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[영어단어어원사전] 어근 plet-, ple-로 영어단어 공부하기 (라틴어 어원; plere)





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영어 어근 plet-, ple-라틴어(Latin) plere에서 유래했습니다.
'채우다', 'fill'이라는 기본적인 의미를 갖고 있습니다.

[어근]어근 plet
[변이어근] plet, plete, ply, pul, pli
[어원]어근 (라틴어) plere
[의미]어근 채우다, fill

[어근 상세 내역]

  • [Latin] plere - to fill (채우다)

[주요 어휘 목록] accomplish, accomplishment, complement, complete, completely, completion, compliance, compliment, comply, implement, implementation, manipulate, manipulation, ple, supplement, supplier, supply

[암기 기준] ★★★★(기본암기: 상위 2,048이내) ★★★(필수암기: 상위 3,265이내) ★★(권장암기: 상위 4,465이내)(추천암기: 상위 6,087이내)

【영어단어어휘별 상세 정보】

accomplish verb ★★★[2290] [레마] accomplish 〈 ple
[영영] If you accomplish something, you succeed in doing it.
[영한] 완수하다, 성취하다, 해내다
[굴절형] accomplished, accomplished, accomplishing, accomplishes
[유의어] achieve(성취하다), achieve(이루다)
[어근]ac(ad); to ⑵ com; 함께, with, together ⑶ pl(plet); 채우다, fill ⑷ ish; 동사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 accomplere[ad+complere] (Vulgar Latin) to fulfill, fill up, complete
[최초 의미] fulfill, perform, carry out an undertaking
[파생] accomplishable, accomplisher, accomplishment, accomplish

accomplishment noun ★★[4430] [레마] accomplish 〈 ple
[영영] An accomplishment is something remarkable that has been done or achieved.
[영한] ① 업적, 공적 ② 재주, 기량 ③ 완수
[굴절형] 복수형; accomplishments
[유의어] achievement
[구성단어] accomplish + ment
[어근]ac(ad); to ⑵ com; 함께, with, together ⑶ pl(plet); 채우다, fill ⑷ ish; 동사어미 ⑸ ment; 지정, 약속 (명사어미)
[어원] 《라틴어 accomplere[ad+complere] (Vulgar Latin) to fulfill, fill up, complete
[파생] accomplishable, accomplisher, accomplishment, accomplish



complement verb ☆[5198] [레마] complement 〈 ple
[영영] If one thing complements another, it goes well with the other thing and makes its good qualities more noticeable.
[영한] 보완하다, (금상첨화 격으로) 덧붙이다
[굴절형] complemented, complemented, complementing, complements
<명사> ① 보완물, 금상첨화격 요소 ② (필요하거나 허용되는) 전체 수[량] ③ (문법) 보어
[어근]com; intensive ⑵ ple(plet); to fill ⑶ ment; 명사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 plere채우다
[최초 의미] make complete
[파생] complemental, complementary, complementer, complete, completely, completeness, completer, completion, completive, complement

complete adj. ★★★★[940] [레마] complete 〈 ple
[영영] If one thing comes complete with another, it has that thing as an extra or additional part.
[영한] ① (강조의 의미로) 가능한 최대의, 완벽한 ② 필요한 모든 것이 갖춰진, 완전한 ③ (추가 부품을) 포함하여 ④ 완료된
[유의어] total, comprehensive(포괄적이다), thorough(완전하다)
[반의어] incomplete
<동사> ① 완료하다, 끝마치다 ② (서식을 빠짐없이) 기입하다[작성하다] ③ …을 완전[완벽]하게 만들다
[어근]com; intens. ⑵ ment; 명사어미 ⑶ plete(plet); 채우다, fill
[어원] 《라틴어 plere채우다
[최초 의미] having no deficiency, wanting no part or element; perfect in kind or quality; finished, ended, concluded
[파생] complemental, complementary, complementer, complete, completely, completeness, completer, completion, completive, complement

completely adv. ★★★★[733] [레마] complete 〈 ple
[영한] 완전히, 전적으로
[유의어] totally, quite
[구성단어] complete + ly
[어근]com; intens. ⑵ ment; 명사어미 ⑶ plete(plet); to fill ⑷ ly; 부사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 plere채우다
[파생] complete, completely, completeness, completer, completion, completive, complement

completion noun ☆[5039] [레마] complete 〈 ple
[영영] ① the act or process of completing
② the quality or state of being complete
③ a completed forward pass in football
[영한] ① 완료, 완성 ② (특히 주택 같은 재산의) 매매 실현[완료]
[굴절형] 복수형; Completions
[유의어] conclusion
[어근]com; intens. ⑵ plet; 채우다, fill ⑶ ion; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 plere채우다
[파생] complete, completely, completeness, completer, completion, completive, complement

compliance noun ★★[4452] [레마] comply 〈 ple
[영영] Compliance with something, for example a law, treaty, or agreement means doing what you are required or expected to do.
[영한] (법/명령 등의) 준수, (명령 등에) 따름 반의어 non-compliance 참조 comply
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[반의어] non-compliance
[구성단어] comply + ance
[어근]com; 함께, with, intensive(강조) ⑵ pli(plet); 채우다, fill ⑶ ance; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 plere채우다
[최초 의미] act of complying; disposition to yield to others
[파생] compliant, comply, compliance




compliment noun ☆[4839] [레마] comply 〈 ple
[영영] A compliment is a polite remark that you say to someone to show that you like their appearance, appreciate their qualities, or approve of what they have done.
[영한] ① 칭찬(의 말), 찬사 ② (특히 칭찬이나 존경을 나타내는 인사말 등에 쓰임)
[굴절형] 복수형; compliments
<동사> 칭찬하다
[어근]com; intensive ⑵ pli(plet); to fill ⑶ ment; 명사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 plere채우다
[최초 의미] act or expression of civility, respect, or regard
[파생] compliment, complimentable, complimentarily, complimentary

comply verb ★★[4447] [레마] comply 〈 ple
[영영] If someone or something complies with an order or set of rules, they are in accordance with what is required or expected.
[영한] (법/명령 등에) 따르다[준수하다]
[굴절형] complied, complied, complying, complies
[유의어] conform(따르다)
[어근]com; 함께, with, intensive(강조) ⑵ ply(plet); to fill
[어원] 《라틴어 plere채우다
[최초 의미] to carry out, fulfill
[파생] compliant, comply, compliance

implement verb ★★★[2553] [레마] implement 〈 ple
[영영] If you implement something such as a plan, you ensure that what has been planned is done.
[영한] 시행하다
[굴절형] implemented implemented implementing implements
[유의어] carry out
<명사> (흔히 옥외 활동에 쓰이는 간단한) 도구[기구]
[어근]im(in); 안(內), in ⑵ ple(plet); 채우다, fill ⑶ ment; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 plere채우다
[최초 의미] to complete, perform, carry into effect
[파생] implemental, implementation, implementer, implementor, impletion, implement

implementation noun △[10000+] [레마] implement 〈 ple
[영영] an act or instance of implementing something : the process of making something active or effective
[영한] 이행, 실행, 완성, 성취, 충족
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[어근]im(in); 안(內), in ⑵ ple(plet); 채우다, fill ⑶ ment; 명사 어미 ⑷ ation(ion); 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 plere채우다
[파생] implemental, implementation, implementer, implementor, impletion, implement

manipulate verb ★★★[2672] [레마] manipulate 〈 ple
[영영] If you say that someone manipulates people, you disapprove of them because they skilfully force or persuade people to do what they want.
[영한] ① (흔히 교묘하고 부정직하게 사람/사물을) 조종하다 ② (사물을 능숙하게) 다루다[조작(操作)하다/처리하다] ③ (어긋난) 뼈[관절]를 제자리에 넣다
[굴절형] manipulated manipulated manipulating manipulates
[어근]mani(manu); 손, hand ⑵ pul(plet); fill ⑶ ate; 동사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 manipulus한 줌 가득[한 움금], 다발[묶음], 꾸러미
[최초 의미] to handle skillfully by hand
[파생] manipulability, manipulable, manipulatable, manipulation, manipulative, manipulatively 유의어/반의어 [동사] influence, c, manipulator, manipulatory, manipulate

manipulation noun ☆[5037] [레마] manipulate 〈 ple
[영한] ① 교묘한 처리, 솜씨 있는 취급[조종] ② (상업) 시장 조작, 조작된 가격 ③ 조작, 속임수 ④ (의학) 촉진, 수기(手技)
[어근]mani(manu); 손, hand ⑵ pul(plet); fill ⑶ ation(ion); 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 manipulus한 줌 가득[한 움금], 다발[묶음], 꾸러미
[파생] manipulability, manipulable, manipulatable, manipulation, manipulative, manipulatively 유의어/반의어 [동사] influence, c, manipulator, manipulatory, manipulate




ple comb. △[10000+] [레마] ple
[영영] to fill
[영한] 채우다
[어근] ple(plet); 채우다, fill
[어원] 《라틴어 plere채우다

supplement noun ☆[4893] [레마] supplement 〈 ple
[영영] A supplement is a pill that you take or a special kind of food that you eat in order to improve your health.
[영한] ① 보충[추가](물) ② (신문의) 증보판(흔히 잡지 형태로 되어 있음) ③ (책의) 부록, 보충판 ④ 추가 요금(추가 서비스나 항목, 특히 휴가 여행 기본 경비에 더해 내는 것) 유의어 surcharge
[굴절형] 복수형; supplements
[유의어] surcharge, surcharge(추가 요금)
<동사> 보충[추가]하다
[어근]sup(sub); 아래, below ⑵ ple(plet); 채우다, fill ⑶ ment; 지정, 약속 (명사어미)
[어원] 《라틴어 plere채우다
[파생] supplemental, supplementary, supplementation, supplementer, supplement

supplier noun △[8626] [레마] supply 〈 ple
[영영] A supplier is a person, company, or organization that sells or supplies something such as goods or equipment to customers.
[영한] 공급자, 공급 회사
[구성단어] supply + er
[어근]sup(sub); 아래, below ⑵ pli(plet); 채우다, fill ⑶ er; 접미어
[어원] 《라틴어 plere채우다
[파생] suppliable, supplier, supply

supply verb ★★★★[991] [레마] supply 〈 ple
[영영] If you supply someone with something that they want or need, you give them a quantity of it.
[영한] (특히 대량으로) 공급[제공]하다
[굴절형] supplied, supplied, supplying, supplies
[유의어] provide(제공하다), come up with(제안하다)
<명사> ① 공급[비축](량) ② (군대원정대 등의 단체가 필요로 하는) 보급품[물자] ③ 공급[제공] (행위)
[어근]sup(sub); 아래, below ⑵ ply(plet); 채우다, fill
[어원] 《라틴어 plere채우다
[최초 의미] to help, support, maintain; fill up, make up for
[파생] suppliable, supplier, supply

[그외 plet-, ple-이(가) 들어가 있는 어휘 목록] complementary, suppliable, accomplisher, accomplishable, complementer, complemental, completeness, completer, completive, deplete, replete, suppletion

【다른 어근 보기】

pleas-, plea-, plac-  
plan-, plain-  
pick, peck, pitch  
phren-, phron-  


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