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[영어단어어원사전] 어근 ped로 영어단어 공부하기 (라틴어 어원; pes, pedis)





영어단어 어근 및 어원(Etymology): softca.tistory.com

영어 어근 ped라틴어(Latin) pes, pedis에서 유래했습니다.
'다리', 'foot', '발을 가진 (생물)'(이)라는 기본적인 의미를 갖고 있습니다.



[어근]어근 ped
[변이어근] ped, pede, peach, pedi, pedestr, pion
[어원]어근 (라틴어) pes, pedis
[의미]어근 다리, foot, 발을 가진 (생물)

[어근 상세 내역]

  • [Latin] pes - [from PIE root *ped-] 〈genitive pedis〉 foot (발)
  • [Latin] pedis - [genitive of pes] (of) foot; fetter, chain for the feet (발(의))

[주요 어휘 목록] centipede, expedite, expedition, ped, pedestrian, pioneer

[암기 기준] ★★★★(기본암기: 상위 2,050이내) ★★★(필수암기: 상위 3,265이내) ★★(권장암기: 상위 4,467이내)(추천암기: 상위 7,084이내)




【영어단어어휘별 상세 정보】

centipede noun[10000+] [레마] centipede 〈 cent
[영영] A centipede is a long, thin creature with a lot of legs.
[영한] 지네
[어근]centi(cent); 백(100), 100분의 1 ⑵ pede(ped); 다리
[어원] 《라틴어 centipeda[from centum("hundred")+pedis("foot")] many-footed arthropod
[최초 의미] venomous, many-legged, insect-sized arthropod
[파생] centipedal, centipede

expedite verb[10000+] [레마] expedite 〈 ped
[영한] 더 신속히 처리하다
[유의어] speed up
[어근]ex; 밖으로 ⑵ ped; 다리, foot ⑶ ite; 명사/형용사/동사
[어원] 《라틴어 expedire[ex+*pedis] make ready, prepare, extricate, disengage, liberate; procure, make ready, put in order, make fit, prepare; explain, make clear; (literally) free the feet from fetters
[최초 의미] to remove impediments to the movement or progress of, accelerate the motion or progress of, hasten, quicken,
[파생] expediter, expedite

expedition noun ★★★[3181] [레마] expedite 〈 ped
[영영] ① a journey especially by a group of people for a specific purpose (such as to explore a distant place or to do research)
② also used in a playful way to refer to a short trip for a specific purpose
③ a group of people who travel together to a distant place; a group of people who go on an expedition
[영한] ① 탐험, 원정 ② 탐험[원정]대 ③ (때로 유머) (필요한 일을 하기 위한 짧은) 여행
[굴절형] 복수형; expeditions
[구성단어] expedite + ion
[어근]ex; 밖으로 ⑵ ped; 다리, foot ⑶ it(ite); 명사/형용사/동사 ⑷ ion; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 expeditio[nominative of expeditionem] an enterprise against an enemy, a military campaign
[최초 의미] military campaign; the act of rapidly setting forth,

ped comb.[10000+] [레마] ped
[영한] 발
[어근] ped; 다리, foot
[어원] 《라틴어 pedis발(의)

pedestrian noun[8669] [레마] pedestrian
[영영] A pedestrian is a person who is walking, especially in a town or city, rather than travelling in a vehicle.
[영한] ① 보행자 ② 보행자(walker), 도보 여행자 ③ 잘 걷는 사람, 도보 경주자, 도보주의자
[굴절형] 복수형; pedestrians
<형용사> ① 보행자용의, 보행자의 ② 상상력이 없는, 재미없는
[어근]pedestr(ped); 다리, foot ⑵ ian(an); …의 (사람)
[어원] 《라틴어 pedester[genitive pedestris] plain, not versified, prosaic; on foot
[파생] pedestrianism, pedestrian

pioneer noun ★★★[2898] [레마] pioneer 〈 ped
[영영] Someone who is referred to as a pioneer in a particular area of activity is one of the first people to be involved in it and develop it.
[영한] ① (특정 지식문화 부문의) 개척자[선구자] ② (거친 땅을 일구는) 개척자
[굴절형] 복수형; pioneers
[유의어] trailblazer
<동사> 개척하다
[어근]pion(ped); 다리, foot ⑵ eer; 명사 어미
[어원] 《프랑스말 paon【from Latin pedo[=from Latin pes(‘foot’)]】 foot soldier
[최초 의미] one of a party or company of foot soldiers furnished with digging and cutting equipment who prepare the way for the army



[그외 ped이(가) 들어가 있는 어휘 목록] impede, expedient, impeach, impediment, pedal, peddler, quadruped, expeditious, peonage, pedicure, expediency, piedmont, centipedal, biped, bipedal, decempedal, expeditate, expeditionary, impeachable, Impeachment, impedition, impeditive, inexpedient, interpetiolar, intrapetiolar, millipede, multiped, multipede, octopede, oppidum, pawn, pedate, pedatifid, pedestal, pedicel, pedicle, pediform, pedigerous, pedigree, peduncle, pedunculate, peon, petiolar, petiolate, petiole, petiolular, petiolulate, petiolule, piedfort, quadrupedal, repedation, semiped, semipedal, sesquipedal, stapes, stapedius, subpetiolate, suppedaneum, tripedal, trivet, velocipede, expediter, vampish, vamper

【다른 어근 보기】

phob-, -phobia  
phan-, phen-, phase-  
petr-, petro-  
pauc, poor-  
ed-, es-, eder-  


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