for humans to eat, and they are farmed sustainably - in a way that can last for a long time and is good for the environment.
[영영] You use purely to emphasize that the thing you are mentioning is the most important feature or that it is the only thing which should be considered.
[영한] 순전히, 전적으로, 오직
[파생] pure, purely, pureness, purify, purity, Purist
[유의어] pure, strictly
[어근]pure; pure ⑵ ly; 부사어미

react [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2689] [★★] [레마] react < act
[본문] [40]When people approach me and they go like 'urghh' or they react very viscerally, I don't get confrontational, I go like, I understand that you can feel that way and what we need to do is start changing these perceptions from insects as being a pest, that bites you or that carries disease, to edible insects, something that's sustainably farmed and harvested specifically for human consumption.
[영영] When you react to something that has happened to you, you behave in a particular way because of it.
[영한] ① 반응하다, 반응을 보이다 ② (특정 물질에 대해 신체적으로 좋지 않은) 반응을 보이다 ③ (화학) (물질이) 화학 반응을 일으키다
[활용] reacted, reacted, reacting, reacts
[파생] react, reaction, reactional, reactionally, reactionary, reactive
[유의어] respond
[어근]re; 다시(again) ⑵ act(ag); 행위



real-life [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] life < live
[본문] [58]If you've enjoyed it, join us again soon for more real-life stories and topical vocabulary here at 6 Minute English.
[영한] 실제[현실/실생활]의 반의어 fictional
[반의어] fictional
[구성단어] real + life

spider [명사] [Oxf3] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] spider
[본문] [37]He's also trying to persuade the squeamish - people easily upset by something unpleasant - to overcome their fears of crickets, worms, and spiders, and instead see them as a tasty, alternative source of protein.
[영영] A spider is a small creature with eight legs. Most types of spider make structures called webs in which they catch insects for food.
[첫뜻] spinner
[활용] 복수형; spiders
[파생] spiderish, spiderless, spiderlike, spidery, spider
[어원] spithra(Old English), spinner

squeamish [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] squeamish
[본문] [37]He's also trying to persuade the squeamish - people easily upset by something unpleasant - to overcome their fears of crickets, worms, and spiders, and instead see them as a tasty, alternative source of protein.
[영영] If you are squeamish, you are easily upset by unpleasant sights or situations.
[영한] ① 비위가 약한[상한](특히 피 같은 것을 보았을 경우에 대해 씀) ② (부정직한/비도덕적인 일에 대해) 결벽성이 있는[결벽증적인] ③ 비위가 약한 사람들
[첫뜻] disdainful, fastidious
[파생] squeamishly, squeamishness, squeamish
[어원] escoymous(French), disdainful, shy

starter [명사] [Rank; 3989] [★] [레마] start
[본문] [33]This is just for starters!
[영영] A starter is a small quantity of food that is served as the first course of a meal.
[영한] ① (코스 요리의) 전채 요리 ② (경주를 시작하는) 선수[참가자] ③ (경주의) 출발 신호원 ④ (차량 엔진의) 시동 장치 ⑤ (어떤 일을) …하게 시작하는 사람 ⑥ 처음으로 …하는 사람[초보자]을 위한 것
[활용] 복수형; starters
[유의어] appetizer(전채 요리)
[어근]start; start ⑵ er; 접미어

straightaway [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] straight
[본문] [27]So, to actually get someone to put it in your mouth - the easiest way we find straightaway is to try maybe, a cricket cookie or a chocolate-chip cricket cookie where you have… we are using cricket powder so you don't actually see any insects whatsoever - you're getting the idea of eating them so people can deal with that a bit more than actually seeing the whole insect.
[영영] Also : straight away at once
[영한] 일직선의, 즉시의
<명사> (길/경주로의) 직선 (코스) <부사> 즉시, 곧바로
[구성단어] straight + away

subtly [부사] [R; 5001+] [레마] subtle
[본문] [32]But Andy and other chefs are trying to change that attitude by subtly introducing insects into food, such as his chocolate-chip cricket cookies.
[영한] 미묘하게, 예민하게, 민감하게, 교활하게 = subtely.
[파생] subtlely, subtleness, subtlety, subtly, subtle
[어근]sub; under ⑵ tl(tilis); web, net, warp of a fabric ⑶ y(ly); 부사어미

sustainably [부사] [R; 5001+] [레마] sustain < ten-(잡다)
[본문] [40]When people approach me and they go like 'urghh' or they react very viscerally, I don't get confrontational, I go like, I understand that you can feel that way and what we need to do is start changing these perceptions from insects as being a pest, that bites you or that carries disease, to edible insects, something that's sustainably farmed and harvested specifically for human consumption.
[영영] sustainabe + ly
[영한] 지속[유지] 가능하게, 환경 파괴 없이 지속될 수 있게.
[어근]sus(sub); sub ⑵ tain(ten); 잡다, hold ⑶ abl(able); ~할 수 있는(형용사어미) ⑷ y(ly); 부사 어미



tapas [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] tapas
[본문] [8]But could I tempt you to some insect tapas or a tarantula doughnut?
[영영] In Spain, tapas are small plates of food that are served with drinks or before a main meal.
[영한] (스페인어에서) 타파스(여러 가지 요리를 조금씩 담아내는 스페인식 음식)
[활용] 복수형; tapases
[어원] tapas(Spanish)

tarantula [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] tarantula
[본문] [8]But could I tempt you to some insect tapas or a tarantula doughnut?
[영영] A tarantula is a large hairy spider which has a poisonous bite.
[영한] 타란툴라(독거미의 일종)
[어원] Tarentum(Latin)

tasty [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] taste < tax
[본문] [37]He's also trying to persuade the squeamish - people easily upset by something unpleasant - to overcome their fears of crickets, worms, and spiders, and instead see them as a tasty, alternative source of protein.
[영영] If you say that food, especially savoury food, is tasty, you mean that it has a fairly strong and pleasant flavour which makes it good to eat.
[영한] ① (호감) (풍미가 강하고) 맛있는 ② (비격식, 때로 모욕적) 섹시한, 육감적인
[첫뜻] having agreeable flavor, palatable
[활용] 비교; tasty < tastier < tastiest
[파생] tastable, tasteful, tastily, tastiness, tasty, taste
[어근]tast(taste); taste, 맛, 취향 ⑵ y; 형용사어미

tempt [동사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] tempt
[본문] [8]But could I tempt you to some insect tapas or a tarantula doughnut?
[영영] Something that tempts you attracts you and makes you want it, even though it may be wrong or harmful.
[영한] ① (좋지 않은 일을 하도록) 유혹하다[부추기다] ② (어떤 것을 제의하거나 하여) 유도[설득]하다
[첫뜻] draw or entice to evil or sin, lure (someone) from God's law; be alluring or seductive
[활용] tempted, tempted, tempting, tempts
[파생] tempt, temptable, temptation, tempter, temptingly, temptingness, tempting
[어원] temptare(Latin), [a variant of tentare, from tendere] to try; to feel, try out([tentare의 변종, tendere에서 유래] 노력하다, 느끼다, 시험하다)

uphill [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] hill
[본문] [26]In the Western culture, we have got a bit of an uphill - I would say - struggle because pre-conceptions around eating insects are already sort of ingrained in society, so we already think before we've even tried them, they're going to taste disgusting or gross.
[영영] If you refer to something as an uphill struggle or an uphill battle, you mean that it requires a great deal of effort and determination, but it should be possible to achieve it.
[영한] ① 올라가는, 오르는, 치받이의, 오르막의 ② 고된, 힘드는 ③ 높은 지점의.
[반의어] downhill
<명사> 오르막길, 치받이 <부사> 오르막길로, 언덕 위로
[어근]up; 위, up ⑵ hill; 언덕, hill

viscerally [부사] [R; 5001+] [레마] visceral
[본문] [40]When people approach me and they go like 'urghh' or they react very viscerally, I don't get confrontational, I go like, I understand that you can feel that way and what we need to do is start changing these perceptions from insects as being a pest, that bites you or that carries disease, to edible insects, something that's sustainably farmed and harvested specifically for human consumption.
[영한] 내장에서, (병이) 내장을 침범하여, 본능적으로.
[파생] viscerally, visceral
[어근]viscer; 내장 ⑵ al; 형용사 어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미

worm [동사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] worm
[본문] [37]He's also trying to persuade the squeamish - people easily upset by something unpleasant - to overcome their fears of crickets, worms, and spiders, and instead see them as a tasty, alternative source of protein.
[영영] If you worm an animal, you give it medicine in order to kill the worms that are living in its intestines.
[영한] ① (특히 좁은 공간붐비는 사람들 사이를) 꿈틀거리며 나아가다 ② (동물에게) 기생충 약을 먹이다
[첫뜻] to move like a worm
[활용] wormed wormed worming worms
[파생] wormer, wormish, wormless, wormlike, wormy, worm
<명사> ① (땅 속에 사는) 벌레 ② (사람동물 체내의) 기생충 ③ 애벌레, 유충
[어원] wyrm(Old English), serpent, snake, dragon, reptile

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