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6 Minute English 영어단어공부 - Women in the workplace [BBC Learning English 강좌]



No more 'coffee girl'! Many women are tired of being given unimportant tasks as they see their male colleagues go up the corporate career ladder. Hear about the women questioning the kinds of jobs expected from them. Sam and Neil talk about gender and the workplace and teach you related vocabulary along the way.

더 이상 'coffee girl'은 없습니다! 그들이 기업 경력 사다리를 올라 가는 그들의 남성 동료를 보면서, 많은 여성들이 중요하지 않은 직무가 주어지는 것에 피곤해 합니다. 여성에 관하여 그것들로부터 예상된 그런 종류의 직업에 대해 질문하는 것을 들으십시오. 샘과 닐이 성별과 근무처에 관하여 말합니다. 그리고 당신에게 관련된 어휘를 진행해 가면서 가르칩니다.

이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.

advance [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2316] [★★] [레마] advance
[본문] [51]Mrs Thatcher, nicknamed The Iron Lady, became Prime Minister in May 1979, the first woman to break the political glass ceiling in the UK - an invisible barrier to advancing in your career.
[영영] To advance means to move forward, often in order to attack someone.
[영한] ① (공격하거나 위협하기 위해) 다가가다, 진격하다 ② (지식기술 등이) 증진되다[진전을 보다] ③ 성공[출세]을 돕다 ④ 선불[선금]을 주다 ⑤ (아이디어이론계획을) 제기하다 ⑥ (일정을) 앞당기다 ⑦ 진행시키다 ⑧ (상업) (가격비용 등이) 오르다, 증가하다
[첫뜻] improve (something), further the development of
[활용] advanced, advanced, advancing, advances
[파생] advancement, advancer, advancingly, advance
[유의어] further(성공을 돕다), put forward(제기하다), bring forward(앞당기다), further, progress
[반의어] postpone, retreat(퇴각하다)
<명사> ① (특히 군대의) 전진, 진군 ② 진전, 발전 ③ 선금, 선불 <형용사> ① 사전(事前)의 ② 선발대
[어원] abante(Latin), [ab+ante] from before

advancement [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] advance
[본문] [28]We've been noticing gender differences in wages, in advancement, in negotiation.
[영영] ① the act of advancing: such as the act of moving forward
② the act or result of making something better, more successful, etc.
③ the act of being raised to a higher rank or position
[영한] ① 발전, 진보 ② (U) 승진, 출세
[활용] 복수형; advancements
[파생] advancement, advancer, advancingly, advance
[어근]advan(advant); 앞에서, advance ⑵ ce; 명사 어미 ⑶ ment; 명사 어미

barrier [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2632] [★★] [레마] bar
[본문] [12]Even today, many working women find themselves at a point in their career beyond which they cannot progress, an invisible barrier to succeed referred to as the glass ceiling.
[영영] A barrier is something such as a rule, law, or policy that makes it difficult or impossible for something to happen or be achieved.
[영한] ① (통행을 막는) 장벽 참조 crash barrier ② (어떤 일에 대한) 장애물[장벽] ③ (둘 사이를 갈라놓는) 장벽[벽] ④ (넘기 힘든) 벽[한계]
[첫뜻] anything meant to obstruct entrance
[활용] 복수형; barriers
[어근]barr(bar); bar ⑵ ier(er); 명사 어미
[어원] barere(French), [from Anglo-French barrere]


birthday [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2455] [★★] [레마] birth < bear
[본문] [6]It's a colleague's birthday next week.
[영영] Your birthday is the anniversary of the date on which you were born.
[영한] 생일
[활용] 복수형; birthdays
<형용사> 생일의, 탄생일의
[어근]bir(bear); 참다, bear ⑵ th; 과정(process) ⑶ day; 하루, day

boost [동사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3726] [★★] [레마] boost
[본문] [25]Professor Vesterlund calls these non-promotable tasks, jobs like taking notes, organising social events or chairing meetings - jobs that take time and effort but do little to increase company profits or to boost your career.
[영영] If one thing boosts another, it causes it to increase, improve, or be more successful.
[영한] ① 신장시키다, 북돋우다 ② (비격식, 구식이 되어감) 훔치다
[첫뜻] to lift or raise by pushing from behind
[활용] boosted, boosted, boosting, boosts
[파생] booster, boost
<명사> ① 격려, (신장시키는) 힘, 부양책 ② 증가 ③ 동력[전압] 증가
[어원] boost(unknown origin), to lift or raise by pushing from behind(뒤에서 밀어 끌어 올리거나 높이는 것)

burn-out [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] burn
[본문] [29]burn-out for women is much greater than it is for men.
[영영] ① the condition of someone who has become very physically and emotionally tired after doing a difficult job for a long time
② a person who suffers burnout
③ the time when a jet or rocket engine stops working because there is no more fuel available
[영한] ① (신체적 또는 정신적인) 극도의 피로 ② (로켓의) 연료 소진
[유의어] burnout
<형용사> 에너지가 소진된
[구성단어] burn + out

cake [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2563] [★★] [레마] cake
[본문] [7]A male boss says to a female employee - "You're great at organising things - would you buy a card and get everyone in the office to sign it? Oh, and we'll need to order a cake too - thanks, you're amazing!"
[영영] A cake is a sweet food made by baking a mixture of flour, eggs, sugar, and fat in an oven. Cakes may be large and cut into slices or small and intended for one person only.
[영한] ① 케이크 ② (둥글납작하게 만든) 빵[떡/튀김]
[첫뜻] flat or comparatively thin mass of baked dough
[활용] 복수형; cakes
[파생] cakey, caky, cake
<동사> ① (마르면 딱딱해지는 것을) 두껍게 바르다 ② (마르면서) 딱딱해지다
[어원] kaka(Old Norse), cake(케이크)

ceiling [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2662] [★★] [레마] ceil < cell
[본문] [12]Even today, many working women find themselves at a point in their career beyond which they cannot progress, an invisible barrier to succeed referred to as the glass ceiling.
[영영] A ceiling is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room.
[영한] ① 천장 ② …의 최대 한계[상한] ③ (항공기의) 상승 한도
[첫뜻] act of paneling a room
[파생] ceilinged, ceiling
[어근]ceil(cel); to hide, sky ⑵ ing; 현재분사어미
[어원] celare(Latin), [from PIE root *kel-, from Latin caelare; Probably influenced by Latin caelum] to hide, conceal(숨기다, 감추다)

cosmetics [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] cosmetic
[본문] [35]Natalie started her successful dental cosmetics company, SmileTime, after winning a business competition on the TV show, Dragon's Den.
[영영] Preparations applied externally to change or enhance the beauty of skin, hair, nails, lips, and eyes.
[영한] 화장품
[어근]cosm; 우주, 질서, universe ⑵ etic; 형용사 어미 ⑶ s; 명사 어미
[어원] kosmetikos(Greek), [an adjective of kosmeo, from kosmein] skilled in adornment or arrangement

co-wrIte [동사] [R; 5001+] [레마] write
[본문] [24]Professor Lise Vesterlund is one of the four academics who co-wrote The No Club, a book discussing how females disproportionately take on the unimportant, less visible tasks at work.
[영영] write (something) together with another person
[영한] 공동 집필하다, 공저하다
[활용] co-wrote co-wrItten co-wrIting co-wrItes
[구성단어] co + write

dental [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] dent
[본문] [35]Natalie started her successful dental cosmetics company, SmileTime, after winning a business competition on the TV show, Dragon's Den.
[영영] Dental is used to describe things that relate to teeth or to the care and treatment of teeth.
[영한] ① 이[치아/치과]의 ② (음성) (자음이) 치음의(thin과 this의/&phonslash, θ&phonslash,/와/ð/처럼 혀끝을 앞 윗니에 대고 내는 음)
[첫뜻] of or pertaining to teeth
[파생] dentally, dental
[어근]dent; tooth, 치아 ⑵ al; 형용사 어미






disproportionately [부사] [R; 5001+] [레마] proportion < portion
[본문] [24]Professor Lise Vesterlund is one of the four academics who co-wrote The No Club, a book discussing how females disproportionately take on the unimportant, less visible tasks at work.
[영영] disproportionate + ly
[영한] 불균형하게, 어울리지 않게.
[어근]dis; 하지 않기, 不, apart ⑵ pro; before ⑶ portion; 부분, part, share ⑷ ate; 동사 어미 ⑸ ly; 부사 어미

dissatisfaction [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] dissatisfy < sati
[본문] [30]Their dissatisfaction with their work is much greater.
[영영] If you feel dissatisfaction with something, you are not contented or pleased with it.
[영한] 불만
[활용] [U]
[파생] dissatisfaction, dissatisfy
[어근]dis; 하지 않기, 不, apart ⑵ satis(sati); 만족, enough ⑶ fact(fac); 만들다, make, do ⑷ ion; 명사 어미

dragon [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] dragon
[본문] [35]Natalie started her successful dental cosmetics company, SmileTime, after winning a business competition on the TV show, dragon's Den.
[영영] In stories and legends, a dragon is an animal like a big lizard. It has wings and claws, and breathes out fire.
[영한] ① (신화 속에 나오는) 용 ② 거친 여자
[활용] 복수형; dragons 여성형; dragoness
[파생] dragonish, dragon
[어원] drakon(Greek), from drak; dragon

dramatically [부사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3394] [★★] [레마] drama < dra
[본문] [46]The number of female managers and women working in jobs traditionally seen as male has increased dramatically, and those companies where getting promotion is based on ability not gender, have benefitted from talented, hard-working female leaders.
[영한] 희곡[연극]적으로, 극적으로
[파생] dramatic, dramatically, drama
[어근]dram(dra); do, act ⑵ atic; 형용사 어미 ⑶ al; 형용사 어미 ⑷ ly; 부사어미

exhaust [동사] [Rank; 4786] [★★] [레마] exhaust
[본문] [55]If you have burn-out, you're exhausted from working too hard.
[영영] If something exhausts you, it makes you so tired, either physically or mentally, that you have no energy left.
[영한] ① 기진맥진하게 만들다 ② 다 써 버리다, 고갈시키다 ③ (어떤 주제에 대해) 샅샅이[철저히] 다루다
[첫뜻] to draw off or out, to use up completely
[활용] exhausted, exhausted, exhausting, exhausts
[파생] exhaust, exhausted, exhauster, exhaustibility, exhaustible, exhausting, exhaustion, exhaustive, exhaustively, exhaustiveness, exhaustivity
[유의어] wear out
<명사> ① (자동차 등의) 배기가스 ② 배기관
[어근]ex; off ⑵ haust(haur); draw (water), drain

exhaustion [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] exhaust
[본문] [32]Professor Vesterlund lists some workplace gender imbalances, including job dissatisfaction and burn-out - that's tiredness and exhaustion caused by working too hard.
[영영] Exhaustion is the state of being so tired that you have no energy left.
[영한] ① 탈진, 기진맥진 ② 고갈, 소진
[활용] [U]
[파생] exhaust, exhausted, exhauster, exhaustibility, exhaustible, exhausting, exhaustion, exhaustive, exhaustively, exhaustiveness, exhaustivity
[유의어] fatigue
[어근]ex; off ⑵ haust(haur); draw (water), drain ⑶ ion; 명사 어미

forty [수사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3768] [★★] [레마] four
[본문] [44]In the forty years since the term 'glass ceiling' was invented, it seems not much has changed for working women.
[영영] forty
[영한] 40대(40~49), 40년대, 40도대 (기온)
[활용] [복수형; ] the forties
[어근]for(four); 넷(4), four ⑵ ty; 명사 어미
[어원] feowertig(Old English), [feower+tig]

hard-working [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] work
[본문] [46]The number of female managers and women working in jobs traditionally seen as male has increased dramatically, and those companies where getting promotion is based on ability not gender, have benefitted from talented, hard-working female leaders.
[영영] If you describe someone as hard-working, you mean that they work very hard.
[영한] 근면한
[구성단어] hard + working






imbalance [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] balance < bi(두 배)
[본문] [32]Professor Vesterlund lists some workplace gender imbalances, including job dissatisfaction and burn-out - that's tiredness and exhaustion caused by working too hard.
[영영] If there is an imbalance in a situation, the things involved are not the same size, or are not the right size in proportion to each other.
[영한] 불균형
[활용] 복수형; imbalances
[어근]im(in); not ⑵ ba(bi); 둘(2) ⑶ lance(lanx); 저울 접시, scale pan

invisible [형용사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3847] [★★] [레마] invisible < vide(보다)
[본문] [12]Even today, many working women find themselves at a point in their career beyond which they cannot progress, an invisible barrier to succeed referred to as the glass ceiling.
[영영] If you describe something as invisible, you mean that it cannot be seen, for example because it is transparent, hidden, or very small.
[영한] ① 보이지 않는, 볼 수 없는 ② (경제) 무형의(상품이 아니라 은행/관광업과 같은 서비스와 관련된)
[파생] invisibility, invisibleness, invisibly, invisible
[반의어] visible
<명사> ① 눈에 보이지 않는 것[존재] ② 영계(靈界), [the I~] 신 ③ (경제) [pl.] 무역 외 수지
[어근]in; not ⑵ vis(vide); to see ⑶ ible(able); 형용사어미

iron [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2300] [★★] [레마] iron
[본문] [51]Mrs Thatcher, nicknamed The iron Lady, became Prime Minister in May 1979, the first woman to break the political glass ceiling in the UK - an invisible barrier to advancing in your career.
[영영] You can use iron to describe the character or behaviour of someone who is very firm in their decisions and actions, or who can control their feelings well.
[영한] (강인하기가) 무쇠[철] 같은
[파생] ironer, ironless, ironlike, iron
<명사> ① (Fe) 철, 쇠, 철분 ② 다리미 ③ 철제[금속제] 기구 <동사> 다리미질을 하다
[어원] isærn(Old English), the metal iron; an iron weapon or instrument

juggle [동사] [R; 5001+] [레마] juggle < joc(우스개)
[본문] [40]It does definitely occur that the women in the team, the level of multitasking they're doing just ... far outstrips the men in a lot of cases, for example, you know, a lot of women in the team would also be juggling having kids at home, being a working mum.
[영영] If you juggle lots of different things, for example your work and your family, you try to give enough time or attention to all of them.
[영한] ① 저글링하다(공 같은 물건을 세 개 이상 들고 공중으로 던져 가며 다양한 묘기를 보이다) ② (두 가지 이상의 일을 동시에) 곡예하듯 하다 ③ (정보/수치/돈 등을) 최대한 효율적으로 조직하다
[첫뜻] entertain by clowning or doing conjuring tricks,
[활용] juggled, juggled, juggling, juggles
[파생] jugglery, juggle
<명사> ① 기술(奇術), 요술 ② 사기, 협잡
[어근]jugg(joc); 농담, jest ⑵ le; 지소 어미
[어원] joculus(Latin), [diminutive of jocus]

ladder [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4556] [★★] [레마] ladder
[본문] [11]In many workplaces around the world, it's the men who are considered 'born leaders' and promoted up the corporate career ladder, while the women are given less important roles.
[영영] A ladder is a piece of equipment used for climbing up something or down from something. It consists of two long pieces of wood, metal, or rope with steps fixed between them.
[영한] ① 사다리, 사닥다리 ② (조직활동 분야 등에서 성공하기 위해 밟고 올라가는) 단계[사다리] ③ (스타킹타이츠의) 올이 풀린 곳 ④ 사다리식 토너먼트 경기
[첫뜻] ladder, steps
<동사> (스타킹타이츠가[에]) 올이 풀리다[풀리게 하다]
[어원] hlædder(Old English), ladder, steps

male-dominated [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] domin
[본문] [16]Despite the glass ceiling, women do make it to the top jobs in many areas of work and business, even in the male-dominated world of politics.
[영영] A male-dominated society, organization, or area of activity is one in which men have most of the power and influence.
[영한] 남성 주도형[우위]의 (사회)
[어근]domin; master, 가내(家內) ⑵ ate; 동사 어미 ⑶ d(ed); 과거분사 어미

multitasking [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] task < tax
[본문] [40]It does definitely occur that the women in the team, the level of multitasking they're doing just ... far outstrips the men in a lot of cases, for example, you know, a lot of women in the team would also be juggling having kids at home, being a working mum.
[영영] the ability to do several things at the same time
[영한] ① 다중 작업[처리] ② 동시에 여러 가지 일을 하는 능력
[어근]multi; 많은, many ⑵ task(tact); 접하다, touch ⑶ ing; 명사 어미



mum [명사] [Oxf3] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] mum
[본문] [43]For working mums, who are raising a family as well as developing careers at work, this involves some juggling - trying to manage your life when you are involved in many different activities which all demand your time.
[영영] Your mum is your mother.
[영한] ① 엄마 ② 침묵 ③ 국화
[첫뜻] ① chrysanthemum ② mother
[활용] 복수형; mums
<동사> ① 입을 다물다, 말하지 않다, 침묵을 요구하다 ② 무언극[가면극]을 하다 ③ (특히 크리스마스에) 가장하여 나다니다 <형용사> 잠자코 있는, 무언의
[어원] mummy(Middle English), mother(엄마)

negotiation [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 2279] [★★] [레마] negotiate
[본문] [28]We've been noticing gender differences in wages, in advancement, in negotiation.
[영영] Negotiations are formal discussions between people who have different aims or intentions, especially in business or politics, during which they try to reach an agreement.
[영한] 협상, 교섭, 절충, 협의
[첫뜻] a dealing with people, trafficking,
[활용] 복수형; negotiations
[파생] negotiate, negotiation, negotiator, negotiatory
[어근]neg; not ⑵ oti; ease, leisure ⑶ at(ate); 동사 어미 ⑷ ion; 명사 어미
[어원] negotiari(Latin), [from negotium] carry on business, do business

non-promotable [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] promote < move
[본문] [25]Professor Vesterlund calls these non-promotable tasks, jobs like taking notes, organising social events or chairing meetings - jobs that take time and effort but do little to increase company profits or to boost your career.
[영한] 승진 불가능한
[구성단어] non + promotable

organiser [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] organ
[본문] [39]I was tasked with being the team party organiser, so that was my role.
[영영] The organizer of an event or activity is the person who makes sure that the necessary arrangements are made.
[영한] ① 조직자, 창시자, 창립 위원, 발기인, (흥행의) 주최자, (노동조합의) 조직책 ② 형성체 ③ 분류 서류철, 서류 정리 케이스
[활용] 복수형; organisers
[어근]organ; 시행하다, 도구 기구 ⑵ is(ise); 동사 어미 ⑶ er; 명사 어미

organising [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] organ
[본문] [7]A male boss says to a female employee - "You're great at organising things - would you buy a card and get everyone in the office to sign it? Oh, and we'll need to order a cake too - thanks, you're amazing!"
[영한] (생산공학) 조직(화)(組織化)
[어근]organ; 시행하다, 도구 기구 ⑵ is(ize); 동사 어미 ⑶ ing; 형용사 어미

outstrip [동사] [R; 5001+] [레마] strip
[본문] [40]It does definitely occur that the women in the team, the level of multitasking they're doing just ... far outstrips the men in a lot of cases, for example, you know, a lot of women in the team would also be juggling having kids at home, being a working mum.
[영한] ① (크기/중요성 등에서 …을) 앞지르다 ② (경쟁 상대를) 능가하다[앞서다] ③ (경주에서 남을) 앞지르다
[활용] outstrips, outstripped, outstripped, outstripping
[유의어] surpass, overtake
[구성단어] out + strip

promotion [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3823] [★★] [레마] promote < move
[본문] [9]A male boss asks a woman to do all the jobs that keep the office running but do nothing to advance her career or improve her chances of promotion - that's when someone moves up into a higher, better paid position in a company.
[영영] If you are given promotion or a promotion in your job, you are given a more important job or rank in the organization that you work for.
[영한] ① 승진, 진급 ② (스포츠 팀의) 승격 ③ 홍보[판촉] (활동) ④ 주창, 옹호
[활용] 복수형; promotions
[파생] promotable, promote, promotion, promotional, promotive
[반의어] relegation
[어근]pro; forward ⑵ mot(mob); 움직임, move ⑶ ion; 명사 어미

publicly [부사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3053] [★★] [레마] public
[본문] [13]But in this programme, we'll be meeting the members of The No Club, a group of women saying 'no' to the glass ceiling by publicly questioning the kinds of jobs men and women are asked to do in the workplace.
[영한] 공공연하게, 공개적으로, 공적으로, 여론에 의해, 정부에 의해
[파생] public, publicity, publicize, publicly
[어근]publ; of the people ⑵ ic; …의, 와 같은(것) ⑶ ly; 부사 어미

structural [형용사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3865] [★] [레마] structure < struct(세우다)
[본문] [31]And we've been trying to sort of address all these objectives with lots of different methods and techniques, and what is interesting about the non-promotable work is that it, in a very structural sense, contributes to all of those differences.
[영영] Structural means relating to or affecting the structure of something.
[영한] 앞에 씀] 구조상의, 구조적인
[파생] structural, structurally, structure, structured, structureless
[어근]struct; 세움, build ⑵ ur(ure); 명사어미 ⑶ al(ad); 형용사 어미



succeed [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2035] [★★] [레마] success < cede(가다)
[본문] [12]Even today, many working women find themselves at a point in their career beyond which they cannot progress, an invisible barrier to succeed referred to as the glass ceiling.
[영영] If you succeed in doing something, you manage to do it.
[영한] ① (하려던 일에) 성공하다 ② (부/명예 등을 얻어) 성공[출세]하다 ③ (…의 자리/지위 등의) 뒤를 잇다 ④ (작위/재산 등을) 물려받다[승계하다]
[첫뜻] come next after, follow after another; take the place of another, be elected or chosen for
[활용] succeeded, succeeded, succeeding, succeeds
[파생] succeed, succeedable, succeeder, succeeding, succeedingly, success, successful, successfully, successfulness, succession, successional, successionally, successive, successively, successiveness, successless
[유의어] follow
[어근]suc(sub); under ⑵ ceed(cede); to go
[어원] succedere(Latin), [sub+cedere] come after, follow after; go near to; come under; take the place of

talented [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 4119] [★★] [레마] talent
[본문] [46]The number of female managers and women working in jobs traditionally seen as male has increased dramatically, and those companies where getting promotion is based on ability not gender, have benefitted from talented, hard-working female leaders.
[영영] Someone who is talented has a natural ability to do something well. Howard is a talented pianist
[영한] (타고난) 재능[재주]이 있는
[첫뜻] having skills or abilities
[파생] talented, talent
[어근]talent; talent ⑵ ed; 형용사 어미

tiredness [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] tire
[본문] [32]Professor Vesterlund lists some workplace gender imbalances, including job dissatisfaction and burn-out - that's tiredness and exhaustion caused by working too hard.
[영한] 피로, 권태
[활용] [U]
[파생] tiredly, tiredness, tired
[유의어] fatigue
[어근]tir(tire); tire ⑵ ed; 형용사 어미 ⑶ ness; 성질, 상태, 정도

trainee [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] train < tract(끌다)
[본문] [36]Here she tells BBC World Service's Business Daily about her experience of being asked to take on non-promotable tasks in her work as a trainee solicitor.
[영영] a person who is being trained for a job
[영한] (특정한 직종을 위해) 교육을 받는 사람, 수습 (직원)
[활용] 복수형; trainees
[파생] trainee, trainer, train
[어근]train(tract); 끌다, draw, pull ⑵ ee; (당하는) 사람

unimportant [형용사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] important < port
[본문] [24]Professor Lise Vesterlund is one of the four academics who co-wrote The No Club, a book discussing how females disproportionately take on the unimportant, less visible tasks at work.
[영영] If you describe something or someone as unimportant, you mean that they do not have much influence, effect, or value, and are therefore not worth serious consideration.
[영한] 중요하지 않은, 하찮은
[파생] unimportantly, unimportant
[어근]un; 아님(不,無), not ⑵ im(in); into, in ⑶ port; to carry ⑷ ant; ~한(형용사어미)

visible [형용사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 2323] [★★] [레마] visible < vide(보다)
[본문] [24]Professor Lise Vesterlund is one of the four academics who co-wrote The No Club, a book discussing how females disproportionately take on the unimportant, less visible tasks at work.
[영영] If something is visible, it can be seen.
[영한] ① (눈에) 보이는, 알아볼 수 있는 ② 가시적인, 뚜렷한
[파생] visibility, visibleness, visibly, visible
[유의어] obvious
[반의어] invisible
[어근]vis(vide); 보다, see, separate ⑵ ible(able); 형용사 어미



wages [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] wage
[본문] [28]We've been noticing gender differences in wages, in advancement, in negotiation.
[영한] (산업안전) 임금(賃金) (보충설명 , 일반적으로 사용자가 근로의 대가로 근로자에게 지불하는 금전을 말한다.)
[활용] [PL]
[어근]wage; 급료, wage ⑵ s; 복수 어미

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