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6 Minute English 영어단어공부 - Why is Super Mario so popular? [BBC Learning English 강좌]



Rob and Georgina talk about the famous video game character Super Mario, created in the 1980s and considered iconic. And they teach you related vocabulary.

Rob과 Georgina는 1980년대에 만들어 상징적인 것으로 여겨지는 유명한 비디오 게임 캐릭터인 Super Mario에 대해 이야기합니다. 그리고 관련 어휘를 가르쳐줍니다.

이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.


anime [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] anime
[본문] [8]Well, Pokemon started out as a video game series that turned into anime movies and trading cards among other things - and in this programme we're talking about a video game character that is iconic - a word which means widely known and recognised.
[영영] a type of Japanese animated film with themes and styles similar to manga comics
[영한] ⒨ ① (흔히 공상과학적인) 일본 만화 영화 ② 아니메
[첫뜻] animation
[어근] anime(anim); 생명, breath
[어원] anime(Japanese), [based on French anime]

boom [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3198] [★★] [레마] boom
[본문] [30]There hadn't been anything really revolutionary in some years, so the video game boom was really falling off a cliff and Nintendo is what rescued in the US especially.
[영영] If there is a boom in the economy, there is an increase in economic activity, for example in the amount of things that are being bought and sold.
[영한] ⒨ ① (사업경제의) 붐, 호황 ② (운동 종목음악 등의) 갑작스런 인기[대유행], 붐 ③ (돛의) 아래 활대 ④ 쾅, 탕(하는 소리) ⑤ (선박 등의 출입을 차단하기 위해 강항구에 띄우는) 방책
[첫뜻] ① long pole; long spar run out from a ship ② loud, deep, hollow, continued sound ③ sudden start or increase in commercial or other activity
[활용] [U]
[파생] boom, boomer
<동사> ① 쾅[탕] 하는 소리를 내다 ② 굵은[우렁우렁 울리는] 목소리로 말하다 ③ 호황을 맞다, 번창[성공]하다 <형용사> 급등한, 벼락 경기의, 붐을 탄
[어원] ⓐboom(Dutch), tree, pole, beam



Bros [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] Bros
[본문] [15]Many people remember Super Mario Bros. as being the first time we saw Mario, but he first appeared in another game - which was it?
[영한] ⒨ 형제

childhood [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2124] [★★] [레마] child
[본문] [10]Ahhh I spent many hours of my childhood playing with Nintendo's Super Mario or his rival, Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog.
[영영] A person's childhood is the period of their life when they are a child.
[영한] ⒨ ① 어린 시절, 유년 시대, 유년 ② (사물 발달의) 초기 단계 ③ 어린이들 ④ 어린 시절
[활용] 복수형; childhoods
[어근]child; 아이, child ⑵ hood; 상태, 성질, 집단

cliff [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4357] [★★] [레마] cliff
[본문] [30]There hadn't been anything really revolutionary in some years, so the video game boom was really falling off a cliff and Nintendo is what rescued in the US especially.
[영영] A cliff is a high area of land with a very steep side, especially one next to the sea.
[영한] ⒨ (흔히 바닷가) 절벽
[파생] clifflike, cliffy, cliff
[어근] cliff(clip); smooth rock

collapse [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3240] [★★] [레마] collapse < lapse
[본문] [27]One of the games that's often cited as a factor in the collapse was this game called ET on the Atari, which was so bad they ended up burying thousands of copies of it in the desert, because nobody liked it.
[영한] ⒨ ① (제도사업 등의 갑작스런) 실패[붕괴] ② (건물의) 붕괴 ③ (갑자기 몸이 아파) 쓰러짐, 쇠약(한 상태) ④ (가치의) 폭락[붕괴]
[활용] 복수형; collapses
[파생] collapsability, collapsable, collapsibility, collapsible, collapse
[유의어] crash
<동사> ① 붕괴되다, 무너지다 ② (보통 의식을 잃고) 쓰러지다 ③ (특히 열심히 일한 후에) 주저앉다[드러눕다]
[어근]col(com); together ⑵ lapse(laps); fall

compete [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2080] [★★] [레마] compete < pete
[본문] [12]There's also competitive e-sports events where gamers compete for what are often considerable amounts of money.
[영영] When one firm or country competes with another, it tries to get people to buy its own goods in preference to those of the other firm or country. You can also say that two firms or countries compete.
[영한] ⒨ ① 경쟁하다 ② (시합/경기 등에서) (~와) 겨루다, (시합 등에) 참가하다
[활용] competed, competed, competing, competes
[파생] compete, competer, competing, competition, competitive, competitively, competitiveness
[어근]com; 함께, together ⑵ pete; seek, 찾다
[어원] competere(Latin), [com+petere] strive in common, strive after something in company with or together

competitive [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2328] [★★] [레마] compete < pete
[본문] [12]There's also competitive e-sports events where gamers compete for what are often considerable amounts of money.
[영영] Competitive is used to describe situations or activities in which people or firms compete with each other.
[영한] ⒨ ① 경쟁을 하는 ② 경쟁력 있는, 뒤지지 않는 ③ (사람이) 경쟁심이 강한
[파생] compete, competer, competing, competition, competitive, competitively, competitiveness
[유의어] keen
[반의어] uncompetitive
[어근]com; together ⑵ petit(pete); seek ⑶ ive; …의 경향, …의 성질
[어원] competere(Latin), [com+petere] strive in common, strive after something in company with or together

considerable [형용사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 2878] [★★] [레마] consider < sider
[본문] [12]There's also competitive e-sports events where gamers compete for what are often considerable amounts of money.
[영영] Considerable means great in amount or degree.
[영한] ⒨ 상당한, 많은
[파생] considerableness, considerably, considerable
[유의어] significant(상당하다), sizeable(상당하다), tidy(꽤 많다), substantial(상당하다)
<명사> 다량 <부사> 꽤, 상당히
[어근]con(com); 함께, with ⑵ sider; 별, star, 천체 ⑶ able; 접미사




console [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] console < solid
[본문] [23]It's hard to imagine now, but in the 1980s the console market was struggling, particularly in the US.
[영영] A console is a panel with a number of switches or knobs that is used to operate a machine.
[영한] ⒨ 콘솔, 제어반, 계기반
[첫뜻] a cabinet; an ornamental base structure,
[파생] consolable, consolatory, consolingly, console
<동사> 위로하다, 위안을 주다
[어근]com; 함께, with ⑵ sole(solid); 단단한, solid

creator [명사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] create
[본문] [36]It's interesting to consider what might have been if his creator, Shigeru Miyamoto, had never created that character.
[영영] The creator of something is the person who made it or invented it.
[영한] ⒨ ① 창조[창안/창작]자 ② 창조주, 하느님
[활용] 복수형; Creators
[파생] creatorship, creator
[어근]creat(crea); 만들다 ⑵ or; …하는 사람[것]

desert [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2216] [★★] [레마] desert < desert
[본문] [27]One of the games that's often cited as a factor in the collapse was this game called ET on the Atari, which was so bad they ended up burying thousands of copies of it in the desert, because nobody liked it.
[영영] A desert is a large area of land, usually in a hot region, where there is almost no water, rain, trees, or plants.
[영한] ⒨ ① 사막 ② 당연한 응보, 상응한 상[벌]
[첫뜻] ① wasteland, wilderness, barren area ② fact of deserving a certain treatment (for good or ill) for one's behavior
[활용] 복수형; deserts
[파생] desert, deserted, deserter, desertic, desertion, desertlike, deserve, deserved, deservedness, deserver
[유의어] merit(장점)
<동사> ① (도와주거나 부양하지 않고) 버리다, 저버리다 ② (어떤 장소를) 버리다[떠나다] ③ (군인이) 탈영[탈주]하다 <형용사> 사막 같은, 불모의(barren), 사는 사람 없는, 쓸쓸한, 사막에 사는, 사막에서 착용하는
[어근]de(dis); 하지 않기, 不, apart ⑵ sert(ser-); 심다, 계절, sow
[어원] desertare(Latin), [frequentative of Latin deserere] (버리다[떠나다])

donkey [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] donkey
[본문] [18]a) The Legend of Zelda b) donkey Kong or c) Pokemon
[영영] A donkey is an animal which is like a horse but which is smaller and has longer ears.
[영한] ⒨ 당나귀
[활용] 복수형; donkeys
<형용사> (기계가) 보조의
[어원] donkey(unknown origin), [perhaps a diminutive from dun]

e-sports [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] sport
[본문] [12]There's also competitive e-sports events where gamers compete for what are often considerable amounts of money.
[영영] ① The competitive play of video games as a commercial spectator sport.
② Organized video game competitions, especially at the professional level.
[영한] ⒨ 이스포츠
[어근]e-; 전자 통신, 인터넷 ⑵ s(dis); 하지 않기, 不, apart ⑶ port; to carry

explosion [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3051] [★★] [레마] explode < plaud(박수치다)
[본문] [56]Boom relates to explosion and means a short period of sudden growth.
[영영] An explosion is a sudden, violent burst of energy, for example one caused by a bomb.
[영한] ⒨ ① 폭발, 폭파 ② 폭발적인 증가 ③ (격렬한 감정, 특히 분노의) 폭발
[첫뜻] action of driving out with violence and noise,
[활용] 복수형; explosions
[파생] explode, exploder, explosion, explosive, explosively, explosiveness
[유의어] outburst
[어근]ex; 밖으로, 외(外), out ⑵ plaud; 찬성, 박수치다, approve ⑶ ion(ation); 명사 어미



famously [부사] [R; 5001+] [레마] fame
[본문] [53]Let's recap the vocabulary from today's programme about Super Mario, starting with iconic - famously associated with something and instantly recognisable.
[영영] You use famously to refer to a fact that is well known, usually because it is remarkable or extreme.
[영한] ⒨ 유명하게
[파생] famous, famously, fame
[어근]fam(far); 이야기, speak, fame ⑵ ous; 형용사어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미

gamer [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] game
[본문] [12]There's also competitive e-sports events where gamers compete for what are often considerable amounts of money.
[영영] A gamer is someone who plays computer games.
[영한] ⒨ ① 컴퓨터 게임을 좋아하는 사람 ② (스포츠에서) 근성 있는[열심히 뛰는] 선수
[활용] 복수형; gamers
[어근]gam(game); 게임, game ⑵ er; 명사 어미

guardian [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] guard
[본문] [24]Keza MacDonalds, video games editor for the guardian newspaper, explains what was happening in the early 1980s.
[영영] A guardian is someone who has been legally appointed to look after the affairs of another person, for example a child or someone who is mentally ill.
[영한] ⒨ ① 수호자 ② (특히 부모가 사망한 아동의) 후견인
[첫뜻] one who guards,
[활용] 복수형; guardians
[파생] guardianship, guardian
[유의어] custodian(수호자)
[어근]guard; 보호, guard ⑵ ian(an); 명사 어미

iconic [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] icon
[본문] [8]Well, Pokemon started out as a video game series that turned into anime movies and trading cards among other things - and in this programme we're talking about a video game character that is iconic - a word which means widely known and recognised.
[영영] An iconic image or thing is important or impressive because it seems to be a symbol of something.
[영한] ⒨ …의 상징[아이콘]이 되는, 우상의
[첫뜻] of or pertaining to a portrait
[어근]icon; icon ⑵ ic; 형용사 어미

instantly [부사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4210] [★★] [레마] stance < st-(서다)
[본문] [53]Let's recap the vocabulary from today's programme about Super Mario, starting with iconic - famously associated with something and instantly recognisable.
[영한] ⒨ 즉각, 즉시
[파생] instant, instantaneous, instantly
[어근]in; in, upon ⑵ sta(st); stand ⑶ ant; 형용사 어미 ⑷ ly; 부사 어미

legend [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3412] [★] [레마] legend
[본문] [18]a) The legend of Zelda b) Donkey Kong or c) Pokemon
[영영] A legend is a very old and popular story that may be true.
[영한] ⒨ ① 전설 ② 전설(적인 인물) ③ (지도/도표 등의) 범례[기호 설명표] ④ (표지판/동전 등의) 명각
[첫뜻] narrative dealing with a happening or an event,
[활용] 복수형; legends
[파생] legendary, legendist, legendry, legend
[유의어] key, myth
[어근] legend(lect); 모으다, 읽다



lessen [동사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] less
[본문] [45]But she said that Mario holds up - a term used to say that something's standards or quality has not lessened.
[영영] If something lessens or you lessen it, it becomes smaller in size, amount, degree, or importance.
[영한] ⒨ 줄다[줄이다]
[첫뜻] to become less,
[활용] lessened, lessened, lessening, lessens
[유의어] diminish, lighten
[어근]less; 보다 적은, less ⑵ en; 동사 어미

plumber [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] plumb
[본문] [48]Yes, in my quiz question I asked Georgina which game had the first appearance of that famous plumber, Mario.
[영영] A plumber is a person whose job is to connect and repair things such as water and drainage pipes, baths, and toilets.
[영한] ⒨ 배관공
[어근]plumb; lead ⑵ er; 접미어
[어원] plumbarius(Latin), [from plumbum] worker in lead

recognisable [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] recognize < cogn
[본문] [53]Let's recap the vocabulary from today's programme about Super Mario, starting with iconic - famously associated with something and instantly recognisable.
[영한] ⒨ (쉽게) 알[알아볼] 수 있는
[파생] recognisability, recognisable, recognisably, recogniser, recognition, recognizability, recognizable, recognizably, recognizant, recognize, recognizer, recognise
[반의어] unrecognizable(알아볼 수 있다)

rescue [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3852] [★★] [레마] rescue
[본문] [30]There hadn't been anything really revolutionary in some years, so the video game boom was really falling off a cliff and Nintendo is what rescued in the US especially.
[영영] If you rescue someone, you get them out of a dangerous or unpleasant situation.
[영한] ⒨ (위험에서) 구하다, 구조[구출/구제]하다
[첫뜻] deliver (someone) from an enemy's attack or restraint; deliver or save (someone) from evil or harm,
[활용] rescued, rescued, rescuing, rescues
[파생] rescuable, rescuee, rescueless, rescuer, rescue
<명사> ① 구출, 구조, 구제 ② 구출[구조] 작업 <형용사> 구조의, 구제의
[어근]re; 다시, 반대로, again ⑵ s(ex); 밖으로, 외(外), out ⑶ cue(quati); 흔들리다, shake
[어원] rescoure(French), [re-+escorre, from Latin re-+excutere] protect, keep safe; free, deliver

revolutionary [형용사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4054] [★] [레마] revolve < volve
[본문] [30]There hadn't been anything really revolutionary in some years, so the video game boom was really falling off a cliff and Nintendo is what rescued in the US especially.
[영영] Revolutionary activities, organizations, or people have the aim of causing a political revolution.
[영한] ⒨ ① (정치적) 혁명의, 혁명적인 ② (변화 등이) 혁명[획기]적인
[파생] revolt, revolution, revolutionarily, revolutionary, revolutionize, revolve
<명사> 혁명가
[어근]re; back ⑵ volut(volve); 돌다, roll ⑶ ion(ation); 명사어미 ⑷ ary; 형용사 어미

rival [동사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4391] [★★] [레마] rival
[본문] [10]Ahhh I spent many hours of my childhood playing with Nintendo's Super Mario or his rival, Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog.
[영영] If you say that one thing rivals another, you mean that they are both of the same standard or quality.
[영한] ⒨ (…에) 필적하다[비할 만하다]
[활용] rivalled rivaled, rivalled rivaled, rivalling rivaling, rivals
[파생] rivalless, rivalry, rivalship, rival
[유의어] compare with
<명사> 경쟁자, 경쟁 상대 <형용사> 경쟁하는, 대항하는.
[어원] rivalis(Latin), [from rivus] a rival, adversary in love; neighbor; person using the same stream as another(경쟁자)

satisfy [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3026] [★★] [레마] satisfy < sate
[본문] [38]Here is Keza Macdonald speaking again with Peter White, on BBC World Service programme, You and Yours, explaining why Mario is just so popular and what makes the original game so satisfying to play.
[영영] If someone or something satisfies you, they give you enough of what you want or need to make you pleased or contented.
[영한] ⒨ ① 만족시키다 ② (필요/욕구 등을) 충족시키다[채우다] ③ 확신하게 하다, 납득시키다
[활용] satisfied, satisfied, satisfying, satisfies
[파생] satisfaction, satisfactory, satisfiable, satisfier, satisfy, satisfying, satisfyingly, satisfyingness
[어근]satis(sati); 만족, enough ⑵ fy; to make, do, perform
[어원] satisfacere(Latin), satis+facere; discharge fully, comply with, make amends





streamer [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] stream
[본문] [13]Yes, and there are also streamers that appear on platforms like Twitch and YouTube who have become celebrities in their own right.
[영영] Streamers are long rolls of coloured paper used for decorating rooms at parties.
[영한] ⒨ ① (장식용) 색 테이프 ② (좁고 기다란) 띠
[어근]stream; 개울, stream ⑵ er; 명사 어미

super [형용사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 2674] [레마] super
[본문] [9]That character's name is super Mario.
[영영] ① Some people use super to mean very nice or very good.
② Super is used before nouns to indicate that something is larger, better, or more advanced than similar things.
[영한] ⒨ (비격식, 구식이 되어감) 대단한, 굉장히 좋은
[첫뜻] first-rate, excellent,
<명사> ① 경찰서장 ② 건물 관리인 <부사> 특별히
[어근] super; 위, over, beyond
[어원] super(Latin), over, beyond

thrive [동사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4681] [★★] [레마] thrift
[본문] [21]So, we established at the start of the programme that these days the video games industry is thriving.
[영영] If someone or something thrives, they do well and are successful, healthy, or strong.
[영한] ⒨ 번창하다, 잘 자라다
[첫뜻] grow, increase
[활용] thrived thrived thriving thrives
[파생] thrift, thriftily, thriftiness, thriftless, thriftlessly, thriftlessness, thrifty, thrive, thriver, thriving, thrivingly
[유의어] flourish, prosper(번영하다)
[어근] thrive; 번창하다, 절약, thrive
[어원] þrifask(Old Norse), to thrive; grasp to oneself

twitch [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] twitch
[본문] [13]Yes, and there are also streamers that appear on platforms like twitch and YouTube who have become celebrities in their own right.
[영한] ⒨ ① 씰룩거림, 경련 ② 까딱 함, (갑작스런) 느낌
[파생] twitching, twitch
<동사> ① 씰룩거리다, 경련하다 ② 홱 잡아채다[잡아당기다], 홱 당겨지다
[어원] twiccian(Old English), to pluck, gather, catch hold of

unplayable [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] play
[본문] [42]And a lot of games from 35 years ago are basically unplayable now.
[영영] In some sports, if you describe a player as unplayable, you mean that they are playing extremely well and are difficult to beat. If you describe a ball as unplayable, you mean that it is difficult to hit.
[영한] ⒨ (스포츠에서 공을) 받을[되받아 칠] 수가 없는
[파생] unplayably, unplayable
[구성단어] un + playable

widely [부사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2194] [★★] [레마] wide
[본문] [8]Well, Pokemon started out as a video game series that turned into anime movies and trading cards among other things - and in this programme we're talking about a video game character that is iconic - a word which means widely known and recognised.
[영한] ⒨ ① 널리, 폭넓게 ② 대단히, 크게
[파생] wide, widely, widen, wideness, widish, width
[어근]wide; wide ⑵ ly; 부사 어미







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