Would you eat a stew that's been in a pot for 50 years? Beth and Phil discuss this and teach you some new vocabulary.
당신은 50년 된 냄비 안에 있어 왔던 스튜를 먹겠습니까? 베스와 필이 이것을 논의합니다. 그리고 당신에게 몇몇의 새로운 어휘룰 가르칩니다.
이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.
adjective noun ☆[4515] from [씨앗말] adject 《 ject(던지다)
[본문] [44]Starting a fire is also cumbersome, an adjective meaning difficult to do, taking time and effort.
[영한] (문법) 형용사
[영영] An adjective is a word such as `big', `dead', or `financial' that describes a person or thing, or gives extra information about them. Adjectives usually come before nouns or after link verbs.
[굴절형] 복수형; adjectives
<형용사> ① (문법) 형용사의[적인] ② 부수적[종속적]인, [법] (소송) 절차에 관한
[어근] ⑴ ad; 향하여, to ⑵ ject; 던지다, throw ⑶ ive; 형용사 어미
[최초 의미] word used to qualify, limit, or define a noun or noun-like part of speech
[파생] adjectival, adjectively, adjective
beef noun ★★★[2665] from [씨앗말] beef(황소[수소])
[본문] [25]a) beef b) chicken or, c) vegetables?
[영한] ① 소[쇠]고기 ② 불평
[영영] Beef is the meat of a cow, bull, or ox.
[굴절형] 복수형; beeves beefs
<동사> (~에 대해) 불평을 해대다
[어근] beef(boss); 보스, boss
[어원] 《라틴어 bos》 황소[수소], 암소
[최초 의미] an ox, bull, or cow,
[파생] beefy, beef
boil verb ★★★[2957] from [씨앗말] boil
[본문] [38]Fuchsia doesn't know if it's strictly true, or completely true, that the same stew has really lasted 100 years, but she thinks it's possible in theory, as long as it's kept safe and hygienic through boiling.
[영한] ① (물이나 액체가[를]) 끓다[끓이다] ② (냄비 등의 내용물이[을]) 끓다[끓이다] ③ 삶다, 데치다 ④ (화 등으로) 속이 끓다
[영영] When a hot liquid boils or when you boil it, bubbles appear in it and it starts to change into steam or vapour.
[굴절형] boiled, boiled, boiling, boils
<명사> ① (액체가) 끓음, 비등 ② (화농한) 종기
[어근] boil(bull); to bubble
[어원] 《라틴어 bullire》 거품이 일다, 부글거리다
[최초 의미] to bubble up, be in a state of ebullition
[파생] boilable, boil
boiling noun[10000+] from [씨앗말] boil
[본문] [20]Instead, new ingredients and water are added when necessary and left simmering - cooking at a temperature just below boiling so that the food bubbles gently.
[영한] ① 끓음, 비등 , 삶음. ② 한 차례에 삶을 양.
[영영] ① the action of bringing a liquid to the temperature at which it bubbles and turns to vapour.
② the temperature at which a liquid bubbles and turns to vapour; boiling point
[구성단어] boil + ing
[어근] ⑴ boil(bull); 거품, bubble, flask ⑵ ing; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 bullire》 거품이 일다, 부글거리다
bubble verb ★★★[2484] from [씨앗말] bubble
[본문] [41]In theory, it would make sense to think that people who didn't have matches or fire starters, for whom starting a fire from scratch was quite a cumbersome process, would naturally want to keep a stew pot bubbling if they had the means to do that, and to avoid the labour of constantly restarting the fire, and also to make sure that they had a hot meal waiting at any time.
[영한] ① 거품이 일다, 보글보글 끓다 ② (거품을 내며) 졸졸 흐르다 ③ (어떤 감정이) 달아오르다[가득하다] ④ (감정이) 차오르다, 가득 차 있다
[영영] When a liquid bubbles, bubbles move in it, for example because it is boiling or moving quickly.
[굴절형] bubbled bubbled bubbling bubbles
<명사> ① 거품 ② 비누[물] 방울 ③ (표현하려는 감정의) 약간
[어근] bubble; 거품, bubble
[어원] 《중세 네덜란드말 bobbel》 bubble
[파생] bubbly, bubble
continuously adv. ★★[4080] from [씨앗말] continue 《 ten-(잡다)
[본문] [18]David tasted perpetual stew, a pot into which ingredients are placed and cooked continuously.
[영한] 연달아
[유의어] on end(쉬지 않고 계속해서)
[구성단어] continuous + ly
[어근] ⑴ con(com); together ⑵ tinu(ten); 잡다 ⑶ ous; 형용사 어미 ⑷ ly; 부사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 tenere》 잡다, 유지하다
[파생] continue, continuous, continuously
cookery noun △[10000+] from [씨앗말] cook
[본문] [39]Professor Martha Carlin is a historian with a special interest in medieval cookery.
[영한] 요리(법)
[영영] the art or activity of cooking food
[구성단어] cook + ery
[어근] ⑴ cook(coc); 요리하다, cook ⑵ ery; 성질,행위,상태
[어원] 《라틴어 coquere》 [(from PIE root *pekw-("to cook, ripen")] to cook; to prepare food, ripen, digest, turn over in the mind
[파생] cookable, cookery, cook
cumbersome adj. △[10000+] from [씨앗말] cumbersome 《 cumber
[본문] [41]In theory, it would make sense to think that people who didn't have matches or fire starters, for whom starting a fire from scratch was quite a cumbersome process, would naturally want to keep a stew pot bubbling if they had the means to do that, and to avoid the labour of constantly restarting the fire, and also to make sure that they had a hot meal waiting at any time.
[영한] ① 크고 무거운, 다루기 힘든 ② 복잡하고 느린, 번거로운 ③ (어구가) 길고 복잡한
[영영] ① large or heavy and therefore difficult to carry or use; unwieldy
② slow or complicated and therefore inefficient
[유의어] bulky
[구성단어] cumber + some
[어근] ⑴ cumber; 방해하다, cumber ⑵ some; some
[어원] 《고대 영어 sum》 몇몇[일부], 어떤 것, 무언가, 얼마 수량; 어떤 숫자
[파생] cumbersomely, cumbersomeness, cumbersome
delicious adj. ★★[3373] from [씨앗말] delicious 《 lic(유혹하다(꾀다))
[본문] [9]I ate caiman in Northern Argentina, and it was delicious!
[영한] ① 아주 맛있는, 냄새가 좋은[구수한] ② (문예체) 아주 기분 좋은
[영영] Food that is delicious has a very pleasant taste.
[유의어] yummy
<명사> 딜리셔스
[어근] ⑴ de; away ⑵ lic; lure, entice, 꾀다 ⑶ ious(ous); 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 lacere》 유혹하다(꾀다), 유도(유인)하다, 속이다
[최초 의미] delightful to the senses, pleasing in the highest degree
[파생] delicacy, delicate, delicious, deliciously, deliciousness
download verb △[8641] from [씨앗말] load
[본문] [13]We'll also be learning some useful new vocabulary, all of which you can download, along with a worksheet for this programme, at our website, bbclearningenglish.com.
[영한] (컴퓨터) (데이터를) 다운로드하다[내려받다]
[영영] To download data means to transfer it to or from a computer along a line such as a telephone line, a radio link, or a computer network.
[굴절형] downloaded downloaded downloading downloads
[반의어] upload
<명사> (컴퓨터) 다운로드한 데이터 <형용사> 다운로드의
[구성단어] down + load
[어근] ⑴ down; 아래로, down ⑵ load; 짐(을 싣다), load
[어원] 《고대 영어 lad》 [=lad, lod] a way, a course, a carrying; a street, watercourse; maintenance, suppor
[파생] downloadable, downloading, download
fifty num. ★★★[2390] from [씨앗말] five(다섯[5])
[본문] [17]I found a stew that had been simmering for fifty years.
[영한] 쉰 , 오십, 50
[굴절형] 복수형; fifties
<대명사> 오십개, 50개, 오십 명, 50사람 <형용사> ① 50의, 50개[사람]의 ② 50세의 ③ (막연히) 수많은
[어근] ⑴ fif(five); 다섯[5], five ⑵ ty; 10의 배수
[어원] 《고대 영어 fif》 다섯[5]
gently adv. ★★★[2563] from [씨앗말] gentle 《 gener(출산)
[본문] [20]Instead, new ingredients and water are added when necessary and left simmering - cooking at a temperature just below boiling so that the food bubbles gently.
[영한] ① 다정하게, 부드럽게, 약하게, 완만하게 ② 조심해[살살 해]!
[영영] gent+ly
[구성단어] gentle + ly
[어근] ⑴ gent(gener); 자식을 보다, 생기다, beget ⑵ l(le); …하는 경향이 있는 ⑶ y(ly); 부사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 gignere》 출산하다, 아비가 되다, 생산하다
[최초 의미] befitting one of gentle rank, as of good family,
[파생] gentle, gentleness, gently
historian noun ★★★[2139] from [씨앗말] history(finding out)
[본문] [39]Professor Martha Carlin is a historian with a special interest in medieval cookery.
[영한] 사학자
[영영] A historian is a person who specializes in the study of history, and who writes books and articles about it.
[굴절형] 복수형; historians
[어근] ⑴ histor; 배운, 현명한 ⑵ ian(an); !하는사람(명사어미)
[어원] 《라틴어 historia》 ⑴[from Greek historia] finding out, narrative, history; narrative of past events; narrative account, report; ⑵(Anglo-Latin) floor of a building; picture
[파생] historic, historical, historically, history, historian
hungry adj. ★★★[2166] from [씨앗말] hunger
[본문] [46]Anyway, all this talk of food has made me hungry, Beth, so what was the answer to your question?
[영한] ① 배고픈 ② 굶주리는 ③ 굶주리는 사람들 ④ 허기지게 만드는 ⑤ (~을) 갈구[갈망]하는, (~에) 굶주린
[영영] When you are hungry, you want some food because you have not eaten for some time and have an uncomfortable or painful feeling in your stomach.
[굴절형] 비교; hungry < hungrier < hungriest
[구성단어] hunger + y
[어근] ⑴ hungr(hunger); 배고픔, hunger ⑵ y; 명사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 hungrig》 hungry, famished
[파생] hunger, hungeringly, hungrily, hungriness, hungry
hygiene noun ☆[4737] from [씨앗말] hygiene(건강)
[본문] [34]So, I don't know if this is strictly true, but theoretically as long as you have a good practice of hygiene - which is to say that you always skim it, and boil it every day, and also replenish it as needed with more water, more salt, more spices, and you know, you keep tasting - then it just gets richer and richer.
[영한] 위생
[영영] Hygiene is the practice of keeping yourself and your surroundings clean, especially in order to prevent illness or the spread of diseases.
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[어근] hygiene(hygie); 건강한. Healthy
[어원] 《그리스어 hugieine》 건강
[최초 의미] the healthful art
[파생] hygienic, hygienically, hygiene
hygienic adj. △[10000+] from [씨앗말] hygienic 《 hygiene(건강)
[본문] [38]Fuchsia doesn't know if it's strictly true, or completely true, that the same stew has really lasted 100 years, but she thinks it's possible in theory, as long as it's kept safe and hygienic through boiling.
[영한] 위생적인
[영영] Something that is hygienic is clean and unlikely to cause illness.
[유의어] sanitary
[반의어] unhygienic
[어근] ⑴ hygien(hygie); 건강한, healthy ⑵ ic; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 hugieine》 건강
[파생] hygienic, hygienically, hygiene
labour noun ★★★[2686] from [씨앗말] labor(힘든 일)
[본문] [41]In theory, it would make sense to think that people who didn't have matches or fire starters, for whom starting a fire from scratch was quite a cumbersome process, would naturally want to keep a stew pot bubbling if they had the means to do that, and to avoid the labour of constantly restarting the fire, and also to make sure that they had a hot meal waiting at any time.
[영한] ① (특히 육체적인) 노동[작업] ② 업무 (기간) ③ (한 회사국가의) 노동력 ④ (분만 시의) 산고[진통] (시간), 분만 (과정) ⑤ (영국의) 노동당
[영영] Labour is very hard work, usually physical work.
[굴절형] 복수형; labours
<동사> ① 애를 쓰다, 고투를 하다 ② (육체적인) 노동을 하다[일을 하다] ③ 힘겹게 움직이다
[어근] labour(labor); toil, trouble
[BRIT] 미국영어 ☞ labor
[어원] 《라틴어 labor》 힘든 일, 일, 노력, 작업, 고난[시련], 고통[괴로움]
[최초 의미] a task, a project
[파생] laboringly, labouringly, labor, labour
listener noun ★★★[2419] from [씨앗말] listen(to listen)
[본문] [15]Here's radio listener, David Shirley, who called BBC World Service programme, The Food Chain, after tasting the soup himself:
[영한] ① 듣는 사람, 청자 ② (라디오) 청취자
[영영] A listener is a person who listens to the radio or to a particular radio programme.
[굴절형] 복수형; listeners
[구성단어] listen + er
[어근] ⑴ listen; 듣다, listen ⑵ er; ~하는 사람(명사어미)
[어원] 《고대 영어 hlysnan》 [from Proto-Germanic *hlusinon] to listen, hear; attend to, obey, pay attention to
[파생] listener, listen
long-lasting adj. △[9182] from [씨앗말] last(slowest) 《 late
[본문] [40]Here, she explains to BBC World Service programme, 'The Food Chain', why long-lasting foods could have been familiar to people in the Middle Ages:
[영한] 오래 지속되는[지속될 수 있는]
[영영] Something that is long-lasting lasts for a long time.
[유의어] durable(오래 지속되다)
[구성단어] long + lasting
[어원] 《고대 영어 lætest》 [superlative of læt] slowest, latest
medieval adj. ★★[3574] from [씨앗말] mediaeval 《 aev(생애 기간)
[본문] [39]Professor Martha Carlin is a historian with a special interest in medieval cookery.
[영한] 중세의(서기 약 1000년에서 1450년 사이의)
[영영] Something that is medieval relates to or was made in the period of European history between the end of the Roman Empire in 476 AD and about 1500 AD.
[유의어] mediaeval(중세이다)
[어근] ⑴ medi; 중간 ⑵ ev(aev); 시대, age ⑶ al; 형용사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 aevum》 생애 기간, 영원, 나이, 시대
[최초 의미] pertaining to or suggestive of the Middle Ages,
[파생] mediaevally, medievalize, medievally, mediaeval, medieval
perpetual adj.[10000+] from [씨앗말] perpetual
[본문] [16]I had never heard of a perpetual stew before, but the first time I'd ever heard about it was when I was in Bangkok.
[영한] ① (오랫동안) 끊임없이 계속되는 ② 빈번한, 빈번히 계속되는 ③ 종신의
[유의어] continuous, continual
[어근] ⑴ perpetu(perpet); 영구[영속], continuous ⑵ al; 형용사 어미
[파생] perpetually, perpetuate, perpetuation, perpetuity, perpetual
pot noun ★★★★[1995] from [씨앗말] pot
[본문] [18]David tasted perpetual stew, a pot into which ingredients are placed and cooked continuously.
[영한] ① (둥글고 속이 깊은) 냄비, 솥 ② (유리도기플라스틱으로 된, 식품 저장용) 병[항아리/통] ③ [C] [특히 합성어에서] 〈특정 목적을 위해 만들어진 다양한 종류의 그릇〉 참조 chamber pot, chimney pot, flowerpot, lobster pot, melting pot, potted ④ 한 포트 ⑤ 도자기 (그릇) ⑥ (트럼프 게임에서) 건 돈 전부 ⑦ 공동 자금 ⑧ [U] (비격식) 상호참조 marijuana ⑨ [C] 상호참조 potshot ⑩ (당구포켓볼스누커에서) 포켓 샷
[영영] A pot is a deep round container used for cooking stews, soups, and other food.
[굴절형] 복수형; pots
<동사> ① (나무를) 화분에 심다 ② (당구포켓볼스누커에서) 포켓 샷을 치다 ③ (동물조류를) 총으로 쏘다[쏘아 죽이다]
[어근] pot; 냄비, 병, pot
[어원] 《고대 영어 pott》 deep, circular vessel
[최초 의미] ① deep, circular vessel ② marijuana
quiz noun ☆[4514] from [씨앗말] quiz
[본문] [57]Remember to visit our website, bbclearningenglish.com, where you'll find a worksheet and a quiz related to this programme, and we'll see you again soon for more trending topics and useful vocabulary, here at 6 Minute English.
[영한] ① 퀴즈 ② (학생들에게 하는 비공식적인간단한) 시험[테스트]
[영영] A quiz is a game or competition in which someone tests your knowledge by asking you questions.
[굴절형] 복수형; quizzes
<동사> ① (많은) 질문을 하다, 심문하다 ② (학생들에게 비공식적으로간단히) 시험을 치다[테스트를 하다]
[어근] quiz; quiz
[어원] 《라틴어 qui es》 who are you?
[파생] quizzable, quizzer, quiz
replenish verb[10000+] from [씨앗말] replenish
[본문] [34]So, I don't know if this is strictly true, but theoretically as long as you have a good practice of hygiene - which is to say that you always skim it, and boil it every day, and also replenish it as needed with more water, more salt, more spices, and you know, you keep tasting - then it just gets richer and richer.
[영한] (원래처럼) 다시 채우다, 보충하다
[굴절형] replenishes, replenished, replenished, replenishing
[어근] ⑴ re; 다시, 반대로, again ⑵ plen; 충분한, 전체의, full ⑶ ish; 동사 어미
[어원] 《프랑스말 replenir》 [from Latin re-+plenus("full, filled")] to fill up
[최초 의미] provide
restart verb[10000+] from [씨앗말] start
[본문] [41]In theory, it would make sense to think that people who didn't have matches or fire starters, for whom starting a fire from scratch was quite a cumbersome process, would naturally want to keep a stew pot bubbling if they had the means to do that, and to avoid the labour of constantly restarting the fire, and also to make sure that they had a hot meal waiting at any time.
[영한] 다시 시작하다[시작하게 하다]
[영영] ① to make (something) start again after it has stopped
② to start again after stopping
[구성단어] re + start
[어근] ⑴ re; 다시, 반대로, again ⑵ start; start
[어원] 《고대 영어 steortian》 to leap up
rumour verb ★★[4475] from [씨앗말] rumor
[본문] [32]Here, she tells BBC World Service programme, 'The Food Chain', about a Chinese stew that is rumoured to be 100 years old:
[영한] 소문이 있다[돌다]
<명사> 소문
[어근] rumour(rumor); 소문, rumor
[어원] 《라틴어 rumor》 〈nominative of rumorem〉 commotion, widespread noise or report noise
scratch noun ★★★[2911] from [씨앗말] scratch
[본문] [41]In theory, it would make sense to think that people who didn't have matches or fire starters, for whom starting a fire from scratch was quite a cumbersome process, would naturally want to keep a stew pot bubbling if they had the means to do that, and to avoid the labour of constantly restarting the fire, and also to make sure that they had a hot meal waiting at any time.
[영한] ① 긁힌[할퀸] 자국[상처], 찰과상 ② 긁는[긁히는] 소리 ③ (가려운 데를) 긁기
[영영] Scratches on someone or something are small shallow cuts.
[굴절형] 복수형; scratches
<동사> ① (보통 가려운 데를) 긁다 ② (상처가 나도록 날카로운 것으로) 긁다[할퀴다] ③ (특히 실수로 손상된 자국이 나게) 긁다, 긁힌 자국을 내다 <형용사> ① 있는 대로 그러모아 만든, 급조한 ② (특히 골프에서) 핸디캡이 없는
[어근] scratch; 긁다, scratch
[어원] 《중세 영어 scratten》 to scratch
[파생] scratcher, scratchily, scratchiness, scratchy, scratch
simmer verb[10000+] from [씨앗말] simmer
[본문] [17]I found a stew that had been simmering for fifty years.
[영한] ① (부글부글 계속) 끓이다[고다], 끓다[고이다] ② (특히 화가 나서 속이) 부글부글 끓다 ③ (분노/폭력이 겉으로 드러나지는 않지만) 은근히 심화되다
[영영] ① to cook (something) so that it is almost boiling for a certain period of time
② to be filled with a strong feeling that is difficult to control or hide
[굴절형] simmers, simmered, simmered, simmering
[어근] simmer; 부글부글, simmer
[어원] 《의성어/의태어 simber》
[최초 의미] make a gentle hissing sound, as liquids when they begin to boil,
skim verb ☆[5586] from [씨앗말] skim(scum)
[본문] [34]So, I don't know if this is strictly true, but theoretically as long as you have a good practice of hygiene - which is to say that you always skim it, and boil it every day, and also replenish it as needed with more water, more salt, more spices, and you know, you keep tasting - then it just gets richer and richer.
[영한] ① (액체 위에 뜬 기름기 등을) 걷어 내다 ② (표면을) 스치듯 하며 지나가다[지나가게 하다] ③ (필요한 부분을 찾거나 요점을 알기 위해) 훑어보다 ④ (돈을 어느 정도의 기간에 걸쳐) 조금씩 훔치다[빼돌리다] ⑤ (남의 신용 카드에서) 전자 정보를 훔치다[복제하다]
[영영] If you skim something from the surface of a liquid, you remove it.
[굴절형] skimmed skimmed skimming skims
<명사> ① (액체의) 더껑이를 걷어[떠]내기 ② (걷어낸) 더껑이. ③ 유의어 skim milk <형용사> 크림을 떠낸.
[어근] skim(scum); 거품, scum
[어원] 《고대 북부 독일어 scum》 scum
[최초 의미] to clear (a liquid) from matter floating on the surface, lift the scum from
soup noun ★★★[2233] from [씨앗말] soup
[본문] [14]But let's get back to forever food, and a Bangkok restaurant called, Wattana Panich, that's famous for a soup which has been cooking for over 50 years!
[영한] ① 수프 ② 니트로글리세린 ③ (엔진 등의) 마력, 속력, (경주말에 먹이는) 흥분제, (비행기/자동차의) 강화 연료 ④ 짙은 안개[구름] ⑤ 현상액
[영영] Soup is liquid food made by boiling meat, fish, or vegetables in water.
[굴절형] 복수형; soups
[어근] soup; soup
[어원] 《라틴어 suppa》 국물에 적신 빵
specialise verb ☆[4662] from [씨앗말] special(갈래[종류]) 《 speci(갈래[종류])
[본문] [31]Fuchsia Dunlop is a writer and cook specialising in Chinese food.
[영한] (~을) 전공하다[전문적으로 다루다]
[영영] If you specialize in a thing, you know a lot about it and concentrate a great deal of your time and energy on it, especially in your work or when you are studying or training. You also use specialize to talk about a restaurant which concentrates on a particular type of food.
[굴절형] specialised specialised specialising specialises
[구성단어] special + ize
[어근] ⑴ speci; 보다, see, kind, sort ⑵ al; 형용사어미 ⑶ ise; 동사 어미
[BRIT] 미국영어 ☞ specialize
[어원] 《라틴어 species》 [연관어 specere] 갈래[종류], 부류, 외관
spice noun ★★[3727] from [씨앗말] spice(갈래[종류]) 《 speci(갈래[종류])
[본문] [34]So, I don't know if this is strictly true, but theoretically as long as you have a good practice of hygiene - which is to say that you always skim it, and boil it every day, and also replenish it as needed with more water, more salt, more spices, and you know, you keep tasting - then it just gets richer and richer.
[영한] ① 양념, 향신료 ② 흥취, 묘미
[영영] A spice is a part of a plant, or a powder made from that part, which you put in food to give it flavour. Cinnamon, ginger, and paprika are spices.
[굴절형] 복수형; spices
<동사> ① 양념[향신료]를 치다[곁들이다] ② 흥취[묘미]를 더하다
[어근] spice(speci); 종류, 부류
[어원] 《라틴어 species》 [연관어 specere] 갈래[종류], 부류, 외관
[최초 의미] something added to food or drink to enhance the flavor, vegetable substance aromatic or pungent to the taste
[파생] spicer, spicily, spiciness, spicy, spice
starter noun ☆[5414] from [씨앗말] start
[본문] [41]In theory, it would make sense to think that people who didn't have matches or fire starters, for whom starting a fire from scratch was quite a cumbersome process, would naturally want to keep a stew pot bubbling if they had the means to do that, and to avoid the labour of constantly restarting the fire, and also to make sure that they had a hot meal waiting at any time.
[영한] ① (코스 요리의) 전채 요리 ② (경주를 시작하는) 선수[참가자] ③ (경주의) 출발 신호원 ④ (차량 엔진의) 시동 장치 ⑤ (어떤 일을) …하게 시작하는 사람 ⑥ 처음으로 …하는 사람[초보자]을 위한 것
[영영] A starter is a small quantity of food that is served as the first course of a meal.
[굴절형] 복수형; starters
[유의어] appetizer(전채 요리)
[구성단어] start + er
[어근] ⑴ start; start ⑵ er; 접미어
[어원] 《고대 영어 steortian》 to leap up
stew noun △[10000+]
[본문] [16]I had never heard of a perpetual stew before, but the first time I'd ever heard about it was when I was in Bangkok.
[영한] 스튜
[굴절형] 복수형; stews
<동사> ① (음식을) 뭉근히 끓이다[고다] ② 생각하다, 마음 졸이다
[어근] ⑴ s(ex); 밖으로, 외(外), out ⑵ tew(typh); 연기, smoke
[어원] 《그리스어 typhos》 smoke.
[최초 의미] a closed vessel for cooking
strictly adv. ★★[4130] from [씨앗말] strict(한데 모으다)
[본문] [34]So, I don't know if this is strictly true, but theoretically as long as you have a good practice of hygiene - which is to say that you always skim it, and boil it every day, and also replenish it as needed with more water, more salt, more spices, and you know, you keep tasting - then it just gets richer and richer.
[영한] ① 엄격히, 엄하게 ② 절대적으로 ③ 엄밀히, 정확히 ④ 순전히, 오로지
[영영] You use strictly to emphasize that something is of one particular type, or intended for one particular thing or person, rather than any other.
[유의어] absolutely, purely
[어근] ⑴ strict(strain); to draw tight, compress ⑵ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 strictus》 한데 모으다, 가깝게, 단단하게
[파생] striction, strictly, strictness, strict
surprisingly adv. ★★★[2745] from [씨앗말] surprise(to take) 《 prize(잡다[쥐다])
[본문] [21]A 50-year-old soup might not be to everyone's taste, but forever foods are surprisingly common.
[영한] ① 놀랄 만큼, 의외로, 대단히 ② 놀랍게도
[유의어] oddly
[구성단어] surprising + ly
[어근] ⑴ sur(super); over ⑵ pris(prehend); 잡다, grasp ⑶ ing; 현재분사 어미 ⑷ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 prendre》 to take
[파생] surprisingly, surprisingness, surprising
theoretically adv. △[10000+] from [씨앗말] theory
[본문] [34]So, I don't know if this is strictly true, but theoretically as long as you have a good practice of hygiene - which is to say that you always skim it, and boil it every day, and also replenish it as needed with more water, more salt, more spices, and you know, you keep tasting - then it just gets richer and richer.
[영한] 이론상으로
[영영] according to theory rather than experience or practice
[구성단어] theoretical + ly
[어근] ⑴ theor(thea); to consider, look at ⑵ et; 명사 지소(指小) 어미 ⑶ ical(ic); 형용사어미 ⑷ ly; 부사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 theoria》
[파생] theoretical, theoretically, theory
trending adj.[10000+] from [씨앗말] trend(turn round)
[본문] [57]Remember to visit our website, bbclearningenglish.com, where you'll find a worksheet and a quiz related to this programme, and we'll see you again soon for more trending topics and useful vocabulary, here at 6 Minute English.
[영한] 유행화
[구성단어] trend + ing
[어근] ⑴ trend; 동향, trend ⑵ ing; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 trendan》 turn round, revolve, roll
website noun ★★★[2285] from [씨앗말] website(woven fabric) 《 site(a place)
[본문] [13]We'll also be learning some useful new vocabulary, all of which you can download, along with a worksheet for this programme, at our website, bbclearningenglish.com.
[영한] 웹사이트(기업/단체/개인이 정보를 올릴 수 있는 홈페이지)
[영영] A website is a set of data and information about a particular subject which is available on the Internet.
[굴절형] 복수형; websites
[구성단어] web + site
[어근] ⑴ web; 거미줄, web ⑵ site; 위치, 직위, place, position
[어원] 《고대 영어 webb》 woven fabric, woven work, tapestry
worksheet noun[10000+] from [씨앗말] worksheet 《 sheet(옷 길이)
[본문] [13]We'll also be learning some useful new vocabulary, all of which you can download, along with a worksheet for this programme, at our website, bbclearningenglish.com.
[영한] ① (학습용) 연습 문제지[평가지] ② 작업 계획표[진행표]
[구성단어] work + sheet
[어근] ⑴ work; 일하다, work ⑵ sheet; sheet
[어원] 《고대 영어 sciete》 옷 길이, 덮기, 내프킨, 수건, 감추는 것
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