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6 Minute English

[BBC 영어 어휘 공부] 6 Minute English; Chatting to new people

[BBC 영어 어휘 공부] 6 Minute English; Chatting to new people -


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Many people feel uncomfortable about the idea of talking to people they don't know, but this is something that could be good for their state of mind. Neil and Georgina discuss research that says that seemingly inconsequential conversations with new people can have a beneficial effect on our mood and wellbeing. And our presenters feel good about teaching you related vocabulary!

많은 사람들이 모르는 사람들과 대화한다는 생각에 불편함을 느끼지만, 이것은 마음의 상태에는 좋을 수가 있습니다. 닐과 조지나가 새로운 사람과의 외견상으로 중요하지 않은 대화가 우리의 감성과 웹빙에 유용한 효과를 가져 올 수 있다는 연구에 관해 토론합니다. 그리고 우리의 출연자들은 당신과 관계있는 어휘를 가르치는 것에 대하여 즐거움을 느낍니다.

새내기할배 블로그가 제안하는 영어단어 암기법은 기본적으로 문장을 통해 암기하는 것입니다. 그래서 설명하는 모든 단어마다 본문도 함께 제시됩니다. 그러나 새로 나온다고 해서 모든 단어를 무한정 암기할 수는 없습니다. 그래서 암기해야 해야 할 단어와 이해만 하고 넘어갈 단어를 구분하는 지혜가 필요합니다. [BBC Leaning English] 6 Minute English - Chatting to new people에 수록된 영어단어 수는

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amazing [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2314] [★★] [레마] amaze
[본문] And they think, wow, that person was amazing.
[영영] You say that something is amazing when it is very surprising and makes you feel pleasure, approval, or wonder.
[영한] ⒨ (감탄스럽도록) 놀라운
[파생] amazingly, amazing
[어근]amaze; amaze ⑵ ing; 현재분사어미
[유의어] incredible(놀랍다), astounding(놀랍다), fantastic

anticipate [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3215] [★★] [레마] anticipate
[본문] But the other person doesn't know any of that and they're probably… they might be anticipating that they won't have a positive conversation and then they do.
[영영] If you anticipate an event, you realize in advance that it may happen and you are prepared for it.
[영한] ⒨ ① 예상하다 ② (대책을 세우기 위해) 예측하다 ③ 기대하다, 고대하다 ④ 선수를 치다, 앞지르다
[활용] anticipated, anticipated, anticipating, anticipates
[파생] anticipant, anticipatable, anticipate, anticipated, anticipation, anticipative, anticipatively, anticipator, anticipatorily, anticipatory
[어근]anti(ante); 앞 ⑵ cip(cap); to tale ⑶ ate; 동사머이
[유의어] forestall, look for(기대하다)

approximately [부사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2386] [★★] [레마] approximate
[본문] To make conversation we need words - so according to the Oxford English dictionary, approximately how many words are in use in the English language?
[영한] ⒨ 거의 (정확하게), …가까이
[파생] approximate, approximation, approximative, approximately
[어근]ap(ad); to ⑵ proxim(proach); near ⑶ ate; 접미어 ⑷ ly; 접미어
[유의어] about

awkward [형용사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [레마] awkward
[본문] But we rarely reach out and talk to them because we fear {that} it would make us both feel uncomfortable - or awkward.
[영영] An awkward situation is embarrassing and difficult to deal with.
[영한] ⒨ ① (기분이) 어색한 ② (처리하기) 곤란한 ③ 불편한 ④ (모양/디자인 때문에) 힘든[위험한] ⑤ 서투른, 불편한 (자세로)
[첫뜻] in the wrong direction
[파생] awkwardly, awkwardness, awkward
[유의어] difficult, inconvenient, difficult(까다롭다)

chat [동사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [레마] chat
[본문] But if we get over that fear, and get chatting, people might actually like us - and we might make new friends.
[영영] When people chat, they talk to each other in an informal and friendly way.
[영한] ⒨ ① 담소[이야기]를 나누다, 수다를 떨다 ② (인터넷으로) 채팅[대화]하다
[첫뜻] talk idly, babble
[활용] chatted, chatted, chatting, chats
[파생] chattily, chattiness, chatty, chat
[어근] chatter; twitter
<명사> ① (친구 사이의) 담소, 수다 ② (격식을 차리지 않은) 이야기, 대화

chatty [형용사] [레마] chat
[본문] Now, Georgina, you're a chatty, sociable kind of person, aren't you?
[영영] Someone who is chatty talks a lot in a friendly, informal way.
[영한] ⒨ ① 수다스러운, 재잘거리는 ② (문체가) 격식을 차리지 않는, 친근한 어조의
[활용] 비교; chatty < chattier < chattiest
[파생] chattily, chattiness, chatty, chat
[어근]chatterty(y); 명사어미

commute [명사] [레마] commute
[본문] Many of us spend part of every day surrounded by strangers, whether on our commute to work, sitting in a park or cafe, or visiting the supermarket.
[영영] A commute is the journey that you make when you commute.
[영한] ⒨ 통근 (거리)
[파생] commutability, commutable, commutableness, commute
[어근]com; intens. ⑵ mut; change
<동사> ① 통근하다 ② 감형하다 ③ (금융) (지불 방식을) 대체하다

courage [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3355] [★★] [레마] courage
[본문] Another reason why you should pluck up the courage to talk to strangers is that it's good for our health!
[영한] ⒨ 용기
[첫뜻] heart (as the seat of emotions); spirit, temperament, state or frame of mind
[활용] uncountable noun
[파생] courage, courageous, encourage, encouragement, encourager, encouraging, encouragingly
[어근]cor(cord); heart ⑵ age; 상태의 명사어미
[유의어] bravery

fascinating [형용사] [Ranking; 4246] [★★] [레마] fascinate
[본문] fascinating stuff.
[영영] If you describe something as fascinating, you find it very interesting and attractive, and your thoughts tend to concentrate on it.
[영한] ⒨ 대단히 흥미로운, 매력적인
[파생] fascinatingly, fascinating
[어근]fascinat(fascinate); fascinate ⑵ ing; 현재분사어미

highlight [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3399] [★★] [레마] light
[본문] Yes - so we highlighted six words, starting with underestimate which is to think that something is smaller or less important than it really is.
[영영] If someone or something highlights a point or problem, they emphasize it or make you think about it.
[영한] ⒨ ① (특히 사람들이 더 많은 관심을 기울이도록) 강조하다 ② (텍스트컴퓨터 화면 등에) 하이라이트[강조] 표시를 하다 ③ (머리카락 일부를 더 밝은 색으로) 부분 염색하다 ⒪ (텍스트컴퓨터 화면 등에) 하이라이트[강조] 표시를 하다
[활용] highlighted, highlighted, highlighting, highlights
[구성단어] high + light
<명사> ① 하이라이트, 가장 좋은[흥미로운] 부분 ② (머리의) 부분 염색한 부분 ③ (그림사진의) 하이라이트[밝은/연한 부분]

introvert [형용사] [레마] introvert
[본문] And even if we're an introvert - a person who prefers to be alone rather than with other people - experiments have shown that talking to others can make us happier.
[영영] Introvert means the same as introverted.
[영한] ⒨ 안으로 향하는[굽은], 내성적인, 내향적인
[파생] introverted, introvert
[어근]intro; to the inside ⑵ vert(verse); turn
<명사> 내성[내향]적인 사람 <동사> (마음/생각을) 안으로 향하게 하다, 내성시키다, 안으로 구부리다, [동물] (기관을) 내전(內轉)시키다

minimal [형용사] [Ranking; 4358] [★★] [레마] minim
[본문] So people are in a better mood after they reach out and have a conversation, however minimal, and the other thing that the research has shown is that just makes people feel more connected to each other.
[영영] Something that is minimal is very small in quantity, value, or degree.
[영한] ⒨ 아주 적은, 최소의
[첫뜻] smallest, least; pertaining to a minimum
[파생] minimal, minimally, minimize, minimum
[어근]minim(minor); least ⑵ al(ad); 형용사어미
<명사> ① (수학) 최소[극소]값 ② [[U]] 유의어 MINIMAL ART

mood [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2365] [★★] [레마] mood
[본문] What we've shown in the research is that it's really good for your mood.
[영영] Your mood is the way you are feeling at a particular time. If you are in a good mood, you feel cheerful. If you are in a bad mood, you feel angry and impatient.
[영한] ⒨ ① 기분 ② 기분이 안 좋은 때 ③ 분위기 ④ (문법) 법(진술 내용의 확실성/가능성/필요성 등을 나타내는 동사 표현) ⑤ (문법) 서법(문장 내용에 대한 화자의 심적 태도를 나타내는 동사의 범주)
[첫뜻] ① emotional condition, state of mind as regards passion or feeling ② grammatical form indicating the function of a verb
[활용] 복수형; moods
[유의어] temper

nervous [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2415] [★★] [레마] nerve
[본문] Next, we mentioned the phrase to pluck up the courage,meaning to force yourself to do something that you're scared or nervous about.
[영영] If someone is nervous, they are frightened or worried about something that is happening or might happen, and show this in their behaviour.
[영한] ⒨ ① 불안해[초조해/두려워] 하는 ② 신경이 과민한, 걱정을 많이 하는, 겁을 잘 먹는 ③ 신경의
[첫뜻] containing nerves; affecting the sinews
[파생] nerve, nervine, nervous, nervously, nervousness, nervy
[어근]nerv; sinew, nerve ⑵ ous; 형용사어미
[반의어] confident

normally [부사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2611] [★★] [레마] norm
[본문] But of course, when strangers do talk to each other it normally goes well.
[영한] ⒨ ① 보통(은), 보통 때는 ② 정상적으로
[파생] normalcy, normality, normalize, normally, normalness, normal
[어근]norm; a rule ⑵ al; …한 (형용사어미) ⑶ ly; 부사어미

obsolete [형용사] [★] [레마] obsolete
[본문] Yes, there are an estimated 171,146 words currently in use in the English language, according to the Oxford English Dictionary - plus many more obsolete words.
[영영] Something that is obsolete is no longer needed because something better has been invented.
[영한] ⒨ 더 이상 쓸모가 없는, 한물간, 구식의
[첫뜻] that is no longer practiced or used, out of date, gone out of use, of a discarded type
[파생] obsolete, obsolesce
[어근]ob; 반대, to, ⑵ solete(solet); accustomed
[유의어] out of date(구식이다)

pluck [동사] [레마] pluck
[본문] Another reason why you should pluck up the courage to talk to strangers is that it's good for our health!
[영영] If you pluck a fruit, flower, or leaf, you take it between your fingers and pull it in order to remove it from its stalk where it is growing.
[영한] ⒨ ① (머리카락눈썹 등을) 뽑다 ② (요리하기 위해 닭 등의) 털을 뽑다 ③ (기타 등의 현을) 뜯다[퉁기다] ④ (불쾌하거나 위험한 장소상황에서 사람을 낚아채듯이) 빼내다[구해 내다] ⑤ (잡아 당겨) 빼내다[뽑아내다]
[활용] plucked, plucked, plucking, plucks
[파생] plucker, plucky, pluck
[어근] pluck(pil); hair
<명사> 용기, 결단

psychologist [명사] [Ranking; 3039] [★★] [레마] psychology
[본문] And Gillian Sandstrom, social psychologist from Essex University in the UK, can explain why.
[영영] A psychologist is a person who studies the human mind and tries to explain why people behave in the way that they do.
[영한] ⒨ 심리학자
[파생] psychological, psychologist, psychology
[어근]psycho; breath, spirit, soul ⑵ log; study of ⑶ ist; ~하는 사람(명사어미)

rarely [부사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2291] [★★] [레마] rarely
[본문] But we rarely reach out and talk to them because we fear {that} it would make us both feel uncomfortable - or awkward.
[영영] If something rarely happens, it does not happen very often.
[영한] ⒨ 드물게, 좀처럼 …하지 않는
[파생] rare, rarefy, rarely, rareness, rarity
[어근]rare(rar); rare ⑵ ly; 부사어미
[유의어] hardly, seldom

sociable [형용사] [★] [레마] sociable
[본문] Now, Georgina, you're a chatty, sociable kind of person, aren't you?
[영영] Sociable people are friendly and enjoy talking to other people.
[영한] ⒨ (사람이) 사람들과 어울리기 좋아하는, 사교적인, 붙임성 있는
[첫뜻] enjoying the company of others
[파생] sociability, sociableness, sociably, sociable
[어근]soci; 교제 ⑵ able; 형용사어미
[유의어] gregarious, outgoing(사교적이다)
[반의어] unsociable
<명사> ① 4륜 마차의 일종 , 2인승 3륜 자전거, 2인승 비행기, 2인용 S자형 의자 ② (특히 교회 등의) 친목회

stranger [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2714] [★★] [레마] strange
[본문] But maybe you should - because in this programme we're looking at how talking to strangers might actually be good for you!
[영영] A stranger is someone you have never met before.
[영한] ⒨ ① 낯선[모르는] 사람 ② (to…) (어떤 곳에) 처음 온 사람
[활용] 복수형; strangers
[파생] strange, strangely, (비격식)
[어근]strang(extra); 멀리 ⑵ er; ~하는 사람

supermarket [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 4737] [★★] [레마] market
[본문] Many of us spend part of every day surrounded by strangers, whether on our commute to work, sitting in a park or cafe, or visiting the supermarket.
[영영] A supermarket is a large shop which sells all kinds of food and some household goods.
[영한] ⒨ 슈퍼마켓
[활용] 복수형; supermarkets
[구성단어] super + market
[유의어] grocery store(슈퍼마켓)

tube [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2543] [★★] [레마] tube
[본문] I shall pick a few of them and make conversation with someone on the tube later, but not before we recap some of the vocabulary we've explained.
[영영] A tube is a long hollow object that is usually round, like a pipe.
[영한] ⒨ ① (기체/액체를 실어 나르는) 관 ② 튜브, 대롱 모양의 것 ③ (치약/연고 따위를 넣는) 통[튜브] ④ 캔 맥주 ⑤ (체내의) 관(管)
[활용] 복수형; tubes
[파생] tubelike, tubular, tubulate, tubulous, tube
[어근] tube(tum)
<동사> ① …에 관[튜브]을 달다[갖추다] ② 관 모양으로 하다 ③ 관 속에 넣다, 관으로 운반하다

uncomfortable [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3674] [★★] [레마] comfort
[본문] But we rarely reach out and talk to them because we fear {that} it would make us both feel uncomfortable - or awkward.
[영영] If you are uncomfortable, you are slightly worried or embarrassed, and not relaxed and confident.
[영한] ⒨ ① (옷/가구 등이) 불편한 ② (몸이) 불편한 ③ (마음이) 불편한[거북한] ④ (일 등이) 불쾌한[언짢은]
[파생] uncomfortableness, uncomfortably, uncomfortable
[어근]un; not ⑵ com; intens. ⑶ fort; strong ⑷ able; 접미어 [구성단어] comfortable
[반의어] comfortable, comfortable(편안하다)

underestimate [동사] [★] [레마] estimate
[본문] We kind of underestimate, we have this negative voice in our head that's telling us "I shouldn't have said that, why did I do that? I said {that} that story better last time".
[영한] ⒨ ① (비용규모 등을) 너무 적게 잡다[추산하다] ② (사람을) 과소평가하다
[첫뜻] to estimate at too low an amount
[활용] underestimated, underestimated, underestimating, underestimates
[파생] underestimation, underestimate
[어근]underestim; to value ⑶ ate; 동사어미 [구성단어] under + estimate

wellbeing [명사] [레마] wellbeing
[본문] 'Pluck up the courage' - that's a good phrase, Georgina, meaning force yourself to do something that you're scared about and… research by the University of Chicago found we may often underestimate the positive impact of connecting with others for both our own and others' wellbeing.
[영영] Someone's well-being is their health and happiness.
[영한] ⒨ (건강과) 행복, 웰빙
[활용] uncountable noun
[구성단어] well + being


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