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[영어단어어원사전] 어근 plect-, plex-로 영어단어 공부하기 (라틴어 어원; plectere, plexus)





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영어 어근 plect-, plex-라틴어(Latin) plectere, plexus에서 유래했습니다.
'땋다', '짜다', 'plait', 'weave', 'braid'라는 기본적인 의미를 갖고 있습니다.

[어근]어근 plex
[변이어근] plect, plex, plexus
[어원]어근 (라틴어) plectere, plexus
[의미]어근 땋다, 짜다, plait, weave

[어근 상세 내역]

  • [Latin] plectere - [akin to plicare] to weave, braid, twine, entwine; to plait ([plicare와 같은 계열] 짜다[엮다], 꼰[땋은] [수술], 노끈[꼬아서 만든 것], 꼬다[휘감다], 땋다[꼬다] [딸은 것])
  • [Latin] plexus - [noun use of past participle of Latin plectere] network of nerves in the abdomen

[주요 어휘 목록] complex, complexity, perplex, perplexed, plex, plexus

[암기 기준] ★★★★(기본암기: 상위 2,048이내) ★★★(필수암기: 상위 3,265이내) ★★(권장암기: 상위 4,465이내)(추천암기: 상위 6,087이내)

【영어단어어휘별 상세 정보】

complex adj. ★★★★[1065] [레마] complex 〈 plex
[영영] Something that is complex has many different parts, and is therefore often difficult to understand.
[영한] ① 복잡한 ② (문법) (단어나 문장이) 복합어[문]의
[유의어] complicated, involved
<명사> ① 복합 건물, (건물) 단지 ② (관련 있는 것들의) 덩어리[집합체] ③ [특히 합성어에서] <정상적이 아닌 정신 상태를 나타냄> 참조 inferiority complex, Oedipus complex, persecution complex <동사> ① 복잡하게 하다 ② (화학) 착물(錯物)을 만들다, …와 복합체를 형성하다
[어근]com; with ⑵ plex; 땋다, 짜다, plait
[어원] 《라틴어 complecti[com+plectere] to encircle, embrace; to hold fast, master, comprehend
[최초 의미] composed of interconnected parts, formed by a combination of simple things or elements
[파생] complexation, complexity, complexly, complexness, complex

complexity noun ★★[4234] [레마] complex 〈 plex
[영영] Complexity is the state of having many different parts connected or related to each other in a complicated way.
[영한] ① 복잡성, 복잡함 ② 복잡한 특징들
[굴절형] 복수형; complexities
[어근]com; with ⑵ plex; to weave, braid ⑶ ity; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 complecti[com+plectere] to encircle, embrace; to hold fast, master, comprehend
[파생] complexation, complexity, complexly, complexness, complex



perplex verb ☆[5954] [레마] perplex 〈 plex
[영영] If something perplexes you, it confuses and worries you because you do not understand it or because it causes you difficulty.
[영한] (무엇을 이해할 수 없어서) 당혹하게 하다
[굴절형] perplexed perplexed perplexing perplexes
[유의어] puzzle
[어근]per; 통하다(through) ⑵ plex; 땋다, 짜다, plait, weave
[어원] 《라틴어 perplexus[from per+plexus] involved, confused, intricate;
[최초 의미] embarrass, puzzle, bewilder, fill (someone) with uncertainty,
[파생] perplexity, perplex

perplexed adj. △[10000+] [레마] perplex 〈 plex
[영영] If you are perplexed, you feel confused and slightly worried by something because you do not understand it.
[영한] (무엇을 이해할 수 없어서) 당혹한[당혹스러운]
[구성단어] perplex + ed
[어근]per; 통하다(through) ⑵ plex; 땋다, 짜다, plait, weave ⑶ ed; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 perplexus[from per+plexus] involved, confused, intricate;

plex comb. △[10000+] [레마] plex
[영영] to weave, braid, twine, entwine; to plait
[영한] …개의 부분[구성 단위]을 가진, 짜다[역다], 꼰[땋은] [수술], 노끈[꼬아서 만든 것], 꼬다[휘감다], 땋다[꼬다] [딸은 것]
[어근] plex; 땋다, 짜다, plait
[어원] 《라틴어 plectere[plicare와 같은 계열] 짜다[엮다], 꼰[땋은] [수술], 노끈[꼬아서 만든 것], 꼬다[휘감다], 땋다[꼬다] [딸은 것]

plexus noun △[10000+] [레마] plex
[영한] ① (해부) (신경/혈관 또는 섬유 등의) 총(叢), 망상(網狀)조직 ② 그물, 그물 세공(細工)(생각/감정/사건 등의) 뒤얽힘, 착잡(錯雜)
[어근] plexus(plex); 땋다, 짜다, plait, weave
[어원] 《라틴어 plexus[noun use of past participle of Latin plectere] network of nerves in the abdomen
[최초 의미] an interlacing of nerves, vessels, or fibers,

[그외 plect-, plex-이(가) 들어가 있는 어휘 목록] complexation, complexness, complexly, multiplex, perplexity

【다른 어근 보기】

plet-, ple-  
pleas-, plea-, plac-  
plan-, plain-  
pick, peck, pitch  
phren-, phron-  


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