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[영어단어공부] BBC 6 Minute English - Is the pasty really Cornish?

[영어단어공부] BBC 6 Minute English - Is the pasty really Cornish?

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Rob and Neil discuss the origins of the Cornish pasty. This traditional tasty snack is popular around the world but does it have to be made in this region of England to make it a genuine Cornish pasty and are there other versions of it that are made elsewhere?

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[영어단어공부] BBC 6 Minute English - Is the pasty really Cornish?

abroad [부사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3392] [★★] [레마] abroad
[본문] In the 19th century, many Cornish tin miners emigrated, moving abroad to start a better life.
[영영] If you go abroad, you go to a foreign country, usually one which is separated from the country where you live by an ocean or a sea.
[영한] ⒨ ① 해외에(서), 해외로 ② (소문/느낌 등이) 널리 퍼져[떠다녀] ③ (옛글투) 집 밖에
[첫뜻] widely apart
[어근]a; on ⑵ broad; broad
<명사> 외국, 해외, 바깥.

agricultural [형용사] [Ranking; 3131] [★] [레마] agriculture
[본문] And they were eaten by agricultural labourers - workers doing physical farm work during harvest time - the weeks in autumn when crops like wheat are cut and collected from the fields.
[영영] Agricultural means involving or relating to agriculture.
[영한] ⒨ 농업의, 농사[농예]의, 농학(상)의
[파생] agricultural, agriculturalist, agriculturally, agriculturist, agriculture
[어근]agri(agr); field ⑵ cult; cultivation ⑶ ure; 명사어미 ⑷ al; 형용사어미

Argentina [명사] [레마] Argentina
[본문] We'll hear how it's gone from humble beginnings to become a symbol of Cornish identity and spread around the world to Jamaica, Argentina and Brazil.
[영한] ⒨ 아르헨티나

Argentinian [형용사] [레마] Argentinian
[본문] Other pasty-inspired ideas include Argentinian chimichurri empanadas and spicy Jamaican patties.
[영한] ⒨ 아르헨티나의

association [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2103] [★★] [레마] associate
[본문] As well as its farms and fishing, Cornwall was famous for tin mines, as Ruth Huxley of the Cornish Pasty association explains:
[영영] An association is an official group of people who have the same job, aim, or interest.
[영한] ⒨ ① 협회 ② 연계, 유대, 제휴 ③ 연관, 연상 ④ 연관성
[활용] 복수형; associations
[파생] associable, associate, associateship, association, associative, associator, associatory
[어근]as(ad); to ⑵ soci; to join, unite with ⑶ ation; …하는 행동[상태]’
[유의어] organization

authentic [형용사] [★] [레마] authentic
[본문] What is the traditional filling in an authentic Cornish pasty?
[영영] An authentic person, object, or emotion is genuine.
[영한] ⒨ ① 진본[진품]인 ② 진짜인, 정확한 ③ 진짜와 꼭 같게 만든, 모사한
[첫뜻] authoritative, duly authorized
[파생] authentically, authenticate, authentication, authenticity, authentic
[어근]aut(auto); self ⑵ hent; doer, being ⑶ ic; 형용사어미
[유의어] genuine(진짜)
[반의어] inauthentic(진품이다)

autumn [명사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [레마] autumn
[본문] And they were eaten by agricultural labourers - workers doing physical farm work during harvest time - the weeks in autumn when crops like wheat are cut and collected from the fields.
[영영] Autumn is the season between summer and winter when the weather becomes cooler and the leaves fall off the trees. in AM, usually use fall
[영한] ⒨ 가을
[활용] 복수형; autumns
[어원] auctumnus(Latin)

avocado [명사] [레마] avocado
[본문] a) Chicken, avocado and brie b) Beef, potato and turnip c) Pork, onion and chorizo.
[영영] Avocados are pear-shaped vegetables, with hard skins and large stones, which are usually eaten raw.
[영한] ⒨ 아보카도(열대 과일의 일종)
[활용] 복수형; avocados

bagel [명사] [레마] bagel
[본문] Or maybe 'bagels'.
[영영] A bagel is a ring-shaped bread roll.
[영한] ⒨ 베이글(도넛같이 생긴 딱딱한 빵)
[첫뜻] ring-shaped hard bread roll
[활용] 복수형; bagels
[어원] beag(Old English), ring-giver, ring

bake [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2830] [★★] [레마] bake
[본문] There's a lovely bit here where he's describing what a housewife in Hertfordshire does and he's talking about her way to make pork pies and pork pasties: pies may be made and baked either raised in paste earthen pans or in pewter dishes or in the shape of a turnover, two-cornered pasties.
[영영] If you bake, you spend some time preparing and mixing together ingredients to make bread, cakes, pies, or other food which is cooked in the oven.
[영한] ⒨ ① (음식을) 굽다, (음식 등이) 구워지다 ② (열로) 굽다[굳히다], 굳어지다 ③ 매우 뜨겁다[뜨거워지다]
[첫뜻] to bake, to cook by dry heat in a closed place or on a heated surface
[활용] baked, baked, baking, bakes
[파생] bakery, bake
[어원] bakan(Proto-Germanic), to bake
<명사> ① 구운 즉석 요리의 회식 ② 빵 굽기, 한 번 굽는 분량 ③ (인공) 피부 태우기, 인공 선탠

beef [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3537] [★★] [레마] beef
[본문] a) Chicken, avocado and brie b) beef, potato and turnip c) Pork, onion and chorizo.
[영영] Beef is the meat of a cow, bull, or ox.
[영한] ⒨ ① 소[쇠]고기 ② 불평
[첫뜻] an ox, bull, or cow,
[활용] 복수형; beeves beefs
[파생] beefy, beef
[어원] bovem(Latin), ox, cow
<동사> (~에 대해) 불평을 해대다

brie [명사] [레마] brie
[본문] a) Chicken, avocado and brie b) Beef, potato and turnip c) Pork, onion and chorizo.
[영한] ⒨ 브리 치즈(프랑스산의 부드러운 치즈)
[활용] 복수형; bries

championship [명사] [Ranking; 2346] [★★] [레마] champion
[본문] In fact those other fillings - chorizo, avocado and brie - really did feature in pasties entered for this year's Annual World Pasty championships, held in Cornwall every spring.
[영영] A championship is a competition to find the best player or team in a particular sport.
[영한] ⒨ ① 선수권 대회, 챔피언전 ② 선수권, 챔피언 지위
[활용] 복수형; championships
[어근]champ(camp); field ⑵ ion(ation); 명사어미 ⑶ ship; 명사어미

chimichurri [명사] [레마] chimichurri
[본문] Other pasty-inspired ideas include Argentinian chimichurri empanadas and spicy Jamaican patties.
[영한] ⒨ (향신료, 양념류) 치미추리

chorizo [명사] [레마] chorizo
[본문] a) Chicken, avocado and brie b) Beef, potato and turnip c) Pork, onion and chorizo.
[영한] ⒨ (스페인어에서) 초리조(스페인이나 라틴 아메리카의 양념을 많이 한 소시지)
[활용] 복수형; chorizoes

coal [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3366] [★★] [레마] coal
[본문] Pasties were eaten by hungry workers involved in the mining industry - digging up materials such as coal or metals like gold, or in Cornwall tin, from the ground.
[영영] Coal is a hard black substance that is extracted from the ground and burned as fuel.
[영한] ⒨ ① 석탄 ② (특히 타고 있는) 석탄 조각
[첫뜻] charcoal; live coal, piece of wood or other combustible substance, either burning or having been burned
[활용] 복수형; coals
[파생] coalless, coaly, coal
[어원] col(Old English), not warm
<동사> ① (배/기관차 등에) 석탄을 공급하다. ② 구워서 숯을 만들다. ③ (배가) 석탄을 싣다.

cooking [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3299] [★★] [레마] cook
[본문] The earliest pasties were made in pewter dishes - a traditional cooking plate made of a silver-coloured metal called 'pewter'.
[영영] Cooking is food which has been cooked.
[영한] ⒨ ① 요리, 음식 준비 ② (특정한 방식으로 만든) 요리
[어근]cook(coc); 요리하다 ⑵ ing; 현재분사어미
<형용사> 요리용의

Cornish [명사] [레마] Cornish
[본문] If it's Cornwall, it must be the famous 'Cornish pasty', right?
[영영] The Cornish are the people of Cornwall.
[영한] ⒨ 콘월어(잉글랜드 콘월(Cornwall) 지방에서 사용했던 켈트어)
[활용] uncountable noun
<형용사> 콘월의, 콘월 사람[문화/언어]의

Cornwall [명사] [레마] Cornwall
[본문] How about… Cornwall from the UK?
[영영] a former administrative county of SW England; became a unitary authority in 2009: hilly, with a deeply indented coastline. Administrative centre: Truro. Pop: 513 500 (2003 est). Area: 3564 sq km (1376 sq miles)
[영한] ⒨ 콘월

crimp [동사] [레마] crimp
[본문] A piece of pastry which is turned over and crimped along the side to make two corners…
[영영] If you crimp something such as a piece of fabric or pastry, you make small folds in it.
[영한] ⒨ ① (불에 달군 기구로) 머리에 컬을 내다, 고데를 하다 ② (천이나 종이에) 주름을 잡다 ③ (무엇의 성장을) 억제하다
[첫뜻] cause to contract or be wrinkled or wavy
[활용] crimped crimped crimping crimps
[파생] crimper, crimpy, crimp
[어원] gecrympan(Old English), to crimp, curl( 주름을 잡다, 곱슬곱슬하다[하게 만들다])
<명사> ① 지진 머리, 웨이브, 컬 ② 주름, 주름살 ③ 방해(물), 훼방(물) <형용사> 오글오글[곱슬곱슬]해진.

crop [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2483] [★★] [레마] crop
[본문] And they were eaten by agricultural labourers - workers doing physical farm work during harvest time - the weeks in autumn when crops like wheat are cut and collected from the fields.
[영영] Crops are plants such as wheat and potatoes that are grown in large quantities for food.
[영한] ⒨ ① (농)작물 ② (한 철에 거둔) 수확량 ③ (동시에 같은 일을 하는 사람들의) 무리[집단], (동시에 일어나는) 많은 일들 ④ (승마 때 쓰는 짧은) 채찍 ⑤ 아주 짧은 머리
[첫뜻] head or top of a sprout or herb, any part of a medicinal plant except the root
[활용] 복수형; crops
[어원] cropp(Old English), head or top of a sprout or herb, any part of a medicinal plant except the root(새싹 또는 허브의 윗부분, 뿌리를 제외한 약초 나무)
[유의어] harvest
<동사> ① (머리를) 아주 짧게 깎다 ② (사진이나 그림의 일부를) 잘라 내다 ③ (동물이 풀을) 뜯어먹다

curator [명사] [레마] curator
[본문] They spoke to Dr Polly Russell, a public life curator at the British Library.
[영영] A curator is someone who is in charge of the objects or works of art in a museum or art gallery.
[영한] ⒨ 큐레이터(박물관/미술관 등의 전시 책임자)
[첫뜻] a guardian; one who has care or superintendence of something
[파생] curatorial, curatorship, curator
[어근]curat(cur); take care of, 보살피다 ⑵ or; ~하는 사람(명사 어미)

dig [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2484] [★★] [레마] dig
[본문] Pasties were eaten by hungry workers involved in the mining industry - digging up materials such as coal or metals like gold, or in Cornwall tin, from the ground.
[영영] If people or animals dig, they make a hole in the ground or in a pile of earth, stones, or rubbish.
[영한] ⒨ ① (구멍 등을) 파다 ② (땅에서) 파내다[캐다] ③ (무엇을 찾기 위해) 뒤지다[헤집다] ④ (구식, 속어) 아주 좋아하다
[첫뜻] to make a ditch or other excavation
[활용] dug, dug, digging, digs
[어원] diggen(Old English), to make a ditch or other excavation(배수로를 만들거나 땅을 파다)
<명사> ① (손가락이나 팔꿈치로) 쿡 찌르기 ② (말로) 비꼬기, 빈정거리기 ③ 발굴

earthen [형용사] [레마] earthen
[본문] There's a lovely bit here where he's describing what a housewife in Hertfordshire does and he's talking about her way to make pork pies and pork pasties: pies may be made and baked either raised in paste earthen pans or in pewter dishes or in the shape of a turnover, two-cornered pasties.
[영영] Earthen containers and objects are made of clay that is baked so that it becomes hard.
[영한] ⒨ ① (바닥이나 벽[담]이) 흙으로 된 ② (물건이) 흙으로 빚어 구운, 토기[옹기]의
[첫뜻] made of earth
[파생] earth, earthen, earthly, earthy
[어근]earth; earth ⑵ en; 동사 어미

emigrate [동사] [★] [레마] emigrate
[본문] In the 19th century, many Cornish tin miners emigrated, moving abroad to start a better life.
[영영] If you emigrate, you leave your own country to live in another country.
[영한] ⒨ (to…) 이민을 가다, (다른 나라로) 이주하다
[활용] emigrated emigrated emigrating emigrates
[파생] emigratory, emigrate
[어근]e(ex); out ⑵ migr; to move ⑶ ate; 동사 어미
[유의어] migrate

empanadas [명사] [레마] empanadas
[본문] Other pasty-inspired ideas include Argentinian chimichurri empanadas and spicy Jamaican patties.
[영한] ⒨ 엠파나다

filling [명사] [레마] filling
[본문] In fact those other fillings - chorizo, avocado and brie - really did feature in pasties entered for this year's Annual World Pasty Championships, held in Cornwall every spring.
[영영] A filling is a small amount of metal or plastic that a dentist puts in a hole in a tooth to prevent further decay.
[영한] ⒨ ① (치아에 생긴 구멍에 박는) 봉 ② (파이 등 음식의) 소[속] ③ (쿠션베개 등의) 속
[활용] 복수형; fillings
<형용사> (음식이) 포만감을 주는

fishing [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2039] [★★] [레마] fish
[본문] As well as its farms and fishing, Cornwall was famous for tin mines, as Ruth Huxley of the Cornish Pasty Association explains:
[영영] Fishing is the sport, hobby, or business of catching fish.
[영한] ⒨ 낚시, 어업
[활용] uncountable noun
[파생] fish, fishable, fishlike, fishy, fishing
[어근]fish; fish ⑵ ing; 현재 분사 어미

harvest [명사] [Ranking; 4895] [★★] [레마] harvest
[본문] So that's a very early reference to a pasty in the shape, I think, that we know it but also being made specifically for labourers - to be feeding labourers on a farm at harvest time.
[영영] The harvest is the gathering of a crop.
[영한] ⒨ ① 수확[추수](기) ② 수확물[량]
[첫뜻] autumn
[활용] 복수형; harvests
[파생] harvestable, harvesting, harvestless, harvest
[어원] hærfest(Middle English), autumn; period between August and November
[유의어] crop
<동사> ① 수확하다, 거둬들이다 ② (의학) (인체의 세포조직을 실험수술 목적으로) 채취하다

housewife [명사] [★] [레마] housewife
[본문] There's a lovely bit here where he's describing what a housewife in Hertfordshire does and he's talking about her way to make pork pies and pork pasties: pies may be made and baked either raised in paste earthen pans or in pewter dishes or in the shape of a turnover, two-cornered pasties.
[영영] A housewife is a married woman who does not have a paid job, but instead looks after her home and children.
[영한] ⒨ (전업)주부
[활용] 복수형; housewives
[어원] houswif(Middle English), housewife [구성단어] house + wife
[유의어] homemaker(가정주부)

humble [형용사] [★] [레마] humble
[본문] We'll hear how it's gone from humble beginnings to become a symbol of Cornish identity and spread around the world to Jamaica, Argentina and Brazil.
[영영] A humble person is not proud and does not believe that they are better than other people.
[영한] ⒨ ① 겸손한 ② (반어적 또는 유머) (예의상 자기를 낮추는 표현에서) 변변치 않은, 초라한 ③ (지위신분이) 미천한[보잘것없는] ④ (사물이) 변변찮은, 작은
[첫뜻] submissive, respectful, lowly in manner, modest, not self-asserting, obedient
[활용] humble < humbler < humblest
[파생] humbled, humbleness, humbler, humbling, humblingly, humbly, humble
[어근]hum; earth ⑵ ble(able); 형용사어미
[유의어] modest , arrogant(오만하다)
<동사> ① 겸허하게[겸손하게] 만들다 ② (특히 강력한 상대를) 쉽게 꺾다[이기다] ③ 겸손하게 처신하다

incredibly [부사] [Ranking; 4314] [★★] [레마] credit
[본문] So anyone who travels to many of those places now will see foods which are incredibly reminiscent and familiar and just like Cornish pasties.
[영한] ⒨ ① 믿을 수 없을 정도로, 엄청나게 ② 믿기 힘들게도
[파생] incredibility, incredibleness, incredibly, incredible
[어근]in; not ⑵ cred; trust ⑶ ibl(able); 형용사어미 ⑷ y(ly); 부사어미
[유의어] unbelievably

ingredient [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2613] [★★] [레마] ingredient
[본문] … and filled with different ingredients - which brings me to my quiz question for today, Rob.
[영영] Ingredients are the things that are used to make something, especially all the different foods you use when you are cooking a particular dish.
[영한] ⒨ ① (특히 요리 등의) 재료[성분] ② (…을 이루는 데 중요한) 구성 요소
[첫뜻] something forming part of a mixture
[활용] 복수형; ingredients
[어근]in; in ⑵ gradi(gress); to step, go ⑶ ent(ant); 명사 어미

Jamaican [형용사] [레마] Jamaican
[본문] Other pasty-inspired ideas include Argentinian chimichurri empanadas and spicy Jamaican patties.
[영영] Jamaican means belonging or relating to Jamaica or to its people or culture.
[영한] ⒨ 자메이카(섬)의, 자메이카 사람의
<명사> 자메이카 사람

Keslowena [외국어] [레마] Keslowena
[본문] 'Keslowena', Rob - that's Cornish for 'congratulations'!
[영한] ⒨ 축하
[유의어] Congratulations

labourer [명사] [레마] labour
[본문] So that's a very early reference to a pasty in the shape, I think, that we know it but also being made specifically for labourers - to be feeding labourers on a farm at harvest time.
[영영] A labourer is a person who does a job which involves a lot of hard physical work.
[영한] ⒨ (특히 옥외에서 단순 육체노동을 하는) 노동자
[활용] 복수형; labourers
[파생] laborer, labourer
[어근]labour(labor); toil, trouble ⑵ er; …하는 사람[것] [구성단어] labour + er

lasagne [명사] [레마] lasagne
[본문] Erm…'pizza' - or 'lasagne'.
[영영] Lasagne is a food dish that consists of layers of pasta, sauce, and a filling such as meat or cheese, baked in an oven.
[영한] ⒨ ① 라자냐(납작하고 큰 파스타) ② 라자냐 요리(여러 장의 라자냐와 다진 고기, 야채를 넣어 화이트소스로 요리한 것)
[활용] 복수형; lasagnes

lovely [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3312] [★★] [레마] love
[본문] There's a lovely bit here where he's describing what a housewife in Hertfordshire does and he's talking about her way to make pork pies and pork pasties: pies may be made and baked either raised in paste earthen pans or in pewter dishes or in the shape of a turnover, two-cornered pasties.
[영한] ⒨ (구식) 미인, 미녀
[활용] 복수형; lovelies
[파생] lovelily, loveliness, lovely
[어근] love; love
<형용사> ① 사랑스러운, 아름다운, 어여쁜, 매력적인 ② 아주 좋은[기쁜], 훌륭한, 멋진 ③ (사람이) 아주 친절한[다정한/너그러운]

Mexico [명사] [레마] Mexico
[본문] This is replicated, not just in Mexico but with migrants moving to America, to Minnesota, to Canada, to Australia.
[영영] a republic in North America, on the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific: early Mexican history includes the Maya, Toltec, and Aztec civilizations; conquered by the Spanish between 1519 and 1525 and achieved independence in 1821;
[영한] ⒨ 멕시코 (공화국)

migrant [명사] [★] [레마] migrant
[본문] This is replicated, not just in Mexico but with migrants moving to America, to Minnesota, to Canada, to Australia.
[영영] A migrant is a person who moves from one place to another, especially in order to find work.
[영한] ⒨ ① (특히 일자리를 구하기 위한) 이주자 ② 철새, 회유어, (계절에 따라) 이동하는 동물
[활용] 복수형; migrants
[어근]migr; 이동 ⑵ ant; 명사 어미

miner [명사] [★] [레마] miner
[본문] Well, that's connected to the tin miners we just talked about.
[영영] A miner is a person who works underground in mines in order to obtain minerals such as coal, diamonds, or gold.
[영한] ⒨ 광부
[활용] 복수형; miners
[파생] minable, mine, mineable, miner
[구성단어] mine + er

mining [명사] [★] [레마] mine
[본문] Pasties would have been eaten by lots of people who went to work but it just worked perfectly down mines, and Cornwall became the world capital of mining.
[영영] Mining is the industry and activities connected with getting valuable or useful minerals from the ground, for example coal, diamonds, or gold.
[어근]min(mine); mine ⑵ ing; 현재분사 어미
<형용사> 광업의, 광산의

onion [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2590] [★★] [레마] onion
[본문] a) Chicken, avocado and brie b) Beef, potato and turnip c) Pork, onion and chorizo.
[영영] An onion is a round vegetable with a brown skin that grows underground. It has many white layers on its inside which have a strong, sharp smell and taste.
[영한] ⒨ 양파
[첫뜻] the underground bulb of the common onion plant
[활용] 복수형; onions
[파생] onionlike, oniony, onion
[어근] uni; 하나의

originally [부사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2877] [★★] [레마] original
[본문] Today we've been discussing Cornish pasties - a kind of filled pastry from the south-west of England, originally made in pewter dishes - a silver-coloured metal dish.
[영한] ⒨ 원래, 본래
[파생] origin, original, originality, originally
[어근]origin(ori); to rise ⑵ al; …한 (성질의), 형용사어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미

pan [명사] [Ranking; 2501] [★] [레마] pan
[본문] There's a lovely bit here where he's describing what a housewife in Hertfordshire does and he's talking about her way to make pork pies and pork pasties: pies may be made and baked either raised in paste earthen pans or in pewter dishes or in the shape of a turnover, two-cornered pasties.
[영영] A pan is a round metal container with a long handle, which is used for cooking things in, usually on top of a cooker or stove.
[영한] ⒨ ① (손잡이가 달린 얕은) 냄비[팬] ② 한 냄비(의 양) ③ (美) 상호참조 tin (5) ④ (저울에서 무게를 달 물건을 올려놓는) 저울판 ⑤ (화장실의) 변기
[첫뜻] pan
[활용] 복수형; pans
[어원] patna(Latin), shallow pan, dish, stew-pan
<동사> ① (연극영화 등을) 혹평하다 ② (방송 카메라나 사람이 카메라로 대상을 따라 다니며) 보여주다[찍다] ③ (흙, 돌멩이 등이 섞인 데서 사금 등을 고르기 위해) 선광 냄비로 물에 일다

paste [명사] [★] [레마] paste
[본문] There's a lovely bit here where he's describing what a housewife in Hertfordshire does and he's talking about her way to make pork pies and pork pasties: pies may be made and baked either raised in paste earthen pans or in pewter dishes or in the shape of a turnover, two-cornered pasties.
[영영] Paste is a soft, wet, sticky mixture of a substance and a liquid, which can be spread easily. Some types of paste are used to stick things together.
[영한] ⒨ ① (보통 밀가루 등의 가루로 만든) 반죽 ② (빵에 발라 먹거나 요리를 하기 위해 고기생선 등을 으깨어 반죽같이 만든 것) ③ (종이를 붙이는 데 쓰는) 풀 ④ (인조 보석 제조용) 납유리
[첫뜻] dough for the making of bread or pastry
[활용] 복수형; pastes
[파생] pasty, paste
[어근] paste(pasta); paste
<동사> ① 풀로 붙이다 ② (종이에 풀을 붙여) 만들다 ③ (컴퓨터) (텍스트를 오리거나 복사하여 다른 곳에 갖다) 붙이다

pastry [명사] [★] [레마] paste
[본문] A piece of pastry which is turned over and crimped along the side to make two corners…
[영영] Pastry is a food made from flour, fat, and water that is mixed together, rolled flat, and baked in the oven. It is used, for example, for making pies.
[영한] ⒨ ① 페이스트리 반죽(밀가루에 기름을 넣고 우유나 물로 반죽한 것. 얇게 겹겹이 펴서 파이 등을 만드는 데 씀) ② 페이스트리(페이스트리 반죽으로 만든 작은 케이크)
[첫뜻] food made with or from paste or having it as a principal ingredient
[활용] 복수형; pastries
[어근]past(pasta); dough, paste ⑵ ry(ery); 성질(명사 어미)

pasty [명사] [레마] pasty
[본문] Cornwall, the region which forms the south-western tip of Britain, is as famous for its pasties as New York is for hot dogs.
[영영] In Britain, a pasty is a small pie which consists of pastry folded around meat, vegetables, or cheese. → see also Cornish pasty
[영한] ⒨ 패스티(만두처럼 고기와 채소로 소를 넣어 만든 작은 파이)
[활용] 복수형; pasties
[파생] pasty, paste
[어근]past(pasta); dough, paste ⑵ y; 명사 어미
<형용사> 창백한

pasty-inspired [형용사] [레마] pasty-inspired
[본문] Other pasty-inspired ideas include Argentinian chimichurri empanadas and spicy Jamaican patties.
[영한] ⒨ 패스티에서 영감을 받은
[구성단어] pasty + inspired

patty [명사] [★] [레마] fillings
[본문] Other pasty-inspired ideas include Argentinian chimichurri empanadas and spicy Jamaican patties.
[영영] A patty is a small, round meat pie.
[영한] ⒨ 패티(고기/생선 등을 다져 동글납작하게 빚은 것)
[첫뜻] small pie
[활용] 복수형; patties
[어근]patt(pasta); paste ⑵ y; 명사 어미

perfectly [부사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2457] [★★] [레마] perfect
[본문] Pasties would have been eaten by lots of people who went to work but it just worked perfectly down mines, and Cornwall became the world capital of mining.
[영영] You can use perfectly to emphasize an adjective or adverb, especially when you think the person you are talking to might doubt what you are saying.
[영한] ⒨ ① 완전히, 지극히, 더할 나위[수] 없이 ② 완벽하게
[파생] perfection, perfectly, perfectness, perfect
[어근]per; completely ⑵ fect(fac); to make, to do ⑶ ly; 부사어미

pewter [명사] [레마] pewter
[본문] There's a lovely bit here where he's describing what a housewife in Hertfordshire does and he's talking about her way to make pork pies and pork pasties: pies may be made and baked either raised in paste earthen pans or in pewter dishes or in the shape of a turnover, two-cornered pasties.
[영영] Pewter is a grey metal which is made by mixing tin and lead. Pewter was often used in former times to make ornaments or containers for eating and drinking.
[영한] ⒨ ① 백랍, 땜납 ② 백랍으로 만든 그릇(류)(접시/주발/잔 등).
[첫뜻] any of various alloys having tin as their main constituent
[활용] uncountable noun
[파생] pewterer, pewter
[어원] peltrum(Latin), pewter

pie [명사] [Ranking; 3352] [★★] [레마] pie
[본문] There's a lovely bit here where he's describing what a housewife in Hertfordshire does and he's talking about her way to make pork pies and pork pasties: pies may be made and baked either raised in paste earthen pans or in pewter dishes or in the shape of a turnover, two-cornered pasties.
[영영] A pie consists of meat, vegetables, or fruit baked in pastry.
[영한] ⒨ ① (과일로 만든) 파이 ② (고기, 채소 등을 다진 것을 속에 넣고 만든) 파이
[첫뜻] ① pastry ② magpie ③ a mass of type jumbled together
[활용] 복수형; pies
[어근] pie(pasta); pastry

recipe [명사] [Ranking; 2532] [★★] [레마] recipe
[본문] Their pasty recipes were replicated - or copied exactly, in the new places where they landed, from America to Australia.
[영영] A recipe is a list of ingredients and a set of instructions that tell you how to cook something.
[영한] ⒨ ① 조리[요리]법 ② (특정 결과를 가져올 듯한) 방안[비결]
[첫뜻] medical prescription
[활용] 복수형; recipes
[어근]re; back ⑵ cipe(capt); take
[유의어] formula

reminiscent [형용사] [★] [레마] reminisce
[본문] So anyone who travels to many of those places now will see foods which are incredibly reminiscent and familiar and just like Cornish pasties.
[영영] If you say that one thing is reminiscent of another, you mean that it reminds you of it.
[영한] ⒨ ① 연상시키는 ② (특히 흐뭇한 마음으로) 추억에 잠긴 듯한
[어근]re; again ⑵ minisc(ment); think, remember ⑶ ent(ant); 형용사 어미
<명사> 추억을 이야기하는 사람, 회상록을 쓰는 사람

replicate [동사] [레마] replicate
[본문] This is replicated, not just in Mexico but with migrants moving to America, to Minnesota, to Canada, to Australia.
[영영] If you replicate someone's experiment, work, or research, you do it yourself in exactly the same way.
[영한] ⒨ ① (정확히) 모사[복제]하다 ② (바이러스/분자가) 자기 복제를 하다
[첫뜻] repeat
[활용] replicated replicated replicating replicates
[파생] replicative, replicator, replicate
[어근]re; back, against ⑵ plic; 접은, fold ⑶ ate; 동사 어미
[유의어] duplicate

silver-coloured [형용사] [레마] silver-coloured
[본문] The earliest pasties were made in pewter dishes - a traditional cooking plate made of a silver-coloured metal called 'pewter'.
[영한] ⒨ 은색의
[구성단어] silver + coloured

south-west [명사] [★] [레마] south-west
[본문] Today we've been discussing Cornish pasties - a kind of filled pastry from the south-west of England, originally made in pewter dishes - a silver-coloured metal dish.
[영한] ⒨ 남서 지역
[구성단어] South + west

south-western [형용사] [레마] south-western
[본문] Cornwall, the region which forms the south-western tip of Britain, is as famous for its pasties as New York is for hot dogs.
[영영] South-western means in or from the south-west of a region or country.
[영한] ⒨ (약어:SW) [명사 앞에만 씀] 남서쪽의
[구성단어] South + western

spicy [형용사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [레마] spice
[본문] Other pasty-inspired ideas include Argentinian chimichurri empanadas and spicy Jamaican patties.
[영영] Spicy food is strongly flavoured with spices.
[영한] ⒨ ① (음식이) 양념 맛이 강한 ② (이야기/뉴스거리 등이) 흥미로운, 약간 충격적인
[첫뜻] sweet-smelling
[활용] 비교; spicy < spicier < spiciest
[파생] spicer, spicily, spiciness, spicy, spice
[어근]spec; 보다 ⑵ y; 형용사 어미
[유의어] hot

tin [명사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [레마] tin
[본문] As well as its farms and fishing, Cornwall was famous for tin mines, as Ruth Huxley of the Cornish Pasty Association explains:
[영한] ⒨ ① (Sn) 주석 ② 통조림 ③ (원통형) 통, 깡통 ④ (금속 소재에 뚜껑이 달린, 식품 저장용) 통 ⑤ (음식 조리용) 금속 용기[그릇]
[활용] 복수형; tins
[파생] tinlike, tinny, tin
[어원] Zinn(German), tin
<동사> ① 주석을 입히다, 주석 도금하다, 주석판으로 덮다[씌우다] ② (식품을) 통조림으로 하다 <형용사> ① 주석의, 주석[양철]으로 만든 ② (사물/사람 등이) 싸구려의, 볼품없는, 하찮은, 가짜의 ③ (결혼 기념일 등이) 10회째의, 석혼식(錫婚式)의

topical [형용사] [★] [레마] topic
[본문] Join us again soon for more topical discussion and vocabulary on 6 Minute English.
[영영] Topical is used to describe something that concerns or relates to events that are happening at the present time.
[영한] ⒨ ① 시사(時事)와 관련된 ② (의학) (사람 몸의) 국부[국소]의
[첫뜻] pertaining to a place
[파생] topical, topicality, topically, topic
[어근]top(topo); place, location ⑵ ic; 형용사어미 ⑶ al; 형용사어미
<명사> ① (우표) 주제별 수집 ② 뉴스 영화.

traditionally [부사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3741] [★★] [레마] tradition
[본문] And avocado with brie doesn't sound traditionally Cornish, so I'll say b) beef, potato and turnip.
[영한] ⒨ 전통적으로
[파생] tradition, traditional, traditionality, traditionally
[어근]trad(trans); 건너가다, across ⑵ dit(dat); to give ⑶ ion(ation); 명사어미 ⑷ al(ad); 형용사어미 ⑸ ly; 부사어미

turnip [명사] [레마] turnip
[본문] a) Chicken, avocado and brie b) Beef, potato and turnip c) Pork, onion and chorizo.
[영영] A turnip is a round vegetable with a greenish-white skin that is the root of a crop.
[영한] ⒨ 순무
[어원] napus(Latin), turnip

turnover [명사] [레마] turnover
[본문] There's a lovely bit here where he's describing what a housewife in Hertfordshire does and he's talking about her way to make pork pies and pork pasties: pies may be made and baked either raised in paste earthen pans or in pewter dishes or in the shape of a turnover, two-cornered pasties.
[영영] ① The turnover of a company is the value of the goods or services sold during a particular period of time.
② The turnover of people in an organization or place is the rate at which people leave and are replaced.
[영한] ⒨ ① (기업의) 총매상고, 매출량[액] ② (기업의 직원) 이직률 ③ (상점의 재고) 회전율 ④ 턴오버(과일/잼을 속에 넣어 삼각형이나 반달 모양으로 접어 만든 파이)
[활용] 복수형; turnovers
[구성단어] turn + over

two-cornered [형용사] [레마] two-cornered
[본문] There's a lovely bit here where he's describing what a housewife in Hertfordshire does and he's talking about her way to make pork pies and pork pasties: pies may be made and baked either raised in paste earthen pans or in pewter dishes or in the shape of a turnover, two-cornered pasties.
[영한] ⒨ 얄쪽에 모난
[구성단어] two + cornered

underground [형용사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [레마] underground
[본문] Pasties were eaten by agricultural labourers - farm workers bringing in the autumn harvest - the time when crops are cut and collected from the fields, and also by workers in the tin mining industry - digging up metals like tin from underground.
[영한] ⒨ ① 지하의 ② (특히 반체제 활동을 하는) 지하의
[어근] under [구성단어] under + ground
<명사> ① 지하철 ② (특히 정부에 반대하는) 지하 조직 <부사> ① 지하에 ② (경찰정부 등을 피해) 지하로

wheat [명사] [Ranking; 4530] [★★] [레마] wheat
[본문] And they were eaten by agricultural labourers - workers doing physical farm work during harvest time - the weeks in autumn when crops like wheat are cut and collected from the fields.
[영영] Wheat is a cereal crop grown for food. Wheat is also used to refer to the grain of this crop, which is usually ground into flour and used to make bread. to separate the wheat from the chaff → see chaff
[영한] ⒨ 밀
[첫뜻] wheat
[활용] uncountable noun
[파생] wheaten, wheatless, wheat
[어원] hwæte(Anglo-Saxon), wheat



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