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[영어어원사전] 어근 dens-로 영어단어 공부하기 (라틴어 어원; densus)


영어 어근 dens- 라틴어 densus에서 유래했습니다.
'두꺼운', '복잡한', 'thick', '흐린', 'crowded', 'cloudy'라는 기본적인 의미를 갖고 있습니다.

[어근]어근 dens
[변이어근] dens, dense
[어원]어근 (라틴어) densus
[의미]어근 두꺼운, 복잡한, thick, 흐린

[어근 상세 내역]

  • [Latin] densus - thick, crowded; cloudy (두꺼운, 복잡한, 흐린)

[주요 어휘 목록] condenser, dense, density, condense



【영어어휘별 상세 정보】

condenser [명사] [Rank; 5001+] [★] [레마] condense
[영영] A condenser is a device that cools gases into liquids.
[영한] ① (기체) 냉각기[응결 장치] ② (자동차의) 축전기[콘덴서]
[첫뜻] one who or that which condenses
[어근]con(com); 함께, with ⑵ dens; 두꺼운, 복잡한, thick ⑶ er; 명사 어미

dense [형용사] [Oxford5000] [Rank; 4918] [★] [레마] dense
[영영] Something that is dense contains a lot of things or people in a small area.
[영한] ① 빽빽한, 밀집한 ② (앞이 안 보이게) 짙은[자욱한] ③ 멍청한 ④ 난해한, 복잡한 ⑤ 밀도가 높은
[첫뜻] closely compacted, thick
[활용] 비교; dense < denser < densest
[파생] dense, densely, denseness, densify, density
[유의어] thick
[어근] dense(dens); 두꺼운, 복잡한

density [명사] [Oxford5000] [Rank; 4568] [★] [레마] dense
[영영] Density is the extent to which something is filled or covered with people or things.
[영한] ① 밀도(빽빽한 정도) ② (물리) (물질의) 농도[밀도] ③ (컴퓨터) (자기 테이프의 기록) 밀도
[첫뜻] quality of being very close or compact,
[활용] 복수형; densities
[파생] dense, densely, denseness, densify, density
[어근]dens; 두꺼운, 복잡한 ⑵ ity; ~한 상태, 성격

condense [동사] [Rank; 5001+] [★] [레마] condense
[영영] If you condense something, especially a piece of writing or speech, you make it shorter, usually by including only the most important parts.
[영한] ① (기체가) 응결되다, 응결시키다 ② (액체가[를]) 농축되다[시키다] 유의어 reduce ③ (글이나 정보를) 압축하다
[첫뜻] thicken, make more dense or compact
[활용] condensed condensed condensing condenses
[파생] condensability, condensable, condensation, condensibility, condensible, condense
[유의어] reduce, compress
[어근]con(com); 함께, with ⑵ dense(dens); 두꺼운, 복잡한, thick





[그외 dens-이(가) 들어가 있는 어휘 목록] condensation, condensate, condensable, condensational, condensative, nondense, superdense

【다른 어근 보기】
costa-, cost-
contra-, contro-
cogn-, cognit-
cline-, clin-

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