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[영어어원사전] 어근 insect로 영어단어 공부하기 (라틴어 어원; insectum, insectare)


영어 어근 insect라틴어(Latin) insectum, insectare에서 유래했습니다.
'곤충', '조각내다', '벌레', '참견하다', 'insect', 'cut into', 'cut up'이라는 기본적인 의미를 갖고 있습니다.

[어근]어근 insect
[변이어근] insect, insecti
[어원]어근 (라틴어) insectum, insectare
[의미]어근 곤충, 조각내다, 벌레, 참견하다

[어근 상세 내역]

  • [Latin] insectum - (animal) with a notched or divided body
  • [Latin] insectare - [in+secare] to cut into, to cut up

[주요 어휘 목록] insect, insectivore, insectivorous





【영어어휘별 상세 정보】

insect [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3434] [★★] [레마] insect
[영영] An insect is a small animal that has six legs. Most insects have wings. Ants, flies, butterflies, and beetles are all insects.
[영한] 곤충
[첫뜻] (animal) with a notched or divided body
[활용] 복수형; insects
[파생] insectan, insectean, insectile, insectlike, insect-like, insect
<형용사> ① 곤충(용)의, 곤충 같은, 살충[방충]용의 ② 인색한, 비열한 <연결어근> 곤충, 벌레, 참견하다, 조각내다
[어원] ⓐinsectum(Latin), (animal) with a notched or divided body
ⓑinsectare(Latin), [in+secare] to cut into, to cut up

insectivore [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] insect
[영영] any placental mammal of the order Insectivora, being typically small, with simple teeth, and feeding on invertebrates. The group includes shrews, moles, and hedgehogs
[영한] 식충 동물
[활용] 복수형; insectivores
[어근]insecti(insect); 곤충, 조각내다 ⑵ vore(vor); 포식

insectivorous [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] insect
[영영] feeding on or adapted for feeding on insects
[영한] 곤충을 먹는, 식충성의
[어근]insect; 곤충, 조각내다 ⑵ vor; 포식 ⑶ ous; 형용사 어미

【다른 어근 보기】
immun, immuno  
image, imit  
iatr-, -iatry  
idem, identi  
ideo, idea  

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