English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: fare from Old English fær, faru, faran

새내기할배 2023. 8. 2. 15:12




softca.tistory.com / English Root Word -  fare

【fare】 is word -forming element
usually meaning "fare, journey"
from Old English "fær, faru, faran"

[WORD ROOT]root fare
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] fare, fari, ferr
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Old English) fær, faru, faran
[MEANING]root fare, journey


  • 【Old English】 fær ⑴[from færan] calamity, sudden danger, peril, sudden attack; ⑵journey, road, passage, expedition
  • 【Old English】 faru [fem. of faran] journey, expedition, companions, baggage
  • 【Old English】 faran condition of being or doing well; to go


fare, farewell, ferry, warfare, welfare

Please see the Word information in detail as follows;



fare [noun] from fare
【DEFINITION】 A fare is the money that you pay for a journey that you make, for example, in a bus, train, or taxi.
【ROOTs】 fare; fare
【Etymology】 《Old English farancondition of being or doing well; to go
【DERIVATIVEs】 farer, fare

farewell [noun] from fare
【DEFINITION】 ① something that you say to a person who is leaving; goodbye
② an act of leaving
【pl.】 farewells
【COMPOSITION】 fare + well
【ROOTs】 fare; fare well;
【Etymology】 《Old English farancondition of being or doing well; to go

ferry [noun] from fare
【DEFINITION】 A ferry is a boat that transports passengers and sometimes also vehicles, usually across rivers or short stretches of sea.
【pl.】 ferries
【ROOTs】 ferr(fare); fare y; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Old English farancondition of being or doing well; to go

warfare [noun] from fare
【DEFINITION】 Warfare is the activity of fighting a war.
【ROOTs】 war; war fare; fare
【Etymology】 《Old English farancondition of being or doing well; to go

welfare [noun] from welfare 〈 fare
【DEFINITION】 The welfare of a person or group is their health, comfort, and happiness.
【SYNONYM】 well-being
【COMPOSITION】 well + fare
【ROOTs】 wel(well); fare; fare
【Etymology】 《Old English farancondition of being or doing well; to go
【First Known Meaning】 condition of being or doing well

Other word list containing fare; farer, seafaring, thoroughfare, wayfarer


far-, fat-, fam-
fall-, false-
fac, fact, -fect, fic
exter, extrem
esse, ess-
erg-, org-, urg-



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