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6 Minute English 영어숙어 및 구동사 - Why smells make us feel at home [BBC Learning English 강좌]

새내기할배 2025. 2. 10. 14:42

BBC 6 Minute English의 금주 주제인 Why smells make us feel at home은 개략적으로 다음의 개요를 갖고 있습니다.

냄새가 어떻게 집과 같은 느낌을 줄 수 있을까요? 베스와 필이 이에 대해 이야기하고 새로운 어휘를 알려드립니다.(How can smells make you feel at home? Beth and Phil discuss this and teach you some new vocabulary.)


다음은 금주의 6 Minute English에 수록된 구동사, 숙어 등 여러 단어 어휘를 간단히 정리한 자료입니다.

a bit adv.
[본문] [29]You might really notice this in your own home when you come back from a long trip, and you step through your front door and things smell, well, just kind of a bit weird.
[영한] ([부사적으로]) 조금, 다소, 약간
[유의어] a little

a few pron.
[본문] [30]While there's a good chance your house might smell strange because it's been closed up for a few weeks, there's also a chance you might be smelling your home as it usually smells, but you just don't notice it when you're there.
[영한] 약간
[영영] A small number of things.
<부사> ① (방언) 어느 정도, 조금 ② 많이 <한정사> 약간의, 어느 정도의

able to adj
[본문] [42]By filtering out familiar smells, our brains are able to detect other smells which are out of the ordinary, unusual or uncommon, and which may be dangerous.
[영한] ① 할 수 있는 ② 가능한

according to prep.
[본문] [21]So, according to research at the University of Reading, what percentage of people have no sense of smell?
[영한] ① (진술/기록 등에) 따르면 ② (지시/합의 등에) 따라 ③ ~에 의하면
[영영] If someone says that something is true according to a particular person, book, or other source of information, they are indicating where they got their information.


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along with prep.
[본문] [16]As always, we'll be introducing some useful new vocabulary, and if you head over to our website, bbclearningenglish.com, you'll find a transcript of the programme to read along with as you listen, and there's a free worksheet too!
[영한] ① ~에 덧붙여, ~와 마찬가지로 ② ...와 함께...에 따라.
[영영] in addition to something

as always adv.
[본문] [16]as always, we'll be introducing some useful new vocabulary, and if you head over to our website, bbclearningenglish.com, you'll find a transcript of the programme to read along with as you listen, and there's a free worksheet too!
[영한] 늘 그렇듯[언제나처럼]
[영영] 1.as usually happens or is expected
[유의어] as usual

close up verb
[본문] [30]While there's a good chance your house might smell strange because it's been closed up for a few weeks, there's also a chance you might be smelling your home as it usually smells, but you just don't notice it when you're there.
[영한] ① (잠깐 동안 상점 등의) 문을 닫다 ② 모여들다, 모으다 ③ 좁아지다, 점점 막히다 ④ (상처가) 아물다 ⑤ (생각/감정을) 숨기다, 입을 다물다
[반의어] open up
<부사> 가까운 거리에서, 가까운 범위에서

come back verb
[본문] [26]Have you ever come back home from holiday and noticed a strange smell in your house?
[영한] ① 돌아오다[가다] ② 다시 유행[성공]하다 ③ (성이 나서/강력하게) 대꾸하다[되받다] ④ (기억이) 되살아나다
[영영] ① to return to the place where the speaker is
② to begin to exist or happen again

even though conj.
[본문] [45]even though we don't usually notice the scent - the particular smell - of our home, it still has an effect on the brain's limbic system which handles memory and emotion.
[영한] 비록 …일지라도, 설사 …이라고 할지라도

family pet noun
[본문] [6]Maybe it's sleeping in your own bed, the view from the window, or a loved family pet.
[영한] 애완동물 가족

filter out verb
[본문] [42]By filtering out familiar smells, our brains are able to detect other smells which are out of the ordinary, unusual or uncommon, and which may be dangerous.
[영한] ① (액체/빛 등에서) ~을 걸러 내다 ② (원치 않는 사람/물건을) 걸러 내다

find out verb
[본문] [25]Well, we'll find out the correct answer later in the programme.
[영한] ① ~의 잘못을 적발하다 ② (~에 대해) (~을) 알아내다[알게 되다] ③ (조사하여) 발견하다, 생각해 내다, (해답을) 얻어내다, (수수께끼를) 풀다 ④ …임을 알아내다, 발견하다 ⑤ …의 정체[진의]를 간파하다, (범인을) 찾아내다, (부정/죄를) 간파하다 ⑥ (죄 등이) 그 본인을 폭로하다 ⑦ (미) (친척 등을) 찾아내다 ⑧ …에 대해 진상을 알다
[영영] ① find out; to learn a fact, a piece of information, or the truth about something/somebody
② find somebody out; to discover that somebody has been dishonest or has done something wrong

for example adv.
[본문] [39]So, for example, if you forget about your toast, and it starts to burn, you can typically smell that quickly because it's a change to the environment that you're in.
[영한] 예를 들어

going to adj
[본문] [24]Oh, I'm going to say b) 5%.
[영한] ~할 예정인

head over to verb
[본문] [16]As always, we'll be introducing some useful new vocabulary, and if you head over to our website, bbclearningenglish.com, you'll find a transcript of the programme to read along with as you listen, and there's a free worksheet too!
[영한] ① ~로 향하다. ~로 발길을 옮기다. ② ~로 출발하다

in fact adv.
[본문] [27]If you have, don't worry - it's not bad, in fact there's a scientific reason for it, as science writer Tristan Ahtone explained to BBC World Service programme, Unexpected Elements:
[영한] ① 사실은[실은](방금 한 말에 대해 자세한 내용을 덧붙일 때 씀) ② 사실은[실제로는](특히 방금 한 말에 반대되는 내용을 강조할 때 씀)
[영영] ① used to emphasize a statement, especially one that is the opposite of what has just been mentioned
② used to give extra details about something that has just been mentioned

kick in verb
[본문] [40]Then the other parts of your brain kick in to understand the smell of smoke as a potential harm or threat.
[영한] ① 효과가 나타나기 시작하다 ② (모두 사용) kick in something (자기 몫의 돈/도움을) 내다[주다]
[영영] ① to start to work or have an effect
② to break something and make it fall by kicking it

kind of det.
[본문] [29]You might really notice this in your own home when you come back from a long trip, and you step through your front door and things smell, well, just kind of a bit weird.
[영한] 일종의, (어떤) 종류의
<부사> 약간, 어느 정도

likely to adj
[본문] [55]When someone says there's a good chance something will happen, they mean it's quite likely to happen.
[영한] 개연성이 있는

Limbic system noun
[본문] [45]Even though we don't usually notice the scent - the particular smell - of our home, it still has an effect on the brain's Limbic system which handles memory and emotion.
[영한] (대뇌의) 변연계

listen to verb
[본문] [59]Once again, our six minutes are up, but if you enjoyed listening to this programme, you'll find many more, along with a worksheet with a quiz you can try, on our website, bbclearningenglish.com.
[영한] 귀를 기울이다
[영영] ① to pay attention to somebody/something that you can hear
② to take notice of what somebody says to you so that you follow their advice or believe them

living room noun
[본문] [9]I think it's just relaxing on my sofa, in my living room.
[영한] 거실
[유의어] lounge

many more noun
[본문] [59]Once again, our six minutes are up, but if you enjoyed listening to this programme, you'll find many more, along with a worksheet with a quiz you can try, on our website, bbclearningenglish.com.
[영한] 더욱 많은 것

olfactory organ noun
[본문] [34]When we breathe in, receptor cells in the nose detect molecules in the air and send them to olfactory organs in the brain.
[영한] 후각기(嗅覺器)

once again adv.
[본문] [59]once again, our six minutes are up, but if you enjoyed listening to this programme, you'll find many more, along with a worksheet with a quiz you can try, on our website, bbclearningenglish.com.
[영한] 한 번 더, 또 다시

out of the ordinary adj.
[본문] [38]Well, by filtering out common non-threatening smells it makes it easier to detect things out of the ordinary that might be dangerous.
[영한] 특이한[색다른]

receptor cell noun
[본문] [34]When we breathe in, receptor cells in the nose detect molecules in the air and send them to olfactory organs in the brain.
[영한] ① 수용기 세포 ② 수용체 세포

smell of verb
[본문] [13]…My grandad's house smelt of pine and damp and musty books.
[영한] …의 냄새가 나다.
[영영] to have the smell of something

something else noun
[본문] [43]To filter something out means to remove or separate something unwanted from something else.
[영한] ① (또) 다른 것 ② (비슷한 유형의 다른 것들보다) 훨씬 더 대단한 것[사람/일]

the other pron.
[본문] [40]Then the other parts of your brain kick in to understand the smell of smoke as a potential harm or threat.
[영한] (둘 중의) 다른 하나

think about verb
[본문] [28]One thing I've been thinking about is that every house or home has, well, a smell to it.
[영한] ① (어떤 일을 하거나 계획할 때) ~에 대해 생각[고려]하다 ② ~할 것을 생각[고려]하다 ③ …에 관해 생각하다
[영영] ① to have ideas or images in your mind; to remember somebody/something
② ( think of somebody/something) to consider somebody/something
③ to use your mind to consider something, such as your future plans, to try to solve problems, etc.
[유의어] contemplate, contemplate(생각하다)

used to prep.
[본문] [33]The truth is that every home has a smell, although we're so used to it, we usually don't notice.
[영한] ~에 익숙한
[영영] made familiar with; accustomed to
[유의어] accustomed
<법조동사> …하곤 했다, 과거 한때는[예전에는] …이었다[했다]

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