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영어단어 어근 및 어원(Etymology): - par-

영어 어근 par라틴어(Latin) parere에서 유래했습니다.
'나타나다', 'visible', 'be visible'이라는 기본적인 의미를 갖고 있습니다.

[어근]어근 par
[변이어근] par, pear
[어원]어근 (라틴어) parere
[의미]어근 나타나다, visible

[어근 상세 내역]

  • [Latin] parere - ⑴to come forth, be visible; submit, obey ⑵to give birth to, bring into being, produce (⑴나오다[공표되다], 보여지다, 제출하다, 따르다)

[주요 어휘 목록] apparent, apparently, appear, appearance, disappear, disappearance, par, transparency, transparent

[암기 기준] ★★★★(기본암기: 상위 2,050이내) ★★★(필수암기: 상위 3,265이내) ★★(권장암기: 상위 4,467이내)(추천암기: 상위 7,084이내)


【영어단어어휘별 상세 정보】

apparent adj. ★★★[3003] [레마] appearance 〈 par
[영영] An apparent situation, quality, or feeling seems to exist, although you cannot be certain that it does exist.
[영한] ① 분명한, 누가 봐도 알 수 있는 ② …인 것처럼 보이는[여겨지는]
[유의어] obvious, seeming
[어근]ap(ad); towards ⑵ par; come into view ⑶ ent(ant); 형용사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 apparere[ad+parere] come in sight, make an appearance, to appear
[최초 의미] indisputable, clearly understood
[파생] apparent, apparently, apparentness, appear, appearance

apparently adv. ★★★★[1075] [레마] apparent
[영영] You use apparently to indicate that the information you are giving is something that you have heard, but you are not certain that it is true.
[영한] 듣자[보아] 하니
[유의어] seemingly
[어근]ap(ad); to ⑵ par; to comefoth, be visi ⑶ ent(ant); 형용사어미 ⑷ ly; 부사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 parere⑴나오다[공표되다], 보여지다, 제출하다, 따르다
[파생] apparent, apparently, appear, appearance

appear v. ★★★★[381]
[영영] If you say that something appears to be the way you describe it, you are reporting what you believe or what you have been told, though you cannot be sure it is true.
[영한] ① …인 것 같다 ② 나타나다, 보이기 시작하다 ③ 생기다, 발생하다 ④ 나오다, 발간[방송]되다 ⑤ 출연하다 ⑥ 도착하다 ⑦ 언급되다, (글 속에) 나오다 ⑧ (법정에) 출두하다 ⑨ (법정에서) ~를 변호하다
[굴절형] appeared, appeared, appearing, appears
[유의어] seem(인 것 같다), manifest(나타내다)
[어근]ap(ad); to ⑵ pear(par); to comefoth, be visible
[어원] 《라틴어 apparere[ad+parere] come in sight, make an appearance, to appear
[파생] apparent, apparently, apparentness, appear, appearance

appearance n. ★★★★[1467] [레마] appear 〈 par
[영영] When someone makes an appearance at a public event or in a broadcast, they take part in it.
[영한] ① (겉)모습, 외모 ② (뜻밖에) 나타남[도착함] ③ (없던 것의) 출현, 모습을 보임 ④ 등장, 출연, 출두 ⑤ 발행, 방송
[굴절형] 복수형; appearances
[구성단어] appear + ance
[어근]ap(ad); to ⑵ pear(par); 나타나다, visible ⑶ ance; 일시, 조화
[어원] 《라틴어 apparere[ad+parere] come in sight, make an appearance, to appear
[파생] apparent, apparently, apparentness, appear, appearance

disappear v. ★★★★[1399] [레마] disappear 〈 par
[영영] If you say that someone or something disappears, you mean that you can no longer see them, usually because you or they have changed position.
[영한] ① (눈앞에서) 사라지다, 보이지 않게 되다 ② (존재하던 것이) 사라지다[없어지다] ③ 실종되다, 없어지다
[굴절형] disappeared, disappeared, disappearing, disappears
[유의어] vanish(사라지다), go(사라지다)
[구성단어] dis + appear
[어근]dis; 하지 않기, 不, apart ⑵ ap(ad); 향하여, to ⑶ pear(par); 나타나다, visible
[어원] 《중세 영어 disaperen
[최초 의미] cease to be visible, vanish from sight, be no longer seen
[파생] disappearance, disappear

disappearance n.[10000+] [레마] disappear 〈 par
[영한] 사라짐, 소실, 소멸, 실종
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[구성단어] disappear + ance
[어근]dis; 하지 않기, 不, apart ⑵ ap(ad); 향하여, to ⑶ pear(par); 나타나다, visible ⑷ ance; 명사 어미
[어원] 《중세 영어 disaperen
[파생] disappearance, disappear

par comb.[10000+] [레마] par
[영영] to come forth, be visible; submit, obey
[영한] 나오다[공표되다], 보여지다, 제출하다, 따르다
[어근] par; 나타나다, visible
[어원] 《라틴어 parere⑴나오다[공표되다], 보여지다, 제출하다, 따르다



transparency n.[9826] [레마] transparent 〈 par
[영영] A transparency is a small piece of photographic film with a frame around it which can be projected onto a screen so that you can see the picture.
[영한] ① 슬라이드 ② (유리 등의) 투명도[투명성] ③ (변명/거짓말 따위가) 속이 빤히 들여다보임[명백함] ④ (상황/주장 따위의) 명료성
[굴절형] 복수형; transparencies
[유의어] slide
[어근]trans; 건너가다, across ⑵ par; 나타나다, visible ⑶ ency(ance); 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 transparentem[from Latin transparere] (nominative transparens) that which is transparent
[파생] transparence, transparency, transparently, transparentness, transparent

transparent adj. ★★[4257] [레마] transparent 〈 par
[영영] If an object or substance is transparent, you can see through it.
[영한] ① (유리/플라스틱 등이) 투명한 반의어 opaque ② (변명/거짓말 등이) 속이 뻔히 들여다보이는, 명백한, 투명한 유의어 obvious ③ (언어/정보 등이) 명료한, 알기 쉬운 반의어 opaque
[유의어] obvious
[반의어] opaque
[어근]trans; 건너가다, across ⑵ par; 나타나다, visible ⑶ ent(ant); 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 transparere[trans+parere] show light through
[파생] transparence, transparency, transparently, transparentness, transparent

[그외 par이(가) 들어가 있는 어휘 목록] apparentness

【다른 어근 보기】

pati-, pass-  
pand-, pans-  
olesc, alesc  


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